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The Pakistan problem

Bro i agree with what you are saying....but i think you need to change your name,how would you like it if a indian member called himself screwpakistan.

lol he can dare do that on his own forum yes on a Pakistani Forum and nothing happened then shame on the Admin of that perticuler forum.

By the way u think BHINDIA is INDIA ? give me a yes or no lol
Because any problem in the neighbourhood or any instability automatically affects the neighbour.

Next you will tell me that the current crisis in Pakistan should not worry India. It does. Because the next PM may not have the same agenda as Gen Musharraf to try and solve the dispute as much as he can!

With due respect, if the next PM displays the same paranoia as what you are displaying to an innocuous sentence and if he too sees shadows where none exist, then what little good that has happened between India and Pakistan in the recent past will be brought to nought!

Oh yea whatever musharraf did was rite then why dont u guys take steps also?
screwbhindia, here is a neat quote from Sun Tzu (The art of War fame):

"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle." ;)

Yea Mr Nice Guy,

Why dont you tell that same thing to your friends too if we go to their forums and talk about their issues they use abusive languages on us, they ban us.

And don't give me bs about two wrongs don't make it right.
If only you understood the pathbreaking effort made!

In India, we have people like you too.

Have your cake and eat it too!

I appreciate the bravery shown by people of your ilk to now lambast Musharraf since he is in a bit of a spot.

Why did you not take to the street when Nawaz Sharif was exiled or BB was charged with corruption?

That would have indicated your and your ilk's courage of conviction and courage to face the Musharraf.

Fickle as the wind!

I am sure you would prefer that Mullah of the Red Mosque as your leader and ruin whatever the present govt has given to you!

Seems like someone is having a case of Thursdays (usually this happens on Monday but in your case I think its a spill over...) ;)

Which ilk are you talking about? I have been a fan of Musharraf and would love to see him continue...so not sure what tangent you are going off on here?...I am still happy that BB and NS are out...good riddance and I support imposing conditionalities on their return....my point, which for some reason escapes you, is a simple one.....India has an interest in who leads Pakistan and that is fine, however when you have a person like Musharraf with whom you can do business (and he has repeatedly shown that he can carry the country on the Kashmir issue) then why would you need to worry about who comes down the line? Yeah leadership in South Asia is something of interest to each of the countries in the region, it does not need to be spelled out.

As far as your comment about me preferring Mullah of the Red Mosque.:lol: ..get a life!
I am a Muslim but one who believes in moderation of views and acceptance of others views. Mullah of the LM and I would have serious differences in the way we would go about our ways.
Yea Mr Nice Guy,

Why dont you tell that same thing to your friends too if we go to their forums and talk about their issues they use abusive languages on us, they ban us.

And don't give me bs about two wrongs don't make it right.

How do you know who my friends are? Is this going off on a tangent of "you're neither Pakistani nor Muslim"?

I could post articles that are not complimentary and can counter what you say, but I don't, even though they are from the Pakistani media.

I am not here to foment hatred.

I am here to learn and understand.

To that extent, you and some, more radical than you, do help!

And at the same time, people like Agnostic Muslim and some others do indicate that there is hope!
How do you know who my friends are? Is this going off on a tangent of "you're neither Pakistani nor Muslim"?

lol use your common sense, you know what i meant.

I didt even talk about religion yet.

Still do tell them too do the same what you and your colleagues are doing here.
lol use your common sense, you know what i meant.

I didt even talk about religion yet.

Still do tell them too do the same what you and your colleagues are doing here.

What are you trying to say? Tell whom? I don't really take hints well. :confused:

I could post articles that are not complimentary and can counter what you say, but I don't, even though they are from the Pakistani media.

I am not here to foment hatred.

I am here to learn and understand.

To that extent, you and some, more radical than you, do help!

And at the same time, people like Agnostic Muslim and some others do indicate that there is hope!

This is something that I am really interested in finding out...how am I radical?? This is the first time that I have ever heard someone claim that about me.

Do you see me post articles bashing India anywhere on this forum? Do you see me writing trash to denigrate Indians, Hindus, Sikhs or anyone or anything relating to your country? If you see one then point it out and I would own up to it.

I am also interested in finding out where I lashed out at Agnostic (you have mentioned the same in the the 1965 war thread)? Can Agnostic confirm this please so I can at least apologize to him? The way I have been getting critique from Mr. Salim, it seems its better that I not carry on here as I have ruffled too many feathers.
This is something that I am really interested in finding out...how am I radical?? This is the first time that I have ever heard someone claim that about me.

Do you see me post articles bashing India anywhere on this forum? Do you see me writing trash to denigrate Indians, Hindus, Sikhs or anyone or anything relating to your country? If you see one then point it out and I would own up to it.

I am also interested in finding out where I lashed out at Agnostic (you have mentioned the same in the the 1965 war thread)? Can Agnostic confirm this please so I can at least apologize to him? The way I have been getting critique from Mr. Salim, it seems its better than I not carry on here as I have ruffled too many feathers.

I am not the jingo type.

I have seen enough wars to realise what a waste of time the whole thing is!

To be radical, one does not have to be a India basher or basher of its people. That it will be so here is but natural and I don't get perturbed over it except to bring some facts out with links wherein, hopefully, the air is cleared.

I said radical because you refuse to logically with facts refute Agnostic's post. Instead you go ballistics with emotions and the in a state of denial. Both these aspects do not lend to spreading knowledge! I sure would love to hear your views supported by facts and not by emotions.

I come here to learn more about Pakistan and it does hamper gleaning of facts, if it is obfuscated with smoke and fog of emotion.

At the same time, I must admit that PFF has become a more matured forum from what I knew it to be before and there is no doubt that the Moderators and Administrators have had to fight an uphill battle to get it done.

If facts, more than emotions, rule the posts, then this will become one of the best and well populated forums and it is for us to ensure so!

Let us attract and not repel! :cheers:
Calling some one radical while others demented souls, how do you possibly suggest mr Salim " let us attract and not repel?
A very incisive observation indeed!

Indeed demented, did I say?

I couldn't have been so sharp to spot it!

Sharp as the bald eagle!

Great thunders!
I am not the jingo type.

I have seen enough wars to realise what a waste of time the whole thing is!

To be radical, one does not have to be a India basher or basher of its people. That it will be so here is but natural and I don't get perturbed over it except to bring some facts out with links wherein, hopefully, the air is cleared.

I said radical because you refuse to logically with facts refute Agnostic's post. Instead you go ballistics with emotions and the in a state of denial. Both these aspects do not lend to spreading knowledge! I sure would love to hear your views supported by facts and not by emotions.

I come here to learn more about Pakistan and it does hamper gleaning of facts, if it is obfuscated with smoke and fog of emotion.

At the same time, I must admit that PFF has become a more matured forum from what I knew it to be before and there is no doubt that the Moderators and Administrators have had to fight an uphill battle to get it done.

If facts, more than emotions, rule the posts, then this will become one of the best and well populated forums and it is for us to ensure so!

Let us attract and not repel! :cheers:


Again I would like to see this "Agnostic vs. Blain" posting contest where you are claiming that I went off on the emotional tangent (all guns blazing is how you described it) instead of sticking with facts. I really am unsure what this was all about?
I come here to learn more about Pakistan and it does hamper gleaning of facts, if it is obfuscated with smoke and fog of emotion.

As to your point above, if I have vented somewhere its due to the constant barrage of Pakistan bashing that you and many others from India engage in. I am not a "jingo" type either. I was born in a military family with folks very close to me having seen action on multiple occasions so I am not here to browbeat anyone and to make a point that you suck more and we suck less. The problem for you to understand is the number of posts generated by the Indian members that have absolutely no constructive value. All they do is incite a typical response from the Pakistani side....if you want to attract and not repel, then keep in mind the response that a typical post from you or another Indian would generate.

BTW, where is this poor Agnostic?? Buddy if I put you down somewhere (as per Salim), then my apologies. Not sure what the topic or the context was?
A very incisive observation indeed!

Indeed demented, did I say?

I couldn't have been so sharp to spot it!

Sharp as the bald eagle!

Great thunders!

An image of Gandalf addressing one of the hobbits popped into my head while reading that post of yours.
Your use of the English language is quite entertaining.
I speak for myself and do not take the responsibility for the world!

Let's move on!

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