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The protests: The West vs The Arabs?


Dec 7, 2010
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Almost every Arabic country voices their anger in extremity after the mocking of our Prophet. The interesting thing is that these countries have just won their independence from the dictators.

The Arab anger is rising very rapidly. The Muslim world has internal strives, but it seems religion still is a very strong binding factor.

Does this signify a possible war with the West? US has invaded Iraq and bombed many middle eastern countries the last couple of decades. Will we witness more serious vendetta? Is this going to hurt USA in the near future, When the Muslim world is strong enough?

I want to hear your opinions.
I don't think it would lead to war.Besides,there are many Arab states who support U.S in ME.Saudi Arabia,UAE,Qatar,Bahrain,Jordan.
Have you seen any protests in these countries about the movie?
It's spread.. even Muslims in Africa, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh protesting..
If this outrage demonstrates anything, then it's that too many Muslims don't have their priorities right.
If the current state in how millions of Muslims live in the Islamic world, is not an insult to Islam, then what is?
Muslims can choose too be offended and can rightfully express their discontent peacefully, but I'd like to think that getting offended by daily human right violations, epidemic corruption, widespread extremism and violence, illiteracy, poverty, social injustice against children and women, persecution of minorities and so forth would take precedent than a lousy clip. An amateurish video could never smear Islam than all the bad things that are happening in the Muslim world today. Why don't we see such outbursts when Muslims girls get gang raped in an Islamic country and nothing is done about it?

If these latest violent outrages is an indication of an upcoming war with the West by the Arabs, then the Muslims are sillier than perceived as such by these violent riots. I hate to think that 1 billion Muslims would go to war with 1 billion Westerners, who have by the way nothing to do with the film maker, for one action of an individual who is exercising his freedom in a country which has nothing to do with Sharia law and where the government does not dictate which opinion can be expressed or which movie can be made.
If Islam binds Muslim world together then Christianity binds the west together. Islamic world don't have a chance to stand up to the war machine of the combined west. If Muslim world waged a holy war then it will be the end of the Islam.

What is this supposed to mean?

It means to stay off the path of the western war machine.... :P
A few thousand demonstrators will burn a few of their countries' assets to the ground. Then they will blasphemise Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and every other ism in the world. Then they will perhaps shoot off a good few rounds of AK47 bullets in the air in anger, maybe even killing a few of their Muslim brethren in error when doing so. Somebody will issue a fatwah of a few million for the killing of the idiot who made that movie. Then the hub hub will die off when they realise that they cant find him. The moron movie maker will rake in a good few million for a movie that otherwise would have cost him and his donors lots of money. The west and the rest of the world will report on this until somebody spots a UFO and that becomes the next big news. That's the us versus them mentality which truly has me confused. I mean really guys. Everybody has condemned the ***. Move on.
If this outrage demonstrates anything, then it's that too many Muslims don't have their priorities right.
If the current state in how millions of Muslims live in the Islamic world, is not an insult to Islam, then what is?
Muslims can choose too be offended and can rightfully express their discontent peacefully, but I'd like to think that getting offended by daily human right violations, epidemic corruption, widespread extremism and violence, illiteracy, poverty, social injustice against children and women, persecution of minorities and so forth would take precedent than a lousy clip. An amateurish video could never smear Islam than all the bad things that are happening in the Muslim world today. Why don't we see such outbursts when Muslims girls get gang raped in an Islamic country and nothing is done about it?

If these latest violent outrages is an indication of an upcoming war with the West by the Arabs, then the Muslims are sillier than perceived as such by these violent riots. I hate to think that 1 billion Muslims would go to war with 1 billion Westerners, who have by the way nothing to do with the film maker, for one action of an individual who is exercising his freedom in a country which has nothing to do with Sharia law and where the government does not dictate which opinion can be expressed or which movie can be made.
Well put, but you don't mention the most crucial elements in why Muslims do not anger against social injustice etc. Most of these people who riot had not the chance to receive the same education you and many others did. What they riot against, is what they perceive as a violation against their faith and something that they hold dear and have done so for many centuries. Yes, it is very wrong that diplomats that had absolutely nothing to do with the film had to pay for their idiocy. But at the same time USA is one of the countries one should hold responsible for stunning the growth in these parts of the world. We should not close our eyes to USA's covert support of ME dictators that kept the people down with an iron fist for decades. USA benefited from this the last 50-80 years. Import their oil for a very low price and support the corrupt dictators and keep them on power. This is what led to social injustice in these parts of the world. Of course this is not the only variable, but it helped keeping the people down for certain.
USA will pay for its crimes, one way or the other.

Do tell more.

You really need an explanation?
I want you to be more explicit about this phrase "it is easy to look strong when the bombs are not falling". So we can witness your heartlessness
^^^ I see that you are a Turk living in Denmark. Strange how you support these violent protests yet never partake in them. Are you guys the remote control for the Arabs?
I want you to be more explicit about this phrase "it is easy to look strong when the bombs are not falling". So we can witness your heartlessness

lol, you're a bad fisherman! :azn:

Need explanation for this too?
Almost every Arabic country voices their anger in extremity after the mocking of our Prophet. The interesting thing is that these countries have just won their independence from the dictators.

That's the thing they have in common. Also, they have high unemployment and politically unstable.

Also, this 'freedom of speech' is a little......off the mark. I believe information should be controlled to the extent that it ensures global security.

Information is a powerful tool these days. VERY powerful. This trend will continue to go further into the future. There's no stopping it!

One can't control and determine everything in the world. Like teaching some uneducated Muslims to behave. You just can't even as a superpower.

Look at it this way, how many people in those countries do you think actually have full access to the Internet? How many watch youtube? I don't think it's that many. They don't know that there are many vids that do insult our Prophet. Stupid people have a habit of going too far. And stupid people get provoked and angered easily.

As I said, we can't determine everything. Hence, information needs to be controlled for the sake of global security, as per the global situation.

Freedom doesn't equate to doing whatever one wants. There are certain limits as per global situation.

Also, information should be accurate and precise. Not the wrong information.

Take for example the 'women only' city in Saudi Arabia:

And ever Tom, Dick, Dick, Dickhead, Dumb and Dumber bought it :lol:

The Arab anger is rising very rapidly. The Muslim world has internal strives, but it seems religion still is a very strong binding factor.


Does this signify a possible war with the West? US has invaded Iraq and bombed many middle eastern countries the last couple of decades. Will we witness more serious vendetta? Is this going to hurt USA in the near future, When the Muslim world is strong enough?

I want to hear your opinions.


With the GCC nations? No.

With ALL Muslim states? Hell no.

With violent non-state actors? Hell yes! And there's more coming!!

Yeah, see how genius those American war planners are? :lol:
so now it is west..

Already Germany and British embassies have been attacked..

These protests are nothing but a reason to attack people from other religion...pathetic
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