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"They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from ISI"

LWJ: Describe who the enemy is; who are the people who are fighting your forces and American forces?

LTC Nasrat: They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from ISI (Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence directorate).

LWJ: Can you elaborate? Why do you believe the insurgents are products of the ISI?

LTC Nasrat: Then where do they come from, the sky?

Ahh yes, this is exactly the kind of evidence that we were looking for. He and Afghans in my opinion are not doing Afghanistan any good by crying wolf and blaming everything on others. Yes, Pakistan does have a stake in the country but not to the extent that the Afghans portray it to be. Their major issues are internal and they should focus all their energies on solving them unless they think that sitting idle and not doing anything is the best way forward for Afghanistan.
A question Popped in my mind...... When ever Pakistani security officials says, Raw Or any other Agency involved in Pakistan, the critics( from the other side of border) came out with bang and start ridiculing them with Conspiracy theorists label, But when American Or Afghan sources claim ISI is involved they came out with sympathy towards Afghan and bashing for Pakistan.....

Just for the sake of discussion, i share the difference that i was feeling.
you people make me laugh... You speak as though Pakistan has sovereignty over its affairs. Your government is puppet and your ISI is a terror exporting business that runs the American empire in the region. Your government doesn't give a sh*t how many of your civilianss or soldiers gets killed in this war. It's all just a show. Wake up people and stop spreading hatred among our nations.

P.s my thread was deleted by an Admin here. I just wanted to clarify things. My question was who are the insurgents in Afghanistan and HOW are they getting their support.

you people make me laugh... You speak as though Pakistan has sovereignty over its affairs. Your government is puppet and your ISI is a terror exporting business that runs the American empire in the region. Your government doesn't give a sh*t how many of your civilianss or soldiers gets killed in this war. It's all just a show. Wake up people and stop spreading hatred among our nations.

P.s my thread was deleted by an Admin here. I just wanted to clarify things. My question was who are the insurgents in Afghanistan and HOW are they getting their support.


Insurgents are Local Pashtun population and they are getting support from within as well as from tribes across the border who are affiliated with them.

Now answer This question. Who is supporting Insurgents who attacks Pakistani check posts i in large groups of 200-300?
@ All my Pakistani friends,

Remember when the enemies of Pakistan start praising ISI, it means that ISI has given up and has surrendered to the demands of Pakistan's enemies. As long as the enemies of Pakistan are cursing ISI this means that ISI is doing its job in a splendid way. This thread is indirectly praising ISI, every Pakistani should be proud of ISI.
i think this is utter non sense...... it is well documented that the ISI lost more then 3000 of its men while fighting the same so called Talibs.........losses from the armed forces are also enormous............however the ISI do support certain groups like haqqani, which i think is vital. I think this post is very irrelevant as if u ll ask any one form PAK military of the same rank, he would undoubtedly point the fingers at the americans...............
you people make me laugh... You speak as though Pakistan has sovereignty over its affairs. Your government is puppet and your ISI is a terror exporting business that runs the American empire in the region. Your government doesn't give a sh*t how many of your civilianss or soldiers gets killed in this war. It's all just a show. Wake up people and stop spreading hatred among our nations.

P.s my thread was deleted by an Admin here. I just wanted to clarify things. My question was who are the insurgents in Afghanistan and HOW are they getting their support.


First post, it happens, the sudden tush of blood.
I'd suggest that Afghans try to sort themselves out. Once the NATO forces withdraw, they will be left alone......better be good with Pakistan, or else we can really hurt them...and they very well know that.

On a one on one basis, Afghanistan is nothing.....and i hope they realize that.
I'd suggest that Afghans try to sort themselves out. Once the NATO forces withdraw, they will be left alone......better be good with Pakistan, or else we can really hurt them...and they very well know that.

On a one on one basis, Afghanistan is nothing.....and i hope they realize that.
Kindly brother, your government needs to establish control over NWFP before venturing into Afgan.
Don't you think that there is already enough problem at bay that your Government and Military should work on rather than doing a feasibility analysis on venturing outside your borders.
Most of Afghan member are spreading misinformation over security situation and comment over Pakistan not by their own analysis but in robotic style which memories are fixed by anti-Pakistan material. When they will come out from US/NATO/Indian trance they will realize their mistakes.
Kindly brother, your government needs to establish control over NWFP before venturing into Afgan.
Don't you think that there is already enough problem at bay that your Government and Military should work on rather than doing a feasibility analysis on venturing outside your borders.

Government control already has stabilized in NWFP/KP & FATA so you should update your information. Pakistan ever will keep strategic depth in Afghanistan and it is no secret but there is only feasibility analysis over foreign intelligence support to northern alliance and TTP terrorists in Afghanistan and venture in order to eliminate.
Government control already has stabilized in NWFP/KP & FATA so you should update your information. Pakistan ever will keep strategic depth in Afghanistan and it is no secret but there is only feasibility analysis over foreign intelligence support to northern alliance and TTP terrorists in Afghanistan and venture in order to eliminate.
Does such a move, involve the presence of your Army in large number in West and will it not hinder the presence and logistics to your army posted in the East. Also are you not putting your military expenditure to the maximum to hinder the ailing Economic Growth. The lands of afgan is not worth occupuying it, unless you are planning to take over the universal supply of heroin from its poppy fields
I'd suggest that Afghans try to sort themselves out. Once the NATO forces withdraw, they will be left alone......better be good with Pakistan, or else we can really hurt them...and they very well know that.

On a one on one basis, Afghanistan is nothing.....and i hope they realize that.

How will you hurt them?? Share some thoughts on that.. Sending in Taliban in 1990s actually came back to bite Pakistan on its a$$. So am sure that's not an option.. You cant really mount an invasion of Afghanistan.. Pakistan does not have the muscle power or economics to conquer and hold land.. Nukes is out of the question..
this Pakistan, That ISI, This ISI, That Pakistan. We are clean. 200-400 Taliban go and attack inside Pakistan are also ISI Pakistan ?
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