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The protests: The West vs The Arabs?

Where is the Australian in that photo? I don't see one.

We had a few 'Dutch' here on Sunday in Amsterdam who were holding pictures of terrorists Osama Bin laden, Bouyeri and Awlaki and chanting in their name.

So everything is relative.:argh:
It's spreading to Indonesia and Malaysia. They were burning US flags, chanting "death to America", and protesting at the US embassy:

Everyone hates America, whether they're too afraid to admit it or not. Except Anglo-Saxon countries based on White supremacy ;)
This pic made me lol...

They appear as if Obama created the video :rofl:

Well Obama is the President of USA, And the video was made there. But i agree, the connection is very weak :D
We had a peaceful protest in the town i live in here in Denmark. It was actually pretty neat, there was whatsoever no negative chanting, or idiotic placards. The speakers underlined that Muslims should use their democratic rights instead of turning to violence and destruction, Since the primary reason behind the movie was in the first place to anger Muslims and portray them as backward uncivilized people. Which they sadly succeeded in. Before everything else, poor Muslim countries need to further education and living standards. Look at developed and mature Muslim countries like Turkey and Malaysia, all the protests were very peaceful. I would wish every Muslim country could act like that.
Well Obama is the President of USA, And the video was made there. But i agree, the connection is very weak :D
We had a peaceful protest in the town i live in here in Denmark. It was actually pretty neat, there was whatsoever no negative chanting, or idiotic placards. The speakers underlined that Muslims should use their democratic rights instead of turning to violence and destruction, Since the primary reason behind the movie was in the first place to anger Muslims and portray them as backward uncivilized people. Which they sadly succeeded in. Before everything else, poor Muslim countries need to further education and living standards. Look at developed and mature Muslim countries like Turkey and Malaysia, all the protests were very peaceful. I would wish every Muslim country could act like that.

Nice to hear about Denmark.

My country is Muslim majority, and pretty poor. But nothing too 'extreme' happened here.

But hey, at least there were no violence against Jews by Muslims around the world (as far as I know) :D The Coptic who made the film initially claimed himself as a Jewish American-Israeli :woot:

Who knows? He may be a raging anti-Semite :rofl:
Nice to hear about Denmark.

My country is Muslim majority, and pretty poor. But nothing too 'extreme' happened here.

But hey, at least there were no violence against Jews by Muslims around the world (as far as I know) :D The Coptic who made the film initially claimed himself as a Jewish American-Israeli :woot:

Who knows? He may be a raging anti-Semite :rofl:

He is probably a furious anti-semite and anti-muslim. Sadly the guy got much more attention that what he deserved. Muslims need to ignore such lowlifes. Anyone with a camera-phone can make such low quality movies, if Muslims were to protest against all anti-islam things, we wouldn't have time to work and sleep.
I don't think the protests were spurred by that stupid movie. I believe their is another reason for this anti-American anger that the media is not telling us in America.

Of course, Muslims have a lot of reasons for their anger against America.
These protestors are idiots and don't know Islam.

They are a disgrace to Islam.
What does that mean? You mean Westerners do not believe in religion? Or that the West can eliminate Arabs? If you are insinuating for some false reason that the West can eliminate "Islam", then rest assured, even the entire world together can not do it. Titular Muslims (those who are Muslims in name only) may be eliminated sooner or later, same as non Muslims may be eliminated sooner or later because all living beings have to die.

You need to consider that there is at least one declared active nuclear power in the "Muslim world" (Pakistan), there is at least another one with the latent capability to take that route (namely Iran), and there remains a few other countries who could "nuclearize", so to speak, in short order. Furthermore, two large countries with huge military industrial complexes and two of the largest arsenal of active nuclear weapons in their inventory (namely Russia and China) also have Muslims living within their borders. There is no way that the West can come out victorious in any all out war, even in the worst hypothetical scenario.

Just the nuclear weapons at the disposal of Russia alone exceeds those in the entire Western world.

Its sad when non muslim nations are seen as the "Saviours" of your religion.
US needs to understand that democracy is not an elixir that can cure all worldly problems
Then what do you expect US to replace Saddam Hussein with? Put aside the reasons and debates on why we invaded Iraq. Now that Saddam Hussein is gone, what type of government, in terms of ideology, politics, and institutions, do you believe we should have installed? I asked this question many times before and not one US critic have given a satisfactory answer, least of all to himself.

People criticize US for 'supporting' despotic regimes, as if we have the power to create such, but when reasonable logic is applied, if we have the power to topple governments and install/support whoever we want, why would we want to replace what we discarded with the same TYPE?

So on the one hand, critics self righteously condemns US for 'supporting' despotic regimes, but on the other hand, those same critics with the same self righteousness declared their people are not ready for democracy.

Take your pick. Make up your mind. Sh1t or get off the pot.
He is probably a furious anti-semite and anti-muslim. Sadly the guy got much more attention that what he deserved. Muslims need to ignore such lowlifes. Anyone with a camera-phone can make such low quality movies, if Muslims were to protest against all anti-islam things, we wouldn't have time to work and sleep.

There are tons of youtube vids that do mock Islam. Where are Muslims raging 24/7? Those folks just need to calm down...

Then what do you expect US to replace Saddam Hussein with? Put aside the reasons and debates on why we invaded Iraq. Now that Saddam Hussein is gone, what type of government, in terms of ideology, politics, and institutions, do you believe we should have installed? I asked this question many times before and not one US critic have given a satisfactory answer, least of all to himself.

I don't think democracy can be enforced with a gun. It ultimately comes from within. Some societies simply take more time than others.

And usually, if the nation's population are uneducated for the most part, it creates a lot of problems (I'm speaking from experience).

On Iraq, I think the Iraqis are educated enough to lead by themselves and become a fully functional democracy in the future. But that'll take time.

Remember, Iraq during the Saddam days was the wealthiest nation in the Arab world.

For now, I think it is best to have somewhat of a hybrid state that ensures self sufficiency and security for the people. Regardless of ethnicity, religion or sect.

We obviously don't want a bunch of religious nutjobs ruling over a democracy now, do we? A significant number of folks over there simply don't fully understand the concept of a democracy.

And I admit, this applies to my country as well.

People criticize US for 'supporting' despotic regimes, as if we have the power to create such, but when reasonable logic is applied, if we have the power to topple governments and install/support whoever we want, why would we want to replace what we discarded with the same TYPE?

So on the one hand, critics self righteously condemns US for 'supporting' despotic regimes, but on the other hand, those same critics with the same self righteousness declared their people are not ready for democracy.

Take your pick. Make up your mind. Sh1t or get off the pot.

Mubarak was ruling Egypt for 30 years of emergency rule. Do you know what the means? Three decades of emergency rule is just insane.

The US gave Egypt hi-tech weapons while the local boys burn American flags at the same time :rofl: There is always a reason America supplies various countries with weapons. It's not just about the money.

And now, Obama says that Egypt is neither ally or enemy (whatever that means).

Surely, vested interests were there. Maybe due to Zawahiri and his ilks(?)
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