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The Top Military Powers 20 Years From Now

Who is the dictator of China? Dictatorship implies that there is 1 unchanging leader after all.

i dont mean in a negative way..
the dictator or let me say the leader of china is chosen.
and its a good leader.
the people of china likes him and he controls the country with the biggest population pretty good.
chinese people should be proud of him..
alteast from my way of view..
however he can show some respect to our turkic people there.. when they clearly protested and shown their opinion.

and ptldM3 because Turkey has bigger population then france,uk and germany..
and turkey is growing really fast.. we have a high morale very young population..
our people mostly or let me say.. EVERYONE has been the military.
we have gone through alot of ..
but the military of europe is nothing more then advanced toys.. but thats it.
same with usa.. but usa does have skilled personall.
i dont mean in a negative way..
the dictator or let me say the leader of china is chosen.
and its a good leader.
the people of china likes him and he controls the country with the biggest population pretty good.
chinese people should be proud of him..
alteast from my way of view..
however he can show some respect to our turkic people there.. when they clearly protested and shown their opinion.

and ptldM3 because Turkey has bigger population then france,uk and germany..
and turkey is growing really fast.. we have a high morale very young population..
our people mostly or let me say.. EVERYONE has been the military.
we have gone through alot of ..
but the military of europe is nothing more then advanced toys.. but thats it.
same with usa.. but usa does have skilled personall.

I don't think this is what belowfreezing meant. I think he is just trying to say that Hu doesn't fit the definition of a dictator cause he will be replaced, peacefully, in a few years and that doesn't fit the definition of a dictator. I don't think he was offended.
i dont mean in a negative way..
the dictator or let me say the leader of china is chosen.
and its a good leader.
the people of china likes him and he controls the country with the biggest population pretty good.
chinese people should be proud of him..
alteast from my way of view..
however he can show some respect to our turkic people there.. when they clearly protested and shown their opinion.

and ptldM3 because Turkey has bigger population then france,uk and germany..
and turkey is growing really fast.. we have a high morale very young population..
our people mostly or let me say.. EVERYONE has been the military.
we have gone through alot of ..
but the military of europe is nothing more then advanced toys.. but thats it.
same with usa.. but usa does have skilled personall.

yes. i am saying, we don't have a dictatorship here. we have an "equality oriented democracy" in the words of one of our politics professors, Dr. Mao Shoulong. Dictatorship implies that one person holds unchanging power.

We also have very good terms for Turkic people in China. Every university in China has a halal cafeteria especially for Muslim students, and Uighurs in China still write using the arabic script which was cancelled in Turkey itself 100 years ago.

Totalitarian democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In his paper Advances in Chinese Social Sciences (2001), Mao Shoulong, a professor of Public Policy at Renmin University of China, takes a different position. He posits that totalitarian democracy, or what he terms "equality-oriented democracy," is founded on the idea that it is possible, and necessary, that the complete rights and freedoms of people ought not be held hostage to traditions and social arrangements. Shoulong recognizes that the term "totalitarian" has a connotation attached to it, used as it was by Giovanni Gentile to apply to the Italian fascist government led by Benito Mussolini. He sees the proponents of liberal democracy (or "Western" democracy) as holding a negative attitude to the word and believing that force is not an appropriate way to achieve a goal no matter the value of that goal. He prefers the term "freedom-oriented democracy" to describe such a political entity.
i dont mean in a negative way..
the dictator or let me say the leader of china is chosen.
and its a good leader.
the people of china likes him and he controls the country with the biggest population pretty good.
chinese people should be proud of him..
alteast from my way of view..
however he can show some respect to our turkic people there.. when they clearly protested and shown their opinion.

and ptldM3 because Turkey has bigger population then france,uk and germany..
and turkey is growing really fast
.. we have a high morale very young population..
our people mostly or let me say.. EVERYONE has been the military.
we have gone through alot of ..
but the military of europe is nothing more then advanced toys.. but thats it.
same with usa.. but usa does have skilled personall.

That's not how it works, economies, relavant combat experience, and self reliance all play a role. Countries such as France, Germany, and the UK have some of the best equiped armies in the world, and if we take France, for instance, we will see that France has one of the largest airforces in the world coupled with one of the largest navies in the world and supported by a well trained well equiped army.
For India's recognition as military power in the globally,there are 2 critical factors lacking
2.Cutting-edge R&D.

According to retired Maj. Gen. Mrinal Suman. :"In 2002, India established a defense procurement policy that was intended to reduce the percentage of critical defense items imported into India to 30 percent of the total. Instead, the proportion has climbed to 75 percent. General Suman noted that India has been unable to produce "a single defense system with cutting-edge technology. "

Indian Arms Exports Fall to 'Laughable' Level

So,i don't see much change in another 20 years ,even if we did manage to achieve say 50% depenence on foreign suppliers ,In terms of global ranking ,we may climb a bit ,say,over UK(no longer able to maintain large carriers),but far behind the top 3. i.e the gap will be heavy.

its funny that people still think that any country in Europe will be ahead of turkey..
especially in millitary.
it just gives a good boost of laugh.
in 2050 any possible threat would be china or india.
india's population is out of control.. i dont think they can even put in a strategy to strike.
while china is doing 1child policy and they are under dictatorship so changes can happen.

U.K. Germany France Italy Spain are all ahead of us. They have a better industry and better equipped troops and fully modern equipment across all branches.

We do not have this Possibly in the future there is a good chance we will(around 2020) but right now we are behind these countries. We have a larger army but this means little when they are not as well equipped and can't be mobilized in a short period (65%-70%) are also 15 month enlisted conscripts and 6 month officers. We have been addressing this issue however with downsizing and disbanding units to better equip them and professionalize them but still have a considerable way to go.

We are the best equipped as far as middle eastern forces go but these are not well armed armies to begin with.
U.K. Germany France Italy Spain are all ahead of us. They have a better industry and better equipped troops and fully modern equipment across all branches.

We do not have this Possibly in the future there is a good chance we will(around 2020) but right now we are behind these countries. We have a larger army but this means little when they are not as well equipped and can't be mobilized in a short period (65%-70%) are also 15 month enlisted conscripts and 6 month officers. We have been addressing this issue however with downsizing and disbanding units to better equip them and professionalize them but still have a considerable way to go.

We are the best equipped as far as middle eastern forces go but these are not well armed armies to begin with.

Why does Turkey enforce conscription? The likelyhood of Turkey fighting total war are nonexistent.
Why does Turkey enforce conscription? The likelyhood of Turkey fighting total war are nonexistent.

To sustain a capable force without it we would have 200,000 to 250,000 across our branches rather then around 600,000 to 700,000 we have now. We have not been able to professionalize into the needed troop level requirements yet. So mandatory conscription for all males is what is used. There are different proposal floating around about professionalizing but the military have said at the current time it is not a possibility. Being in the ME you always want to have a capable military.
I think Turkey has great potential in the 21st century. Considering how stable, economically strong, and progressive it is (at least compared to Arab countries), it can play a decisive role in maintaining peace in the Middle East.
yes. i am saying, we don't have a dictatorship here. we have an "equality oriented democracy" in the words of one of our politics professors, Dr. Mao Shoulong. Dictatorship implies that one person holds unchanging power.

We also have very good terms for Turkic people in China. Every university in China has a halal cafeteria especially for Muslim students, and Uighurs in China still write using the arabic script which was cancelled in Turkey itself 100 years ago.

Totalitarian democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In his paper Advances in Chinese Social Sciences (2001), Mao Shoulong, a professor of Public Policy at Renmin University of China, takes a different position. He posits that totalitarian democracy, or what he terms "equality-oriented democracy," is founded on the idea that it is possible, and necessary, that the complete rights and freedoms of people ought not be held hostage to traditions and social arrangements. Shoulong recognizes that the term "totalitarian" has a connotation attached to it, used as it was by Giovanni Gentile to apply to the Italian fascist government led by Benito Mussolini. He sees the proponents of liberal democracy (or "Western" democracy) as holding a negative attitude to the word and believing that force is not an appropriate way to achieve a goal no matter the value of that goal. He prefers the term "freedom-oriented democracy" to describe such a political entity.

Thanks for the information it suprised me about the halal cateria and the arabic symbols.
also for the system about leadership/goverment .

and @jigs and ptldM3..
I know european countries has fully latest equipped armies and all.. but.. I mean like the will of our soldiers,the skills,expriences.. I think Turkey becomes worldleader if it takes a major role in arab world and middle east plus if its army gets full equipment just like european countries.
we only lack equipment.
and the list is about 20years later.. so i think in that time Turkey is way behind those european countries
Thanks for the information it suprised me about the halal cateria and the arabic symbols.
also for the system about leadership/goverment .

and @jigs and ptldM3..
I know european countries has fully latest equipped armies and all.. but.. I mean like the will of our soldiers,the skills,expriences.. I think Turkey becomes worldleader if it takes a major role in arab world and middle east plus if its army gets full equipment just like european countries.
we only lack equipment.
and the list is about 20years later.. so i think in that time Turkey is way behind those european countries

Here is more information:

Chinese Islamic cuisine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many cafeterias (canteens) at Chinese universities have separate sections or dining areas for Muslim students (Hui or western Chinese minorities), typically labeled "qingzhen." Student ID cards sometimes indicate whether a student is Muslim, and will allow access to these dining areas, or will allow access on special occasions such as the Eid feast following Ramadan.

Uyghur alphabets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uyghur is a Turkic language spoken in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, administered by China, by the Uyghur people. It is a language with a long literary tradition, and has been written using numerous writing systems through time. Today, an Arabic-derived alphabet is the official writing system used for Uyghur in Xinjiang, but other alphabets are still in use, especially outside Xinjiang.

Uighurs are fully equal in Chinese society. We would not be an "equality oriented democracy" if some were discriminated against. In fact, as repayment for oppression under previous governments, Uighurs are given extra points on high school and college entrance exams. The rebels were a small group of terrorists who recieved money from the CIA.
Thanks for the information it suprised me about the halal cateria and the arabic symbols.
also for the system about leadership/goverment .

and @jigs and ptldM3..
I know european countries has fully latest equipped armies and all.. but.. I mean like the will of our soldiers,the skills,expriences.. I think Turkey becomes worldleader if it takes a major role in arab world and middle east plus if its army gets full equipment just like european countries.
we only lack equipment.
and the list is about 20years later.. so i think in that time Turkey is way behind those european countries

Sure we need to better equip troops,downsize for faster mobilization, retire our equipment in a timely matter and further develop our arms industry and finally expand our capability across all branches. If we do all this then we can pull ahead of many European nations.

Better relations with the Arab world and middle east has no effect on these matters as all these countries are behind us at this point anyway. In fact we export to many of them.

To break into the top 10 we would need to pull ahead of South Korea. Currently they are a exporter of arms to us. We must have a industry where we can export to them and other major countries. Our arms spending is 19 billion atm(South Korea spends 27 billion). This must be expanded to 25 billion at least and we have to also meet or exceed our arms export goal of 1.5 billion dollars for this year.
Well this thread is going nowhere. Just to come back to topic and making it a bit more acceptable, should not we define the tools one must have today to become the great military power in future?

Let me start with some

Strong economy.
Good technological background
Vast industrial base
R&D infrastructure
Ability to make alliances
Quality education/training

The list can be long. Lets add more and then discuss all the potential candidates on these points.
Its Self praising thing...........He putted India on number 2......i think he forget or mistyped....it must be one number one.....
As i met many Indians.......if you talk to them they always claim that in NASA 60% are Indians............In Microsoft 70% are Indians and blaw blaw............
They are contributing well in world but not to that extent ....they always pose.....must be realistic.
Its Self praising thing...........He putted India on number 2......i think he forget or mistyped....it must be one number one.....
As i met many Indians.......if you talk to them they always claim that in NASA 60% are Indians............In Microsoft 70% are Indians and blaw blaw............
They are contributing well in world but not to that extent ....they always pose.....must be realistic.

Even if that is true, it should be the deepest shame of India.

In China, whenever we hear about some Chinese of foreign nationality get some prize, our first reaction is not pride. It is deep shame that they chose to go to a foreign country to do this research.

Indians on the other hand take pride in the accomplishments of their colonial masters using their own as slaves. Like how they think ArcelorMittal is great because the boss was born in India... well no, ArcelorMittal has nothing to do with India, it's a Luxembourg company run by the British, what does that have to do with India? Sane indians even know they're ruled and fooled by foreigners but powerless to stop it.
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