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The racism against Black people across North Africa

I don't know what nose jobs have to with skin colour.

By the way, I never said that Iranians are not racist towards Blacks, actually I admitted it ( Post Nr.59 & 60), but it cannot in any way compared to Arab and Pakistani hatred for Blacks!

Pakistanis have such a disgust for a dark skin tone that they are even willing to risk their health by using toxic bleaching creams just to get a lighter skin tone!

You deeply hate UK Blacks, here the proof:

What do you mean what nose jobs have to do with colour? It’s about looking white and western.

So the second video was of an incident which happened years ago and was quite explosive. It caused anger and hence the stupid comments. He also used the term ‘Asian’ yet you blanket attack Pakistanis. Yes Pakistanis did make such comments and they’re fools, but how is this proof of wide scale extreme hate?
The third video talks about the same thing. Again ignorant comments.
Do you have empirical evidence of this. I need actual data instead of your emotional rants or anecdotal experiences.

I find it strange that an “Iranian” living in Germany is taking such a personal stance on this judging by your non stop rants.

@Muhammed45 @Mehdipersian @SalarHaqq

Is this one of yours, is this is another Indian pretending to be someone else

What’s it matter to you. You’re an Indian living in Tanzania. Why be so heavily invested in Pakistan? Are you Another Indian who feels entitled to comment on my people’s internal affairs?

Stick to not getting lynched by the Black Tanzanians and having your wealth stolen. Yeah I’m very familiar with your people.
uhm.... me muhindi? I think you are 99% indian by DNA matching.

Definitely not me :).... proud swahili/zanzibari african/omani/ethiopian heritage.

so you know my kind - really ? - then why do we have tonnes of your country men here... I think you are one of the elites who has bankrupted your own people; first go sort your mess out first.

man. too many baniyanis, muhindis and wumao shenzis are abound here.
uhm.... me muhindi? I think you are 99% indian by DNA matching.

Definitely not me :).... proud swahili/zanzibari african/omani/ethiopian heritage.

so you know my kind - really ? - then why do we have tonnes of your country men here... I think you are one of the elites who has bankrupted your own people; first go sort your mess out first.

man. too many baniyanis, muhindis and wumao shenzis are abound here.

But you’re on a Pakistani defense forum involving yourself in internal Pakistani matters on multiple posts right? Why are you here indian? Yeah I know you people cause we have Kutchi speaker in my family that’s from Tanzania and he’s given me the 411.

It’s not long when you’ll get the Idi Amin treatment like your Ugandan indian buddies.
But you’re on a Pakistani defense forum involving yourself in internal Pakistani matters on multiple posts right? Why are you here indian? Yeah I know you people cause we have Kutchi speaker in my family that’s from Tanzania and he’s given me the 411.
ah... muhindi... go to your indian roots...

Read.... or are you need to read muhindi or what ever original indian village your people come from.

You are bringing my continents people. hence I am speaking on behalf of my continent.

What do you mean what nose jobs have to do with colour? It’s about looking white and western.

So the second video was of an incident which happened years ago and was quite explosive. It caused anger and hence the stupid comments. He also used the term ‘Asian’ yet you blanket attack Pakistanis. Yes Pakistanis did make such comments and they’re fools, but how is this proof of wide scale extreme hate?
The third video talks about the same thing. Again ignorant comments.
this thread should be closed.

you get too many trolls here.
ah... muhindi... go to your indian roots...

Read.... or are you need to read muhindi or what ever original indian village your people come from.

You are bringing my continents people. hence I am speaking on behalf of my continent.

Sorry, not Indian neither before or after partition. Roots have been confirmed in the lands of Pakistan.

Now, why would you be on a Pakistani defense forum? Didn’t answer my question. Mirror mirror on the wall, do I smell a Gujarati Kutchi speaking rat?
ye kia BC? Self-depricating humor is one thing but Itnay bhi lait nahi jana chahiye.

He might be an iranian but one who is pulling the average iranian IQ down. He's so dumb, he's skewing the graph for all iranians.

I've not interacted with him. Just seen him posting shit about turkey all the time. Like even the most insignificant tabloid level shit doesn't escape him. Best to put him on ignore.

As a third-world citizen, the community I would relate most to is Africans.
South americans are no.2 but then things get weird due to Christianity.
I would put south east asians last. Idk why I just don't like them. :lol: It's probably the accent.

Apologies to our SEA members for my benign racism.

I fear for him if he meets a Pakistani in real life , he must be careful spewing this shit they will eat him for breakfast chew him and spit him out .
I fear for him if he meets a Pakistani in real life , he must be careful spewing this shit they will eat him for breakfast chew him and spit him out .
I would let my hands do the talking with many of the posters here. Like straight up aggressive beat down if I got the chance.
It's so amusing how you people have absolutely no counter-arguments against me :enjoy:

Your only argument is "You are not Iranian" :D

Do you think that will silence me?! :lol:

My motivation for this thread are totally irrelevant!

I can assure you, as long as you don't bring solid counter-arguments, I will not stop! Your pathetic attemps to silence me will not succeed!

Oh yes you do and I have already posted the evidence for that:

Pakistanis have a deep-seated racial hatred for the black skin colour!!!

Post something new these videos are old and getting boring now you keep reposting same old shit .

I don't know what nose jobs have to with skin colour.

By the way, I never said that Iranians are not racist towards Blacks, actually I admitted it ( Post Nr.59 & 60), but it cannot in any way compared to Arab and Pakistani hatred for Blacks!

Pakistanis have such a disgust for a dark skin tone that they are even willing to risk their health by using toxic bleaching creams just to get a lighter skin tone!

You deeply hate UK Blacks, here the proof:

Run tune DJ
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Sorry, not Indian neither before or after partition. Roots have been confirmed in the lands of Pakistan.

Now, why would you be on a Pakistani defense forum? Didn’t answer my question. Mirror mirror on the wall, do I smell a Gujarati Kutchi speaking rat?
tsk tsk.... takataka.

another Indian DNA origin denying his own original lol.....

go take a DNA test ... you will find you are 99.99% indian.. lol.

I am definitely not... you are definitely an indian trying to be someone who is not... tsk tsk.. Pakistan was originally india anyway.
He also used the term ‘Asian’ yet you blanket attack Pakistanis.
Please, don't play stupid.....if you are in the UK and you talk about Asian Muslims, who do you mean?!!

I fear for him if he meets a Pakistani in real life , he must be careful spewing this shit they will eat him for breakfast chew him and spit him out .

Oh man, how old are you? Now it's getting childish....

Do you really wanna get down this primitive road? Shall we really talk about masculinity and who is ahead of whom?

Just as a reminder:

Iranian national sport is THIS


Pakistani national sport is THIS


So please stop this childish behaviour and get back to the topic...

And these people call Europeans racist when they dont want Arabs in their countries!!!!

But I guess in this case it cannot be compared to Arabs in Europe, right?! Because these people are Black, so they are only Abeed, right?!
(Or as Pakistanis would say the Kaliyaa, right?!)
So it's not OK to oppose Arabs, but it's totally OK to hate the abeed / kaliyaa, right?!

But Muslims cannot be racist, right?!!

Hockey is the national sport of Pak, not Cricket.
Pakistani national sport is THIS

It's field hockey.

The national sport of Iranians is a regional sport in Pakistan

Do you really wanna get down this primitive road? Shall we really talk about masculinity and who is ahead of whom?

Pakistanis are just masculine. Persians are downright barbaric. Whatever civility they claim is Iraqi heritage.

Pakistan was originally india anyway.

India is just one of the rivers in Pakistan.
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You are bringing my continents people. hence I am speaking on behalf of my continent.

What is the native African definition of a continent?
What is the native African definition of a continent?
mputu balawakafus
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