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The Slaves of Arabia

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Islam is reality and not fantasy. Read my post to understand what i said.

when you become a Muslim Islam says you are just a Muslim and there is no preference given to an Arab over a non-Arab.

Please go back and read the Khutba (address) of Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of Allah on the occasion of Hajatulwida
I understand what you are saying, that islam teaches us equality, there is no denying that. But you need to understand what is being talked about in this thread and that is Arab racism and their sheer racist behavior towards South Asians. Could it be that they don't and care and are ignoring what the Prophet (pbuh) said in his last khutaba about no race having superiority over the other race. You don't think that it's possible? Have you talked to anyone who's come back from the gulf states about any discrimination against them from the Arab community? Did any one tell you they had to give up their sitting spot to an arab inside Makkah and upon protest the Arab guard took the Arab's side?
Guy's use words wisely, our Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) was arab too.

Just say current lot of arab's r A*s hole's. :cheers:
“The Taliban receive more funding from the Gulf States than they do from the narcotics trade”.

the fact is that world is ignoring the funding of these thugs by the saviors of Islam & so called Khadam-e-Harmeen, the people who say no non muslims can enter Makkah but when time came they didnt hesitated to call in French Commandos to save Kabbah from rag tag militants

Documents: Financial Links Between Saudi Royal Family and Al Qaeda

WASHINGTON — Documents gathered by lawyers for the families of Sept. 11 victims provide new evidence of extensive financial support for Al Qaeda and other extremist groups by members of the Saudi royal family, but the material may never find its way into court because of legal and diplomatic obstacles. The case has put the Obama administration in the middle of a political and legal dispute, with the Justice Department siding with the Saudis in court last month in seeking to kill further legal action. Adding to the intrigue, classified American intelligence documents related to Saudi finances were leaked anonymously to lawyers for the families. The Justice Department had the lawyers’ copies destroyed and now wants to prevent a judge from even looking at the material.

The Saudis and their defenders in Washington have long denied links to terrorists, and they have mounted an aggressive and, so far, successful campaign to beat back the allegations in federal court based on a claim of sovereign immunity.

Allegations of Saudi links to terrorism have been the subject of years of government investigations and furious debate. Critics have said that some members of the Saudi ruling class pay off terrorist groups in part to keep them from being more active in their own country.

But the thousands of pages of previously undisclosed documents compiled by lawyers for the Sept. 11 families and their insurers represented an unusually detailed look at some of the evidence.

Internal Treasury Department documents obtained by the lawyers under the Freedom of Information Act, for instance, said that a prominent Saudi charity, the International Islamic Relief Organization, heavily supported by members of the Saudi royal family, showed “support for terrorist organizations” at least through 2006.

A self-described Qaeda operative in Bosnia said in an interview with lawyers in the lawsuit that another charity largely controlled by members of the royal family, the Saudi High Commission for Aid to Bosnia, provided money and supplies to the terrorist group in the 1990s and hired militant operatives like himself.

Another witness in Afghanistan said in a sworn statement that in 1998 he had witnessed an emissary for a leading Saudi prince, Turki al-Faisal, hand a check for one billion Saudi riyals (now worth about $267 million) to a top Taliban leader.

And a confidential German intelligence report gave a line-by-line description of tens of millions of dollars in bank transfers, with dates and dollar amounts, made in the early 1990s by Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz and other members of the Saudi royal family to another charity that was suspected of financing militants’ activities in Pakistan and Bosnia.

The new documents, provided to The New York Times by the lawyers, are among several hundred thousand pages of investigative material obtained by the Sept. 11 families and their insurers as part of a long-running civil lawsuit seeking to hold Saudi Arabia and its royal family liable for financing Al Qaeda.

Only a fraction of the documents have been entered into the court record, and much of the new material is unknown even to the Saudi lawyers in the case.

The documents provide no smoking gun connecting the royal family to the events of Sept. 11, 2001. And the broader links rely at times on a circumstantial, connect-the-dots approach to tie together Saudi princes, Middle Eastern charities, suspicious transactions and terrorist groups.

Saudi lawyers and supporters say that the links are flimsy and exploit stereotypes about terrorism, and that the country is being sued because it has deep pockets and was home to 15 of the 19 hijackers.

“In looking at all the evidence the families brought together, I have not seen one iota of evidence that Saudi Arabia had anything to do with the 9/11 attacks,” Michael Kellogg, a Washington lawyer representing Prince Muhammad al-Faisal al-Saud in the lawsuit, said in an interview.

He and other defense lawyers said that rather than supporting Al Qaeda, the Saudis were sworn enemies of its leader, Osama bin Laden, who was exiled from Saudi Arabia, his native country, in 1996. “It’s an absolute tragedy what happened to them, and I understand their anger,” Mr. Kellogg said of the victims’ families. “They want to find those responsible, but I think they’ve been disserved by their lawyers by bringing claims without any merit against the wrong people.”

The Saudi Embassy in Washington declined to comment.

Two federal judges and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals have already ruled against the 7,630 people represented in the lawsuit, made up of survivors of the attacks and family members of those killed, throwing out the suit on the ground that the families cannot bring legal action in the United States against a sovereign nation and its leaders.

The Supreme Court is expected to decide this week whether to hear an appeal, but the families’ prospects dimmed last month when the Justice Department sided with the Saudis in their immunity claim and urged the court not to consider the appeal.

The Justice Department said a 1976 law on sovereign immunity protected the Saudis from liability and noted that “potentially significant foreign relations consequences” would arise if such suits were allowed to proceed.

“Cases like this put the U.S. government in an extremely difficult position when it has to make legal arguments, even when they are the better view of the law, that run counter to those of terrorist victims,” said John Bellinger, a former State Department lawyer who was involved in the Saudi litigation.

Senior Obama administration officials held a private meeting on Monday with 9/11 family members to speak about progress in cracking down on terrorist financing. Administration officials at the meeting largely sidestepped questions about the lawsuit, according to participants. But the official who helped lead the meeting, Stuart A. Levey, the under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, has been outspoken in his criticism of wealthy Saudis, saying they have helped to finance terrorism.

Even if the 9/11 families were to get their trial in the lawsuit, they might have difficulty getting some of their new material into evidence. Some would most likely be challenged on grounds it was irrelevant or uncorroborated hearsay, or that it related to Saudis who were clearly covered by sovereign immunity.

And if the families were to clear those hurdles, two intriguing pieces of evidence in the Saudi puzzle might still remain off limits.

One is a 28-page, classified section of the 2003 joint Congressional inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks. The secret section is believed to discuss intelligence on Saudi financial links to two hijackers, and the Saudis themselves urged at the time that it be made public. President George W. Bush declined to do so.

Kristen Breitweiser, an advocate for Sept. 11 families, whose husband was killed in the World Trade Center, said in an interview that during a White House meeting in February between President Obama and victims’ families, the president told her that he was willing to make the pages public.

But she said she had not heard from the White House since then.

The other evidence that may not be admissible consists of classified documents leaked to one of the law firms representing the families, Motley Rice of South Carolina, which is headed by Ronald Motley, a well-known trial lawyer who won lucrative lawsuits involving asbestos and tobacco.

Lawyers for the firm say someone anonymously slipped them 55 documents that contained classified government material relating to the Saudi lawsuit.

Though she declined to describe the records, Jodi Flowers, a lawyer for Motley Rice, said she was pushing to have them placed in the court file.

“We wouldn’t be fighting this hard, and we wouldn’t have turned the material over to the judge, if we didn’t think it was really important to the case,” she said.
Arabs are the root of all evil, they are the problem that plagues us. I hate it how with that gay 'Florence of Arabia', they fought against the Ottoman empire.

The message is that I hate arabs, also Indians do not get too happy, there are more of you than anyone else in Middle East getting their *** kicked for doing lowly work.

This is exactly what i have been saying for such a long time, we as Pakistanis should wake up and smell the coffee!

Arabs aren't our friends! We have made israel our enemy for the sake of our brotherhood with these Arabs, while on the other hand these same Arabs make deals and sign treaties with israel! Not to forget that these same Gulf Arabs helped to create israel!

Its time we Pakistanis wake up, these Arabs hate us, they call us the most disgraceful names and insult our people! These Arabs are funding Taliban and Al-Qaeda in our country and in Afghanistan! So many of our innocent countrymen have been killed due to the funds that these Arabs are providing to the terrorists in our country!

Wake up my countrymen!:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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oh yea... i met up with a cab driver who is from north waziristan he told me that the taliban are funded by rich arbs but you might want to know one difference between the talibans one side are the old school taliaban from the solviet era ..... the other side are drug lords thugs hired guns ... the old school taliaban are funded by arabs they just want saria law and there own style of opressed customes.... which you can see in some part that they controal in paksitan and afganistan ... but the other taliban dont give a **** they kill for money these guys are hired guns there in it for the money and use the of god for violence they can be eaisly bribed and they dont care where the money is comeing from they jsut care if the money is there to be used in there own ways.... these guys are uasually customers of mossad RAW and other covert organizations... eel ree to disagree
more importantly we need to put a full stop on this americanization or arab...tion , iran...tion or timbaktuiazation of pakistanis. Its time to start Pakistanization of Pakistanis

i have said before & i will say again that in our land of pure....

  • we are more kashmiri than kashmiris
  • we more Arab than Arabs
  • We are more Palestinians than Palestinians
  • We are more Chechen Than Chechens
  • We are more Afghans than Afghanis
  • we are more Iraqi than Iraqis
  • We are more Turkish than Turks
  • we are more Iranian than Iranians
  • in the end we are more Muslim than all other Muslims & self righteous delusional flag bearers of Islam declaring ourselves 'Fort of Islam'

the only thing we are NOT, is Pakistani :rolleyes:

if religion would have been defining the nationalism of Pakistan then going by that definition every Muslim on the planet must be a Pakistani, we need to produce of amalgam of Pakistanniat in ourselves n
Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners

"Given the situation of middle class Pakistanis in Arab countries where they are often underpaid, not even paid for months, abused, subject to false accusations and racism this important question arises once again: Why are Pakistanis so vigorously pro-Arab and pro-Middle Eastern?

The answer lies in a discomforting fact: Religion. Few are willing to face this fact. Because the last Prophet in Islam happened to be an Arab, many Pan-Islamist Pakistanis, particularly Wahhabbists simply worship Arabs.
This goes against Islamic teachings which openly stress Arabs and non-Arabs are equal in the eyes of the creator.

A fact to note is that Arabs identify themselves as Arabs, Turks as Turks, Persians as Persians (I'm not counting Iran's non-Persian populations as I am not certain on their political viewpoints). It's only the Pan-Islamist Pakistanis who see themselves as Muslims and identify themselves only as such.

These ignorant Pakistanis don't see the outright racism of Arabs against their people, nor do they realize Arabs would never want to include themselves with Pakistanis in their political movements.

You can often spot Pakistanis in pro-Palestinian demonstrations weather in Arab or western countries. At times you can see many of them, they're not difficult to spot at a pro-Arab demo.
But never have I seen or heard of Arabs or any other Middle Eastern national at pro-Kashmiri/Pakistani demonstrations.

While Pakistani pilots volunteered and risked their lives in Arab-Israeli wars, no Arab pilot was given permission by his government to engage in direct combat against Indian pilots in the Indo-Pakistani wars.

It just doesn't end there with the Arabs. During the Iran-Iraq war right after the Shia Islamist regime in Iran took over, a lot of Arab and western countries supported Iraq (Syria sided with Iran I believe), while North Korea and Pakistan were the only known countries to lend military support to Iran.

Yet today many ignorant Iranians, especially Shia hardliners ignore this fact and falsely boast that Iran "fought alone" in the war without outside support.
Pakistani scientist Dr Abdul Quadeer Khan even risked his life by sharing nuclear technology with Iran, another fact ignored by many Iranians.
Instead, the current Iranian regime maintains excellent relations with India, sponsors protests against the treatment of Shias in Pakistan, when they have never protested against the oppression of their fellow Kashmiri Muslims by India or when Iran is known for it's discriminatory treatment of it's Sunni population. Iran has even lend India airbases within it's borders.

Imagine the reaction by the Arab and the Iranian regimes if Pakistan opened full diplomatic relations with Israel and allowed it to use Pakistani airbases. It's hypocrisy.
Yet all over the internet and public protests Pakistanis can be found everywhere, staunchly defending Iran in enriching it's nuclear program.

Another common phenomenon amongst Pakistanis is to claim Arab, Persian or Turkish ancestry. Some go as far as to claim direct descent from the Prophet Muhammad.
As I explained in this post, there was minor mixing with Arabs, Turko-Mongols (not the ones from Anatolia) and Persians. However, the majority still remain the same.

As the haplogroup maps below show, the distribution of the Semitic Haplogroup J1 is very insignificant in Pakistan"

Read the rest of the article below:

Pak Independent: Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners
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I have been saying this for a long time that Pakistan should create unrest in Middle East and then Invade them on the pretenses of safeguarding the Holy Sites.

We get the oil and the holy sites to save from the wrath of the satanic House of Saud sitting in there and plotting their games with the elites of western countries.
I have been saying this for a long time that Pakistan should create unrest in Middle East and then Invade them on the pretenses of safeguarding the Holy Sites.

We get the oil and the holy sites to save from the wrath of the satanic House of Saud sitting in there and plotting their games with the elites of western countries.

No bro Arabs are bad but that doesn't mean we should be even thinking of plotting bloodshed in holy land.

Most Probably arabs will fail in defending holy land in an event of a war so second last line of defence will be we Pakistanis defending the holy land before ALLAH takes over the defence.
Homies, Check this out.

Did you people know that Uncle Bush had an oil company which was failing and the Bin Laden family become the main investor in the company. Uncle Bush Snr had close relations with them and they helped each other out.

George Bush's is saved by the Saudi's, including Bin Laden

Prior to this year, President George W. Bush is a failed oilman. Three times, friends and investors have bailed him out to keep his business from going bankrupt. However, in 1988, the same year his father becomes president, some Saudis buy a portion of his small company, Harken, which has never performed work outside of Texas. Later in the year, Harken wins a contract in the Persian Gulf and starts doing well financially. These transactions seem so suspicious that the Wall Street Journal in 1991 states it “raises the question of… an effort to cozy up to a presidential son.” Two major investors in Bush’s company during this time are Salem bin Laden and Khalid bin Mahfouz. Salem bin Laden dies in a plane crash in Texas in 1988. [INTELLIGENCE NEWSLETTER, 3/2/2000; SALON, 11/19/2001] Salem bin Laden is Osama’s oldest brother; Khalid bin Mahfouz is a Saudi banker with a 20 percent stake in BCCI. The bank will be shut down a few years later and bin Mahfouz will have to pay a $225 million fine (while admitting no wrongdoing) (see October 10, 2001)). [FORBES, 3/18/2002]
Entity Tags: George W. Bush, Salem bin Laden, Khalid bin Mahfouz, Harken

Also many Bin Laden family members were in US at the time of 911 closing deals with Carlyle Group and other firms.

The Bin Laden Flights with Saudi Royal family from New York after 911.

Following a secret flight inside the US that is in violation of a national private airplane flight ban, members of the bin Laden family and Saudi royalty quietly depart the US. The flights are only publicly acknowledged after all the Saudis have left. [BOSTON GLOBE, 9/21/2001; NEW YORK TIMES, 9/30/2001] About 140 Saudis, including around 24 members of the bin Laden family, are passengers in these flights. The identities of most of these passengers are not known. However, some of the passengers include:
The son of the Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan. Sultan is sued in August 2002 for alleged complicity in the 9/11 plot. [TAMPA TRIBUNE, 10/5/2001] He is alleged to have contributed at least $6 million since 1994 to four charities that finance al-Qaeda. [VANITY FAIR, 10/2003]
Khalil bin Laden. He has been investigated by the Brazilian government for possible terrorist connections. [VANITY FAIR, 10/2003]
Abdullah bin Laden and Omar bin Laden, cousins of bin Laden. Abdullah was the US director of the Muslim charity World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY). The governments of India, Pakistan, Philippines, and Bosnia have all accused WAMY of funding terrorism. These two relatives were investigated by the FBI in 1996 (see February-September 11, 1996) in a case involving espionage, murder, and national security. Their case is reopened on September 19, right after they leave the country. [VANITY FAIR, 10/2003] Remarkably, four of the 9/11 hijackers briefly lived in the town of Falls Church, Virginia, three blocks from the WAMY office headed by Abdullah bin Laden. [BBC, 11/6/2001]
Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen. He is a prominent Saudi official who was in the same hotel as three of the hijackers the night before 9/11. He leaves on one of the first flights to Saudi Arabia before the FBI can properly interview him about this. [WASHINGTON POST, 10/2/2003]
Akberali Moawalla. A Pakistani and business partner of Osama’s brother Yeslam bin Laden. In 2000, a transfer of over $250 million was made from a bank account belonging jointly to Moawalla and Osama bin Laden (see 2000). [WASHINGTON POST, 7/22/2004]
There is a later dispute regarding how thoroughly the Saudis are interviewed before they leave and who approves the flights. Counterterrorism “tsar” Richard Clarke says he agrees to the flights after the FBI assures him none of those on board has connections to terrorism and that it is “a conscious decision with complete review at the highest levels of the State Department and the FBI and the White House.” [US CONGRESS, 9/3/2003] Clarke says the decision to approve the flights “didn’t get any higher than me.” [HILL, 5/18/2004] According to Vanity Fair, both the FBI and the State Department “deny playing any role whatsoever in the episode.” However, Dale Watson, the head of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, says the Saudis on the planes “[are] identified, but they [are] not subject to serious interviews or interrogations” before they leave. [VANITY FAIR, 10/2003] An FBI spokesperson says the bin Laden relatives are only interviewed by the FBI “at the airport, as they [are] about to leave.” [NATIONAL REVIEW, 9/11/2002] There are claims that some passengers are not interviewed by the FBI at all. [VANITY FAIR, 10/2003] Abdullah bin Laden, who stays in the US, says that even a month after 9/11, his only contact with the FBI is a brief phone call. [BOSTON GLOBE, 9/21/2001; NEW YORKER, 11/5/2001] The FBI official responsible for coordinating with Clarke is Assistant Director Michael Rolince, who is in charge of the Bureau’s International Terrorism Operations Section and assumes responsibility for the Saudi flights. Rolince decides that the Saudis can leave after their faces are matched to their passport photos and their names are run through various databases, including some watch lists, to check the FBI has no derogatory information about them.” [9/11 COMMISSION, 8/21/2004, PP. 196-197, 209 ] Numerous experts are surprised that the bin Ladens are not interviewed more extensively before leaving, pointing out that interviewing the relatives of suspects is standard investigative procedure. [NATIONAL REVIEW, 9/11/2002; VANITY FAIR, 10/2003] MSNBC claims that “members of the Saudi royal family met frequently with bin Laden—both before and after 9/11” [MSNBC, 9/5/2003] , and many Saudi royals and bin Laden relatives are being sued for their alleged role in 9/11. The Boston Globe opines that the flights occur “too soon after 9/11 for the FBI even to know what questions to ask, much less to decide conclusively that each Saudi [royal] and bin Laden relative [deserve] an ‘all clear,’ never to be available for questions again.” [BOSTON GLOBE, 9/30/2003] Senator Charles Schumer (D) says of the secret flights: “This is just another example of our country coddling the Saudis and giving them special privileges that others would never get. It’s almost as if we didn’t want to find out what links existed.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 9/4/2003] Judicial Watch will disclose FBI documents that say, “Osama bin Laden may have chartered one of the Saudi flights.” [JUDICIAL WATCH, 6/20/2007]
Entity Tags: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Dale Watson, Khalil bin Laden, Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden Family, Abdullah bin Laden, Michael Rolince, Osama bin Laden, Bush administration, World Assembly of Muslim Youth, Omar bin Laden, US Department of State, Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen, Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Charles Schumer, Richard A. Clarke

September 20, 2001: Not All Passengers on ‘Bin Laden Flight’ Are Properly Interviewed or Accounted For
A private plane picks up Saudis who have gathered in Boston and flies them to Paris, then ultimately to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Because most of the passengers on board are relatives of Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 Commission calls this the “so-called bin Laden flight.” The commission claims there are 26 passengers on board, three of them security personnel. They further report that “22 of the 26… were interviewed by the FBI. Many were asked detailed questions.” However, the commission does not answer how many were not asked detailed questions, or were not questioned at all. [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 557] However, Craig Unger, author of the book House of Bush, House of Saud, publishes the flight manifest during the same week as the 9/11 Commission’s final report is released, and this list contains 29 names (including the three security personnel), not 26. [CRAIG UNGER WEBSITE, 7/22/2004] The 2005 book Al-Qaeda Will Conquer by Guillaume Dasquié also makes note of this three-person discrepancy. [FINANCIAL TIMES, 4/27/2005]
Entity Tags: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bin Laden Family, 9/11 Commission

I think Bush Family and their Gay Partners, the Saudi Royals and the Bin Laden family have fooled us all.
i have said before & i will say again that in our land of pure....

  • we are more kashmiri than kashmiris
  • we more Arab than Arabs
  • We are more Palestinians than Palestinians
  • We are more Chechen Than Chechens
  • We are more Afghans than Afghanis
  • we are more Iraqi than Iraqis
  • We are more Turkish than Turks
  • we are more Iranian than Iranians
  • in the end we are more Muslim than all other Muslims & self righteous delusional flag bearers of Islam declaring ourselves 'Fort of Islam'

the only thing we are NOT, is Pakistani :rolleyes:

if religion would have been defining the nationalism of Pakistan then going by that definition every Muslim on the planet must be a Pakistani, we need to produce of amalgam of Pakistanniat in ourselves n

Well I guess thats what happens when you put your religion before your nation ..you know Muslims First and Pakistanis later.

And you know..whats the worst part..all these nations you mentioned above, could not care less!!
I kinda saw this first hand during a visit to Qatar. Frankly, coming from North America where South Asians tend to be wealthy professionals and seeing how the locals who haven't really worked a day in their lives treat them was quite a disconnect. It was just blatant racism coupled with sadism. Besides, from my cursory look at Islamic history most of the richest contributions to what is considered today as Islamic culture came from Persia and the Indian Subcontinent.

FWIW, once the oil runs out, it will all come crashing down.
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