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The Time Is Now...

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yara I know that an Islamic state is established on Islam, the point I am making is that all an Islamic state needs is to be on Islamic principles guided by Quran and Sunnah. so thats why the system is not necessarily divine, it was primarily Caliph Omar r.a. who established the system...got my point ?

wat i got is: nak is trha pakro ya us trhaan!
Islamic state needs is to be on Islamic principles guided by Quran and Sunnah. so thats why the system is not necessarily divine

leader..a system based on quran and sunah is not divine?????????:confused:
wat i got is: nak is trha pakro ya us trhaan!

hmm...alright, have you studied the manifesto of Islamic brotherhood, its worth reading and I doubt that any one who upholds the muslim identity will reject it.
With the revolutions in the Muslim world in full swing and now spreading from North Africa to the Middle East Western nations are attempting to hijack the Ummah's demand for change and labelling the protests as demands for democracy, freedom and Western values. It should be remembered that those informing us of what the ummah demand are the very same countries that constructed the architecture the ummah is working to remove.
:0 Hizb ut tahrir!

HuT? hhahahahah! Mostly the loonies settled in UK. So what's new?

Living in the West, on the dole outs of Christian taxpayers, and still blabbering about Khilafa Lafafah. What a joke. Sir do you have any better jokesters than HuT boys?
HuT? hhahahahah! Mostly the loonies settled in UK. So what's new?

Living in the West, on the dole outs of Christian taxpayers, and still blabbering about Khilafa Lafafah. What a joke. Sir do you have any better jokesters than HuT boys?

i wonder y ppl against H.T r found on net ONLY?????????

y intellectuals,gernalists,politicains don't give such comments?
my brother u cannot tell or inject ur ideas in all these people(rising around the world)

and u shud know nationalism is haram,wen we believe in LA ILLAHA ILL ALLAH we have to follow ALLAH'S commands,we cannot follow or rise for democracy,it's against our aqeeda,so even if we try to rise for "some perfect democracy" we can see wat it results in?

You are going to make this revolution a failure by going down this path. Avval, Aakhir, sirf Pakistan. Egypt didn't fight for Islam, Tunisia didn't fight for Islam... Neither did Libya. Bahrain fought for Islam and its fight failed.

You are making a big mistake and in the end, let me tell you the enemies of Pakistan want you to raise Islamic slogans, so that all our friends run away thinking we are religious nutjobs.
Wishing all the best .

Its time.. you, yourself decide on the destiny of your nation.
Muslims the world over from Pakistan, to Tunisia, to Egypt, Yemen, Palestine, Jordan and even Albania have showed their utter mistrust and disapproval of the tyrant rulers imposed upon them

.The Ummah has adopted the numerous injunctions in the Quran and Sunnah to take their rulers to account and hold them to task for their transgressions:

"You are the best nation produced for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah" (Quran 3:110)

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said
"By Him in whose hand is my soul, you must enjoin the Ma'aruf and forbid the Munkar, otherwise Allah will be about to send His punishment upon you. And then if you pray to Him (to ask Him), he would not answer you."

The Messenger of Allah also صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"The master of martyrs is Hamza bin Abdul-Muttalib and a man who stood to an oppressor ruler where he ordered him and forbade him so he (the ruler) killed him."

in fact, the Muslims have been taking their rulers to task since Abu Bakr became Khalifah to this very day, but what is new is that the Muslims have openly dared to call for change against their rulers. Acting upon their Islamic convictions the choke hold over the people has been loosened and they have gained confidence.

These Western backed tyrants should take heed from the the anger of the Muslim Ummah, for she demands their removal and the Kufr system that produces their oppression. The issue is not to remove the individual tyrants like Ben Ali, Hosni Mubarak, King Abdullah, Asif Ali Zardari or any of the other Muslim rulers while the very system that they govern remains alive and well. It is rather the man made systems that they govern; the very system that produces such tyrants. For the past 90 years, the Ummah has tasted the bitter fruits of nationalism, communism, democracy and dictatorship. Now it yearns for the sweetness of Islam.

uproot the unjust man made systems and pave the way for the establishment of the rule of Allah, "the guided Khilafah" in its place.

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

thread delete ya close krnay walay pr drone attack ho ga inshallah!

pakistan is not an islamic country, pakistan is islamic state by name, the thugs corrupts and criminals are ruling the country, pakistan army is killing its own citizens,

just few days before innocent chechens were murdered when army bullets were sprayed on these innocent women

the only action by bringing the army criminals and govt criminals to justice and executing the sentences to them will only improve the conditions in pakistan
if army spray bullets on innocent pakistani men and women and those who are innocent humans, i donnu how can a nation with such animal behaviour survuve for long, infact we as a nation deserve more painful death then those kaum e samud and qoum e lut nations of hazrat yusuf and lut AS

last time when pak army resorted to such human rights violations, the justice came in the form of the breaking of our country and thousands of army generals were worst humiliated through surrender and arrest
if a civilian murders a guy, he gets an execution, but if army generals kills innocents they get american aids, the vast treasures and lands of our country, prostitutes..

why there is a difference between a civilian and a general
Islamic state needs is to be on Islamic principles guided by Quran and Sunnah. so thats why the system is not necessarily divine

leader..a system based on quran and sunah is not divine?????????:confused:

a system is a very broader term, lets say the Constitution is Quran and Sunnah, so The System is based upon it, not itself to be divine...
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