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The photos Saudi Arabia doesn't want seen –

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This regime must answer for turning OUR mosques and OUR identity and our history into vegas.

Whats yours? Its completely theirs. In rome, do what romans do.

Your identity and your history is not arab identity or arab history. I am surprised that being a native sub-continental you people have a vague sense of belonging to arabs. Funny.
What's with people? Performing Haj and Umrah are much more important than historic sites, and if minorities think those historic sites are holy, then we don't. hosting greater numbers of Hujaj and affording them with comfort is more important. Muslims worship Allah not houses.
you are Ignorant and a fool what can one expect from you since you are a Wahhabi.You wanna discuss religion start a new topic.i will be more then happy to rip you a new one not that you need it as you are one.

Here is example enjoy

The Beliefs Of Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab

What Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab's father, brother, and shaykhs speculated about him came true-by the Will of Allah, Ta'ala. Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab innovated deviant and misleading ways and beliefs and managed to allure some ignorant people to follow him. His deviant and misleading ways and beliefs disagreed with the sayings of the scholars of the Religion. His deviant beliefs led him to label the believers as blasphemers! He falsely claimed visiting the grave of the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and performing the tawassul(5) by him as shirk(6). Additionally, he falsely claimed visiting the graves of other prophets and righteous Muslims (awliya’) and performing tawassul by them was shirk as well. He added to this by saying, "To call upon the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, when performing tawassul by the Prophet is shirk." He passed the same judgment of shirk on the ones who call upon other prophets and righteous Muslims (awliya’) in performing tawassul by them.

In an effort to give credibility to his innovations Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab embellished his sayings by quotations which he selected from Islamic sources, i.e., quotations which are used as proofs for many issues but not the issues which Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab was attempting to support. He brought false statements and tried to beautify them for the laymen until they followed him. He wrote treatises for them until they believed that most of the People of Tawhid(7) were blasphemers.

Alliance With The Saudi Family

Moreover, Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab called upon the princes of eastern Arabia and the people of ad-Dar'iyyah(8) to support him. They carried his doctrine and made this endeavor a means to strengthen and expand their kingdom. They worked together to suppress the Bedouins of the deserts until they overcame them and those Bedouins followed them and became foot-soldiers for them without pay. After that, these masses started to believe that whoever does not believe in what Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab said is a blasphemer, and it is Islamically lawful (halal) to shed his blood and plunder his money.

The matter of Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab started to evidence itself in 1143 A.H. and began spreading after 1150 A.H. Subsequently, the scholars--even his brother, Shaykh Sulayman and the rest of his shaykhs-- authored many treatises to refute him. But Muhammad Ibn Su'ud, the Prince of ad-Dar'iyyah in eastern Arabia, supported him and worked to spread his ideology. Ibn Su'ud was from Banu Hanifah, the people of Musaylimah al-Kadhdhab(9). When Muhammad Ibn Su'ud died, his son 'Abdul-'Aziz Ibn Muhammad Ibn Su'ud took over the responsibility of fulfilling the vile task of spreading the Wahhabi beliefs.

Many of the shaykhs of Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab in Medina used to say, "He will be misguided, and he will misguide those for whom Allah willed the misguidance." Things took place as per the speculation of the scholars. Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab claimed his intention behind the madhhab he invented was "to purify the Tawhid" and "repudiate the shirk." He also claimed people had been following the shirk for six-hundred years and he revived their Religion for them!!

I also like the avatar you use Satans ***** every time any pakistani dies at the hands of Wahhabi terrorist people immediately say zia the bastard did this to us.May he rote in hell for eternity.

Homosexuality is allowed in Wahhabi sum did not know that.

Here you go, why do you hate him? The answer:

Listen from 1.20....
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First and Most important house of Saud is part owner of the newspaper second what does the destruction thats part of Wahhabi ideology has any thing to do with shias.

Shias arent the ones doing the destruction under the disguise of ''Expansion'' Wahhabi s are,shias arent the ones printing it in newspaper westerners are.

So instead of blaming shias concentrates on the Topic and as far as your comments about shia holy sites is concerned we had lots of Wahhabi help in destroying those too.

Off course not they are destroying the historic places to build mega malls and hotels i guess that will be called progress.

And what's exactly the Wahabi ideology that concerns you other than demolishing Shirk places? And what is the difference between Wahabi and Sunni? Just be yourself and be honest albeit once..
indeed this is more complicated than this. KSA is not the prophet by the way. you have one point of view . i respect it but don't judge us as simple as you do.

i remember he was a smart guy from your country, he was a doctor, we got many discussions with him. he was tolerant.

anyway just see one exemple:
in Africa they have figuration, i guess you know it right? so they are not muslim? they can even pray in front of a statue and believe a statue will help them...

when we pray we have a piece of soil. and yes we go to these places ... to touch. we are not considering it as a figuration of the prophet. for us this is just a place to remember the family. this is a shrine. ok i understand you don't like it. this is your opinion.

by the way i went to Mecca .. at least your country considered me as muslim.

another point: there are some fanatics in all countries. in ours as well. some people are haters. don't blame all shias because of some people.

to say the truth, most muslims in Europe i met (no Iranian they are rare here :D a lot of Africans here i wonder as many as the white people lol) didn't go to Mecca. Even the people who went there didn't consider KSA to be a religious leader, not to offense you but just the country WHERE IT IS. Mecca is important for all of us anyway, whatever the government is in your ocuntry, whaterever is the family in power. Mecca is Mecca.
and yes you can consider us much willing to go there. it is true. i ddn't see anything bad about it.

just this is off topic... but in Iran most young people don't care religion now. they are not shias anymore. some people with their extremism killed religion in our country. you blame shias , they want individual rights and more tolerant Islam.i blame these extremists too.

I'm not saying Sunni are innocents because they aren't for sure, but if there were a few more people like you, ME would be a better place. Sometimes, we are dragged to this, some people as you see call names while we don't, we get pissed off and reply, then they pretend to be victims. It was a pleasure to know you.





nothing wrong with the expansion work it is to benefit everyone. how do you suggest they are accomodated as population grows the world over? some people are really deluded, creating controversy out of a non-issue. not sure what their purpose is.

but what is it with all these weird cults in the region now? i'm shocked at the extent of it, and these shaitan worshippers are not stopped?



People always whine about the expansion projects. Surprisingly, at the same time people complain about the room within the Haram. So, I guess no matter how hard you work,and no matter how much money do you spend, people will always rant at you. What did the Iranians do to serve the Muslims in Mecca or elsewhere?
Oh! No thank you we don't need any help from you.
Why is it Hindus are mentioned in your post, isn't it off topic?

Does it mean if muslims and hindus have some common things they should be forbidden??

The ever so fragile and defense less Hindu was mentioned to suggest that Shias have taken up rituals which are Hindu historically.

Thus the argument that Shia religion was started / matured AFTER the religoin of Islam was completed.
i didn't know the newspaper The INdependant was shia. good to know :hitwall:

The Independant would like to stir shia-sunni trouble further. Though Iran has NOTHING to do with what is going on in Saudia under their own rules but still such actions will be used to ignite Iranian sentiments keeping in mind the old rivalry between the two regions NOT religion
The ever so fragile and defense less Hindu was mentioned to suggest that Shias have taken up rituals which are Hindu historically.

Thus the argument that Shia religion was started / matured AFTER the religoin of Islam was completed.

Shiaism was started in Iraq and later expanded in Lebanon and North Africa and finally Iran. Nothing to do with South Asia or Hinduism.
The ever so fragile and defense less Hindu was mentioned to suggest that Shias have taken up rituals which are Hindu historically.

Looking at current world scenario, it is clear who is defenceless against western onslaught.
I don't think there is any importance for Historic places in Islam.

As is evident from Saudi's demolition of Prophet Mohammed(PUBH) historic sites in his life time.

How can u tell that there is no importance of historic places in Islam ? You don't see the actions of Saudis but read Islamic books , if you want to know about the importances of historic places in Islam. And According to Sahaba , ( companions of Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam ) historic places are very important.

Can anybody suggest how to stop this Wahabi terrorism ? Because Wahabis are only 5 to 10 Crores out of 125 Crore Muslims. Especially their Funds ?
The ever so fragile and defense less Hindu was mentioned to suggest that Shias have taken up rituals which are Hindu historically.

Thus the argument that Shia religion was started / matured AFTER the religoin of Islam was completed.

Oh .....you are the one who was carrying the fake superiority.

How many citizens of your community are defense less these days. I pity you for your ignorance.
Looking at current world scenario, it is clear who is defenceless against western onslaught.

Oh .....you are the one who was carrying the fake superiority.

How many citizens of your community are defense less these days. I pity you for your ignorance.

Uhhh ... Indians .. thus stupid !

If one enemy is much much stronger and has the upper hand, that does not mean we are not fighting ?

How is that defense less ?

However, what is very amusing is the moment word "hindu" was mentioned in one my posts instantly the indian cherry popped ...

If you know what i mean !

Shiaism was started in Iraq and later expanded in Lebanon and North Africa and finally Iran. Nothing to do with South Asia or Hinduism.

Islam started in Mecca, moved to Madina and came back and settled in Mecca.

It was concluded by a prophet named Mohammad, and he had Allah as witness to testify for the completion of his job.

However Nice to know about your side.
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