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The Slaves of Arabia

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Arabs are arrogant as****** who are riding on their oil money. Once that runs out, they're going to go back to being pimps and selling dates on the streets.
I used to be in the Merchant Navy, sailors all over the world hate the Arabs-in particular the Saudis.
Arabs are arrogant as****** who are riding on their oil money. Once that runs out, they're going to go back to being pimps and selling dates on the streets.
I used to be in the Merchant Navy, sailors all over the world hate the Arabs-in particular the Saudis.

Maybe they hate you for hating them? or maybe they hate you for believing in false material gods?

Or maybe they hate you for being too stupid to paint everyone with the same brush? i.e. making idiotic generalizations and stereotyping

Saudis and their henchmen are not Representatives of all arabs in the world (Egypt, syria, palestine, iraq and all the way to yemen)

Get this out of your wee brains.

Let me add some words here as I have been living and working as an Ex-Pat here in Saudi.

I would subscribe to a different point of view here.
Any one who is criticizing Saudi Arabia, is being a little short sighted here.

I have not found any one "racist" here,

I have met people who I didn't even know and made friends.
I have come across people on the street, juice shop ( Saudi People) who make friends in less than 60 seconds, and insist in paying for the dinner.

I have come across "Mutawa" who made friends instantly, and wanted me to visit them in their city.

I have come across other "Mutawa" who offered to take me for Umera as a token of their hospitality.

I have come across land lords, who gives me discount ONLY because I am a Pakistani.

I have come across friends from Saudi Arabia, who visit my apartment every week, and ask how I am doing and if any thing is wrong Even when I am not at the apartment, they wait for me.

I came across immigration officers, who processed my case out of line, in less than 5 minutes, driver's license officers who wanted to give me the license without the test.

Arab Taxi drivers who would say "Subhan Allah" when I tell them I am a Pakistani, and pray with me for Pakistan.

I have not met a single arab, be it Palestenian, Jordanian, Syrian, Saudi, who have turned hostile because I am a Pakistani.

I have no doubt to say that I love Saudi Arabia, just like I love Pakistan.
there is no other place in the world where I would be as comfortable as I am here.

If any one feels different, he / she are welcome to come and visit.

If any one feels he is being discriminated please study the trends back in Pakistan -> Punjabi VS Mohajir, Saraiki VS Punjabi, Sindhi Vs Punjabi.

It at all, it is in us, that we always try to find an excuse to complain.

so, quit sobbing and moaning, and get to work.
Here in US, Pakistanis and Arabs get along just fine. So many of my Pakistani friends are married to Arab women. I just attended a Pakistani-Arab wedding yesterday. I never heard an Arab here saying anything negative about Pakistanis and Pakistan. We pray in the Mosques here together, we play basketball together, some Arabs love eating Pakistani food, we also eat their Arabic food with them, but here theres not many Gulf Arabs, there are many Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, and Egyptians where I live. After 9/11 the Muslim community became very close because some Americans here became racist against all Muslims not only Arabs or not only Pakistanis but all Muslims.

Indians here, however, always have something negative to say about Pakistan and Pakistanis but we Pakistanis do the same against Indians and India.

By the way, who are the Gulf Arabs supporting? TTP or Afghan Taliban?

Do you guys know that even some Arabs are racist against each other?

Like the Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, and Lebanese dont like the Gulf Arabs and vice versa.
If any one feels different, he / she are welcome to come and visit.

one has to go to Saudi to check ur comments.??:rofl::rofl:.funny....I've been in Muscat,Dubai & saudi arabia..and i've never come across anyone who prefers a Pakistani than an Indian..go anywhere,the moment u leave ur subcontinent..ur know as a "Paikki"...whether ur in UK or anywhere else..but after 9/11 and other subsequent terror attacks things are getting worse for Pakistani esp in Europe & US..I've overheard Pakistani muslims identifying themselves as Indians for fear of repression
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one has to go to Saudi to check ur comments..funny....I've been in Muscat,Dubai & saudi arabia..and i've never come across anyone who prefers a Pakistani than an Indian..go anywhere,the moment u leave ur subcontinent..ur know as a "Paikki"...whether ur in UK or anywhere else..but after 9/11 and other subsequent terror attacks things are getting worse for Pakistani esp in Europe & US..I've overheard Pakistani muslims identifying themselves as Indians for fear of repression

First of all, we are not discussing other countries other than SA. Dont start things which are not needed in this particular thread. And the Ex-Pat is overly exagerating about how he is treated in disneyland. More than ample proof exists of exactly the opposite happening. And no I am not gonna google it for you.
one has to go to Saudi to check ur comments.??:rofl::rofl:.funny....I've been in Muscat,Dubai & saudi arabia..and i've never come across anyone who prefers a Pakistani than an Indian..go anywhere,the moment u leave ur subcontinent..ur know as a "Paikki"...whether ur in UK or anywhere else..but after 9/11 and other subsequent terror attacks things are getting worse for Pakistani esp in Europe & US..I've overheard Pakistani muslims identifying themselves as Indians for fear of repression

You are entitled to your own experiences, and I have narrated my own experience.

Your comment reflects your lack of knowledge and experience and almost the same dream Indian government seems to be living in Afghanistan.

there are plenty of Indian Muslims here, and I have almost all of them to love Pakistan.

Swallow it, even the ones from Extreme south ( Tamil etc) associated with Pakistan, than a fellow Tamil who was not Muslim.
don't even get me started with the Kerela folks ;)

If it is of solace, I will fire a Indian today, he is not a muslim !
u have yourself to blame...

you got that right Sunil. lol
we blame everything on outside forces
its our own tendencies to be influenced.

anyway you guys also have your own problems but your goverment is doing a good job of keeping it under wraps

we cant
You are entitled to your own experiences, and I have narrated my own experience.

Your comment reflects your lack of knowledge and experience and almost the same dream Indian government seems to be living in Afghanistan.

there are plenty of Indian Muslims here, and I have almost all of them to love Pakistan.

Swallow it, even the ones from Extreme south ( Tamil etc) associated with Pakistan, than a fellow Tamil who was not Muslim.
don't even get me started with the Kerela folks ;)

If it is of solace, I will fire a Indian today, he is not a muslim !

me 2 love pakistan. Frnd. We both r same. No hate from our side..
every country has its idiots, and we are all against them no matter where they come from. I would never respect anyone, not even my own brother if he does wrong and is an idiot.
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Hating on other people wont solve our problems. Sure south asian workers live in dismal conditions in the gulf but does that mean that we can generalise all Arabs(smthn like 400 million people) into one group? Good and bad people exist everywhere!
Nothing going to happen by what ever you say, our thingtank would do wat the best is, any way Muslim are one body you cant cut them.. Mostly few again and again posting against Islam and Muslim.. Are they Pakistani or Muslim they could be Indians and Non Muslim just nieglet them.
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In KSA saudis perfer Pakistani for jobs. Thousand of Pakistani doctor visa is giving now-a-days. In Oman, Bharian, UAE and Saudia they happy to learn Urdu. They choose Pakistani products if they have option. They have best relation with us. Nomatter if few dirt of west dont like them.. And they are well from west who scan us nudly in airports.. Aint they?
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