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The Shia-Sunni divide

i didn't want to go into sunni/shi'a discussions here, since i didn't want anyone leaving the forum. however, just a bit of info i'm willing to share.

originally, when Uthman (RA) was martyred by the khawariij, Ali (RA) became the khalifa. although he was pressured by Aishah (RA) and some other ashab(RA) to immediately pursue the killers, he disagreed and thought that everyone should have patience.

the khilafa was weak at that time and as some people may know that the capital was shifting to kufa. from this disagreement, two POLITICAL parties were formed. one(SUNNI) siding with Aisha and the other sahabi who agreed with her policies and the other sahabi(SHI'A) siding with Ali (RA).

eventually through conflict these parties were united by Ali (RA). looking back, the majority of scholars agree that the Haq at that time was with Ali (RA) and everyone else was wrong. unfortunately after the war, from Ali's followers broke away a dangerous group called the "khawariij" who were master takfirist.

the Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wa Salam) predicted their coming and recommended to Ali within his lifetime that they should be killed. Ali (RA) did jihad against them and they were wiped out. unfortunately, some people survived and one of these people martyred hadhrat Ali. also a group of these people will emerge near the day of judgement and from among their supporters will be the Dajjal.

why stuff is the way it is today, i don't know. how did parties become a religious schism, i don't know. actually i used to debate with some of my shi'a friends, so i do know, but i won't go into that.:pop: i'm not sunni though, i'm just muslim. although if you ask me who's side i would have taken at that time, i would have been apart of the shi'a party.

however, i will urge readers to look into Iran's history.
Its all rubbish - How does considering Hazrat Ali, rather than the first three caliphs, the legitimate successor to Muhammad (PBUH) make a difference as a Muslim How does saying the kalima differently make a difference as a Muslim? How does praying differently make a difference as a Muslim?

We are all so caught up in the rituals of Islam - do this a particular way, do that a specific way, that we ignore the spiritual message of Islam - submission to Allah, charity, empathy, respect, tolerance, justice, equality - instead we argue like fools over theological differences that have absolutely nothing to do with making us a better person, nothing to do with making us a better Muslim.
Just to remind that the Khawarij didnot disappear completely. They are still present as Ibaadites of Oman. However, over all percent of Ibaadites in total Muslim population of the world is insignificant.
ibaadites are a sect among the khawariij. takfiri's are also a sect of khawariij and exist only as a mentality, not a full blown sect. some of the groups consisting of pakistani taliban lead by mehsud and al-qaeda are amongst the most prominent takfiri groups. they consider many muslims to be kuffar and that killing them is lawful.

however, it's important to remember this info is taken as a theory to the khawaarij break up, according to the ulema.

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