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The Uyghur issue

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Im sorry but none claim that.. although they (yeah 200% more Pakhtuns are Pakistani) claim how they ... outta hindus n sikhs? u dig? :lol:

Also im a Baluch.. sorry we did the same with you guys..:lol:

I am not punjabi hindu or sikh,but a bihari .Go to pashtun discussion forum on facebook my friend

Lol, I know it's so funny.

Baluch are weak and don't have their own country, they couldn't invade anyone.

Today baloch hate pakistani punjabis and many baloch women are gangraped and sold on Heera Mandi. Pakistani punjabis sure are baniya minds,they make money out of everything ,whether pashto women or baloch.
I am not punjabi hindu or sikh,but a bihari .Go to pashtun discussion forum on facebook my friend

Most Pashtuns are themselves Pakistani and they know full well who they invaded and when, you can ask Pakistani Pashtun here themselves what they think of Punjabis. @Hyperion @EyanKhan @Khan_patriot @HRK
I am not punjabi hindu or sikh,but a bihari .Go to pashtun discussion forum on facebook my friend

Do you know how biharis and others are looked down upon ? so called "pashtun" forms my *** are afghani haters forums.. go to Pak Pakhtun forums.. we have their founding members on this very forum.. i.e Son of mountain etc.

You dont need to attack a particular nationals .Yes this is a problem in India.But our media exaggeration also played very well.
Now Uiyghur issue is China's domestic problem ,outsiders dont need to interfere in it.Even if India and China has some disputes,as an Indian I can concede they are too powerful.Now they are in a preparations in for lock horns with mighty US.Even if Turkey is so concerned about Uyghur ,you cant do nothing about it.It is a fact
Most Pashtuns are themselves Pakistani and they know full well who they invaded and when, you can ask Pakistani Pashtun here themselves what they think of Punjabis. @Hyperion @EyanKhan @Khan_patriot @HRK

I am talking about afghan pashtuns .Not pakistani pashtuns.So many afghans call pakistani pashtuns as traitors and quislings of pakistani punjabis. I can name a few like Soldat Amir on facebook ,who is my friend on facebook. The hate he has for pakistani punjabis lol...
Do you know how biharis and others are looked down upon ? so called "pashtun" forms my *** are afghani haters forums.. go to Pak Pakhtun forums.. we have their founding members on this very forum.. i.e Son of mountain etc.
No one looks down on Biharis, only Pakistanis with there false sense of pride.
India has no say in the matter. You will do what your British masters say.

Read teh article. It is not luck, it is basic math. Chinese production age is over. For the Chin it is time to go back to the farms. No more sweatshops for them.

India also have say in this matter.Because we also suffered by this terrorism .India is a BRICS member and stand next to China in developing world
Not only Turkey but whole of Turkic world... besides are not the only one who is anti-Chinese. There are Japanese, US, Indians, Thai, Indonesia, etc.

China doesn't have an ally, we have a lot. The only thing China has is its bloated paper tiger economy waiting for disaster. We will speak again when the time comes.

Turkey should ally with Japan more. They can offer us more and we can offer them more. If Erdogan signs that defense agreement with China I will never forgive him. I think he won't anyway.

Who are these so called many friends and allies of Turkey ?

Its certainly is not Europe people here look down on Turks i know because i live in Europe and the debates about the EU and Turkey is one litany of Turkey bashing.

Its not Russia, Iraq or Iran because you angered them by supporting terrorists in Syria that are killing infants and toddlers.

Its not Egypt because your pals of the Muslim Brotherhood got overthrown.

The Americans ? Well, you are useful to them so they will cut you some slack. But i wouldn't count on them either.

Pakistan is a good friend of yours but they are also good friends of ours and i think they will sit this one out.

And if this thread is anything to go by there is very little support for the Turks position. Its just a few but hurt Turks that are posting about Uyghers no one else cares.

China does have problems with India about borders but then again Indians and Turks are not known to be best friends.

Thailand and Indonesia have very cordial relations with China. and for them China is much more important than Turkey.

Japan, Philipinnes and Vietnam ? Those are countries that China has dispute and tensions with. Perhabs you can hash something out with them. i'm not sure what you can do.
I am talking about afghan pashtuns .Not pakistani pashtuns.So many afghans call pakistani pashtuns as traitors and quislings of pakistani punjabis. I can name a few like Soldat Amir on facebook ,who is my friend on facebook. The hate he has for pakistani punjabis lol...

LOL Afghanistan is our fifth province when we have criminals we need to deport we send them to Afghanistan, we have ran their nation from Islamabad for 7 years from the late nineties until 2001. Naturally they will have contempt for us for we were for a long time their masters, but go tell your friend had they not called our border disputed territory we would not have taken over their nation like we did. As far as we are concerned Afghan Pashtun only have lighter skin than Pakistani Pashtun because soviets raped them thoroughly.
They don't give a damn about us,but afghani pashtuns do bitch and whine a lot about pakistan ,specially punjabis .

Lmao.. in Peshwar there is a saying tht a kabuli can kill his brother for 50rs... do i need to say more?
Dumb fck, I know there is no point in even trying to answer to you, but there are REAL figures and facts that show the amount of Turkic tribes in Anatolia, particularly in 16-17th centuries there is a very good Ottoman source on it. The Turkic nomadic tribes during that period were easily over half part of Anatolia's population, and you have to take in the fact that many had also become sedentary. There is no question about the ancestry of most of Anatolian Turks. And talking about race is simply retarded, because you seem to think that Oghuz tribes which settled in Anatolia looked like Chingis Khan, they didn't. And than there is the factor of mixing with locals, I don't think anyone denies that.

What you're trying to bullsh1t at? prio the Turkish invasion and annexation of this land, Anatolia belong to Bizantine empire..are you dumb fck trying to twist the history?
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