It is giving you lots of pleasure talking about naked women making tawaf isn't it? I know your (and your Chilla Mullah) dirty mentality. What this whole debate has to do with doing tawaf while being naked? That was done once in a year and it does not say that Arab women used to walk around naked all time. Quran is advising to act modestly, and it is required by both, the men (first and foremost) and women. It is not that men go on gazing women (as most Chillah Mullah and their disciples do) while locking their women behind doors and/or in the inhumane shuttle cock burqa. I have seen this many times especially for Arab 'Prince', that they are wearing shorts and T-shirts and the poor unfortunate wife is walking behind him draped in bolts of black fabric, and that is in the hot and humid weather of Kuala Lumpur. This nonsense can be anything but Islam, period.