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The racism against Black people across North Africa

Sure, the ones who follow the Shahs ideology but many I met at my imambargah are normal folks. This one is mentally retarded if he even is Iranian. Thanks for posting!
Everyone who became atheist became strange and dirt.

Its correct about many Iranians in diaspora. They left iran for this.
Everyone who became atheist became strange and dirt.

Its correct about many Iranians in diaspora. They left iran for this.

There’s a huge population of them near me including the former private pilot of the Shah (he opened up a restaurant). They will refer to themselves as Persian but never Iranian and their mannerism mirrors that of the French. I hope not generalizing but that’s what I noticed mostly. I live in northern Virginia.
1, the al bakistani sub continent.

When do you think Indian role in the slave trade will be given its due interest?
There’s a huge population of them near me including the former private pilot of the Shah (he opened up a restaurant). They will refer to themselves as Persian but never Iranian and their mannerism mirrors that of the French. I hope not generalizing but that’s what I noticed mostly. I live in northern Virginia.
Because westerners hate iran but don't hate persia, They call themselves persian.

But in my opinion they are not persian or iranian. They are just some westerners.
Busting some moves here thanks to homojon swept Mrs mangochutney off her feet showing her my carpet shuffle dance moves from when I was a youngster
Young generations got nothing on me ...

Oh the days of pirated vhs movies 50p a night and video recorder rental for £2 a weekend

1,2,3,4 ..... jab hum .... 🕺🏽

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No, you don't treat all foreigners the same. Pakistanis worship Iranians, Arabs, Turks, western Kuffar, in general all people who have a more fair skin tone than Pakistanis.

For Pakistanis, skin colour is everything and everything is skin colour!!!

The only ones that Pakistanis hate, and that in an absolutely fanatical and apocalyptical way, are the African Kaliyaa, and that only because the Kaliyaa have a black skin colour!!!

A Pakistani will always choose a Hindu Indian over a Kaliyaa Muslim!!!

Pakistanis would love to drop their nuclear weapons on sub-saharan Africa and clean the surface of earth from this black dirt!!!

Really? Why were these black not treated like they should've as per you.
Crazy! The young here are more inquisitive but not hostile. Some become practicing.

No bro, they are very anti-Islam leaning and non-practicing. I guess their grandparents were the last practicing ones, to be honest. They socialize and drink as Westerners and if you're in a room they'll completely ignore you as if you didn't exist.

In the U.S., they have a heavy presence in California. In my life last 35+ years I have yet to see an Iranian enter a mosque.
No bro, they are very anti-Islam leaning and non-practicing. I guess their grandparents were the last practicing ones, to be honest. They socialize and drink as Westerners and if you're in a room they'll completely ignore you as if you didn't exist.

In the U.S., they have a heavy presence in California. In my life last 35+ years I have yet to see an Iranian enter a mosque.

I lived amongst them in California and now in Virginia. Drink, eat pork, you name it lol. It’s their personal business so whatever.
When do you think Indian role in the slave trade will be given its due interest?
bad dna dalits etc ko south Africa and west Indies bheja/becha

Rajas in collusion with Brits ne

Kalus are stronger than daalkhors, unko promotion mil gai US me slavebaazi ki

vaccum fill krne Indian slave labor ko laga dia


bad dna kamzor gangu:

good DNA stronkk African:
Racism exists in every country and region in some shape or form, people are mixing Islam with countries, Pakistani's can be racists ? Heck yeah, Arabs can be Racists ? yes, but does Islam allows racism as a religion ? Nope, Not at all and no Muslim have to debate on it, there are no vague or open to interpretation verses or Hadith on this matter, Quran/Hadith are very clear on it. Anyone want to even thought of hating a dark skin individual is free to do so but also drop the wish to meet Prophet Moses Pbuh, Haager wife of Abraham Pbuh, Hazrat Bilal RA and countless others which we may or may not know are dark skin.

Modern day racism in West or Arab lands are different in their own way, mixing it all up will be foolish. Also a lot of Black people over-exaggerate things as well, just type " Looting mobs in America " on youtube and you will see hundreds of videos of mobs looting the stores etc and you can literally pin point the people doing so, does that make all of the black thieves and looters? No, but is there a cultural problem with Blacks specially in America, yes there is... Not sure about Arabs or Middle east, but Arabs are also racist towards South Asian, only people Arabs are scared of and will lick the spit of are White, saw that in Dubai how Arabs are scared of White's.
No bro, they are very anti-Islam leaning and non-practicing. I guess their grandparents were the last practicing ones, to be honest. They socialize and drink as Westerners and if you're in a room they'll completely ignore you as if you didn't exist.

In the U.S., they have a heavy presence in California. In my life last 35+ years I have yet to see an Iranian enter a mosque.

southern california has a lot of them
He’s a not a Muslim. Not Iranians, but “Persians” are all like that. Watch an episode of Shah of Sunset to understand what I mean. This is why they hate the Islamic government and Muslims. Liberals, Hindus, pagans all are on one team.

Okay there Indian. You’re ethnically an Indian hence you ended up in Africa as indentured servants during the British Empire. It was probably a coin flip your family ended up on the boat to Africa instead of the one to Guyana/Trinidad aka British West Indies. African dothead!

Enough of out you Mr Swihili. Don’t quote me again
tsk tsk....

sure Mr AA of 100% Indian DNA ancestory... not interested in your banyani raves which are ubiquitous of indian street vendors.....

Why go back in time, you were indians before lol.

Me... as i said, we are maharabus/swahili and have our family lineage traced right back to 600 years across entire east african and oman/yemeni and have families there even now. How about you,.... you were indians 75 years back. We employ your kind in our businesses to do our work.

My... look at your drama serials.... all you people want to become is white yet 90% of the population is dark.

Unreal to see level of racism and bigotry this forum has gone to.
tsk tsk....

sure Mr AA of 100% Indian DNA ancestory... not interested in your banyani raves which are ubiquitous of indian street vendors.....

Why go back in time, you were indians before lol.

Me... as i said, we are maharabus/swahili and have our family lineage traced right back to 600 years across entire east african and oman/yemeni and have families there even now. How about you,.... you were indians 75 years back. We employ your kind in our businesses to do our work.

My... look at your drama serials.... all you people want to become is white yet 90% of the population is dark.

Unreal to see level of racism and bigotry this forum has gone to.

Stfu Coolie!
And Pakistanis treat African Kaliyaa lesser than Indian Hindus!

Pakistanis always say they hate Indians more than anything else in the world, but that's a lie, you hate the African Kaliyaa way more, even if the Kaliyaa are Muslim!

If a conservative, momeneen Pakistani had to choose between marrying an African Kaliyaa Muslim and an Indian Hindu, the Pakistani would choose the Hindu over the Muslim!

If a deeply momeneen Pakistani had to choose between marrying an African Kaliyaa Muslim and converting to stinky Hinduism, the momeneen Pakistani would rather convert to stinky Hinduism, because his hatred of the black skin colour is 100-times stronger than his love for Islam!

So don't act like Pakistanis are less racist than Arabs, you are not, at least when it comes to the Kaliyaa, even if the Kaliyaa are Muslim!!!
You are wrong. Having hate and just dislike as a life partner is two different thing. It’s not just color but genetics, background and lot of other things that matters.

Arabs treat sub continent Pakistanis Indians Bangladeshi lesser than black Africans

We are at the bottom of the pile and all classed as Hindus in the gulf
Not really, they can see difference between different genetic types. Depends what part if Pakistan you are from and how well you grew up, many Pakistanis will beat a true Arab in looks and genetics. For e.g: in Saudis, Arabs wouldn’t engage a Pakistani in a fight because Pakistanis wouldn’t hold their hand.
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Stfu Coolie!
ndio... definitely coming from 100% Indian DNA origin Coolie it is funny..... go back and eat some of your indian origin food.

I will enjoy my mandazi and ugali at iftar. the level this forum has degraded to, no wonder why people are leaving when you have such coolies like you here.
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