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"They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from ISI"

Pakistan should send all Afgan ppl back to Afghanistan and if its not Safe there send them to India and USA lets see who want them. There are 5 million Afghans in Pakistan and half of them are criminals, Smuglars, killers, robbers +++.

Ask India and USA to take 5 millions lets see who want to help u !!!!
It has been this reporter's repeated experience interviewing leaders of indigenous security forces that there is a strong cultural bias toward pinning responsibility for the violence on foreigners, while absolving locals of blame. But in the case of this interview, Nasrat's assessment of Pakistan's role in destabilizing Afghanistan actually mirrors assessments by multiple US officers and intelligence officials, with the difference that it is on the record.

Translation: These guys lie through their teeth all the time, shifting blame all over the place but, in this case, the lie suits our agenda, so we will promote it.
I wonder, if Afghans hate us so much, why they hell they are a million+ still living in Pakistan and the majority who have gone back have kept their assets right here in Pakistan for any future contingency in shape of destabilization in Afghanistan. If they hate us so much, why not pack their stuff, their good earning businesses and go to Afghanistan and built it, why still having homes and businesses in Pakistan as a safe option.

So you are suggesting that even the Norther Alliance is doing equally the same, Investing and illegally crossing borders????
If your answer is yes, then the fault lies with your organization that you hold your flag to, and that complaint should be directed to them only and no one else......

And as for the Indians, well i can understand you being an Indian, the intentions of your govt would be innocent to you, but in reality they aren't. By the way India is not the only one who is investing in the infrastructure, Pakistan has done it too, but the difference is on the level of amount, but then again if we look at how many Afghans live inside Pakistan with majority having good lucrative businesses with no tax contribution, the billions we loose at the hands of Afghan smuggling & local consumers facing huge inflation rates due to the Afghans, the amount that we are paying being a neighbor of Afghanistan far exceeds what the Indians are investing.

Join the club, Americans have problem with Mexicans, Indians with Banglebeshies, it looks like all of us has problems.....

A stable, prosperous, friendly Afghanistan is in our interest, but if they think they will fcuk with us even after having done so much for them, they are wrong. The mess with us, we reply back in the same manner, and US can just watch it.
Isn't the coalition (with UN approval) trying to do the same thing (Stable, Prosperous, friendly Afghanistan), Fcuking is done by Pakistan and US is fighting that battle currently....

Isn't the coalition (with UN approval) trying to do the same thing (Stable, Prosperous, friendly Afghanistan), Fcuking is done by Pakistan and US is fighting that battle currently....

Knowing little about history would be good for you/Indians with respect to Pakistan, as you guys come and blame us for everything without knowing about the facts. So just to give refresher once again, it wasn't Pakistan which started to fcuk with Afghanistan, rather it was Afghanistan which used to fcuk with Pakistan, even then we sheltered millions of them and supported their cause, this is which the normal Afghans don't know, since they are not aware of history that it used to be their country which tried to finger Pakistan in the past times. Here, read the below links and see who tried to fcuk with whom, and it was Afghanistan which voted against Pakistan's entry in the UN, so the Afghans started to fcuk around us right from the birth of Pakistan.

Afghanistan Pakistan Crisis 1955-1957

Afghanistan Pakistan Crisis 1961-1963


So, dear it wasn't us who used to pick fights, rather it used to be Afghans who tried everything, still we helped them by accepting millions as refugees, and the mess we are on today is thanks to the Afghans themselves, had they been able to control themselves nor would the USSR occupied Afghanistan, nor the region would have engulfed in this current situation we are.

Hopefully you and other Indians won't next time have to say that it was Pakistan which tried to fcuk Afghanistan, it was vice versa. And even now they Afghans are voicing the Durrand Line thingy and if they become a powerful state like past, they will again try to take the armed way, so better not to let that day come. We can't face India as an enemy in our face and Afghanistan as another in the back.

And as for seriousness of the US/NATO/UN, i highly doubt they are serious about that issue, had they been, they would have sent atleast 300K troops to secure this country like they sent in 300K+ troops in Iraq. But we all know why they sent 300Kplus in Iraq and why hardly 100K in Afghanistan. Rather they, the NATO/US has emptied the border posts and provinces and has given the militants a free hand to move around, as seen from the recent cross border attacks on Pakistani security posts from Afghanistan and we loosing 60+ soldiers in just 2 major attacks in last 2 or so months.

Blame the NATO/US for non-seriousness, not us. And see the facts too.

So you are suggesting that even the Norther Alliance is doing equally the same, Investing and illegally crossing borders????
If your answer is yes, then the fault lies with your organization that you hold your flag to, and that complaint should be directed to them only and no one else......

Join the club, Americans have problem with Mexicans, Indians with Banglebeshies, it looks like all of us has problems.....

Isn't the coalition (with UN approval) trying to do the same thing (Stable, Prosperous, friendly Afghanistan), Fcuking is done by Pakistan and US is fighting that battle currently....

You fking Indian stop trying to defend Afghanistan. We know your agenda and we also know Pakistan's agenda. You want to fight your wars in our land like the British and soviets did and now the American are doing the same thing. We are not the fcking problem. It is the wealthier nations like yours that dump their problm onto smaller, weaker nations and fight proxy wars. That is how modern wars are fought after all. So you and pakistanis stop trying to say you are so nice that you let so many Afghan refugees in your countries. If Afghans had not resisted the soviet system, how would you have stopped them from entering into Pakistan and eventually India and others. You should be grateful to Afghans for saving your A$$. Instead you fuk with us and put us down because our country was destroyed for fighting your stupid wars... If we hadn't fought the soviets we wouldn't have come to your sh!tland... Got it??
Pakistan should send all Afgan ppl back to Afghanistan and if its not Safe there send them to India and USA lets see who want them. There are 5 million Afghans in Pakistan and half of them are criminals, Smuglars, killers, robbers +++.

Ask India and USA to take 5 millions lets see who want to help u !!!!

Actually most of them are hard working people. I know because I used to live there. When I was there the majority of Afghan refugees made their living selling fruits on carts or opening small shops or doing general labor jobs. The criminals are the Pakistan Police who kidnapped them and then asked for money to be released.. I don't know where you get your information from. Maybe you're just trying to propagate disinformation.
@ n4j1b

Dude i agree, if the Russians wouldn't have been defeated, it would have been really difficult for Pakistan to stop the Red Army. However the soviets were never a threat to India as India was an ally of Soviet Union through out the cold war.

Btw you are forgetting some thing, even in Afghanistan, there were so many SSG and PA undercover personal who fought the Red Army along side the Afghans. The credit of defeating the Red Army is deserved by all the countries who collectively destroyed the communist forces there. Remember when the Berlin Wall fell, West German police chief sent a piece of that wall to the ISI chief stating on it "This is for the one who gave the first blow"
Ya ofcourse it was a collective effort. But who suffered the most? Was it Pakistan or USA or Saudi Arabia. No, they just poured in money and equipment. I don't think pakistanis fought them directly. They were just supporting the war, but they were involved mostly in the south. In the mean time Pakistan got all the money and most importantly they were allowed to have their nuclear program as a precaution.

So what is happening now? It's the same story. Same old allies and rivalry. All this nonsense about America invading Pakistan is a story. They just want to keep the war going longer so they can build their bases permanently.

India has no choice but to do the reconstruction job. When some disagreements occur between you people, you send a bunch of brainwashed talibs to blow up embassies, hotels and roads or the kidnap foreign workers and diplomats. At the same time you're creating terror in the eyes of Afghan people. I know this ****. Go see the film called "Enemy Image". Maybe it will give you a clue.

Bottom line, Pakistan is still serving the western agenda, but now it is a bit more complicated. Otherwise pakistan won't be able to survive without their support.
LWJ: Describe who the enemy is; who are the people who are fighting your forces and American forces?

LTC Nasrat: They go by the name Talib, but we know they come from ISI (Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence directorate).

LWJ: Can you elaborate? Why do you believe the insurgents are products of the ISI?

LTC Nasrat: Then where do they come from, the sky?

Ahh yes, this is exactly the kind of evidence that we were looking for. He and Afghans in my opinion are not doing Afghanistan any good by crying wolf and blaming everything on others. Yes, Pakistan does have a stake in the country but not to the extent that the Afghans portray it to be. Their major issues are internal and they should focus all their energies on solving them unless they think that sitting idle and not doing anything is the best way forward for Afghanistan.
Point is simple:

When you are on the verge of defeat, you start blaming others.

As soon as the blame-game started between ISAF, Pakistan, and Afghan government; it was becoming apparent that the anti-Taliban COALITION may loose in the end.

Taliban represents an ideology within Afghanistan. Fighting an ideology is useless effort.

The best thing to do is to create sense of security for the people and convince them that Afghan government can solve their issues. This is what this Afghan commander should focus on.

Isn't the coalition (with UN approval) trying to do the same thing (Stable, Prosperous, friendly Afghanistan), Fcuking is done by Pakistan and US is fighting that battle currently....
This is what US is facing in Afghanistan:

In late 1994, Mullah Abdul Zaeef travelled 32 kilometres outside Kandahar to a wide, fertile valley of wheat fields to meet an old friend—a low profile anti-Soviet mujahid called Mullah Mohammed Omar. Frustrated by the warlords’ looting and atrocities, Zaeef told his old mate that they had to get rid of the banditry and lawlessness in Afghanistan following the Soviet departure. Six weeks later, they met a group of local mullahs in a white mosque in Sangisar, Kandahar. That evening BBC broke the news that a movement of Islamic students’ militia has been launched in Kandahar. That was the birth of the Taliban.

Now the Taliban is not alone. It enjoys support from several other resistance groups. Some of these groups are from Pakistan as well but they joined Afghan resistance on their own.

Point is that these resistance groups represent an ideology whose roots are in the masses (particularly pakhtun population of both countries; Afghanistan and Pakistan). These people typically perceive ISAF as an invading force which is involved in illegal activities in Afghanistan and also in Pakistan. These groups are also against the stooges of ISAF; Karzai and Zardari.

However, maybe these groups have a more righteous cause or is it their faith? Only God knows better. Even the most powerful military force in the world has not been able to contain this ideology thus far. The US has killed thousands of Taliban and other insurgents but the resistance is still not dying.

This is the thing which should get limelight: what actually has gone wrong during the Operation Enduring Freedom?

Stop blaming Pakistan and its ISI and Military leadership for everything. CIA is involved in far more suspicious activities in this region rather then ISI.
Stop blaming Pakistan and its ISI and Military leadership for everything. CIA is involved in far more suspicious activities in this region rather then ISI.
The CIA operates with checks and balances and within U.S. law; by contrast the ISI and Pakistan's military leadership, as a practical matter, are unaccountable to anybody. So why shouldn't they be presumed guilty until proven innocent - as unfair as that may be - as they have the power to kill any investigation or investigator at will?

If the military doesn't like being reviled, they know what they can do: surrender their special privileges and operate within the law, not above it.
The CIA operates with checks and balances and within U.S. law; by contrast the ISI and Pakistan's military leadership, as a practical matter, are unaccountable to anybody. So why shouldn't they be presumed guilty until proven innocent - as unfair as that may be - as they have the power to kill any investigation or investigator at will?
So Operation MKULTRA and countless other heinous operations were well within the limits of US law ... Right ? Does your law specifically states that US citizens can be used for human experimentation huh ? If not , then stop blaming Pakistan because we are still 10 times better than CIA

Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human experimentation program, run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects.[1][2][3][4]
Checks and balances you just mentioned ?
The United States of America has a long history of betraying its allies , first Mujahideen then Iraq and now Pakistan ...
So Operation MKULTRA and countless other heinous operations were well within the limits of US law ...
Congress turned its attention on the CIA and as a result severely reformed it in the late 1970s link. That would be a most productive path for Pakistan to follow, don't you think?
The United States of America has a long history of betraying its allies , first Mujahideen then Iraq and now Pakistan ...
The Pakistani military betrayed its own people in 1971, slaughtering tens of thousands in East Pakistan. At great moral cost President Nixon stuck with the GoP to ensure U.S. "credibility" towards its allies. Is that the kind of "ally" you seek from America today?

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