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Think Tank: China Beats U.S. in Simulated Taiwan Air War

The act by itself does not but what it does indicate is autonomy. In the case of Taiwan...oh...pardonez moi...the Republic of China, that autonomy was not granted but asserted. The US government granted the governments of US territories permissions to represent themselves at the Olympics, a global platform. For the RoC, the PRC was never consulted. The world does take notice of the significance of the difference. That and the fact that the RoC has a military whose mission is to defend the island against a possible PRC invasion. Neither Guam nor Puerto Rico has any such plans against the US. In 1993 the 'Ricans voted to remain a US territory. No one held any guns to the 'Ricans to compel them to vote that way. They assessed the pros and cons, did a cost/benefit analysis and found it was better in many ways to remain a US territory. For the Taiwanese, no doubt they performed similar analysis.

A lot of Americans and I wager Canadians as well do not understand how a government could institute the cruel one-child policy upon a culture that value males grossly over females that resulted in unknown abortions and killing of baby girls.

umm for the first part ill just say the technically prc and roc is still at war u can say all u want about prc claiming roc and such but remeber roc also claims ALL of china they maps are even bigger than prc's including Mongolia and lands under russian japanese, tai, veit and indian control just to name a few, if the situation was reverse i am willing to wager my net worth that roc would have tried to take the island.

you dont understand i agrees, no one said its a nice thing to do but the alternitive would overcrowing thus leading to the deaths of millions and collapse of the nation its call foresight and planning you can say it a bad plan all u want but you should know for all of CCP's fault it has managed the country extraordinarily well for the past 30 year despise all the problems it faced. in fact one could very possibly make the argument that CCP may infact be the greatest humanitarian party ever what other group can claim (and be verified) to have lifted hundreds of million out of poverty and AND hundreds of million into the middle class??? its ability to pull so many out of the direst conditions has been called a modern miracle. but of course they are not a "humaniitarian" party they are a government party decisions have to be made, decisions that affect thing in the long term we all know the chinese government is very patient and will wait to get things done and that including making plans and setting goals and decision thats last years and may not see the final out come for decades. but i do decry the favoritism of boy over girls but give the government some credit in this they are trying, given the opportunities woman can have now in china urban sociaty the newer generation are beginning to see that having a female child is not so bad. in the end we can only hope the CCp knows what its doing which given that it has overcome all predictions of its downfall(epecially since 89') and has actually come out of 89' very much on its own terms(still in power, absolute control, massive growth in all areas) and prehaps a more recent example may be the financial crisis which western analysts simply laughed when CCP declared that it WILL achieve 8% growth this year. who is laughing now as the growth expectation is now raised to 9.4% China Economy May Grow 9.4% This Year, Goldman Says (Update2) - Bloomberg.com given all that we can given the party some faith that it in fact knows what its doing on a national level
The act by itself does not but what it does indicate is autonomy. In the case of Taiwan...oh...pardonez moi...the Republic of China, that autonomy was not granted but asserted. The US government granted the governments of US territories permissions to represent themselves at the Olympics, a global platform. For the RoC, the PRC was never consulted. The world does take notice of the significance of the difference. That and the fact that the RoC has a military whose mission is to defend the island against a possible PRC invasion. Neither Guam nor Puerto Rico has any such plans against the US. In 1993 the 'Ricans voted to remain a US territory. No one held any guns to the 'Ricans to compel them to vote that way. They assessed the pros and cons, did a cost/benefit analysis and found it was better in many ways to remain a US territory. For the Taiwanese, no doubt they performed similar analysis.

A lot of Americans and I wager Canadians as well do not understand how a government could institute the cruel one-child policy upon a culture that value males grossly over females that resulted in unknown abortions and killing of baby girls.

Again, it's not you dont understand, it's the west not willing to engage, to communicate, to listen to a real Chinese person, rather chooses to trust the "objective" media. I've lived in Canada for so many years and everyday I hear negative news about China. Can u imagine a country with 1.3B people and a booming economy, lifting millions of people out of poverty every year without any good news for years?

Do u even know most Chinese agree with this "cruel" one-child policy? do u know this policy not only benefit China, but the whole world? There is a huge country neighboring China and we were on par in the 70s, they adopted American style democracy and there is no "cruel" one-child policy. What about now?

I've met many Americans like u but at the end of say, I always say that I know Americans are leading the world right now but we also survived thousand of years, we were grounded 200 years ago and that about it. If u r not willing to learn the difference, at least respect what we r doing. Regards.
It isn't true. A1Kaid is just anti-American to his core. Don't let him bother you. He obviously doesn't understand the responsibilities that the USA shoulders. The American people would like nothing better than to be left alone, but the WORLD wants us to solve every problem and we feel guilty if we say no. If the USA withdrew into isolationism, HE would be the first to complain that we "white people" don't CARE about the sufferings of all the brown people of the world.

I understand this but sometimes things need to be left alone. If you take care of everyone else and not your self then you are still lose. Its like an emergency on a boat or some other mode of transportation if you do not ware your own life vest first and you are drowning then how do you expect to help someone else. So my overall point is that the US should take care of itself then worry about others. Either way confict or no conflict the world will go one like it has in the past back when there was no such thing as the US
Again, it's not you dont understand, it's the west not willing to engage, to communicate, to listen to a real Chinese person, rather chooses to trust the "objective" media. I've lived in Canada for so many years and everyday I hear negative news about China. Can u imagine a country with 1.3B people and a booming economy, lifting millions of people out of poverty every year without any good news for years?
When a foreign news service report an event, it is usually if that event have some type of significance and usually those significance are political, military and economics. Politically speaking, China is a one-party regime that does not respect dissenting opinions, that is significant. Militarily speaking, if China launch a missile at a neighbor, that is significant. Economically speaking, if China's stock market crashed, that is significant. Like it or not, bad news are more attention grabbing than good news.

Do u even know most Chinese agree with this "cruel" one-child policy?
If that is true, may be it is about time the Chinese people begin to reassess how they value human life. Not everything that is 'traditional' is good.

do u know this policy not only benefit China, but the whole world?
That is debatable at best and I am certain the mental gymnastics to explain this benefit to the world, the killing of babies because the government will imprison you if you have more than one child, will be quite impressive.

There is a huge country neighboring China and we were on par in the 70s, they adopted American style democracy and there is no "cruel" one-child policy. What about now?
May be this is why 'democracy' have so often failed to take root in the ME, Asia and Africa. The idea behind 'democracy' is not to solve every social ills but to allow multiple opinions in government without the government exacting some type of punishments to the dissenters. The idea behind 'democracy' is to encourage compromises, which is a mix bag of defeat and success, and to encourage everyone to abide by the conditions inside those compromises instead of resorting to violence. In a perverse way, may be it is appropriate that the Chinese people should be ruled by dictators or dictatorial regimes since even when a Chinese person like yourself who lives in the West still continue to have gross misconceptions about 'democracy'. May be the Chinese people truly are not ready for 'democracy'.

I've met many Americans like u but at the end of say, I always say that I know Americans are leading the world right now but we also survived thousand of years, we were grounded 200 years ago and that about it. If u r not willing to learn the difference, at least respect what we r doing. Regards.
Amazon.com: Can Asians Think? Understanding the Divide Between East and West (9781586420338): Kishore Mahbubani: Books
Elsewhere in this forum I quoted Mahbubani. Look it up. Buy the book and read it and may be you will begin to understand that not everything that is 'traditional' for thousands of years is good for you.
... I've lived in Canada for so many years and everyday I hear negative news about China. Can u imagine a country with 1.3B people and a booming economy, lifting millions of people out of poverty every year without any good news for years?


I'd say that you are lucky that it is much better now. 3 decades ago, everything from China was bad, bad, bad... when Chinese students arrived in US in 70s, local people just didn't get it why those people did not have tails behind their heads, as they supposedly to. :rofl:

It’s a potentially controversial assertion — and one that might have fueled the (now-resolved) debate over whether the U.S. Air Force should buy more F-22s. RAND found that F-22s flying from the relative safety of Guam could be surprisingly effective in blunting a Chinese air assault.

A little suspicious of a RAND report suggesting quick buy more f-22's.

The second in command of the organization since 1993, is Michael D. Rich, whose father, Benjamin Rich, as a Lockheed Corporation executive and engineer, developed the F117 Nighthawk

most of the U.S. and Taiwanese planes lost, are destroyed on the ground by barrages of Chinese ballistic missiles.

I also have a hard time beliving China would start an invasion of Tiawan by launching a balistic missile stike on US airbases. A balistic missile inbound on Guam from China I imagine the american response would not be oh lets go defend Tiawan but more how many nukes does it take to level Bejing.
addition note about the one child policy....YOU CAN actually have more than one child, just that there a tax involved if you do, i know someone who was taxed about 2000 dollars(thats us dollars) for an addition child, its quite alot for an average chinese person thus many people would rather not have an addition child
addition note about the one child policy....YOU CAN actually have more than one child, just that there a tax involved if you do, i know someone who was taxed about 2000 dollars(thats us dollars) for an addition child, its quite alot for an average chinese person thus many people would rather not have an addition child

Yeah, but now this will disrupt their blind-hatred, open-ignorance for Chinese people and China in general. Fact is that many folks have more then 2 children, with minorities not subject to this law. Rebiya Kadeer herself gave birth to 11 children.

And this policy was put in place to slow down an already large population. After the Sichuan earthquake, there as discussion that this policy may be removed -- but authorities decided that it be best to keep it around for a few more years. I agree them, until China regains lost land or there is a sudden drop in population (due to biological/chemical/nuclear warfare) do we remove the policy. When we have too many people that we cannot sustain then they will die from starvation and fighting. We already see this in may places around the world, e.g. Nigeria. Nigeria has the potential to be the leader in Africa, but they over-crowded population leads to many without food and jobs. This leads to so many ethnic & religious killings.

Real life is full of hardships. Like they say "There's no such thing as a Free Lunch!" :oops:
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