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The protests: The West vs The Arabs?

USA bit off more than it can chew. Can't handle Syria, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iran and China at the same time :rofl:

And the US dollar value is going to zero as the government printers go crazy :rofl:
Well put, but you don't mention the most crucial elements in why Muslims do not anger against social injustice etc. Most of these people who riot had not the chance to receive the same education you and many others did. What they riot against, is what they perceive as a violation against their faith and something that they hold dear and have done so for many centuries. Yes, it is very wrong that diplomats that had absolutely nothing to do with the film had to pay for their idiocy. But at the same time USA is one of the countries one should hold responsible for stunning the growth in these parts of the world. We should not close our eyes to USA's covert support of ME dictators that kept the people down with an iron fist for decades. USA benefited from this the last 50-80 years. Import their oil for a very low price and support the corrupt dictators and keep them on power. This is what led to social injustice in these parts of the world. Of course this is not the only variable, but it helped keeping the people down for certain.
USA will pay for its crimes, one way or the other.

Well, some foreign policies can be argued to be wrong. I am also against the war in Iraq led by the US, the American intervention of Libya, which inadvertently saved the same people in East Libya from Qaddafi, who are now torching US embassies and killing their saviors, I am also against the US-led campaign in Bosnia and Kosovo and so on....
The policies may be wrong, but that's not what is driving Islamic terrorism (mainly). Muslim extremists have carried out terrorist attacks against countries that have never invaded them.
When an Iraqi terrorist blows himself up in the local mosque or at the market, killing innocent children and women, or a Pakistani gunman executes his own countrymen for being Shia Muslims, it's not because he's sick and tired of America's policies. It is the blind hatred that drives him.
^^^ I see that you are a Turk living in Denmark. Strange how you support these violent protests yet never partake in them. Are you guys the remote control for the Arabs?

Did i ever mention something in support for the killing of innocent people or the violent protests?

People have the right to protest but without going to extremes that lead to death and destruction. These are not mature countries we speak about, keep that in mind. Neither is India a mature country,so stop playing smart. And look at your own problems.

Well, some foreign policies can be argued to be wrong. I am also against the war in Iraq led by the US, the American intervention of Libya, which inadvertently saved the same people in East Libya from Qaddafi, who are now torching US embassies and killing their saviors, I am also against the US-led campaign in Bosnia and Kosovo and so on....
The policies may be wrong, but that's not what is driving Islamic terrorism (mainly). Muslim extremists have carried out terrorist attacks against countries that have never invaded them.
When an Iraqi terrorist blows himself up in the local mosque or at the market, killing innocent children and women, or a Pakistani gunman executes his own countrymen for being Shia Muslims, it's not because he's sick and tired of America's policies. It is the blind hatred that drives him.

You are confusing an apple for an orange. The destabilizing factor in Iraq was undoubtedly the US invasion, the bombs started going off after US toppled Saddam. Palestine i don't have to mention. Afghanistan, again the invasion that destabilized the country.
US needs to understand that democracy is not an elixir that can cure all worldly problems. Unique countries need unique problem solving, but it needs to come from withing. But of course no one in their sane mind can say US invaded these countries for their betterment, we don't have to kid anyone.
USA bit off more than it can chew. Can't handle Syria, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iran and China at the same time :rofl:

And the US dollar value is going to zero as the government printers go crazy :rofl:

If you had even a slight clue about how economics work, you wouldn't be laughing right now. Who is the biggest holder of US debt? China. Who stand to lose the most if the US were to default on its debts? China. A Chinese person laughing at the Us economy is like someone laughing that the person that owes them money lost their job. LOLWUT?
Barbarians VS the West. Muslims worldwide should be protesting against these murderers claiming to represent Muslims, not some film.
If you had even a slight clue about how economics work, you wouldn't be laughing right now. Who is the biggest holder of US debt? China. Who stand to lose the most if the US were to default on its debts? China. A Chinese person laughing at the Us economy is like someone laughing that the person that owes them money lost their job. LOLWUT?
We don't care because USA has already invested so much money in China it would be easy to seize all the assets :lol:

Regardless the bankrupt is screwed and the new biggest economy in the world is the winner.
You are confusing an apple for an orange. The destabilizing factor in Iraq was undoubtedly the US invasion, the bombs started going off after US toppled Saddam. Palestine i don't have to mention. Afghanistan, again the invasion that destabilized the country.
US needs to understand that democracy is not an elixir that can cure all worldly problems. Unique countries need unique problem solving, but it needs to come from withing. But of course no one in their sane mind can say US invaded these countries for their betterment, we don't have to kid anyone.

I'm not that naive to think that the US went over there in Afghanistan and Iraq to install democracy. Americans invaded Afghanistan to root out the terrorists that carried out the attacks on American soil, and to eliminate those who harbored them. They had full UN mandate.
Nobody in his right mind actually thinks that democracy can work in a country like Afghanistan with its tribal and primitive culture, that's just the spin the politicians gave to make the presence of foreign troops look more 'legit', and to continue the strategic goals of the US to prevent Afghanistan in becoming a staging ground for terrorist attacks against Americans again. Just like they went to Iraq to neutralize the perceived threat of weapons of mass destruction, they were not there to bring democracy to the Iraqi's.

Yes, a lot less bombs went off when Saddam was ruling as a brutal dictator. And the elimination of that regime happened to open Pandorra's Box, it allowed extremists elements that were contained by Saddam out of their cage.
The US may have created the conditions were these evil forces flourished in Iraq, but it's not like Americans are commanding or forcing the terrorists to blow up Iraqi civilians in the mosques, schools, markets and on the street.
Moreover, the American soldiers left Iraq more than a half year ago, yet the Iraqi extremists killed more than 500 Iraqi civilians in the month of August alone.
its going to be a long war.

Allah is witnessing all these evil deeds against its people.

In Lebanon the U.S. embassy is so impregnable the crowds are attacking American-themed restaurants instead! The victims, of course, are also Arabs.

So no,it's not West-vs-Arab but a contest of visions for the future within the Muslim World. Which is why this isn't just America's battle but one for everyone who wants to defeat tyranny.
We don't care because USA has already invested so much money in China it would be easy to seize all the assets :lol:

Regardless the bankrupt is screwed and the new biggest economy in the world is the winner.

You should try educating yourself a bit in economics, the things you say are woefully ignorant.
We don't care because USA has already invested so much money in China it would be easy to seize all the assets :lol:

Regardless the bankrupt is screwed and the new biggest economy in the world is the winner.

Is that what they teach you in economics lessons in school back home ?
In Lebanon the U.S. embassy is so impregnable the crowds are attacking American-themed restaurants instead! The victims, of course, are also Arabs.

So no,it's not West-vs-Arab but a contest of visions for the future within the Muslim World. Which is why this isn't just America's battle but one for everyone who wants to defeat tyranny.

It's a backlash against the American/Western presence and influence. That's understandable seeing as it happens in cycles. Combine political instability, poverty and religion and all you need is a spark to set it all off.
China is far more pro western than the Soviets ever were. So far China is not even a major arms supplier of any Arab country.
Its more like Muslims vs non muslims.

Instead of blaming the Egyptian guy who made the film, they are blaming 1 billion + people for the film and are killing innocent people and are attacking embassies.

This is typical Middle Eastern Logic.

Next time 1 person in the middle east says something bad about Christianity, everyone in the west should riot and kill innocent people and storm embassies of middle eastern countries.
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