What is in your limited mind shows that you do not have the lowest standards of understanding or evaluation
As I am any nationality, what is its importance in the first place, and the story of you, any nationality, is an expression of your distinguished ability to deal with an eloquence.
Sisi assigns state projects to the army, and their economic efficiency is limited, and historically the army in its previous wars is not as good as its performance
In the economic field, their companies do not make profits because they do not have the slightest efficiency in management. We are able to crush them in the field of exporting their products by exporting from other countries.
The Egyptian state owes 140 billion dollars, in addition to a local debt of 4,500 billion Egyptian pounds, and its confiscation does not exceed 30 billion in 2020, and currently the first 9 months of their exports are 25 billion dollars, and despite the suppression of imports and restrictions, the result is that the government budget is most of its activities to pay off debts and interest debts. What is the reason for this borrowing to please the West and not Implementation of projects in the BOT style, but rather the insistence on borrowing because of loan commissions and because of assigning contracting work to the army for personal interests. The result is catastrophic. You sell your local debts internationally to become a hostage, and Egypt will be worse than Turkey in the field of debts because you do not own the policy-making used to bring taxes from the people in huge quantities. Disastrous, which is the contraction of the private economy for the tenth month in a row and the refusal of businessmen to work in Egyptian companies in Egypt. Rather, Naguib Sawiris, for example, establishes European companies when he wants the Egyptian government to participate in projects and not with his local companies until he sue them internationally in the event of their failure to pay and this is followed by implicating businessmen in work Then they do not pay the money to the contractors and others The future generations in Egypt are responsible for paying the current debts
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And you know, Sisi has failed in many files
He announced that he would bring in foreign investments 5 years ago, 20 billion dollars annually for several years and failed to implement.
He announced that he would increase exports to 100 billion within 3 years, but he failed, and more than a year and a half passed.
Who stopped the labor training program in Egypt, 500,000 workers were trained annually
Whoever withdraws the funds of the Arab Organization for Industrialization that it uses in the projects, it was withdrawn in the SISI time and became indebted to all parties. Rather, it offered to sell its land to one of the creditor banks.
The first year of his rule, in which Sisi canceled the export subsidy, and it collapsed to less than 19 billion, then he was forced to pay the export subsidy until it rose slightly.
Who made energy prices high and even increased them, so he removed the Egyptian factories from the export framework in the first place, and things were even more catastrophic. Huge fees were imposed on the quarries of raw materials in Egypt.
Why failed to export as a result of the huge burdens and consequently the failure of the export system
Who suspended the industrial modernization program?
The result is disastrous
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لقاهرة - رويترز
نشر في: 03 نوفمبر ,2021: 11:05 ص GST آخر تحديث: 03 نوفمبر ,2021: 11:23 ص GST
أظهر مسح نُشرت نتائجه اليوم الأربعاء، أن نشاط القطاع الخاص غير النفطي في مصر انكمش للشهر الحادي عشر على التوالي في أكتوبر، بفعل تباطؤ الإنتاج جراء
مشاكل سلاسل التوريد العالمية التي أثرت كذلك على توقعات الإنتاج المستقبلية.
تراجع مؤشر آي.إتش.إس ماركت لمديري المشتريات إلى 48.7 من 48.9 في سبتمبر، أي دون مستوى الخمسين نقطة الفاصل بين النمو والانكماش.
وقالت مؤسسة آي.إتش.إس ماركت "كانت هناك مخاوف متنامية بين الشركات من اشتداد اضطراب الإمدادات في الشهور المقبلة مما قد يحد من التعافي الاقتصادي، الأمر الذي أدى إلى تراجع كبير في توقعات الإنتاج عن مستواها القياسي المرتفع في سبتمبر".
قصص اقتصادية اقتصاد أزمة سلاسل التوريد.. متى تنتهي معضلة العام 2021؟
وأضافت: "صعوبة الحصول على مجموعة كبيرة من المواد الخام والمكونات أجبرت الشركات غير النفطية في مصر على خفض مستويات إنتاجها".
ومضت المؤسسة تقول إن مخزون المدخلات هبط بأسرع وتيرة منذ يونيو 2020، مع سحب الشركات من المخزونات لدعم نشاط الأعمال.
انخفض المؤشر الفرعي لتوقعات الإنتاج المستقبلية بشدة إلى 65 من 85.7 في سبتمبر، في ظل مشاكل سلاسل التوريد التي لها تأثير كبير على الشركات.
وقال ديفيد أوين الخبير الاقتصادي في آي.إتش.إس ماركت: "كان أكثر ما يثير قلق الشركات أن يؤدي التضخم المرتفع إلى تراجع الطلب وتحويل مسار الانتعاش الاقتصادي".
وانخفض المؤشر الفرعي للطلبات الجديدة إلى 48.7 من 49.1 في سبتمبر، بينما انخفض المؤشر الفرعي للإنتاج إلى 47.5 من 48.9.
The state delivers a debt of 1600 billion local pounds, which is raised to more than 4500 billion currently, and it is increasing daily
The foreign debt has increased from 49 billion to 140 billion and every month the foreign debt increases by one billion dollars to pay the interests of previous loans, that is, he borrows in order to repay the interest on the loans. Is this a success and magic?
Who told you that any project implemented in Egypt is implemented with transparency, rather all of them are implemented with lack of transparency, direct attribution and huge corruption, but the corrupt cannot be prosecuted because it does not allow that
The result is the inability of the economy to achieve real growth. Countries are built by productive activity and not by contracting works whose main purpose is commissions and bribes.
You are simply your opinion, I do not care, and I am an opinion that some may not take into account, but on the ground we are the ones who implement our will through our choice in economic dealings and investment in other countries is 1000 times better than Egypt.
Your disrespectful words simply have no value to me because we are talking about facts and figures, the inability of some to respond, and the preference for silence is not a rejection but an inability to respond.
Even in the military council, serious matters, disasters and accusations are directed against some, which we do not announce so as not to wage war against us to expose them.
Another thing. What is the value of your response? Do you add anything of value? Of course not, and without greetings
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