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The Un-Intended Eye Opener Of 27th Feb:---

He did that when , pentagon chief told him , kiyani looks very tough guy who actully not listening them ?
But it was offcourse a plot to put kiyani in a top spot ?lol

Well , be happy and keep livin your life , not in a mood to press my POV, it wasnt for u , so live with what u belive ?
States never act , as what you expect them for , they have thier own priorties which for u , are called mars ?lol

Here is an example , how states act in thier own special intersts ?
Lets see what ur super genius mind can get from it ????
Or else just get a chocolate, asap ?
Cause thats the best what you can do ?lol

There is a difference between self created mind boggling conspiracies, stories and the business of state.

Have fun!
What a silly response from a person, who has no understanding of the other. Do you know me!!! I happened to know a little about Secularism and Religious Freedom very well. After spending my life in London, one of the best, multicultural and multi faith cities in the world. I am trillions of miles away from right wingers. Enough said.

You are a prime example of someone who is although living in a multicultural city, with a strong secular non-religious zeal yet harping non-sense such as how secularism is responsible for most of worlds mess. Besides that London does have its fair share of religious bigots from Muslim community, harp this utter ridiculous nonsense of yours that London is free of religious bigots who havent lived in London for over a decade.

Do you think I should take someone like you seriously!!! Did your read my comments properly!! Go back and read again. I have discussed 26th Feb not 27th that too in the light of the person's comments. Fact is Pakistan gave Indians reason to think they can intrude in Pakistan airspace without any consequences. I said, what if there was actual death of 300+ people!!! Would Pakistanis life be scarified waiting to find the damage done by airstrikes!! You have not enlighten us with your crass comments why such failures are allowed!!
How do you know that India would not strike again, this time on many fronts and with far bigger force!! Let me tell you no less person than PM of Pakistan Imran Khan has said it that an attack from India is expected in next 30 days. If anyone can think that they can avoid wars by cowering down and inaction, risking the lives of their citizens then good luck to them and their supporters like you.
How 80000 Pakistanis lives sacrificed, care to tell us!!! Take example of the school attack in Peshawar. What Pakistan did, knowing fully well that the attackers came from Afghanistan. Trained by India and Afghanistan in the training camps run in Afghanistan.
Imagine if 80 Indians were killed in such attacks, what would be their response!!

Did we raise these issues in UN, in other international forums!!!
We didn't even raised the issue of Indian official who had confessed to conduct terrorist activities in Pakistan. Pakistan's PM Nawaz Butt, the traitor was even reluctant to utter his name let alone raised the issue of clear proofs of Indian's involvement in Pakistan.

Dont worry a crank like you wouldn't be taken seriously by anyone, not just me. You clearly stated that Pakistan should have accelerated the conflict to the next stage and somehow take over Kashmir. Please enlighten me how exactly Pakistan is supposed to do that? It was not an all out conflict, it was a skirmish which Indian planners never wanted to turn into a full blown conflict. Their goals were simple
1- To put a show for their domestic consumption and back Modis bellicose.
2- Change the Status quo of conflict escalation and establish a new precedent of attacking Pakistan when India sees fit. Indians did not reach this conclusion without Washingtons nod, they were assured that Pakistan wont do much and will be forced to accept this.

Dont go running all over the place, yes Pakistan did pay a heavy price for the WOT, but who had invited other peoples fight to our own house. It was us, India, Afghanistan and Iran all played a role in it, but it was the weakness of Pakistani states and its security apparatus that allowed it to happen.

Pakistan's economy is a mess, we are running across the globe asking for peanuts to keep us a float, so spare me this pseudo nationalistic non-sense of yours.

I think my above comments are enough to demonstrate that who is an idiot here. Good luck with your verbosity and be blessed in your ignorance.

Your comments proved nothing other than that you are a crackpot who struggles to come up with a comprehensible narrative. You are the same creed as that in India who think of war as a joke, aka Orya Maqbool Brain dead crowd.
You are a prime example of someone who is although living in a multicultural city, with a strong secular non-religious zeal yet harping non-sense such as how secularism is responsible for most of worlds mess. Besides that London does have its fair share of religious bigots from Muslim community, harp this utter ridiculous nonsense of yours that London is free of religious bigots who havent lived in London for over a decade.

Dont worry a crank like you wouldn't be taken seriously by anyone, not just me. You clearly stated that Pakistan should have accelerated the conflict to the next stage and somehow take over Kashmir. Please enlighten me how exactly Pakistan is supposed to do that? It was not an all out conflict, it was a skirmish which Indian planners never wanted to turn into a full blown conflict. Their goals were simple
1- To put a show for their domestic consumption and back Modis bellicose.
2- Change the Status quo of conflict escalation and establish a new precedent of attacking Pakistan when India sees fit. Indians did not reach this conclusion without Washingtons nod, they were assured that Pakistan wont do much and will be forced to accept this.

Dont go running all over the place, yes Pakistan did pay a heavy price for the WOT, but who had invited other peoples fight to our own house. It was us, India, Afghanistan and Iran all played a role in it, but it was the weakness of Pakistani states and its security apparatus that allowed it to happen.

Pakistan's economy is a mess, we are running across the globe asking for peanuts to keep us a float, so spare me this pseudo nationalistic non-sense of yours.

Your comments proved nothing other than that you are a crackpot who struggles to come up with a comprehensible narrative. You are the same creed as that in India who think of war as a joke, aka Orya Maqbool Brain dead crowd.

Where did I wrote anything about taking over Kashmir!! Show me.
Ais ke allawa aur kia likha hai!! Kuch nahi, Chalo acha hai. :p:P:enjoy:
Nice piece
Mastan sb
But I feel you left out the element of ZDK 03 and Erieye and how they would have fitted into this skirmish

The Paf may not have intended for it to have happened like it did---but the results of that day's---day light strike and skirmish over kashmir has many a powers shook up---concerned---and looking for answers---answers that may not be easy to find and consequences no easy to confront---.

The first major combat of two equally well equipped air forces of the world has some shocking results for the major powers to analyze and assess---.

The myth of the israeli / french / russian technology on one side---and on the other side---chinese technology with ruthless and brutally efficient Paf brains behind that technology in operation.

The Paf---after living all thru those years on sanctions---and as Air Marshall Latif quoted Gen Mushhy " we went with pockets full of money and no one would sell us the fighter aircraft---"---the Paf had a grudge against the claimed powers to be---they were mad as hell---mad as a hornets nest disturbed in the dark of the night---continuously being blamed for every wrong that was done in india by the indians themselves on their own---.

The indians came by choice---at a time and place of their chosing---openly threatening the pak military---and yret they had to trun tail.

In return---Pakistan's response of retaliation at a time and place of their own chosing was not taken seriously---and there were many who had reservations about it---.

But when pakistan struck back---the strike was made in the light of the day---for the world and the public to see---it was masterful---it was tectful---it was ruthless and it was brutal---.

Nobody in the world---no military power in the world expected that kind of retaliation by the pak military---.

And as they say---" success has many fathers---and defeat is an orphan---"---suddenly the indian air force felt like it had been orphaned by its very own---. Indian Prime minister after reviewing the losses---had the realization dawn on him that his aircraft were not capable of defending the motherland untill and unless he did not have the most modern Rafales---.

that was just one small part of the picture---. The bigger and the larger part of the picture was the Pakistan / China fighter / China EW package and china weapons broke the spell of the modern israeli / russian / french EW package---made it go to sleep and spun their own magic in chinese and pakistani and made the enemy fall from the skies---.

This was unexpected---was not a part of the picture---was not supposed to happen---was not allowed to happen---but it did---.

The unexpected successful exposure of the unknown newer weaponry into the air combat field by the Paf has had an eye popping effect in many a leading nations of the world---. The weapons system that was known to be below par and docile turned out to be a monster---.

i would not be surprised if mother China was equally surprised by the effectiveness of its weapons---.
Ok lets break a bit, only on your statment, do americans need thier ground troops to chcek others ?
No they dont , why they wana leave , its more about their spendings , which trump wants to use in south china sea theater ?
But I can bet you american establishment will never leave afghanistan completly,.all what they want is more of a covert role with talibans assurance .
While actual plan of that pulwama was created by ajit dooel , in the afghan american base which got attacked a week ago ?
India role was to lets pak troops come to its borders from the current posting of PA at afghan border , then americans would hve brought thier blackwaters in pakistan in cover of ISIS, then to start attacking key nuclear sites and then come into pakistan for a big rescue efforts , tht far I can tell u?
Air combat role was given to israelis who would have assisted IAF towards the targets but game was floped because our angels go that whole info , way before it all come to life , if you can belive or not but PAF was waiting and watching them closly even when they were crossing into our airspace , it was a beautiful setup hunt , and it was really the biggest surprise ?
We were looking for isreali boggy , which we marked and took down later , stop thinking tht pak can be so stupid to give those premire toys to a stupid prince , whos stupid jobs are all over in the media , do u think he can handle that ?
Right now the KSA king has slpped him many powers out of his hands because he been played by israelis with the help of a very close relative of trump ?
This prince is crazy everyone knows tht and everyone plays his weakness at thier will , do u know he wanted to get some forward combat zones in PAK for israelis to attack IRAN ?
but tht was just a cover , cause everyone knows well iran havnt got the big toys israel is just afraid of irans numeric troops power , thy are dedicated fighters , who can take hizbullha shape any given time and can rattle israels bigger plans , pakistan has denied all that ,and has tried to talked to the king who has acted swiftly thts all I can tell u , while if anyone thinks american establishment just only want to let india attack pakistan only thy live in a fools paradise whole game is for china , if india gets in a war with china then americans can get all the so called billions and trillions of india by selling them all expensive hardware which will be self destructive ?lol
But anyway biggest issue is the tag of war between trump admin and pentagon and thts the biggest reason why, this whole story got to ground , but still you never know what else pentagon has planned for us , like some other ot even bigger attack in india then india attacking pakistan and then dragging china into that , pls next time dont even ask me about conforming your ideas or opinions about this whole situation, for me its not over yet

You have taken the debate to different levels. About these issues I have written for over 5 years. These plans I understood many years ago when Americans landed in Afghanistan. Every sensible person knows that the real target after 9/11 is Pakistan. Or in other words, to remove Pakistan's nuclear posture. That is Israel's premier target to complete its hegemony in the ME. There are two countries which stand in its way, Pakistan and Iran as you have mentioned in your post. I have always been in favor that Pakistan should discuss it with Iran and communicate to them that it is in mutual interests of both countries to have close co-operation. Pakistan should not join hands with SA viz-a-viz Iran. We should treat both countries on their individual levels, not as one policy.

About SA and the Prince Muhammad, I have years ago written that he is acting exactly like son of Ghaddafi, who was "coached" in the UK when studying here. He on his return convinced his father to stop his nuclear ambitions and come clean to the West. Which he did by handing over the documents to the West. What happened to both of them the world has seen it. Same fate awaits Muhammad Bin Suleman. He is trading a very thin line.

I was aware of the plans you describe a little. I sensed it when the Indians through dummy government of Afghanistan objected to Taliban attending the meetings in Islamabad. The meetings got cancelled. Taliban off course were part of the plan by the "Angels". The attack on the base which was used in Southern Afghanistan by Taliban was timely and carried out the job assigned to it.

If you look at my posts carefully, almost in every post I confess that I don't have any inside information like many claim here, I only look at the happening and analyse them to reach my conclusions. The Israeli/Indian nexus to attack Pakistan's nuclear assets is very old, they have now been foiled twice.

Now comes the part, which off course I don't know, i.e. capture of Israeli assets by Pakistan, men or machines.
About one pilot we hear lots of rumors, which I personally can not verify, but from the evidence can think to be highly plausible. From your above post I got the feelings you are trying to put the suggestion that Israeli machine assets were also used i.e. the jets; we know that their missiles are installed in India for a while now. But using their own jets would be after two decades, when their first attempt was foiled.

I have repeatedly written that Indian's losses are far greater than what is known to the public. Once again, my assessment is only based on public information not inside information. Now if what you say is correct we can add to it Israeli losses too.

I am shocked to see the reaction of some people here. I thought the level of debate here should be civilised and in-depth. From my comments on PAF reaction on 26th Feb people are taking the meanings, which I never intended. I and @MastanKhan are on one platform on this issue and think that IAF should have been dealt with a massive blow on that day rather than PAF attacks on 27th Feb. People can disagree with our point of view, without being going well overboard.

Gen kiyani single handedly screwed the national cause. You dumb dumb at least proudly wear it on your chest and scream like a kindergarten girl

"Yeeeeeehaw Mr globe , WE did it"!!!

But no instead he activated the Champoo journo Brigade to "blame" the sitting prime minster after his next day statement about the great victory - - - - - -

I mean What was Gilani supposed to say after the heli Born operation already took place? It was a u.s aggression on our sovereignty and we will retaliate?

Bro, Kiyani has caused damage to Pakistan on many levels. He has done the NRO, agreed for the "Bari" of PPP and PMLN thugs and as a consequence caused more damage to Pakistan than India can ever do, by eroding our financial and industrial bases. In my opinion he needs to be brought to the book and charge for treason.
He is more responsible for the damage done to Pakistan, far more than Musharaf who because of political reasons is lambasted in Pakistani press rather than the real culprit Kiyani, who was involved at the time as ISI Chief not Musharaf.
Nice piece
Mastan sb
But I feel you left out the element of ZDK 03 and Erieye and how they would have fitted into this skirmish
you are right. there is always room to add to this story this is why Mastan invited a debate.

for me. this was enlightening

weaker force less in numbers limited resources
denied access to modern technology due to lack of funds or unfavorable attitude towards Pakistan by suppliers

bigger force, more funds, unrestricted access to modern technology of European, American, Russian and Israeli industries. favorable international standing, being prepped and pampered to be world super power from Asia,
all chuffed and inflated to teach a lesson to a smaller, weaker airforce of dated limited technology.
.. makes a claim about an unsubstantiated (success of ) airstrike somewhere inside Pakistan. claiming about blowing up camps and killing hundreds of terrorists with nothing to show but some graphics videos and a lot of Bollywood dramatics and then gets a rude awakening on 27th of February

a bigger country with all the money, resources, support and modern jets is reduced to complaining that PAF "cheated" and rubbed its face to the ground by "breaking terms of use" from a limited number of F-16s with restricted technology. acknowledging the kills from JF-17 would have been equally devastating but still it made fool of itself and looked pathetic that it was complaining that a limited number of F-16s with limitations (of missiles & avionics) were able to defeat its impressive fleet of modern jets filled with top end Russian, French, Israeli/ American technology.

I mean from..
the much hoped " Pakistan!!! get used to our preemptive airstrikes inside your country as this will be a new Normal"
we will tell America that Pakistan cheated by blowing our jets in the skies though F-16s.
and look this is a piece of an AMRAAM (that we may have recovered from the wreckage of helicopter or the arse of the SU 30). and then its PM (who sees himself as god of war raining fire on Pakistan from a firey chariot) complains that having Rafales would have turned the tables.

how humiliating it should be for any country that is beaten by a weaker force which doesn't enjoy the access to the Western technology

finishing point is
the real hurt in my opinion is self inflicted/ not the shooting down of its SU 30, Helicopter and Mig 21 but its complaints that Pakistan cheated and wishing it had more modern jets.


You have taken the debate to different levels. About these issues I have written for over 5 years. These plans I understood many years ago when Americans landed in Afghanistan. Every sensible person knows that the real target after 9/11 is Pakistan. Or in other words, to remove Pakistan's nuclear posture. That is Israel's premier target to complete its hegemony in the ME. There are two countries which stand in its way, Pakistan and Iran as you have mentioned in your post. I have always been in favor that Pakistan should discuss it with Iran and communicate to them that it is in mutual interests of both countries to have close co-operation. Pakistan should not join hands with SA viz-a-viz Iran. We should treat both countries on their individual levels, not as one policy.

About SA and the Prince Muhammad, I have years ago written that he is acting exactly like son of Ghaddafi, who was "coached" in the UK when studying here. He on his return convinced his father to stop his nuclear ambitions and come clean to the West. Which he did by handing over the documents to the West. What happened to both of them the world has seen it. Same fate awaits Muhammad Bin Suleman. He is trading a very thin line.

I was aware of the plans you describe a little. I sensed it when the Indians through dummy government of Afghanistan objected to Taliban attending the meetings in Islamabad. The meetings got cancelled. Taliban off course were part of the plan by the "Angels". The attack on the base which was used in Southern Afghanistan by Taliban was timely and carried out the job assigned to it.

If you look at my posts carefully, almost in every post I confess that I don't have any inside information like many claim here, I only look at the happening and analyse them to reach my conclusions. The Israeli/Indian nexus to attack Pakistan's nuclear assets is very old, they have now been foiled twice.

Now comes the part, which off course I don't know, i.e. capture of Israeli assets by Pakistan, men or machines.
About one pilot we hear lots of rumors, which I personally can not verify, but from the evidence can think to be highly plausible. From your above post I got the feelings you are trying to put the suggestion that Israeli machine assets were also used i.e. the jets; we know that their missiles are installed in India for a while now. But using their own jets would be after two decades, when their first attempt was foiled.

I have repeatedly written that Indian's losses are far greater than what is known to the public. Once again, my assessment is only based on public information not inside information. Now if what you say is correct we can add to it Israeli losses too.

I am shocked to see the reaction of some people here. I thought the level of debate here should be civilised and in-depth. From my comments on PAF reaction on 26th Feb people are taking the meanings, which I never intended. I and @MastanKhan are on one platform on this issue and think that IAF should have been dealt with a massive blow on that day rather than PAF attacks on 27th Feb. People can disagree with our point of view, without being going well overboard.

Bro, Kiyani has caused damage to Pakistan on many levels. He has done the NRO, agreed for the "Bari" of PPP and PMLN thugs and as a consequence caused more damage to Pakistan than India can ever do, by eroding our financial and industrial bases. In my opinion he needs to be brought to the book and charge for treason.
He is more responsible for the damage done to Pakistan, far more than Musharaf who because of political reasons is lambasted in Pakistani press rather than the real culprit Kiyani, who was involved at the time as ISI Chief not Musharaf.
and @batmannow guys I agree with your points but lets stay on topic as it will really turn this thread into yet another similar thread on this forum.
you are right. there is always room to add to this story this is why Mastan invited a debate.

for me. this was enlightening

weaker force less in numbers limited resources
denied access to modern technology due to lack of funds or unfavorable attitude towards Pakistan by suppliers

bigger force, more funds, unrestricted access to modern technology of European, American, Russian and Israeli industries. favorable international standing, being prepped and pampered to be world super power from Asia,
all chuffed and inflated to teach a lesson to a smaller, weaker airforce of dated limited technology.
.. makes a claim about an unsubstantiated (success of ) airstrike somewhere inside Pakistan. claiming about blowing up camps and killing hundreds of terrorists with nothing to show but some graphics videos and a lot of Bollywood dramatics and then gets a rude awakening on 27th of February

a bigger country with all the money, resources, support and modern jets is reduced to complaining that PAF "cheated" and rubbed its face to the ground by "breaking terms of use" from a limited number of F-16s with restricted technology. acknowledging the kills from JF-17 would have been equally devastating but still it made fool of itself and looked pathetic that it was complaining that a limited number of F-16s with limitations (of missiles & avionics) were able to defeat its impressive fleet of modern jets filled with top end Russian, French, Israeli/ American technology.

I mean from..
the much hoped " Pakistan!!! get used to our preemptive airstrikes inside your country as this will be a new Normal"
we will tell America that Pakistan cheated by blowing our jets in the skies though F-16s.
and look this is a piece of an AMRAAM (that we may have recovered from the wreckage of helicopter or the arse of the SU 30). and then its PM (who sees himself as god of war raining fire on Pakistan from a firey chariot) complains that having Rafales would have turned the tables.

how humiliating it should be for any country that is beaten by a weaker force which doesn't enjoy the access to the Western technology

finishing point is
the real hurt in my opinion is self inflicted/ not the shooting down of its SU 30, Helicopter and Mig 21 but its complaints that Pakistan cheated and wishing it had more modern jets.


and @batmannow guys I agree with your points but lets stay on topic as it will really turn this thread into yet another similar thread on this forum.
Comenting bck on.the track , its not just about how bigger or advance forces they got , it always a man.behind machine , its always how good that man csn handle that machine ?
In that regurds , PAF is much bigger , much higher force to dealt with ?
These SUs PAF has rehearsed pretty well cause mostly more advance versions of those jets been used in PLAF ?
While indian jets lacks , techincal upgrads of thee jets and even not taken care good ?
If we give same fighter jets to PAF , im.prety sure results will be shockingly differnt ?
Biggest problem in.indian military establishment is they are croupt and only looks to get commission on the purchases , we hve a great example of RAFEAL , deal ?
Before that , why those mig 21 still been nor.decommissioned because they can be used for more upgrades which can.bring more money to those who wants to get the commission s on it ?
Thanks god pakistan doesnt hve that luxury around and it knows well its thier survival on stake ?
Evn though we been fooled in late 90s with not fully upgraded F16s which cant be flowen in.kargill?
But with JF17, comming into play pakistan has broken down whole dirty game ?
But when I , see 27feb showdown I feel , a great coordination.between our intell arm and planning div , they got most of the situation but still they should hve taken down more of the expensive birds rather then that flying cofins , they should hve taken down mirrages of IAF , cause once they are down IAF could hve lost its night attacking ability and wont be getting bck this year at least ?
Also , pakistan should hve opened up what happened to that israeli boggy who was leading abhinandan & others who were tailing our birds ?
It would hve won.us more political and financial millege ?
Also we still need a new multirole fighter jet , like SU 35,J10, or anything else.just a few sqdrns for a fast and sharpe rundown on.enemy bases

There is a difference between self created mind boggling conspiracies, stories and the business of state.

Have fun!
Sure but u cant feel the difference if u were never part of that , state?
then it all looks like a story , but facts remains still open , the deep quittness of kiyani at the time of OBL ops , still is laughble I.know it hurts as a pakistani , but that was that ?lol
. .
@batmannow one question comes to mind... if Israel was so willing to have themselves involved in Indo /Pak conflict, and ready to have the risks of getting exposed, than it clarify at least 2 issues:

1- India and partners have surely planned a full blown war with Pakistan, which in their minds would be a final day for Pakistan armed forces. What we know for sure, they were ready for a war on ground and in air. Their armed forces, all the way down was in a mood for bloodshed.

2- If India has so many influential western partners and as you pointed at Israel, are they not be working on at level of Pakistan's internal affairs? Don't you think they'll be having key ministers working on their agenda? Who knows Imran Khan him self is honey trapped! We know, UK have tried twice earlier on him and than this current transition, which happened in presence of MI5 agent (as they call Reham Khan) can't be give clean chit without any home work.

Last but not least.... what will be their next move, besides calling Imran Khan! Which has already happened.
Last edited:
You are a prime example of someone who is although living in a multicultural city, with a strong secular non-religious zeal yet harping non-sense such as how secularism is responsible for most of worlds mess. Besides that London does have its fair share of religious bigots from Muslim community, harp this utter ridiculous nonsense of yours that London is free of religious bigots who havent lived in London for over a decade.

Dont worry a crank like you wouldn't be taken seriously by anyone, not just me. You clearly stated that Pakistan should have accelerated the conflict to the next stage and somehow take over Kashmir. Please enlighten me how exactly Pakistan is supposed to do that? It was not an all out conflict, it was a skirmish which Indian planners never wanted to turn into a full blown conflict. Their goals were simple
1- To put a show for their domestic consumption and back Modis bellicose.
2- Change the Status quo of conflict escalation and establish a new precedent of attacking Pakistan when India sees fit. Indians did not reach this conclusion without Washingtons nod, they were assured that Pakistan wont do much and will be forced to accept this.

Dont go running all over the place, yes Pakistan did pay a heavy price for the WOT, but who had invited other peoples fight to our own house. It was us, India, Afghanistan and Iran all played a role in it, but it was the weakness of Pakistani states and its security apparatus that allowed it to happen.

Pakistan's economy is a mess, we are running across the globe asking for peanuts to keep us a float, so spare me this pseudo nationalistic non-sense of yours.

Your comments proved nothing other than that you are a crackpot who struggles to come up with a comprehensible narrative. You are the same creed as that in India who think of war as a joke, aka Orya Maqbool Brain dead crowd.
Half of nation still doesnt understand that the economy is a mess..even worse, they dont understand that economy is more important than military might and worse of all they dont understand that last 10 years corruption and making business difficult destroyed the economy ..

on top debts were taken to artificially paint a rossy picture ...

An easy escape is to blame the military ..when they have nothing to do with stupid policies PMLN and PPPP crafted
An easy escape is to blame the military ..when they have nothing to do with stupid policies PMLN and PPPP crafted
Off topic.. but it deserve a clarification, there were no policies to begin with.
Zardari was openly stealing everywhere, why he's not behind bars because foreign agencies are protecting him. While foreign agencies always have Pakistan's top slot in their pocket.
Off topic.. but it deserve a clarification, there were no policies to begin with.
Zardari was openly stealing everywhere, why he's not behind bars because foreign agencies are protecting him. While foreign agencies always have Pakistan's top slot in their pocket.
It takes time to put somelne legally behind bars..if done wrong it's useless...

Even if done right(like with PMLN) it still is highly un popular with people of Pakistan

Like it or not but their are million of people that are fans of our nawaz and zardaris...

Even if bhutto zardari shoots some one in public he will still win votes
It takes time to put somelne legally behind bars..if done wrong it's useless...

Even if done right(like with PMLN) it still is highly un popular with people of Pakistan

Like it or not but their are million of people that are fans of our nawaz and zardaris...

Even if bhutto zardari shoots some one in public he will still win votes

No one is fan of Zardaris but true PMLN has support among masses.

Our order of doing stuff is totally wrong.

Zardari & Gilani has done 100% corruption in National High Way projects, but no one is looking into it.
No one is fan of Zardaris but true PMLN has support among masses.

Our order of doing stuff is totally wrong.

Zardari & Gilani has done 100% corruption in National High Way projects, but no one is looking into it.
Zardari case is strong in court..question is who has the guts to put him in jail..i dont..if i had been the judge i would have recused my self..and why dont i..because of people of Pakistan ..why is our memory short..we conveniently forget that people overwhelming gave same zardari vote and made him president of Pakistan ..he than dismissed all previous strong cases against himslef on based of technicality

System is not rigged in Pakistan (thank you Allah) Its the peoples !

What is this---a bunch of young fools have joined the forum and are being let lose---.

Again---casually insulting a senior poster---. Have your parents or teachers not taught you manners how o present yourself when you enter a new place---?


Then I would say that better find some other roost---we have worked real hard to build this forum for over a decade---now please go somewhere else---.
I am going to ignore this post as it is totally without merit.

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