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The truth about the Jessore massacre

Do you guys really think Lahore was traded with Calcutta, whereas Lahore had Muslim majority and Calcutta had slightly higher % age of Hindus !!!!

Only the bengali nationalist think such. Lahore is the heart of Islamic civilization in subcontinent as it known as mughal capital. They are soul lied in hindu majority Calcutta as they have same mind set. I would ignore them.
Well,the freedom fighters who brought you freedom WERE bengali nationalists.......bangladeshi identity evolved later.......and whats wrong with a bengali nationalism in a bangladeshi???
whats wrong with a bengali nationalism in a bangladeshi???

Probably nothing if you are a non Muslim but bengali first and muslim second is a pure mushriki concept. Bengali nationalist doesn't hesitate to down grade Islam to glorify Bengaliat. I hope now you understand.
My bad! Shouldn't have directly accused you! Sorry ! Forgot to add Probably before 'Pakistani Bacha' in haste.

When BRITS came to Sub-continent in 16th century, nobody knew English but we all wrote in English here, didn't we? You need a common language to unite people of different lineage and URDU provides that platform like Hindi does for Hindus of IND, thanks.

Communication language automatically develops, it shouldn't have been enforced. I dunno about pre-1971 but now Urdu is no doubt the language of inter-communication (rabtah) but i still agree other languages also deserve the status of national language. How ever, i frankly do not understand revolt against the federation on this issue.
Oh really? I never heard that Kolkata was traded for Lahore? If it were true then why Muslim Leaguers rioted in Kolkata to snatch it from Hindus? And how PAK could have it if Bangle were to be divided by dadas in 1946? After all Kolkata fell in WB, where Hindus were slightly higher than Muslims.
Pakistan movement was not a one day affair. In fact, before the country was formed nobody thought for sure that it would really happen. So, when at the last stage before Pakistan was formed Hindus demanded the division of Bengal, Muslims quickly agreed to it.

England was a ruined nation after the second world war and they were in an urgent need to build their own country. They had no time to keep on hearing the bickerings of Indian Muslims and Hindus. By a decision of the British Parliament, British were obligated to leave India as early as possible.

In a situation like this, whatever might have been their previous position vis-a-vis Bengal, the Muslim leaders of Bengal quickly accepted the division of Bengal and vacated Kolkata. However, there were leaders who wanted Kolkata to be incorporated into East Pakistan.

H.S Sohrawardy and A. K. Fazlul Huq wanted this city, but Khwaja Nazim-ud-Din was more comfortable without this city, because he was from the Nawab family of Dhaka. History would say that the 'Action Day' organized by H. S. Sohrawardy in Kolkata was directly responsible for the Hindus to accept partition of India.

Note that all these three leaders were at least one time Prime (Chief) Minister of Bengal. During Pakistan time, Nazim-ud-Din became the Governor General of Pakistan after the death of Quaed-e-Azam Muhammed Ali Jinnah. H.S Suhrawardy became also the PM of Pakistan and A.K. Fazlul Huq became the Home Minister.

However, this thread is all about some Jessore massacre in 1971.
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Do you guys really think Lahore was traded with Calcutta, whereas Lahore had Muslim majority and Calcutta had slightly higher % age of Hindus !!!!

Are you an idiot ? or an internationally acclaimed demographer...

That you are out to change the pre partition demographics of Calcutta?

Muslims had a slightly lower percentage than the Hindus?...Get some smoke ...
Are you an idiot ? or an internationally acclaimed demographer...

That you are out to change the pre partition demographics of Calcutta?

Muslims had a slightly lower percentage than the Hindus?...Get some smoke ...

You tell me foul mouth, were they higher in number than Hindus????
Communication language automatically develops, it shouldn't have been enforced. I dunno about pre-1971 but now Urdu is no doubt the language of inter-communication (rabtah) but i still agree other languages also deserve the status of national language. How ever, i frankly do not understand revolt against the federation on this issue.

& that's coz it was imposed as official language in the beginig.
If it was not so, then we would have had another issue to fight on... & divide on....... Half of us or so would be staring at others' faces while they were speaking...... :undecided: "Translators" would have been fastest growing profession....

If our mullas were present at time of Hazrat Usman(r.a) they might have killed him coz he burnt all copies of Quran except one, to keep muslims from dividing on that issue......
Likewise it was important to impose URDU as official language for sake of unity.....
Well,the freedom fighters who brought you freedom WERE bengali nationalists.......bangladeshi identity evolved later.......and whats wrong with a bengali nationalism in a bangladeshi???

Well, the explanation is little different. In the context of Pakistan, we were regarded as either Bangali, Punjabi, Sindhi, Balooch or Pathan. But, when East Pakistan emerged as Bangladesh, then the context changed. Now, we are supposed to be known as Bangladeshis internationally.

We have a few groups of tribal people in CHT, Sylhet, Mymensingh and some other places. We also have Mogh/Burmese and Biharis. It is not correct to call them Bangali, because they are not that. Although, because of the same religion and similar genetic background, Biharis will become Bangali today or tomorrow, but other groups are different and they want to remain so.

So, under the present context, it is no more correct to call all these people Bangali, but it is correct to call everybody a Bangladeshi. However, it is not incorrect if a Bangali calls himself a Bangali. If a person from the majority Bangali tries to call all other nationalities in BD as Bangali, he is definitely a fascist. This is what Sk. Mujib was.

But, again, this is supposed to be about the Jessore massacre in 1971.
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& that's coz it was imposed as official language in the beginig.
If it was not so, then we would have had another issue to fight on... & divide on....... Half of us or so would be staring at others' faces while they were speaking...... :undecided: "Translators" would have been fastest growing profession....

If our mullas were present at time of Hazrat Usman(r.a) they might have killed him coz he burnt all copies of Quran except one, to keep muslims from dividing on that issue......
Likewise it was important to impose URDU as official language for sake of unity.....
May be u r right but in west Pakistan it was understood by most of the people even back in 1947. I think it was well understood in East Pakistan too. What do u suggest should have been our language at 1947 for inter-communication, English ??? which is even more foreign
May be u r right but in west Pakistan it was understood by most of the people even back in 1947. I think it was well understood in East Pakistan too. What do u suggest should have been our language at 1947 for inter-communication, English ??? which is even more foreign

There is nothing to understand. When defining the state language, the main criteria is to having the majority of people speeks in it. Then you have other languages according to their demographic status. In 1947 majority of Pakistani speaks in Bengali, so it had the precedence over any other languages in Pakistan. So did in India, Hindi was spoken by majority of people and it was defined as the state language of India.
There is nothing to understand. When defining the state language, the main criteria is to having the majority of people speeks in it. Then you have other languages according to their demographic status. In 1947 majority of Pakistani speaks in Bengali, so it had the precedence over any other languages in Pakistan. So did in India, Hindi was spoken by majority of people and it was defined as the state language of India.
Only the present-day BD people are fond of telling that the majority language should have been granted the status of State language. But, there are other factors that need consideration, and nobody in the then East Pakistan demanded that Bengali, should be the only State language of Pakistan.

People in the east wanted to establish Bangla as only one of the two State languages. "Urdu Bangla Bhai Bhai, Rastra Bhasa Bangla Chai" was the slogan. A discussion on a past issue should be based on historically true points only.

If Pakistan would have been united until now, the west would have more than 170 million people against the east's 150 million. So, by the so-called majority only formula, Urdu would have been the only State language today of both east and west.
Only the present-day BD people are fond of telling that the majority language should have been granted the status of State language. But, there are other factors that need consideration, and nobody in the then East Pakistan demanded that Bengali, should be the only State language of Pakistan.

People in the east wanted to establish Bangla as only one of the two State languages. "Urdu Bangla Bhai Bhai, Rastra Bhasa Bangla Chai" was the slogan. A discussion on a past issue should be based on historically true points only.

If Pakistan would have been united until now, the west would have more than 170 million people against the east's 150 million. So, by the so-called majority only formula, Urdu would have been the only State language today of both east and west.

Yes Bengalis compromised in a lot of different things only to keep the Pakistan united despite hardship and horror. They accepted Urdu (infact learned urdu), accomodated and accepted W. Pakistanis in the lucrative jobs, allowed w. pakistani and biharis to dominate businesses. They also faught for Pakistan. But the question is how much reciprocacity W. Pakistani shown in return. Could you find a single W. Pakistani who ever tried to learn Bangla or even introduced that to any of the W. Pakistani curricular even though Bengali was granted as one of the State Language.
You have to go deep not just a show off.

PS: As you mentioned, If Pakistan still united, then Bengali would have been still the majority language as it would have been learned by more and more people, like Hindi in India which is still growing. Again only if that was meant to be the state language not an apeasing language to certain groups.
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