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The U.S. just sent a carrier strike group to confront China

But that don't mean we're all NAZIs!

Of course not, Nazi is just an ideology, dear. German is far deeper than ideology, it is genetic and ethnic identity.

I always had thought the Celts were from France for some reason. Had thought they were kin to the Gauls.

Taiwanese aborigines is the term commonly applied to the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, who number more than 530,000 and constitute nearly 2.3% of the island's population. Recent research suggests their ancestors may have been living on Taiwan for approximately 8,000 years before a major Han immigration began in the 17th century. Taiwanese aborigines are Austronesian peoples, with linguistic and genetic ties to other Austronesian ethnic groups, which includes those of the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Madagascar and Oceania. The issue of an ethnic identity unconnected to the Asian mainland has become one thread in the discourse regarding the political status of Taiwan.

The aborigines in Taiwan were also stiff fighters, for most of the time the Han immigration occured in Taiwan, the Han Chinese communities mostly were situated in the coastal areas. The interior of the island of Taiwan was unsettled due to the behavior of the aborigines, who were head hunters. Chinese or any non-aborigine settlers foolish in trying to enter the interior of the island were never seen or heard of again; as they were killed with out mercy.

When Japan gained possession of Taiwan after the 1st sino-japanese war, the first thing Japanese military did (ironically the reason why Japan invaded taiwan in the first place was because an incident took place in the late 19th century where a japanese civilian ship was marooned and the surivors were killed / executed by taiwanese aborigines. When the japanese government protested to the qing dynasty about indemnity, the qing emperor responded to the japanese delegation that his government didn't have control of the whole of the island; that answer was casus belli for japan) was conduct a massive pacification campaign on taiwan that was aimed at decimating the stiff aborigine resistance and population.

The war was brutal, but it was won. After the aborigine clans yielded to the Imperial Forces, the Japanese colonial government in Taiwan then encouraged the colonization of interior of taiwan by encouraging Han Chinese and Japanese to settle the interior. There was massive migration of Han and Japanese to the interior of the island.

Now most of the aborigines in Taiwan are not pure blooded aborigines anymore. They are mostly mixed now with Han and Japanese blood.

btw, if you like movies, i recommend a movie for you that highlights this struggle (i admit, japanese are seen in bad light in this movie, but interesting vantage point from the taiwanese aborigine perspective): The movie is sediq bale;

Taiwanese aborigines is the term commonly applied to the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, who number more than 530,000 and constitute nearly 2.3% of the island's population. Recent research suggests their ancestors may have been living on Taiwan for approximately 8,000 years before a major Han immigration began in the 17th century. Taiwanese aborigines are Austronesian peoples, with linguistic and genetic ties to other Austronesian ethnic groups, which includes those of the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Madagascar and Oceania. The issue of an ethnic identity unconnected to the Asian mainland has become one thread in the discourse regarding the political status of Taiwan.

The aborigines were also ferocious fighters. Thousands of them volunteered into the Imperial Japanese Army during the war and even before the war. Many of them were staffed into Japanese assault brigades, and some were assigned to the Emperor's Imperial Guards Divisions.

We have very good opinion of them. They fear not death.



The issue of an ethnic identity unconnected to the Asian mainland has become one thread in the discourse regarding the political status of Taiwan.

Well, most Aborigines in Taiwan are more Han than they are aborigine. Their blood has been so greatly diluted by infusion of Han (and Japanese) blood.

They may maintain some of their old rituals and festivals, but phenotypically speaking, they look more Han...






Diachronic distribution of Celtic peoples:
YELLOW: Core Hallstatt territory, by the 6th century BC
LIGHT GREEN: Maximal Celtic expansion by 275 BC
LIGHTEST GREEN Lusitanian area of Iberia where Celtic presence is uncertain
DARK GREEN The six Celtic nations which retained significant numbers of Celtic speakers into the early modern period
DARKEST GREEN Areas where Celtic languages remain widely spoken today
Celts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, even the French and a significant portion of the Spanish....
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They are not afraid. In fact, the Chinese members here are enthusiastic about it, with some of them commenting that they should "strike first".

does anyone of those people who made those comment's actually have military background??

china will be wipe out in less than 1hr in nuclear exchange quoted by russian generals.
if worst were to come.. america can always re-stockpile nukes to 77,000 like in cold war.
plus the missile defense shield is becoming better.. china has only around 300 nukes..

but american's don't brag about it.. ''arrogance'' will be a sin that God almighty will punish us for..
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does anyone of those people who made those comment's actually have military background??

china will be wipe out in less than 1hr in nuclear exchange quoted by russian generals.
if worst were to come.. america can always re-stockpile nukes to 77,000 like in cold war.
plus the missile defense shield is becoming better.. china has only around 300 nukes..

but american's don't brag about it.. ''arrogance'' will be a sin that God almighty will punish us for..

I doubt it.

They are just too ultra-nationalistic and ultra-patriotic that they would say things like they would destroy country A.
does anyone of those people who made those comment's actually have military background??

china will be wipe out in less than 1hr in nuclear exchange quoted by russian generals.
if worst were to come.. america can always re-stockpile nukes to 77,000 like in cold war.
plus the missile defense shield is becoming better.. china has only around 300 nukes..

but american's don't brag about it.. ''arrogance'' will be a sin that God almighty will punish us for..

Are you joking? Do you know that China has more than 5000 km of underground tunnels for nuclear army? Do you know that Chinese nuke can be run on railways, which even United States is considering now? US is very limited to locate Chinese nuke army and has no chance to give a deadly blow to Chinese nuke army at all. This is why China can keep nuke arsenals at only about 500 instead 1500+ for United States because we can guarantee a deadly revenge even if US strikes first. US may have far more nuke heads than China but Chinese nukes are integrated with more than 5000 km of underground tunnels plus the railway system. Unfortunately US doesn't have the technology to launch nukes from trains while China and Soviet Union can. China is not living under the mercy of United States.

It is always cheaper to develop destructive weapons than defense weapons. While United States is still betting on missile shield defense system, China will soon deliver nuke heads by hyper-sonic vehicles, which completely nullify this missile shield defense system. United States' strategy for 100% waste huge US resources and allow China to catch up on almost all fronts. Chinese strategy is to guarantee mutual destruction, which is significantly cheaper and allow more resources on research and development.

Lol I love how Chinese get lippy on some defence forum. When in reality even United States Marine Corps and United States Navy has better, well equipped and more fighter jets than entire PLAAF+PLAN+PLA combined. Don't even get me started on USAF. :agree:
You forgot the missile army with DF-21 and DF-26, which is the deadly trouble for US Navy and all US bases including Hawaii for conventional wars. Technically all US Navy except Submarines and those bases including Guam and Hawaii could be wiped out by Chinese Missiles within hours. Easy win over Iraq means nothing to wars between US/Chinba/Russia. US is forced to build more and more submarines instead of air carriers.

Whether you like or not, US navy is slowly pushed away from Chinese coasts. Just 10 years ago, US navy navigated along Chinese coasts in South China Sea; now you can dare to navigate along Philippine coasts. A navigation along SCS islands is such a cheer now.

Last two decades Americans lived on arrogance after the collapse of Soviet Unions. The whole country lacked the endeavor for major breakthroughs. Besides Apple, Facebook and Google etc which could be copied overnight, US has almost no major technology breakthroughs. You even were forced to ground space shuttles. The current generation of Americans are much more arrogant, but have much less working ethnics than those Americans in 70s and 80s. The collapse of Sovient Union seems also to give a deadly blow to United States. The arrogance destroyed American working ethnics.
Are you joking? Do you know that China has more than 5000 km of underground tunnels for nuclear army? Do you know that Chinese nuke can be run on railways, which even United States is considering now? US is very limited to locate Chinese nuke army and has no chance to give a deadly blow to Chinese nuke army at all. This is why China can keep nuke arsenals at only about 500 instead 1500+ for United States because we can guarantee a deadly revenge even if US strikes first. US may have far more nuke heads than China but Chinese nukes are integrated with more than 5000 km of underground tunnels plus the railway system. Unfortunately US doesn't have the technology to launch nukes from trains while China and Soviet Union can. China is not living under the mercy of United States.

you're flag says american? are you a american citizen? If you are , then know the america policy towards china/russia right?
''National Defense Authorization Act''
in short '' preemptive nuclear strikes'' if china/russia vs america were to go hot or if china were to attack american allies.

So NO, i'm not kidding. it's actual U.S law that has been been passed in 2011

as far as the underground bunkers, of course we know.. there's also rumored of china having 3,000 hidden nukes.
we have bunker busters & even tech to launch bunker buster from space ( hypervelocity rod bundles) ( FALCON HYPERSONIC CRUISE VEHICLE) i can keep going on.. etc etc...

it's russian generals who say's china will wipe out in 1 hr, not american statements. you should ask why russian's see it that way.

I''m not blind it's common knowledge that russian's has enough nukes to wipe out America & Nato not even our missile shield can defend against 8,000 nukes plus dummy missiles. + russia re-stockpile +50,000 in event of war.
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Being surrounded at close range means the multi-billion dollar American aircraft carrier is now within range of cheap naval artillery guns.

View attachment 297127

How exactly does that put the US Navy in an advantageous position?

The Chinese ships are also in international waters. There's no law against sailing close to a USN ship.
Clearly the vessel shown above is not a Type 052D, nor is there any indication 052Ds are present.

Sail a cheap ship like this directly up to an Arleigh Burke with all the guns drawn.
Remember, the Chinese ship is in international waters. No laws are being broken. Freedom of navigation.
You clearly lack understanding of what these laws and terms actually mean. Safety issues, clearly.

Our submarines sail in Indian territorial waters on our way to Pakistan. India is shocked when newspapers show photos of PLAN in Karachi. India is too busy blowing up its own aircraft carrier boiler :rofl:
We have yet to see your carriers boilers reliability in operation. And only an idiot captain would sail his precious Yuan, of which China has only 5, that close inshore if he doesn't have to.

Are you joking? Do you know that China has more than 5000 km of underground tunnels for nuclear army?.

"Mr. President, we must not allow a mineshaft gap!"


@MOD : request this kind of thread be shut down. Since none of the discussion is serious.
you're flag says american? are you a american citizen? If you are know the america policy towards china/russia right?
''National Defense Authorization Act''
in short '' preemptive nuclear strikes'' if china/russia vs america were to go hot or if china were to attack american allies.

So NO, i'm not kidding. it's actual U.S law that has been been passed in 2011

as far as the underground bunkers, of course we know.. there's also rumored of china having 3,000 hidden nukes.
we have bunker busters & even tech to launch bunker buster from space ( hypervelocity rod bundles) ( FALCON HYPERSONIC CRUISE VEHICLE) i can keep going on.. etc etc...

it's russian generals who say's china will wipe out in 1 hr, not american statements. you should ask why russian's see it that way.

I''m not blind it's common knowledge that russian's has enough nukes to wipe out America & Nato not even our missile shield can defend against 8,000 nukes plus dummy missiles. + russia re-stockpile in event of war.
I am just a PR with Chinese citizenship. US citizenship is not popular for Chinese with advanced degrees. US PR with Chinese citizenship allows you to utilize the resources in both China and United States, just like no borders between two countries, or the two largest economies. China and United States are really chimerica to Chinese citizenship with US PR.

Pivotal to Asia is very damaging to US-China relationship. It breaks up many technology partnerships between China and United States. Many Chinese gave up US P.R and completely went back to China, including VP and distinguished professors in top companies and universities.

United States has become very arrogant and speculative,not just Wall Street, but also top leaderships. Pivotal to Asia started with Hillary's speculative decision for quick return to strengthen her bid for presidency. By her design, China would just follow american order and Asian countries would rush to pay protection fees with numerous expensive defense orders.

China/Russia/USA forms the triangular relationship which is the foundation for the orders in this planet. When Soviet Union pushed too hard, China and USA formed alliance. Now USA is pushing too hard on both China and Russia. China and Russia relations are at its best time during last 300 years. Both sides are working hard to solidify the relationship with many unbelievable deals including interracial marriages.
USA hasn't made a secret of its rejection of Chinese claims to South China Sea. Sailing there is simply to show the communists that unlike so many other areas where US has become merely talk the talk, in this case the Japan Taiwan Philippines Vietnam needs are taken seriously.

The CPC understands that but is too nervous of openly giving up on the bellicose claims made in the past. So at random intervals they will do thinks like building an island or sailing some gunships ...just to show the Americans - actually to show the Vietnamese et al, that they are not 'that' scared of America.

Peel back all the layers, ultimately what you see is that America want cheap prices for its cleaning supplies and plastics; and China wants to keep making them for America. China doesnot dare upset that relationship because in spite of almost a decade of attempts at internal consumption, all they have managed to do is create mammoth local government debt ! realization is setting in that messing with America is like lighting their own sweet tail on fire.
United States is clearly making a huge mistake to underestimate Russia. Russian are creatures living in extremely cold environment and can endure hardships beyond imaginations of Chinese and Americans. Napoleon and Hitler made the mistake and United States is repeating the same. French, German, Chinese and Americans are living in almost the same latitude, but Russians are way much north. While most of us feel cold with zero degrees, Russians have no problems at all with -20 degrees. Russians was enjoying good living by just selling resources. The US sanctions awake them and will force them to restart the industrialization on many industries. You will soon see a much stronger Russia and pose great challenges to Europe, USA and China.

USA hasn't made a secret of its rejection of Chinese claims to South China Sea. Sailing there is simply to show the communists that unlike so many other areas where US has become merely talk the talk, in this case the Japan Taiwan Philippines Vietnam needs are taken seriously.

The CPC understands that but is too nervous of openly giving up on the bellicose claims made in the past. So at random intervals they will do thinks like building an island or sailing some gunships ...just to show the Americans - actually to show the Vietnamese et al, that they are not 'that' scared of America.

Peel back all the layers, ultimately what you see is that America want cheap prices for its cleaning supplies and plastics; and China wants to keep making them for America. China doesnot dare upset that relationship because in spite of almost a decade of attempts at internal consumption, all they have managed to do is create mammoth local government debt ! realization is setting in that messing with America is like lighting their own sweet tail on fire.
Chinese claims are strategic. Most of Chinese population and economic activities are located in the coastal area. China need South China Sea, Taiwan and East China Sea to protect this area. SCS claim was laid down by Nationalist Party after WWII, not by CPC. But both parties clearly see the strategic values of SCS. China has no problem for joint development with Vietnam and Philippines, but for security, not at all. Believe me or not, China is willing to go for nuke wars for SCS, not for resources in SCS, but for the long lasting security for areas such as Hong Kong and Guandong Province. Just as Cuba to United States and Ukraine for Russia.
I am just a PR with Chinese citizenship. US citizenship is not popular for Chinese with advanced degrees. US PR with Chinese citizenship allows you to utilize the resources in both China and United States, just like no borders between two countries, or the two largest economies. China and United States are really chimerica to Chinese citizenship with US PR.

Pivotal to Asia is very damaging to US-China relationship. It breaks up many technology partnerships between China and United States. Many Chinese gave up US P.R and completely went back to China, including VP and distinguished professors in top companies and universities.

United States has become very arrogant and speculative,not just Wall Street, but also top leaderships. Pivotal to Asia started with Hillary's speculative decision for quick return to strengthen her bid for presidency. By her design, China would just follow american order and Asian countries would rush to pay protection fees with numerous expensive defense orders.

China/Russia/USA forms the triangular relationship which is the foundation for the orders in this planet. When Soviet Union pushed too hard, China and USA formed alliance. Now USA is pushing too hard on both China and Russia. China and Russia relations are at its best time during last 300 years. Both sides are working hard to solidify the relationship with many unbelievable deals including interracial marriages.

USA has no intention/desire or anything to gain in picking up a fight with china.. our #1 enemy is russia, our eyes are pointed at russia.

It's very simple.. If china weren't picking a fight with Japan, Philippines. America will not adopt the asia-pivot policy.
it's Japan & Philippines who wanted american presence back in asia-pacific..

America will not abandoned it's asian allies ( Japan, S.korea, Philippines, taiwan is undeclared ally, & even thailand)

If the integrity of ''defense pact'' with asian allies break apart.. then our defense pact around the world (europe,latin america, iddle east) falls along with it..

When we mean defense pact, it mean's ''a attack on japan is a attack on american soil''

and Yes America actually prefer to work with china, but as of now, Things are getting Hot.
In the era of missiles, United States want to put the defending line as far as South Korea. China just wants to have a defense line from SCS, Taiwan and ECS.

USA has no intention/desire or anything to gain in picking up a fight with china.. our #1 enemy is russia, our eyes are pointed at russia.

It's very simple.. If china weren't picking a fight with Japan, Philippines. America will not adopt the asia-pivot policy.
it's Japan & Philippines who wanted american presence back in asia-pacific..

America will not abandoned it's asian allies ( Japan, S.korea, Philippines, taiwan is undeclared ally, & even thailand)

If the integrity of ''defense pact'' with asian allies break apart.. then our defense pact around the world (europe,latin america, iddle east) falls along with it..

When we mean defense pact, it mean's ''a attack on japan is a attack on american soil''

and Yes America actually prefer to work with china, but as of now, Things are getting Hot.
Of course Chinese understand the dilemma of United States. This is a typical dilemma for powerful empires, especially over-extended empires. In Chinese dynasties, Tang dynasty was the most powerful. The fall of Tang Empire started with a small war in Central Asia, or Afganistan now. The AnXi district governor wanted to protect one nomadic tribe under the threat of rising Arabic Empire. The district army lost the war and lost an army of 20,000 which could be ignored by just the district army. But many tribes under control by Tang Empire treated this as one big moment that Tang army could be defeated and revolted. After that, Tang empire was busy in crushing revolts and fell apart.

It is not easy for empires. As long as your weakness is shown, even your ally could be your enemy because they are so eager to fill in vacuums. Retreat is also very important for empires. Just as Vietnam, when United States started to give up on South Vietnam, it was a very successful retreat. US loss of lives in Vietnam war was completely mean-less. Now US even can expand your interests into North Vietnam.

There is a Chinese saying: A good army should make both good advancement and good re treatment. Clearly China views as Pivotal to Asia as a mindless advancement and wants to take advantage of it to militarize SCS. US cannot do anything to stop it since here US power is nearly at its maximum extension and very weak. As proved by Vietnam War, SCS is a resistance wall for US power.
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