Most of the US soliders , go in with brain washed mentality - firstly they are all 15-16 year old kids , they have no clue
They are brain washed with flag , patriotism and other jargon , best for Corporation`s interest.
When they land in actual war zone and they see how their war machine is bombing civilian buildings and throwing Geneva convention out of the window
That is when reality strucks in , and by then they have no help , they are at that point fighting for their own lives - and the angry crowd on ground is hostile to the ground force.
When these broken souls return home they are haunted with nightmares - to which American army states oh its just `STRESS` the emphasis being that they have nothing to do with it its completely natural -
Its very rare that the public outburst goes public !! because that would mean court marshal
Americans live their lives in a bubble they have no clue what happens around the word their only form of knowledge is talk shows and radio which ppl listen to and that is influenced by CIA and policy makers who influence people`s minds by running certain planned stories to influence public oppinion
The current war in Afghanistan has reduced war to `SUPERIOR BEINGS`Vs ` EXPENDABLES` there is no value to lives of Non Americans - its evident by the bombardment on civilian buildings and countless killings -
But US strategy has always been - send a generation in for certain doom , and then put them under the carpet and claim victory
Same happened in Vietnam - what happened to those Vietnam VETS ? exactly