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The Real Stories Of Real Warriors


Sep 29, 2012
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I've been always wondered that how much love do we have to our fallen. The ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Would I make that sacrifice? Yes, I would just as how the others did. I just wanna share you the story of 2 fallen Medal Of Honor R. US Marines. You can also share stories from your nation's fallen. The Story of Corporal Jason "Uno" Dunham; (Please Read it. It won't take that much)

Cpl. Jason Lee Dunham: .(Age 23) was a Corporal in the United States Marine Corps who earned the Medal of Honor while serving with 3rd Battalion 7th Marines during the Iraq War. While on a patrol in Husaybah, his unit was attacked and he deliberately covered an enemy grenade to save nearby Marines. When it exploded Dunham was seriously injured and died eight days later. He earned the Navy Medal Of Honor

Dunham is the first Marine to receive the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War.

Cpt. Johnny Micheal "Mike" Spann:

Johnny Micheal "Mike" Spann (Father of three children) was a paramilitary operations officer in the Central Intelligence Agency's Special Activities Division. Spann was the first American killed in combat during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. He earned the Intelligence Star which's the CIA's highest award given after Distinguished Intelligence Cross (CIA Medal Of Honor)
Spann is memorialized with a star on the CIA Memorial Wall at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Some sources state that he fought with his AK-47 until it ran out of ammunition, then drew his pistol until it, too, emptied, then resorted to hand to hand combat before finally being overcome R.I.P Brave Souls..! All gave Some But Some Gave All. :usflag:


Jason Dunham.






List of Medal of Honor recipients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

P.S Please find some stories about your fallen. And post it. So we will never forget'em. :pdf:
My story is about a little boy who fought bravely to his last breath and killed 13 of his enemies, his name is Mustafa Qusay Saddam Hussein.

The grandson of the late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was chosen as the most distinguished kid in the 20th century. Mustafa,(14) the slain child of Qusay Saddam Hussein was honored for his bravery and the great will of resistance he showed in defending himself and his father and uncle. Mustafa was surrounded by the American airborne Brigade 101 which was equipped with rockets, tanks and 400 elite soldiers. After he saw the brutal massacre of his father and uncle Udai, Mustafa continued to fight the enemy for six hours. He was able to kill (13) American soldiers with a shotgun, before they killed him. It is not strange that the grandson of Saddam Hussein to be brave, but the strange thing is that the newspaper which gave him this honorable title in The New York Times!
Mustafa Qusay Saddam: the Kid of the 20th Century | Global Media Services (SUDAN)

a video about the operation

Mustafa's pictures :






His grave :

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Woww. Never heard about that kid. Whoever is the right or wrong. Every nation should remember it's fallen and their veterans. Today it's one of the biggest problems of America. There are thousands of homeless Veterans. The gov'nt is doing nothing.
You're right but is he a general officer or sth. Anyway could you wonder to put a soldier story from your country pls. I'll be appreciated. :)
You're right but is he a general officer or sth. Anyway could you wonder to put a soldier story from your country pls. I'll be appreciated. :)

Yes . Gazi ( Honoury Title) Ibrahim Babur


Year 1994 , when we was against terror one of the worst times , one of his soldiers was cleaning mines and there was a grenade trap , he realised it and quickly got the grenade and just about to throw it away it blew up in hes hands losing hes hands . He saved 6 soliders who was right next to it but lost his hand

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Bana Singh was born on 6 January 1949 and now lives in R.S.Pura near Jammu.He joined Indian Army’s Jammu & Kashmir Light Infantry (JAK LI) on 6 January 1969After training at High Altitude Training School along with his battalion at Gulmarg ,hewas posted in Siachen in April 1987 .Pakistan had already occupied a vantage pointcalled Quaid Post named after Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. This is the mostimportant and highest post in the area. From top of this post one can see 80 km around.Entire Saltoro range is visible from here including other posts like the Amar and Sonamwhich get food and other materials by Indian helicopters.On April 18, 1987, the Pakistanarmy at Quaid post began firing at the Indian troops. A Junior commissioned Officer andfive soldiers were killed at Sonam. It became necessary to gain control over air space for safety of our men and supporting helicopters. It was therefore decidedrecapture QuaidPost

The operation Code-named Operation Rajiv in honor of 2nd Lt. Rajiv Pande VrC,was conducted in three phases on June 23, June 25 and June 26, 1987. A first platoon wassent under Major Varinder Singh on the 23rd, but unfortunately they had to come back.Two soldiers were killed. The second platoon led by Subedar Harnam Singh with 10 jawans made an attempt on June 25. At that time, there was no problem with the ropes, but due to some communication gap the mission had to be aborted. The third platoon led by Naib Subedar Bana Singh led the attack along with Riflemen Chunni Lal, LaxmanDas, Om Raj and Rifleman Kashmir Chand. on 26th June 1987, the final assault on‘Quaid Post’ was launched at precisely eleven minutes after noon.2

In an interview Bana Singh has recalled chronology of events“My Commanding Officer (CO) decided to send a patrol to find out the position of thePakistanis and how many of them were manning the post. On May 29, a patrol of 8 J&K Light Infantry (8 JAK LI) was sent for a reconnaissance of the possible approaches to theQuaid Post. The patrol leader was Lt. Rajiv Pande. He had 12 men with him.Unfortunately, they were sighted by the Pakistanis commandos. Ten of them, includingRajiv Pande were killed. Only three survived”.“There was a 90° climb on ice walls. Lt Pande had managed to fix ropes, but due toheavy snow fall, the rope had got completely lost, they had to fix them again. In themeantime, to divert the attention of the Pakistanis, Indian troops had been firing at thePost. ““A total of 62 people participated in the final operation. Two officers, 3 JCO and 57 jawans were selected. The operation was conducted in three phases on June 23, June 25and June 26, 1987.A first platoon was sent on 23
but unfortunately they had to come back. Two soldierswere killed. The second platoon with 10 jawans made an attempt on June 25. At that timedue to some communication gap with us, the mission had to be aborted. The next day, on26th I got the green light to go ahead. Though it was day time, because of the heavysnowing we could not say if it was day or night. The Pakistanis must have beenknowing that something was going on because our troops were firing at them from the base camp (to divert their attention). When we reached the top, there was a single bunker.We had been trained for such a fight. I threw a grenade inside and closed the door. At theend, a total of six Pakistanis were killed. We brought back their bodies which were later handed over to the Pakistanis authorities during a flag meeting in Kargil. Some must haveescaped towards the Pakistani side, perhaps over the cliff. I think that I have bayonetedthree or four persons, I don’t remember now.”For this act of valor Bana Singh was awarded Param Vir Chakra.and was presented the Param Vir Chakra on January 26 1988.The Quaid Post was renamed asBana Post after its liberation by Bana Singh.
Seyit Ali Çabuk (1889-1939), usually called Corporal Seyit

Seyit Ali Çabuk (1889-1939), usually called Corporal Seyit (Turkish: Seyit Onbaşı) was a First World War gunner in the Ottoman Army. He is famous for having carried three 275 kg shells to an artillery piece during the Allied attempt to force the Dardanelles on 18 March 1915.

Born in the village of Havran, he enlisted into the army in April 1909. After serving in the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 he was transferred to the forts defending the Mediterranean entrance to the Dardanelles. Following the heavy naval bombardment of the forts guarding the Narrows on 18 March 1915, the gun he was serving in the Mecidiye fort remained operational but its shell crane had been damaged. Seyit carried three 275 kg artillery shells up to the gun enabling it to continue firing on the attacking Allied fleet. One of the shells reputedly hit the British pre-dreadnought HMS Ocean, although the ship was sunk by a mine laid by the minelayer Nusret.

Following the repulse of the naval assault, Seyid was promoted to corporal and publicised as an iconic Turkish hero.


Holy crap! I know that guy. While we were living in Incirlik AFB, I was going to an international college. Our summer trip was on there Canakale. We visited the graves. Both turkish and australian. :)
c'mon guys. Don't you have fallen heroes in your country. I prefer to learn the soldiers who died recently.
Nishan e Haider -Pakistan's highest Military award for Bravery


"We salute the Soldiers of Pakistan Army who fought and gave their lives for our great country, Pakistan. The Highest Military Award of Pakistan Has Been Awarded to Shaheed Soldiers Who Have Shown Bravery And Courage in Times Of War & Border Battles (1948, 1956, 1965, 1971, 1999)"

There are 10 recipients of Nishan-e-Haider.

1. Captain Muhammad Sarwar

2. Major Tufail Muhammad

3. Major Raja Aziz Bhatti

4. Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas

5. Jawan Sowar Muhammad Hussain

6. Major Mohammad Akram

7. Lance Naik Muhammad Mahfooz

8. Major Shabbir Sharif

9. Captain Karnal Sher Khan

10. Havaldaar Lalak Jan

Captain Muhammad Sarwer Shaheed


Born 1910, Village Sanghori
Commissioned into the Punjab Regiment, 1944.

During the Kashmir Operations soon after the birth of Pakistan, as Company Commander in the 2nd Battalion of the Punjab Regiment, Captain Sarwar launched an attack causing heavy casualties against a strongly fortified enemy position in the Uri Sector under heavy machine-gun, grenade and mortar fire.

But on 27 July 1948, as he moved forward with six of his men to cut their way through a barbed wire barrier, he died when his chest was riddled by a burst of automatic fire. He was 38 years old.


Major Tufail Muhammad Shaheed


Born 1914 in Hoshiarpur.
Commissioned into the 16th Punjab Regiment, 1943.

Early in August, 1958, Major Tufail, a Company Commander in the East Pakistan Rifles, and his patrol encircled an Indian post in the Lakshmipur area. And, though mortally wounded in the hand-to-hand encounter that followed, Major Tufail continued to lead his troops till the Indians were driven out, leaving four dead and three prisoners.

He died the same day on 7 August 1958 at the age of 44.


Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed


Born 1928 in Hong Kong.
Commissioned into the Punjab Regiment, 1950.

On 6 September 1965, as Company Commander in the Burki area of the Lahore sector, Major Bhatti chose to move with his forward platton under incessant artillery and tank attacks for five days and nights in the defence of the strategic BRB canal.

Throughout, undaunted by constant fire from enemy shell arms, tanks and artillery, he organized the defence of the canal, directing his men to answer the fire until he was hit by an enemy tank shell which killed him on 10 September 1965. He was 37 years old.


Pilot Office Rashid Minhas Shaheed


Born 17 February 1951
Commissioned as a pilot in the Pakistan Air Force.

Pilot Officer Minhas was taxiing for take-off on a routine traning flight when an Instructor Pilot forced his way into the rear cockpit, seized control of the aircraft and took off. When Minhas realized that the absconding pilot was heading towards India, he tried to regain control of the plane but was unable to do so.

Knowing that it meant certain death, he damaged the controls and forced the aircraft to crash thirty two miles short of the border on 20 August 1971. He died at the age of 20.


Jawan Sawar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed


Born 18th June 1949 in Dhok Pir Baksh (now Dhok Mohammad Husain Janjua).
Enlisted as a driver on 3 September 1966.

Although only a driver in the 20th Lancers, when war broke out in 1971, Sawar Mohammad Hussein took an active part in every battle in which his unit was engaged unmindful of any danger, no matter how grave.

When he spotted the enemy digging in along a minefield near the village of Harar Khurd in December 1971 on his own initiative he directed accurate fire at the enemy resulting in the destruction of sixteen enemy tanks.

But while directing fire from recoilless rifles, he was hit in the chest by a burst of machine-gun fire and died on 10 December 1971 at the age of 22.

Source - @A1Kaid
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Major Muhammad Akram Shaheed


Born 4 April 1938 in Dingha, Gujrat District.
Commissioned in the Frontier Force Regiment on 13 October 1963.

Major Mohammad Akram and a company of 4 FF Regiment which he commanded in the forward area in Hilli district, in East Pakistan in 1971, came under incessant air, artillery and armour attacks.

But for an entire fortnight, despite enemy superiority in both numbers and fire power, he and his men repulsed every attack, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy.

Major Akram died during this epic battle in 1971 at the age of 33.


Lance Naik Muhammad Mahfooz Shaheed


Born 25 October 1944 in Pind Malikan (now Mahfuzabad), Rawalpindi district.
Enlisted in the Army on 25 October 1962.

Serving in 'A' Company of 15 Punjab Regiment when war broke out in 1971, Lance Naik Mohammad Mahfuz was deployed on the Wagha-Attari Sector in East Pakistan where his company was pinned down by unceasing frontal and crossfire from automatic weapons.

Although his machine gun was destroyed by an enemy shell, Mahfuz advanced towards an enemy bunker whose automatic fire had inflicted heavy casualties. Even though wounded in both legs by shell splinters, when he reached the bunker he stood up and pounced on the enemy, but was hit.

Although unarmed, he caught hold of one enemy was slowly strangling him when another bayoneted him to death during the night on 17 December 1971. He was 27 years old.


Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed

Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed Born 28 April 1943 in Kunjah, Gujrat District.
Commissioned into the Frontier Force Regiment on 19 April 1964.

Major Shabbir Shariff as commander of a company of 6 FF Regiment, was ordered in December 1971 to capture high ground near Sulemanki than a company of the Assam Regiment supported by a squardon of tanks.

In a wellnigh superhuman action, for the next three days and nights after crossing a minefield and massive obstacles and killing forty-three soldiers and destroying four tanks, Major Sharif and his men held two enemy battalions at bay.

But after he took over an anti-tank gun from his gunner in an attack was killed by a direct hit in the afternoon of 6 December. He was 28 years old.


Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed


Captain Karnal Sher Khan ShaheedEnlisted: 1990, Second Lt.

Captain Karnal Sher joined those eight legendary heroes who received the highest military award of Nishan-i-Haider for laying down their lives in defence of the beloved motherland.

Captain Karnal Sher Khan emerged as the symbol of mettle and courage during the Kargil conflict on the Line of Control (LoC). He set personal examples of bravery and inflicted heavy losses on the enemy. He defended the five strategic posts, which he established with his jawans at the height of some 17,000 feet at Gultary, and repulsed many Indian attacks.

After many abortive attempts, the enemy on July 5 ringed the post of Capt. Sher Khan with the help of two battalion and unleashed heavy mortar firing and managed to capture some part of the post. Despite facing all odds, he lead a counter-attack and re- captured the lost parts.

But during the course he was hit by the machine-gun fire and embraced Shahadat at the same post. He is the first officer from the NWFP province to be awarded with Nishan-i-Haider.


Havaldaar Lalak Jan Shaheed


Havaldaar Lalak Jan Shaheed Hav. Lalak Jan of the Northern Light Infantry (NLI) was one of those many who as a junior leader fought from the forefront to thwart heavy Indian attacks. He volunteered himself to be deployed on the front positions located at the jagged peak in May 1999.

Hav. Lalak driven back many aggressive ventures by the enemy and imposed colossal losses on them. On July 7, Hav. Lalak sustained serious injuries as enemies pounded the area with heavy mortar shelling.

But despite being injured, he retained his position and frustrated the Indian assault. He, however, succumbed to his injuries at the same post he was defending. Hav. Lalak was awarded with the Nishan-i-Haider for his dauntless courage and devotion.


Source: itsPakistan - Pakistan - Nishan-e-Haider - Pakistan's Highest Military Award for Bravery

I salute these Jawans these Shers these Men who lived up to the highest tradition of the Pakistani Fauj/Military.

The Few The Proud The Brave -Nishan e Haider

Source - @A1Kaid (http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-history-strategy/24337-nishaan-e-haider.html)
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