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The remarkable true story of Lt. Col. Zafar Abbasi, veteran of Quaid Post, Siachen

The loss of Quaid post and the withdrawal from the Chumik glacier post caused by a lack of logistic support to a few men, are case in points. Do you think we easily forget it ? We recaputre it very long time ago.
I am trying to comprehend reasons of Pakistan' failure at Siachen, can you help me in finding articles related to it?

why Pakistan didn't used air force to fight at Siachen?
Nopes, can be anyone.... Generally they are officers, JCOs and NCOs.... But its not a rocket science to call in accurate artillery and mortar fire.
why we never tried to take back turtuk
it was ours anyway
btw wht u think our position now on siachin
are we even trying to get it back
after cpec m sure the area is far more strategic than before
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