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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

So you agree with your "oldest and an independent" newspaper's investigation which proves that Kasab is from Pakistan and therefore that the subject of this thread is bogus?

No, i dont agree with them and will keep my fingers crossed as the drama unfolds. Their story seems to be half baked however they have the courage to defy the official line which is contrary to the propensity of Indian media in toeing official line. The most recent twist is the statement by a lawyer which is the subject of a separate thread. This developement only indicates that you pick and choose news from Pakistani media suiting your stance and it also indicates that the subject of this thread is very much applicabe to the unfolding drama. :wave:
No, i dont agree with them and will keep my fingers crossed as the drama unfolds. Their story seems to be half baked however they have the courage to defy the official line which is contrary to the propensity of Indian media in toeing official line. The most recent twist is the statement by a lawyer which is the subject of a separate thread. This developement only indicates that you pick and choose news from Pakistani media suiting your stance and it also indicates that the subject of this thread is very much applicabe to the unfolding drama. :wave:

Exactly & it seems the lawyer has a case going on in Nepal High court since February 2008 !

As we have always said .. don't jump to conclusions from day one .. the same was seen when dealing with Fazal the guy who is supposed to be hanged by the Indian high court for the parliament bombing ! Infact contrary to his verdict up to now Indian govt. cannot hang this guy due to the public sympathy which this guy has in Indian held Kashmir !

Lol .. yes the same even for which India mobilized half a million troops, had a picnic of nine months while loosing several fighter planes, troops due to friendly fire & equipment running over your own mines !
Exactly & it seems the lawyer has a case going on in Nepal High court since February 2008 !

As we have always said .. don't jump to conclusions from day one .. the same was seen when dealing with Fazal the guy who is supposed to be hanged by the Indian high court for the parliament bombing ! Infact contrary to his verdict up to now Indian govt. cannot hang this guy due to the public sympathy which this guy has in Indian held Kashmir !

Lol .. yes the same even for which India mobilized half a million troops, had a picnic of nine months while loosing several fighter planes, troops due to friendly fire & equipment running over your own mines !

How is Kargil even relevant to this discussion? It's sad that you still have to get your jollies from Kargil. Perhaps if you derived more joy from and focused more on the economic development of your country rather than enjoyed some supposed damages on the other side of the border, your country might be doing better as an economy.

It is also enlightening that you believe the word of some random Lawyer even after it has been denied by the Home ministry of Nepal (just google for the news story) and a leading newspaper in your country.

If the majority of people in India and Pakistan are as biased as you are, there will never be peace.
No, i dont agree with them and will keep my fingers crossed as the drama unfolds. Their story seems to be half baked however they have the courage to defy the official line which is contrary to the propensity of Indian media in toeing official line. The most recent twist is the statement by a lawyer which is the subject of a separate thread. This developement only indicates that you pick and choose news from Pakistani media suiting your stance and it also indicates that the subject of this thread is very much applicabe to the unfolding drama. :wave:

You choose to believe a story told by some random lawyer over the home ministry of Nepal AND the leading newspaper in your country..and you are accusing me of "picking and choosing"?

As for freedom of the press in India google for Arundhati Roy, Tehelka or read Op-Ed columns in any leftist newspaper in India. Do you seriously think the government of India can control the tens of thousands of media outlets in India any more than the govt. of Pakistan can control the hundreds of media outlets in Pakistan? And if they tried, you think the story wouldn't leak out? Two of our major channels are owned in part by CNN and Rupert Murdoch - you think they'd keep quiet if they were being censored?
oh phew.... incidently it is a red band. The RSS unfortunately happens to be an extremist organization, Yes, but I would not call them terrorists. With the implication of Lt. Col Purohit it came to light they did have involvement. However as I would say in the case of Pakistan ( this would hold for India too) - a few spoil the name of many many more who are indeed good

Not terrorists ? Oooh really .. so what would you call people blowing up trains & bombing their own cities ! Hindu Preachers ?

Any violence perpetrated by right wing Hindu groups (including RSS) is terrorism just as the anti-Shia violence inside Pakistan by Sunnis is terrorism.

The concerned people have been arrested and are in jail. If the court finds them guilty they will be hanged.
How is Kargil even relevant to this discussion? It's sad that you still have to get your jollies from Kargil. Perhaps if you derived more joy from and focused more on the economic development of your country rather than enjoyed some supposed damages on the other side of the border, your country might be doing better as an economy.

I hope you were not dozing or something while writing this.... "must7" was referring to year 2002 drama after parliament attack...... wake up and smell some cofee. Infact it is india who has not forgotten kargil. :lol:
You choose to believe a story told by some random lawyer over the home ministry of Nepal AND the leading newspaper in your country..and you are accusing me of "picking and choosing"?

Why shouldn't i???? because the same news paper and so many others also carried this nepalese story as well, why don't you now believe the same Pakistani media claiming another story????? Nepalese.... do i need say more.

As for freedom of the press in India google for Arundhati Roy, Tehelka or read Op-Ed columns in any leftist newspaper in India. Do you seriously think the government of India can control the tens of thousands of media outlets in India any more than the govt. of Pakistan can control the hundreds of media outlets in Pakistan? And if they tried, you think the story wouldn't leak out? Two of our major channels are owned in part by CNN and Rupert Murdoch - you think they'd keep quiet if they were being censored?

You missed the point here as well......problem is not censorship but the problem is demagoguery by indian media. They are presenting what they believe people want to hear i-e there is no problem in indian society, no injustice, no persecution of minorities and it is all rosy so no internal involvement, it has to be Pakistan. So your media is guilty of playing up on popular prejudice against Pakistan instead of objective reporting highlighting what is wrong with india itself.
Any violence perpetrated by right wing Hindu groups (including RSS) is terrorism just as the anti-Shia violence inside Pakistan by Sunnis is terrorism.

The concerned people have been arrested and are in jail. If the court finds them guilty they will be hanged.

Then why aren't the hindu fanatics put in jail. These double standards are hated in Pakistan. On one hand u want us to take action against a charity that did nothing but hindu terrorists are running around freely in your country.
On the last point, I have been increasingly getting the impression that certain commentators, with a specific political and ideological leaning have been waiting (impatiently) to continue their vile attacks on Islam with even more fervour, and these attacks present them the perfect opportunity. Just look at some of the headlines, allegations that there may be a British link, that there are some 4000 odd British Muslims who have been to terrorist camps and are global Jihadist sleeper cells, that Al-Qaida is responsible, that Pakistan is complicit, that Islam is by its very nature a violent and aggressive ideology, hell bent on killing infidels - think Mad Mel and her ilk!
Then why aren't the hindu fanatics put in jail.
Again, if they are guilty they will be put in jail.
These double standards are hated in Pakistan.
Give me a break, you have had supreme court justice removed from his post for not towing the official line. Masood Azhar was arrested in inside India and was let go after the plane hijack. Double standards aside, Pakistan cannot find anything to put this man behind bars in Pakistan. He didnt have visit visa to visit India, how did he land up in Indian jail?
On one hand u want us to take action against a charity that did nothing
Damn, I wonder why LeT and the dawa were proscribed as terror outfits by the international community. May be India arm twisted the UN and other countries? You are giving way too much credit to Indian ForAff ministry.
but hindu terrorists are running around freely in your country.
Why does it bother you so much?? Did they cross the border and come in to Pakistan to shoot Pakistanis? If they are running freely in my country we can take care of them. We do have a judicial system that cannot be messed by the President.

Also, thank you very much for your concern, but you should really look at the muslims killed in Pakistan rather than talk about muslims in India.
saw nawaz sharrif on tv saying that kasab is Pakistani and criticized zardari for his u-turns kills all the saffron and Indian act theory put by the Pakistani media and made them look like fools in front of the world media ,really funny and un professional media face of Pakistan has been shown to the world
I think the time has come for Pakistan to yield. If done now, it can still be done with a bit of grace. If later, their will be no dignity in doing so. And if Pakistan continues on its non-cooperative course, its citizenry will know that Pakistan is not being run for their benefit in the smallest degree and fracture in seeking out alternative loyalties: the tribe, India, the Taliban, the West...Could we even see the country become "West Bangladesh"? How ironic that would be!
I think the time has come for Pakistan to yield. If done now, it can still be done with a bit of grace. If later, their will be no dignity in doing so. And if Pakistan continues on its non-cooperative course, its citizenry will know that Pakistan is not being run for their benefit in the smallest degree and fracture in seeking out alternative loyalties: the tribe, India, the Taliban, the West...Could we even see the country become "West Bangladesh"? How ironic that would be!

Hogwash - show me one thing India has done to 'cooperate' with Pakistan.

She has refused to share evidence, she has refused to allow Pakistani interrogations or access to the captured terrorist to verify claims, she has refused to be part of a joint investigation.

At the same time, while refusing to share any information whatsoever with Pakistan, she has demanded 'Pakistan pursue evidence'.

It is time for India to shift from her 'non-cooperative course' and engae with Pakistani instead of continuing with the bluster and belligerence that has characterized her attitude since the Mumbai attacks.

Pakistan took the first steps towards cooperation by detaining Hafiz Saeed and Lakshvi, the latter alleged to be the mastermind behind the Mumbai attacks, and banning the JuD and seizing many of its assets. She asked for India to join a 'joint investigation' to prosecute the suspects and cooperate and share evidence to that end. Nothing has been forthcoming from India on that count.

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