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Pak Banker Testifies Against 2008 Mumbai Attack Accused

At the end of the day innocent human beings died dude.... yes it was five years ago but for indians the threshold level is not as high as that of us pakistanis of innocent deaths.... they remembered and should remember so that such things should not happen to their citizens... we on the other hand ask daily "Aaj ka suicide bomb kahan phata... Aaj kitnay mushtaba dehsat gard maray gaye.... kitni laashain karachi main milleeen...etc" we have become insensitive to loss of human life and that should not be the case.... to me they should not stop their moaning until the murderes are brought to justice (whether they are pakistanis or not is an other matter)....

now the aspect of "We did it".... if you are involved in it... shame on you and may Allah bring you to justice...... i am not involved and so are 99.99999999999999999 % pakistanis for sure..... it is not something to be proud of...

Your post like a morning surprise for me....how can you do this..???... :-)
. .
Are you Indi's still hung up over that? It was 5 years ago, get over it. We did it, you couldn't do scat about it then, and can't now.
So stop your moaning.
And you shamelessly and proudly say that you did it.... Karma is bitch... and it will haunt you for decades.... you and your future generations will sit and enjoy your karma of killing unarmed and innocent people.....

What a post! I am touched!

At the end of the day innocent human beings died dude.... yes it was five years ago but for indians the threshold level is not as high as that of us pakistanis of innocent deaths.... they remembered and should remember so that such things should not happen to their citizens... we on the other hand ask daily "Aaj ka suicide bomb kahan phata... Aaj kitnay mushtaba dehsat gard maray gaye.... kitni laashain karachi main milleeen...etc" we have become insensitive to loss of human life and that should not be the case.... to me they should not stop their moaning until the murderes are brought to justice (whether they are pakistanis or not is an other matter)....

now the aspect of "We did it".... if you are involved in it... shame on you and may Allah bring you to justice...... i am not involved and so are 99.99999999999999999 % pakistanis for sure..... it is not something to be proud of...

Really heart touching..... (your thinking is not that of a buthcher :) )
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At the end of the day innocent human beings died dude.... yes it was five years ago but for indians the threshold level is not as high as that of us pakistanis of innocent deaths.... they remembered and should remember so that such things should not happen to their citizens... we on the other hand ask daily "Aaj ka suicide bomb kahan phata... Aaj kitnay mushtaba dehsat gard maray gaye.... kitni laashain karachi main milleeen...etc" we have become insensitive to loss of human life and that should not be the case.... to me they should not stop their moaning until the murderes are brought to justice (whether they are pakistanis or not is an other matter)....

now the aspect of "We did it".... if you are involved in it... shame on you and may Allah bring you to justice...... i am not involved and so are 99.99999999999999999 % pakistanis for sure..... it is not something to be proud of...
Your post is a breath of fresh air.

But the sad truth is that even if there were 10% people like you in Pakistan, it would not be in this situation. As of now, most Pakistani's are either terrorists or selective terrorist sympathizers.
LeT operations commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, Abdul Wajid, Mazhar Iqbal, Sadiq, Shahid Jameel Riaz, Jamil Ahmed and Younas Anjum were arrested in 2009 for their alleged role in the attacks that left 166 people dead and over 300 injured.
And they're all having a ball behind bars, what with cellphones, TVs and home made meals which includes Kashmiri Gushtaba especially flown in from Pak Administered Kashmir!! :cheesy:
Are you Indi's still hung up over that? It was 5 years ago, get over it. We did it, you couldn't do scat about it then, and can't now.
So stop your moaning.
The difference between us , we do not accept deaths due to terrorism , you do.!!!!!!!

At the end of the day innocent human beings died dude.... yes it was five years ago but for indians the threshold level is not as high as that of us pakistanis of innocent deaths.... they remembered and should remember so that such things should not happen to their citizens... we on the other hand ask daily "Aaj ka suicide bomb kahan phata... Aaj kitnay mushtaba dehsat gard maray gaye.... kitni laashain karachi main milleeen...etc" we have become insensitive to loss of human life and that should not be the case.... to me they should not stop their moaning until the murderes are brought to justice (whether they are pakistanis or not is an other matter)....

now the aspect of "We did it".... if you are involved in it... shame on you and may Allah bring you to justice...... i am not involved and so are 99.99999999999999999 % pakistanis for sure..... it is not something to be proud of...
Thank you .!!!!!
Your post is a breath of fresh air.
But the sad truth is that even if there were 10% people like you in Pakistan, it would not be in this situation. As of now, most Pakistani's are either terrorists or selective terrorist sympathizers.

First of all thanks.

I disagree with the term 10%. During the 80's and 90's the percentage of people in Pakistan supporting jihadists was certainly very high (I would say nearly 50-70 % of "decision makers") for we were getting benefits.... support of GCC, fight against soviets, america was friendly and Pak Army was able to engage to indian army's 0.7 million army in Kashmir without spending a penny by sending jihadists...

The problem began in post Kargil and post 9/11 situation when the decision makers and like minded people of 80's and 90's tried to stop this dragon, they found that they could not control it.... add to it poverty, illiteracy, a whole generation fed with jehadist mentality, injustice at every level of society... and you get TTP and sectarian violence, and so on...

Now the %age of supporters is very minimal but the dragon is uncontrollable ...sad truth
First of all thanks.

I disagree with the term 10%. During the 80's and 90's the percentage of people in Pakistan supporting jihadists was certainly very high (I would say nearly 50-70 % of "decision makers") for we were getting benefits.... support of GCC, fight against soviets, america was friendly and Pak Army was able to engage to indian army's 0.7 million army in Kashmir without spending a penny by sending jihadists...

The problem began in post Kargil and post 9/11 situation when the decision makers and like minded people of 80's and 90's tried to stop this dragon, they found that they could not control it.... add to it poverty, illiteracy, a whole generation fed with jehadist mentality, injustice at every level of society... and you get TTP and sectarian violence, and so on...

Now the %age of supporters is very minimal but the dragon is uncontrollable ...sad truth

First of all, that .7 million army in Kashmir is rubbish.

That apart, there are other reasons besides the 9/11 atmosphere that has led to the present situation. For one thing, the excellent border management done by the IA has ensured that only a minimal number of jihadis can cross into Indian territory. There is a three tiered electrical fencing, and sophisticated ground and UAV sensors that can detect most attempts at infiltration, especially of large groups. So at best, Pak can send in only a trickle of jihadis into India, and they are only going to get killed. The situation was different in the 90s when ISI succesfully diverted all the mujahideens from afgh into Indian Kashmir.

Secondly, we now have a fantastic counter insurgency grid in place there, who have complete area domination. The lightly armed but highly trained Rashtriya Rifles has inundated the whole place with some 65 battalions. They dominate every inch of the disputed territory. In the 90s, we did not have a dedicated counter insurgency force - today, we have the world's finest.

So jihading Kashmir succesfully is impossible for Pak based groups. Then of course, the inevitable blowback is occuring in Pakistan. All these frustrated jihadis, trained only for one thing but unable to do that to India, are doing it to their own state. The pakistani state has been found wanting, in trying to control the chimeras it created. For one thing, the jihadists are espousing the very ideals that many pakistanis want - islamic law of life, sharia etc. And as you can see on this very forum, many pakistanis do not mind the act, if it is done in pursuit of an end they think is justified. So terrorists throwing grenades into railway stations is halal, since it is done at the enemy. Most Indians would shudder to side with such terrorists even if they attack their enemy, but many pakistanis don't - that is also a contributing factor as to why Pak is now in the mess it finds itself in.
Pak Army was able to engage to indian army's 0.7 million army in Kashmir without spending a penny by sending jihadists...
Firstly that 700,000 figure is an utter joke and you know it. Barely 30% of that figure is present in JK.

Secondly, how did the PA not spend a penny? They're the ones who trained and equipped these scum and this wasn't free....

Anyway your chickens have come home to roost haven't they? Why should Indians do anything but sit back with a content look on their faces? The very tool you wished to use against India and Indian people has turned against you.
Firstly that 700,000 figure is an utter joke and you know it. Barely 30% of that figure is present in JK.

Secondly, how did the PA not spend a penny? They're the ones who trained and equipped these scum and this wasn't free....

Anyway your chickens have come home to roost haven't they? Why should Indians do anything but sit back with a content look on their faces? The very tool you wished to use against India and Indian people has turned against you.

Don't be so harsh to him, he is the only Pakistani who uneqivocally condemned the terrorist act, and the only one on this thread to berate the fellow who was showing his pride in having attacked civilians in Mumbai. His subsequent posts show that he is well aware of how his country's support for terrorism has cost them so dearly.

As for the reddened part, he is right. "Not a penny" is not to be taken literally, but it is a fact that it cost them far less to wage jihadi war against us than for us to counter it. Training and arming one jihadi costs only a fraction of training and arming a professional armyman; also, to counter a certain number of jihadis, we had to maintain a much larger number of armymen, since we were playing defensive. The monetary cost for pakistan to send jihadis is nothing compared to the costs we bear to maintain a large CI force, and border surveillance and all that.

During the Punjab insurgency, the top army brass in Pak had informed Benazir that arming one battalion of khalistanis in India could mean one division less needed in the Pak army. In other words, we had to spend as much money as raising a fully equipped division, to counter them raising one battallion of insurgents.

That is about the monetary aspect. The price that Pakistan is paying as a society due to the jihadist mentality, is a different issue altogether. That is where India has eventually won handsomely - all the moeny we sunk to raise a professional CI force and erect impermeabe border controls has meant that we can live in peace - but Pakistan cannot eliminate the jihadis or their ideology, and is now paying a much higher price than India ever did.
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