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The rise of Japan

Hes just trolling. He doesn't know what he is talking about. If it wasn't for USA, the combined might of China and Russia would have trashed Japan so hard for the WW2 nonsense that Japan would beg for mercy and just remain as a bunch of 4 unimportant islands.

Even Yukio Hatoyama was becoming "Pro-China" because USA's stupid foreign policy.

Japan has 2 territorial disputes, one with China and one with Russia.

Japan is such tiny country. Japan doesn't even have a real military. Japan only has a self-defence force.
Actually, Japan have disputes with 3 countries. China, South Korea, and Russia. :)
Hes just trolling. He doesn't know what he is talking about. If it wasn't for USA, the combined might of China and Russia would have trashed Japan so hard for the WW2 nonsense that Japan would beg for mercy and just remain as a bunch of 4 unimportant islands.

because it was going so well for them until the US did the hard work right? Stupid dumb chibot, learn your history, not all of us here are illiterate retards like the overwhelming majority you usually engage with.

Japan is such tiny country. Japan doesn't even have a real military. Japan only has a self-defence force.

We can add lack of knowledge about geography and defense to stupid over here.

Judging from posts, apparently only Arabs and Chinese are on the rise. The rest of the world is in decline.

lol , i love this threads, they really come out crawling from under the woodwork. I intend to welcome my new overlords by waving :china: :pakistan: :welcome: .
LOL Dude Im not trolling. Japans economy is normal but its already advance enough to sustain its main populations. I mean have you been to Tokyo any of you? The reason whyJapan has a limited amount of Troops and Airforce personnel is apperant. How its Navy alone can defeat russia. Please don't compare russia to Japan. BTW look at what russia did to the Turkic nations... Its crime against humanity. Distroyed their culture and Heritage..
As long as USA maintains its presence in the pacific and SE Asia, Japan will remain complacent.
because it was going so well for them until the US did the hard work right? Stupid dumb chibot, learn your history, not all of us here are illiterate retards like the overwhelming majority you usually engage with.

We can add lack of knowledge about geography and defense to stupid over here.

lol , i love this threads, they really come out crawling from under the woodwork. I intend to welcome my new overlords by waving :china: :pakistan: :welcome: .

Should Japan has less retrictions on Armed forces... Its important as it couters Chinese influnce..
Japan is trying to subtly fiddle with China when it is at is weakest.
now,this is the china turkey friendship that stupid chinesetiger talked about and blame his chinese fellow for it.What a jerc.
What a pathetic troll,
Did you ever have a history lesson in Turkey?
Japan is a defeated country and all the military affairs is limited by the UN。
I suggest you read the Cairo Declaration, Potsdam Declaration and the Japanese constitution。
If Japan attempts to do anything to get rid of the US control, the US will crush them even before China and Russia,North/South Korea take the action.
Turkey help Japan?
Wow!This is the most fantastic stupid thing I have ever heard。
A country most people cannot locate on the map?to help a country which dare not to call his military power“army”
A beggar wants to help a millionaire!
C'mon, trukic boy! Know who you are,dont drag your country to the hell with your stupid radical nationalism and ignorance。
If China decides to care nothing, We can send your whole country and Japan to the hell with 30 minutes!
Mark my words!

look dont act like an idiot , this guy has the biggest troll posts i think hes a false flagger.

im tired of trying to sort out people like abdil karim in this forum , they are like 14 year olds that make troll posts.

abdil ne yapmaya calisiyorsun sen?
Nippon has the third largest economy and ahead of most nations in.R&D. The Defence minister is issuing a white paper for less restriction on JSDF. This includes a more independent navy and world deployment. Japan will have and Aircraft carrier and be more powerful than PLA. Turkey gives her support.. Watch out China

Don't say that here. The host members here won't appreciate your support to Japan and anti-China attitude is greeted with anger.

But I wish to know one thing; How come you got bad blood with China? Apart from the Uyighur issue of course.
now,this is the china turkey friendship that stupid chinesetiger talked about and blame his chinese fellow for it.What a jerc.

you are no different than him , i thought chinese were more clever. Check his threads from before and then come here and talk you will see you will say something else.
Japan is trying to subtly fiddle with China when it is at is weakest.

The Japanese parliament isn't lop-sided like the parliaments we have in South Asia, mate. If they want to get things done; they will do it in a matter of days.
but anyway i have alot of respect for japanese , all japanese i have seen are calm and friendly , it seems so different from the aggressive type people from WW2 war movies .

Turkish - Japanese friendships main starting date is Ertugrul Frigate disaster.


Ottoman frigate Ertu

but anyway i have alot of respect for japanese , all japanese i have seen are calm and friendly , it seems so different from the aggressive type people from WW2 war movies .

Turkish - Japanese friendships main starting date is Ertugrul Frigate disaster.


Ottoman frigate Ertu


Dude i swear wm not a troll... Nor am I a false flagge. Just watch Startfor intel and you understand..
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