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The Plight of the Adivasis, Indian State Terrorism & the Moist Rebellion

Who are the "Adivasis"... and how are they different from other Indians?

In the documentary in the OP, they interviewed some Adivasis, and they said that they face a lot of discrimination, and cannot get jobs, and so cannot afford to feed their families. According to the Adivasis who were interviewed, they fight the Indian state, because they will die either way.

They cannot get job because they are illiterate. The places they live was not under any ruler for long period of time. Even the British didn't rule them. Tribals live in deep jungles with little or no contact with the outside world. So when modernity hot them they are at a disadvantage. They along with their sympathizers expect GoI to provide them funds for their development, but at the same time they are no ready give up their lifestyle but they should understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.
They cannot get job because they are illiterate. The places they live was not under any ruler for long period of time. Even the British didn't rule them. Tribals live in deep jungles with little or no contact with the outside world. So when modernity hot them they are at a disadvantage.

If you start building some industries there, that can attract the tribals to leave the villages and join the cities.

Urbanization makes it easier to educate people and provide them healthcare, because you need less infrastructure/utilities to cover a city than you do to cover the large countryside. Roads and schools and hospitals become more cost-efficient when people are living next to each other in big cities, and can cater to much larger groups of people.

in my opinion i think the Tribal areas in which the Adivasis live in should be given autonomy and they should get there areas (which are some of the most backwards and underdeveloped and the poorest) to be developed

That sounds like a good idea as well. Political automony works well with those communities that have not yet been fully absorbed into the mainstream.
If you start building some big industries there, that can attract the tribals to leave the villiages and join the cities.

"Urbanization" makes it easier to educate people and provide them healthcare, because you need less infrastructure/utilities to cover a city than you do to cover the large countryside.

its not as easy as it sounds the forests and jungles they live in are there homes and there way of life only now are they not uncontacted peoples as before the British has not tired to make contact with them the Indian gov't has recently tried to integrate them into civilized society because of the war with Maoists who claim to be fighting for the impoverished Adivasis because they're land has been taken away for the natural resources there as well as land for big mining companies who seek to mine the natural resources present there
If you start building some industries there, that can attract the tribals to leave the villages and join the cities.

Urbanization makes it easier to educate people and provide them healthcare, because you need less infrastructure/utilities to cover a city than you do to cover the large countryside. Roads and schools and hospitals become more cost-efficient when people are living next to each other in big cities, and can cater to much larger groups of people.

It will work easier in countries like China, but in a country like India we have to deal with various interest groups ranging from Maoists to some human Rights Organizations who are of no good.

That sounds like a good idea as well. Political automony works well with those communities that have not yet been fully absorbed into the mainstream.

We cannot just give political autonomy to a group of people who are clueless about modern way of doing things.
It will work easier in countries like China, but in a country like India we have to deal with various interest groups ranging from Maoists to some human Rights Organizations who are of no good.

If there are jobs in the cities, then surely they will come?

Rural migrants flood into Chinese cities all the time, in order to have an opportunity for even low-paid factory work.

Urbanization is one of the greatest catalysts for development, in all of human history. And besides that, it also makes it easier to provide infrastructure, healthcare, and education to the people. Education and healthcare pays for itself very well in the long-run, and it also helps to prevent social unrest and violence.
the British should have colonized and brought these people to civil standards instead they remain uncivilized backward and have the same characteristics of other uncontacted peoples not to mention they exist in tribes absorbing them into a egaltarian society is though to say the least imagine Chinese people are very old but not as old compared to ancient Adivasis who have been around for thousands of years they have only been ruled by us and under Ashoka the great empire
If there are jobs in the cities, then surely they will come?

Rural migrants flood into Chinese cities all the time, in order to have an opportunity for even low-paid factory work.

Urbanization is one of the greatest catalysts for development, in all of human history. And besides that, it also makes it easier to provide infrastructure, healthcare, and education to the people. Education and healthcare pays for itself very well, and also helps prevent social unrest.

I completely agree, but there are certain interest groups who thrive on keeping the tribals poor and inside their jungles. If tribals leave, Maoists are finished.
India needs a industrial revolution and needs to revert to urbanization look at what the industrial revolution did to America and Europe an industrial revolution will be the stepping stone to living in a developed country
India needs a industrial revolution and needs to revert to urbanization look at what the industrial revolution did to America and Europe an industrial revolution will be the stepping stone to living in a developed country

Gujarat is already doing that. :tup:

If you get the BJP as your next government, then the chances are good for that to happen.
India needs a industrial revolution and needs to revert to urbanization look at what the industrial revolution did to America and Europe an industrial revolution will be the stepping stone to living in a developed country

This Maoist problem can be solved if new urban centres can be established in these jungles and 'outsiders' should be encouraged to settle there. With the mixing of people, both tribals and maoists will loose their dominance.
This Maoist problem can be solved if new urban centres can be established in these jungles and 'outsiders' should be encouraged to settle there. With the mixing of people, both tribals and maoists will loose their dominance.

Also, urbanization means your Police officers become more effective per person, because the area to defend is much smaller.

These "tribal fighters" (Naxals) are the most effective in the jungles, because they can run and hide.

They have no hope of winning urban battles against well-armed Police forces.
How can you blame GoI for everything when many of the tribal villages are located deep inside jungles and these places was not under any rule of any ruler for a long time.

Eventhough I was not born then, according to the information received from my elders my family home in Kerala didn't had electricity or running water till the late 1970s. Here we are talking about a place in a state which is considered the most developed in India.Even now we depend on wells for water, but drawing water from wells was made easy by pumps. So it will take time until the development reaches this tribal places.. considered one of the most backward in the world.

I am from Orissa. You can't compare with 1970 with 2011. At that time, no one has electricity. Now no electricity in tribal areas.
Problem with tribal leaders. Our district is boarder to andhra pradesh. before 2002, no issues. After heavy operation in there, most naxal leader came to our district. And problem started.
Also, urbanization means your Police officers become more effective per person, because the area to defend is much smaller.

These "tribal fighters" (Naxals) are the most effective in the jungles, because they can run and hide.

They have no hope of winning urban battles against well-armed Police forces.

Thats not half of the worries ....its the planting of IED's on roads, derailing train tracks etc ....its basically Terrorism .....
it feels so weird watching this video and getting to terms with the inequality in the world. here i am sitting in my bed on mac book ,sipping some wine and typing and their they are wondering where their next meal is gonna come from.
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