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the word "india" refers to present day pakistan

At least now Pakistanis started believing that Pakistan was part of Ancient India. So there's a hope of them getting rid of identity crisis after all.
At least now Pakistanis started believing that Pakistan was part of Ancient India. So there's a hope of them getting rid of identity crisis after all.
But that india is not present day India. I guess you didn't read whole conversation
It says that present day Indians are actually Pakistanis.
But that india is not present day India. I guess you didn't read whole conversation
It says that present day Indians are actually Pakistanis.

Well, it turns out you didnt read the conversation started by none other than - hold your breath - YOU. It says present day Pakistanis are 'real Indians.'

The title says "the word "india" refers to present day pakistan."

Anyway, I'm happy to see this conversation really. It's a good start to get over the identity crisis you guys have. Now I hope to see more posts by Pakistanis claiming the local heritage rather than posting the usual garbage of 'ruling India for 10000000000 years!'
Lmao....don't even know where to start....where you accuse me of being a Jihadist or where you're posting wrong info...:lol:
shoo kid get back to your muslim memes

haha... you guys really can't think beyond having more than one book, that you consider each book as a religion. Well, there must be 4 Vedic religions.
Its like 370.You can consider it your territory ..call it your atuuptang
but the world considers it a disputed territory.
you add kashmir to your google maps version..the world sees the real map..
indians teach twisted vedic era stories from history to its kids , the world know the true version..

'ruling India for 10000000000 years!'

they mean they ruled your country for 1000s of years.
Anyway, I'm happy to see this conversation really. It's a good start to get over the identity crisis you guys have. Now I hope to see more posts by Pakistanis claiming the local heritage rather than posting the usual garbage of 'ruling India for 10000000000 years!'

the ancient pakistan does seem to originate from pakistani nationalists who seem to underplay islamin id of pakistan and highlight its pre islamic past, but they go radical and not only undermine its islamic id but accept their british european overlord history version and claim they are greeks, vedic indians, central asian tribes, arabs, persians all at the same time.

So now Pakistanis wanted to be named themselves as Indians .... what an identity crisis
Bharatis are nothing more than usurpers and tailcoat riders....whether it's the british or muslims what have they achieved, out of the 5000 year odd recorded history of the whole 'India' other than the guptas and ashoka barely 2-300 years they have never ruled an iota of what they claim. Now that they 'inherited' the land from the british and named it 'India' and lay claim to an ancient land that they have barely any link, they even aim to 'revise' aryan history.

Fact is all of that land east of the indus was a hodge podge of tribal unions. Heck even 'bharata' or 'bharat varsha' was a tiny fraction of what is now india.

Hindu revisionists are discredited the world over trying to reclaim something which was never theres to begin with, sadly pakistanis inability to claim that history makes their life easier
Our eastern neighbor should rename itself Bharat or something else.
The hilarious thing about that is, the term comes from a mythical King called 'Bharat', whose tribe; the Bharatas migrated from modern-day Pakistan in North Punjab to the Ganges Plains and carried out a conquest of the region.

So technically, even 'Bharat' comes from modern-day Pakistan.
So called Indus-Pakistanis are free to migrate to India and start practicing idol worships over their just like their pagan ancestors did. Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a reality and it will remain so. There is nothing to be proud of ancient Indus Vally which could be seen as an icon of ancient 'Jahilyat'. Not civilization.
I agree with this ..However we call it by its original name...Sindh or Sindha not Hind not India not Indika not Hindustan all of which the foreigners gave to suit their lingo.

The present day Sindha is part of a bigger territory in its west and north ,therefore makes sense to call it by a new name which is Pakistan..

you mean sindhu ? :)
'Sindha' was never really used. 'Sindh' is the Arabic variant while 'Sindhu' just means the river Indus.

The actual name of the region was Sapta Sindhava or just Sindhava, the people were also typically called Sindhava.

This term began to be shortened to just 'Sind' with the arrival of the Arabs.

In the 7th century, a tribe from modern-day Pakistan migrated into Gujarat and took over the region, they were referred to as the 'Saindhavas' by the natives, showcasing that the term was still in popular use by that era.


Also, in the End Times Hadiths (Sahih Muslim)....it says that the Muslims of Hind (might be current day Pakistan + India) will struggle against the Hindus. :D
Could you please cite this 'hadith'.

It's been called Hind for several centuries by the Arabs.

And why not??
There was no standard term for the region and the regional definition was always dynamic.

The Arab term for 'South Asia' as 'Hind' goes back to the times of Herodotus who popularized the term 'Indika/India' as the name for all lands 'East of Persia' due to a lack of knowledge of the region (he didn't even know of the existence of modern-day India).

More erudite Greek geographers, highlighted the distinction by reserving 'Indika' for just the Indus Region and referring to the newly discovered Gangetic region as 'Gangaridai', however this never popularized.

Like-wise, Arab geographers who were more well-informed of the region, referred to the Indus Region as 'Sind' and modern-day India as 'Hind'.

The most famous among them being Al-Biruni and Al-Masudi:

"For the nonce let us confine ourselves to summary notices concerning the kings of Sind and Hind. The language of Sind is different from that of Hind. . ." - Masudi

"Hind is surrounded on the East by Chín and Máchín, on the West by Sind and Kábul, and on the South by the Sea."- Al Baruni

@Indus Pakistan - You may take interest in this post.
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Its like 370.You can consider it your territory ..call it your atuuptang
but the world considers it a disputed territory.
you add kashmir to your google maps version..the world sees the real map..
indians teach twisted vedic era stories from history to its kids , the world know the true version..
Given you have no idea about anything being discussed (history ain't strong suit), bringing Kashmir at every corner is a norm. Even during a meet to discuss Covid 19, the dimwits raised Kashmir issue, shows how obtuse you people are.
Well, it turns out you didnt read the conversation started by none other than - hold your breath - YOU. It says present day Pakistanis are 'real Indians.'

The title says "the word "india" refers to present day pakistan."

Anyway, I'm happy to see this conversation really. It's a good start to get over the identity crisis you guys have. Now I hope to see more posts by Pakistanis claiming the local heritage rather than posting the usual garbage of 'ruling India for 10000000000 years!'
But it also mean that your place isnt india at all.. so in reality you dont know who you guys really are. who has the identity crisis in real ?
reclaiming heritage also means that you are not indians and your region was never a part of how you indians say
"united india" ..
i wish you had some wisdom ..

So called Indus-Pakistanis are free to migrate to India and start practicing idol worships over their just like their pagan ancestors did. Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a reality and it will remain so. There is nothing to be proud of ancient Indus Vally which could be seen as an icon of ancient 'Jahilyat'. Not civilization.
its more to refute stupid bharati claim that pakistan was india and bla bla bla.
islam gave us light and respect. we are grateful for it. but its good to know the past.
The hilarious thing about that is, the term comes from a mythical King called 'Bharat', whose tribe; the Bharatas migrated from modern-day Pakistan in North Punjab to the Ganges Plains and carried out a conquest of the region.

So technically, even 'Bharat' comes from modern-day Pakistan.

not just bharat.. mauryas were from present day swat pakistan, got educated in taxila.
Porus was from present day Jehlum Pakistan.
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