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The Pakistan problem

I dunno why but I really enjoy your posts... maybe its the wordplay which proves that you are illiterate as you told me you were.

If I were given the choice I would answer each and every post from you! :enjoy:

I am not the jingo type.

I have seen enough wars to realise what a waste of time the whole thing is!

Not the jingo type and not into the "game of brownie points"... point noted!

I see! So you are a veteran of war? Right now I am remembering some of the beasts of war I saw in the movie 300 and comparing them to you. So you took part in every war with Pakistan? Well that sums up all the delusional writing... I have heard of Indian army commanders making comments that it will take only a day for India to destroy Pakistan and what not!

To be radical, one does not have to be a India basher or basher of its people. That it will be so here is but natural and I don't get perturbed over it except to bring some facts out with links wherein, hopefully, the air is cleared.

Radical? I called people like you fanatics so obviously you have to call us something in return that does not compromise your postition or does not prove that you are a negligent fanatic. Do you even believe what you say? :what: India Basher????? WHO IS BASHING WHO? Is it not the other way around?

I said radical because you refuse to logically with facts refute Agnostic's post. Instead you go ballistics with emotions and the in a state of denial. Both these aspects do not lend to spreading knowledge! I sure would love to hear your views supported by facts and not by emotions.

Fine, lets ignore the emotions... but then tommorow you will come up with another reason for calling someone a "radical" or "demented soul" and you will find another reason for ignoring posts that have nothing but facts! Facts! Everytime people give you a fact or a piece of truth you deny it or ignore it as irrelevant! Allright I'll tell you some of the facts from which you have been running and are unwilling to face:

1) Minorites in India are not treated well! Ask my family there and all those muslims who are still shifting to Pakistan from India through organizations and they will tell you. Even the last time I went last time i went to Lucknow muslims were dying left and right due to the riots. My family members said that hindus were favoured for job positions, muslims have little political power in India and they agreed that muslims in India were like second or third class citizens and the old biases and discrimination still exist! Even christians aren't treated well! Weren't some church people killed recently in India? Aren't these facts?

2) The treatment of Kashmiris is inhuman. The siezure of property, torture, rape and killing of innocent Kashmiri civilians is widely known! You want a source? Just do a search on google and maybe I'll bring my friend in here who shifted from India and you can ask her about the trouble she and her family went through in India and why they shifted to Pakistan and why she says she is willing to die to maintain the freedom she has in Pakistan!

3) There is widespread hatred of Pakistan in India! Although what other more moderate Indians have told me should be enough I felt this hatred myself when I was in India. Heres an example: when I went to the grocery store near my house the dude asked me where I was from as he had not seen me many times before. I said Pakistan. All I heard after that was a an Anti-Pakistan tirade or "diatribe";)... he kept telling me how India is more developed etc than Pakistan and how it was stronger militarily and he told me that grocery stores in Pakistan bring everything from India (he obviously knew more about us than any Pakistani;) ). Sadly, the truth is he was'nt the only one who presented me with this Bakwas.

You keep denying that these are facts and the truth! You want to keep the conversation on Pakistan and its problems while denying your own as "irrelevant"! Why do you ignore these problems or say that they are untrue? I stand beside Blain, dude! Blain would be one of the most neutral members of this site but the truth is you are the radical! You are the fanatic who come here each and everyday just to pick on Pakistan and its problems rather than to spread the message of peace!

I come here to learn more about Pakistan and it does hamper gleaning of facts, if it is obfuscated with smoke and fog of emotion.

Do you? Do you really come here to learn more about Pakistan or to highlight Pakistans problems and issues and enjoy yourself while you see us get angry at your baseless remarks while trying to tell everyone that they are wrong and you are right as they are not using facts and are basing their views on only "emotions". I know you well enough to know that you will always have an excuse and will always keep denying the truth! Please continue living your life in negligence....

At the same time, I must admit that PFF has become a more matured forum from what I knew it to be before and there is no doubt that the Moderators and Administrators have had to fight an uphill battle to get it done.

Woah, an uphill battle? Were there any casualities? Lemme ask the Webmaster about how many losses there were in the battle... So the battle was between Pakistanis? Well you must have enjoyed yourself! Webmaster how many losses were there?

So what is this battle called? Is it called the "uphill battle" or the "battle of a thousand hills" or the "battle of the upper hill"?

If facts, more than emotions, rule the posts, then this will become one of the best and well populated forums and it is for us to ensure so!Let us attract and not repel! :cheers:

Emotions do not rule the post! The facts rule the posts which are either denied or ignored by people like you! Whenever a display of emotion is made based on those facts you get a chance to throw in your delusional writing which is a result of your constant hallucinations.

Let us attract and not repel! :cheers:

I give up! I repel and you attract! You definately come here every single day just because you want to spread the message of peace and love Pakistanis and that is why you attract while I repel! I give in!
What happened to the posts after this and Adux's post. If he had doubts then I could clear them!

I DO NOT use humour as a Personal Attack on members! I use humour only to loosen the atmosphere up a little bit here and create interest... otherwise this site will be like a war-zone. I have no intention of insulting people with my posts!
Its difficult to understand the card being played , but consequences are obvious by now!
If it was good step it must had resulted in good.
Only problem I see is lack of unity , once united we can conqueror the world

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