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I can find a hundred articles of Indians brutalities towards girls.

Dozens of female babies' body parts found in disused Indian well

Randeep Ramesh in New Delhi guardian.co.uk, Monday 23 July 2007 15.17 BST Article history

Police in the eastern Indian state of Orissa have exhumed skulls and body parts believed to be from three dozen aborted female foetuses and murdered infant girls in an abandoned well, a grisly find that highlights the persistence of infanticide in the country.
Officers suspect a nearby clinic of performing the abortions and killing the children because they were female. The owner of the clinic, Sabita Sahu, and the manager, Shyma Sahu, have been detained for questioning.

Yogesh Bahadur Khurania, a senior police official in Nayagarh district, told reporters that authorities have yet to conclusively determine the sex of the bodies unearthed.

The police raids began after the discovery nine days ago when the remains of seven female foetuses were found buried.

Female infanticide continues in India, even though it is illegal and condemned by the government. The falling number of girls being born in the country is believed to be due in part due to the availability of ultrasound examinations, which allow parents to find out their baby's gender before birth.

Television channels revealed that Nayagarh has one of the worst sex ratios in the state. It has a dozen private ultrasound clinics, only one of which is licensed.

Satish Agnihotri, a demographer who studied Orissa's sex ratios, said that new technology and increasing prosperity had combined to worsen widen the gap between the number of boys and the number of girls being born. In the last census urban Orissa only had 860 girls per 1000 boys.

"This is a new phenomenon in Orissa which traditionally has been free of the girl child problem. But money and technology are having a big impact," he said.

The incident is only the tip of the iceberg, said Sabu George, a prominent campaigner against female feticide. Mr George said that by 2011, Indian families will be killing 1 million female children a year.

Traditionally, India's patriarchal society prefers boys over girls. Punjab and the neighbouring state of Haryana, the richest states in India, have seen sex ratios heavily skewed.

According to the 2001 census - the latest official population data - the national sex ratio was 933 girls to 1,000 boys. In Punjab it was 798 girls to 1,000 boys, compared with 875 in 1991.

The skewing of the populations in favour of males has meant that brides are scarce - men are forced to travel across the country to find a match.

Mr George said the problem could be traced to "doctors who kill. There is no other word for it. They take money and with the full knowledge of the parents they abort female foetuses. The question is whether the police will prosecute".

Dozens of female babies' body parts found in disused Indian well | World news | guardian.co.uk

They call that abortion,, it happens in every country,,,,where is your source about 1000s of baby girls being buried alive,,,I realize that happens to young women in Pakistan,,,so your main defense is that Indian women have abortions...:hitwall:
They call that abortion,, it happens in every country,,,,where is your source about 1000s of baby girls being buried alive,,,I realize that happens to young women in Pakistan,,,so your main defense is that Indian women have abortions...:hitwall:

When did I say thousands of baby's have been buried alive and where's your source that happens in Pakistan?

However, MILLIONS of girls in India have been killed by their parents - either in the womb or immediately after birth - over the past two decades.

Baby survives being buried alive

The practice of female infanticide still occurs in rural areas
A two-day-old baby girl in India has survived after being buried alive in a field by her maternal grandfather in the south of the country.
The baby, who had apparently never been fed, was discovered by a farmer near a village some 150km south of Hyderabad.

He said he only spotted her because her tiny hand was sticking out of the soil.

Police say they have arrested the baby's grandfather, 52-year-old Abdul Rahman, after he confessed to trying to kill the newborn by burying her alive.

"I am yet to marry off four daughters and cannot take responsibility for a fifth one, even when she is only a granddaughter," Mr Rahman was quoted as telling police.

It was not immediately clear whether Mr Rahman's daughter, the mother of the baby, had given her consent for her child to be taken away.

The baby, who has not yet been named and weighs just 1.7kg, is being treated in a nearby hospital.

The practice of female foeticide and female infanticide does occur in some rural areas.

A girl child is often viewed as inferior to a boy and a bride's dowry can also cripple a family financially.

Government figures suggest that around 10 million girls have been killed by their parents - either in the womb or immediately after birth - over the past two decades.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Baby survives being buried alive
And you never talk about thousands of little baby girls burried alive when they are born in India.


It was this fellow that said that 1000s of baby girls were buried alive...
It was this fellow that said that 1000s of baby girls were buried alive...

Well maybe he'll find a source for you backing up what he said.

I already gave you my source of MILLIONS of baby girls being killed in India.
Well maybe he'll find a source for you backing up what he said.

I already gave you my source of MILLIONS of baby girls being killed in India.

The same can be said for China, even much more so,, do you have a problem with China too... :pop:
When did I say thousands of baby's have been buried alive and where's your source that happens in Pakistan?

However, MILLIONS of girls in India have been killed by their parents - either in the womb or immediately after birth - over the past two decades.

Baby survives being buried alive

The practice of female infanticide still occurs in rural areas
A two-day-old baby girl in India has survived after being buried alive in a field by her maternal grandfather in the south of the country.
The baby, who had apparently never been fed, was discovered by a farmer near a village some 150km south of Hyderabad.

He said he only spotted her because her tiny hand was sticking out of the soil.

Police say they have arrested the baby's grandfather, 52-year-old Abdul Rahman, after he confessed to trying to kill the newborn by burying her alive.

"I am yet to marry off four daughters and cannot take responsibility for a fifth one, even when she is only a granddaughter," Mr Rahman was quoted as telling police.

It was not immediately clear whether Mr Rahman's daughter, the mother of the baby, had given her consent for her child to be taken away.

The baby, who has not yet been named and weighs just 1.7kg, is being treated in a nearby hospital.

The practice of female foeticide and female infanticide does occur in some rural areas.

A girl child is often viewed as inferior to a boy and a bride's dowry can also cripple a family financially.

Government figures suggest that around 10 million girls have been killed by their parents - either in the womb or immediately after birth - over the past two decades.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Baby survives being buried alive

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It was this fellow that said that 1000s of baby girls were buried alive...

Yes u Indian guys take things so literally when we say and weasel out things u say, so pathetic, But than that is your way of communications, deny and confuse the matter. on the other hand we the Muslims are trying to rid od this brutal practice as Islam prohibited this 1400 years ago, but in Indian this nor looked upon as cruel as we do.

No wonder the minorities in Indian are victims of your denials, your indifference and of your oppressions.
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Yes u Indian guys take things so literally when we say and weasel out things u say, so pathetic, But than that is your way of communications, deny and confuse the matter. on the other hand we the Muslims are trying to rid od this brutal practice as Islam prohibited this 1400 years ago, but in Indian this nor looked upon as cruel as we do.

No wonder the minorities in Indian are victims of your denials, your indifference and of your oppressions.

Really if you do a little research its Pakisan that is the most intolerant and oppression of minorities...

Rising Intolerance Towards The Religious Minorities Of Pakistan

Pakistan, an Islamic country is situated in South Asia. With ever increasing religious intolerance against the non-Muslim religious minorities, Pakistan remains one of the most glaring examples of religious intolerance in the world.

This is an admitted fact that the religious minorities, especially the Christian community contributed a lot in the making of Pakistan. In the fields of health and education the services of Christian community are meritorious. But the forces which opposed the creation of Pakistan in 1947, are now targeting the minority communities. The government is fully aware of the situation but no steps are taken to stop the discriminative attitude towards the minorities.

In addition to severely limiting freedom of speech and assembly, Blasphemy laws and other discriminatory laws, continue to hang like naked swords on the heads of non-Muslim people i.e. Christians, Hindus, Bheels, Maingwals, Sikhs and the indigenous people (The fourth world). Section 295/C of the Pakistan Penal Code (blasphemy law) imposes death penalty on anyone found to have "by words or visible representation or by an imputation or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiled the name of the Prophet Mohammad of Islam". Similarly any body blamed as blasphemer against Koran would be awarded life imprisonment under section 295/C of the Blasphemy Act

Before the introduction of this law, no case of blasphemy ever surfaced in Pakistan and no non-Muslim was ever blamed as a blasphemer. But, after the introduction of blasphemy law in 1985, hundreds of non-Muslims, mostly Christians, have either been killed by the Muslim fanatics or made to flee from the country or put in jails where they face inhumane treatment both at the hands of the Muslim Jail authorities and the Muslim inmates. Any voice raised for the repeal of blasphemy laws, is ruthlessly suppressed. On 11 January 2001, as many as 17 people were arrested for participating in an anti "Blasphemy Laws" protest in Karachi. Though three Christian detainees were released six days later, the incident nonetheless demonstrates the methods of punishment and intimidation the government uses to attack the freedom of expression and assembly, particularly in relation to religious issues.

In another case, two Christian young men namely Messrs Amjad and Asif from Jhang were sentenced to life imprisonment in March 2001, under section 295/B of the blasphemy law.

In January this year, eight Christian evangelists including one pastor Rev. Yousaf Masih from the city of Jacobabad were arrested because they were showing a Christian film "WHO IS JESUS" in a Christian locality of Jacobabad.

Very recently i.e. on April 1, 2001, a Christian Teacher Mr. Parvez Masih of a village in Sialkot district, has been falsely blamed as a blasphemer. His Muslim enemy, due to personal grudge, has implicated him under section 295/C of the Blasphemy Act. Mr. Parvez Masih, has been booked and put in the jail for a crime which he never committed and penalty for the crime is death. The innocent Christian teacher was running a school in his village. A Muslim teacher also established his own school. But the school of Mr. Parvez Masih attracted more students due to his dedication as a teacher. The Muslim fellow with his grudge against the Christian teacher, ultimately implicated him in the case of blasphemy. The poor and innocent man, just because of his Christian faith, is being persecuted in the jail. His old parents and other members of his family are being targeted by the fanatic Muslims of the area. There are twenty other Christian families, which, since April 1st are living in a constant harassment.

Christians have definitely suffered under the blasphemy laws. In 1998, Mr. Ayub Masih, a Christian gentleman was sentenced to death though he was quite innocent. Unable to get Ayub released, Bishop John Joseph, a widely respected non-violent activist for minority rights in Pakistan, committed hirakiri by shooting himself in the head.

The fanatic Islamists don’t show any leniency in cases of blasphemy though such cases mostly are ill-founded. In 1996 Mr. Justice Arif Iqbal Bhatti of the Lahore High court was shot dead by a Muslim Fanatic because he had acquitted three Christian fellows from blasphemy charges.

Last year another Judge of the Lahore High Court Mr. Justice Nazir Akhtar became highly partial on the issue of blasphemy laws. He declared that anybody blamed with blasphemy charges, should be instantly killed on the spot by Muslims as a religious obligation. He further remarked that there was no need of any legal proceedings for a blasphemer. These remarks of the judge were published in the national print media.

This is a height of injustice that there are scores of victims of blasphemy law who are being confined in jails. They are in jails for the last so may years but no court is prepared to dispose off their cases. They are compelled to live under sub-human condition in jails. They suffer the severest kind of persecution. No judge is ready for the trial of those prisoners.

In several cases of blasphemy laws, the accused after untold suffering in jail, have been acquitted by the courts. But no action is ever taken against to Muslim compliments who were responsible for ruining the lives of the innocent accused who were falsely implicated under blasphemy charges.

Like the blasphemy laws, the Hudood Ordinance (The Quranic Laws) require strict adherence to Muslim practices and blatantly discriminate against non-Muslims in a court of law. Women have particularly suffered under these ordinances, as they are frequently and wrongfully charged for sexual misconduct such as adultery. Although most women tried under the ordinance are eventually acquitted, they must then endure the stigma of having been under suspicion. The Koranic Laws (Hudood Ordinances) should not be imposed on non-Muslims, but the irony of the fate is that these laws are now stronger than ever.

Religious minorities are alienated and deprived of equal access to justice in other ways. For instance if a Muslim kills a non Muslim, the perpetrators may compensate the victims family monetarily. If non Muslim kills a Muslim the perpetrator faces prison or the death penalty. The Federal Sharia court (FSC) ensures that all legislative acts and judicial pronouncements including those of the supreme court are compatible with Islamic laws. The structure of Sharia courts is an evidence that the government wants to impose a Taliban Style theocratic rule in Pakistan. No Christian lawyer is allowed to appear in the Federal Shariat Court though this court hears cases of non-Muslim people.

Another area of institutionalized discrimination relates to the electoral system. Pakistan is the only country in the world where the system of Separate Electorates was imposed in 1985, against the will of the minorities. Under this undemocratic system, people cannot vote outside their religious affiliations. So non-Muslims citizens of this Islamic State are severely disenfranchised. The separate electorate system has always been denounced as a scheme of religious apartheid that promoted intolerance and served the purpose divide and rule. In the recently held local bodies election under the devolution plan the minorities boycotted the polls overwhelmingly because they were conducted on the basis of separate electorates.

Though the present military administration especially General Musharaf gave assurance for improving the situation of minorities rights. But owing the vested interests the recent local bodies election under the devolution plan were held on separate electorates basis.

There have also been shocking cases of rape and murder of Christian Women. On their way home from working at a factory eight Christian girls, were gang raped at gunpoint by Muslim Men in May, 2000. In 1998, four Muslim men raped a seven year old girl named Nagina. In February 2001, another Christian minor girl (a school student) named Naira was abducted by an influential Muslim fellow. The culprit is still at large and the girl still remains un recovered because the Muslim Police is favouring the Muslim abductor. In March 2001, a Christian girl named Farhat Javed from Summandri, Distt. Faisalabad, was abducted by Muslim influential people just one day before her marriage.

When a Christian a Hindu women is abducted, she is forced to change her religion. If under coercion she does so her previous marriage under Islamic law becomes null and void. Nobody bothers as to what would become of the children born in the previous wedlock. Many families, because of this forcefull conversion to Islam, have been ruined.

Clearly, non-Muslim religious minorities in Pakistan, are de facto second class citizens. In addition to facing direct discrimination in laws such as the blasphemy law and the Koranic laws, the undemocratic separate Electorates, religious minorities face severe mistreatment from militant members of the Muslim majority.

There is a wide spread social hatred against the non-Muslim people. they are discriminated severely in eating places and restaurants. Even in the era of 21st century, the barber’s shops in Pakistan bear notices which read "Non-Muslims are not provided services" This is all in the notice of the government but no body is prepared to put an end to this kind of social hatred.

The militant wings of the Islamic religious political parties, are also responsible for the rise of religious extremism in Pakistan. Inspired by the Talibans, they are hell bent to create a conflicting situation.

In a religious convention held in the first week of April, at Peshawar under the title of "Deoband Conference" the Muslim fanatics vowed that they would convert Pakistan into a theocratic state like that of Afghanistan. About one million Muslims from all over the world attended this conference.

Another religious convention of the hardline Islamists was held in mid April by Laskar-e-Tayyaba. The 200,000 participants of this conference near Lahore, vowed that they would make Pakistan a complete Muslim state. The Muslim diehard declared that they would promote the culture of beards like that of Talibans of Afghanistan. Through a resolution, the Christian Mission Schools in Pakistan were condemned and it was declared that all such schools were responsible for killing the Islamic spirit of the Muslims. On the other hand plans were made at this convention to open more Muslim religious schools to prepare young boys (child soldiers) to wage holy war (Islamic Term) against the infidels. (All the non-Muslims are infidels according to Islamic teachings). For this purpose, fund raising is done extensively. These organizations are also funded by International Islamic groups.

In 1998, Mr. Nawaz Sharif the then Prime Minister, through the 15th constitutional Amendment, wanted to impose Sharia in the country. But it was CLF, which by lobbying with the senators, failed the move of the government and the sharia bill was blocked from passage in the senate of Pakistan. Had this bill been passed it would have played havoc with the non-Muslims citizens of Pakistan.

All the successive governments due to their vested interests never bothered to improve the situation. It has rather gone from bad to worse. When General Pervez Musharaf grabbed power in October 1999, he declared that he would take measures to improve the conditions of the minority communities of Pakistan. He, in a Human Rights Convention in April 2000, proposed to improve the procedure for the registration of cases under blasphemy laws. but threatened by militant fanatic Islamists, he had to revert his decision.

In 1974, through a constitutional amendment, the government of Pakistan declared the Ahmedi community as non-Muslim minority. So the practice of Ahmedi faith is severely restricted by law. Their religious freedom is restricted and they are facing lots of hardships.

According to the constitution of Pakistan the President and the Prime Minister of Pakistan must be Muslims who through their oath have to declare their Muslim faith and to preserve the Islamic ideology of the country.

Teaching of Islamiat (Islamic studies) in compulsory in the school and colleges of the country for the Muslim students. While students of other faiths are not required to study Islam they are not provided with parallel opportunities to study their own faiths. the Muslim teachers compel the non Muslim students to complete courses of Islamic Studies.

Many Christian and Ahmedi students report that they face discrimination in applying to government educational institutions due to their religious affiliations. They are supposed to reflect their religion on their application forms.

The low caste Hindu community is a highly marginalized group. They, under economic compulsions, are involved in bonded labour. They are backward and their human rights are not recognized. They are often labelled as agents of India aid thus looked down upon.

The other religious minorities i.e. Sikhs, Bhais, Budhists and indiginous groups face hardships on religious grounds in Pakistan.

The prevailing scenario foretells that if measures are not taken and activities of the hard liners are not checked, Pakistan would turn into a religious apartheid state where non-Muslim will remain slaves of the Muslim majority. This is a question of life and death for the 14 million people of the minorities of Pakistan.

Christian Liberation Front Pakistan (CLF), which is a leading human rights organization of the minorities, has been struggling for the repeal of discriminatory laws. The mission of CLF, as is significant from its nomenclature, is to work for the liberation of the oppressed minorities from their social subjugation, religious discrimination and economic deprivation.

CLF since its inception in 1985, has been highlighting the issues of non-Muslim minorities at national and international level through research, lobbying, advocacy and awareness.

We provide legal and other assistance to the victims of blasphemy and other discriminatory laws and to their families. Owing to their backwardness and marginalization, the religious minorities of Pakistan are voiceless people and CLF speaks for them who cannot speak for themselves.

I tell you what,, do a search on Pakistan Intolerance,,, then on India Intolerance,, do a little reading and tell me which is the worse,,,Next to Iran Pakistan is one of the worse oppressers of minoritys in the world...
I could post a 1000 articals like this but I think you get the point..PAKISTAN CULTURE OF INTOLERANCE

This piece is not to support, defend or advocate any sect’s religious beliefs rather the intention is to save humanity in this country which has been fading out swiftly. Since 2007 an alarming rise in suicide bombing in Pakistan has jolted the whole nation and logically though, the focus of attention is on the issues threatening the majority. But minorities of this country who are if not bombed, then slaughtered, burnt, and threatened anyways irrespective of country’s situation. Leaving aside the military dictators gimmicks, the civil governments have always used the religion card to either get the majority support or appease the rigid religious political parties. What intensifies my agony is the intolerance widespread in the society which is indiscriminately targeting the majority in form of terrorism.

The killing of two Ahmedi doctors in one week has sent the shock wave among human rights defenders and frightened the Ahmedis who are denied all rights being a minority sect. An eminent Ahmedi physician and cardiologist was shot dead in Mirpurkhas on September 8 and the very next day, another prominent Ahmedi was killed in Nawabshah. The Ahmediyya community suspected a link between both killings, but could not ascertain the motive. Since 1974, when the first elected prime minister of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, has brought an amendment in the 1973 Constitution in which he declared Ahmediyya sect, non Muslim. The amendment, as an historic event, is known as “Second Amendment” which has not only changed their status for good, but also paved the way for future unending sufferings.

Bhutto’s official biographer, Salmaan Taseer wrote in “Bhutto: A Political Biography” that “In deference to conservative Muslim opinion, he (Bhutto) acquiesced in 1974 in banning the Ahmediyya, a quasi-Islamic sect. Bhutto was no bigot, and the incident left an unpleasant taste in his mouth”. Except a change in the status, no further curbs were imposed on them by Bhutto. But later, General Zia Ul-Haq who overthrew Bhutto played the same politics using religion as a shield and legitimized his rule. In 1984, he decreed that Ahmedis are non Muslims and barred them from reciting the Kalima, and calling for prayers.

Today, their separate mosques and their humiliation are the manifestation of his dream. Recently, in a programme “Alam Online” on Geo TV the host Dr. Amir Liaqat called openly for the killing of Ahmedis. He repeatedly called Ahmedis “Wajub ul Qatal”. This irresponsible attitude on TV should not be tolerated and Pakistanis which are always looking for excuses to go on streets have accepted it and except the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) no sane voice has echoed this concern. Dr. Amir Liaqat, once involved in the controversy of his degree” is very articulate, extempore and knows how to fan the emotions of innocent Pakistanis. He should rightfully be banned on TV for using hate speech, but we have received this orientation to accept the injustice to boost the morale of majority.

In the year of 2004, four Ahmedis have been killed: Basharat Ahmed Mughal in Karachi on February 24, Dr. Gulam Sarwar in Peshawar on March 19 and those mentioned above. Since 1984, 91 Ahmedis have been killed including 15 doctors. It is a visible threat to the coexistence of all sects where protection of lives of minorities is at stake. No halt to the practice of hate preaching has been demanded except HRCP which has set a dangerous precedent. The role of media in forming public opinion is vital and such encouragement for violence against minority in a longer run will not be benefited to majority either. I have been writing for media freedom, but with a mushroomed growth of electronic media, it has also brought responsibility which media has yet to accept with freedom. The wave of extremism and terrorism has hit the country badly and this clear division among the society will not let the good intention to be harbored. On the pretext of blasphemy, the brutal killing of Pakistan’s citizens does not help the country to send a positive signal to the international community as a moderate society and labels it as one of the worst human rights violators. The cultural of tolerance is a phoenix now and the urge to blow the dissenting voices is getting strength with every passing day. Pakistan has a flaw of being a society where there are different forces that cannot cohabit and lack the will. Though, it appears a cliché now but the foundation of Pakistan was not laid on the principle of extremism, rather Pakistan should have been tolerant to those who differ in their thought, beliefs and religion. In Hindustan, both Hindus and Muslims coexisted for centuries, where Muslims were the biggest minority and later they fought for their rights. How come Pakistanis can be forgetful and ungrateful of their own past which dates back to 1947 and refuse giving due respect and right to their minorities?

Culture of Intolerance | Pakistan Times!

Sadaf Arshad - who has written 6 posts on Pakistan Times!.

Ms. Sadaf Arshad works as the Coordinating Editor, Media Monitor, with South Asian Media Net. She holds a Masters degree in Mass Communication and has a deep-rooted interest in subjects like peace and development, security, poverty eradication and economic and gender equality. She has been writing for The Friday Times. currently Columnist with English Daily of Pakistan The Post
I could post a 1000 articals like this but I think you get the point..PAKISTAN CULTURE OF INTOLERANCE

This piece is not to support, defend or advocate any sect’s religious beliefs rather the intention is to save humanity in this country which has been fading out swiftly. Since 2007 an alarming rise in suicide bombing in Pakistan has jolted the whole nation and logically though, the focus of attention is on the issues threatening the majority. But minorities of this country who are if not bombed, then slaughtered, burnt, and threatened anyways irrespective of country’s situation. Leaving aside the military dictators gimmicks, the civil governments have always used the religion card to either get the majority support or appease the rigid religious political parties. What intensifies my agony is the intolerance widespread in the society which is indiscriminately targeting the majority in form of terrorism.

The killing of two Ahmedi doctors in one week has sent the shock wave among human rights defenders and frightened the Ahmedis who are denied all rights being a minority sect. An eminent Ahmedi physician and cardiologist was shot dead in Mirpurkhas on September 8 and the very next day, another prominent Ahmedi was killed in Nawabshah. The Ahmediyya community suspected a link between both killings, but could not ascertain the motive. Since 1974, when the first elected prime minister of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, has brought an amendment in the 1973 Constitution in which he declared Ahmediyya sect, non Muslim. The amendment, as an historic event, is known as “Second Amendment” which has not only changed their status for good, but also paved the way for future unending sufferings.

Bhutto’s official biographer, Salmaan Taseer wrote in “Bhutto: A Political Biography” that “In deference to conservative Muslim opinion, he (Bhutto) acquiesced in 1974 in banning the Ahmediyya, a quasi-Islamic sect. Bhutto was no bigot, and the incident left an unpleasant taste in his mouth”. Except a change in the status, no further curbs were imposed on them by Bhutto. But later, General Zia Ul-Haq who overthrew Bhutto played the same politics using religion as a shield and legitimized his rule. In 1984, he decreed that Ahmedis are non Muslims and barred them from reciting the Kalima, and calling for prayers.

Today, their separate mosques and their humiliation are the manifestation of his dream. Recently, in a programme “Alam Online” on Geo TV the host Dr. Amir Liaqat called openly for the killing of Ahmedis. He repeatedly called Ahmedis “Wajub ul Qatal”. This irresponsible attitude on TV should not be tolerated and Pakistanis which are always looking for excuses to go on streets have accepted it and except the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) no sane voice has echoed this concern. Dr. Amir Liaqat, once involved in the controversy of his degree” is very articulate, extempore and knows how to fan the emotions of innocent Pakistanis. He should rightfully be banned on TV for using hate speech, but we have received this orientation to accept the injustice to boost the morale of majority.

In the year of 2004, four Ahmedis have been killed: Basharat Ahmed Mughal in Karachi on February 24, Dr. Gulam Sarwar in Peshawar on March 19 and those mentioned above. Since 1984, 91 Ahmedis have been killed including 15 doctors. It is a visible threat to the coexistence of all sects where protection of lives of minorities is at stake. No halt to the practice of hate preaching has been demanded except HRCP which has set a dangerous precedent. The role of media in forming public opinion is vital and such encouragement for violence against minority in a longer run will not be benefited to majority either. I have been writing for media freedom, but with a mushroomed growth of electronic media, it has also brought responsibility which media has yet to accept with freedom. The wave of extremism and terrorism has hit the country badly and this clear division among the society will not let the good intention to be harbored. On the pretext of blasphemy, the brutal killing of Pakistan’s citizens does not help the country to send a positive signal to the international community as a moderate society and labels it as one of the worst human rights violators. The cultural of tolerance is a phoenix now and the urge to blow the dissenting voices is getting strength with every passing day. Pakistan has a flaw of being a society where there are different forces that cannot cohabit and lack the will. Though, it appears a cliché now but the foundation of Pakistan was not laid on the principle of extremism, rather Pakistan should have been tolerant to those who differ in their thought, beliefs and religion. In Hindustan, both Hindus and Muslims coexisted for centuries, where Muslims were the biggest minority and later they fought for their rights. How come Pakistanis can be forgetful and ungrateful of their own past which dates back to 1947 and refuse giving due respect and right to their minorities?

Culture of Intolerance | Pakistan Times!

Sadaf Arshad - who has written 6 posts on Pakistan Times!.

Ms. Sadaf Arshad works as the Coordinating Editor, Media Monitor, with South Asian Media Net. She holds a Masters degree in Mass Communication and has a deep-rooted interest in subjects like peace and development, security, poverty eradication and economic and gender equality. She has been writing for The Friday Times. currently Columnist with English Daily of Pakistan The Post

We have lots of traitors who are bought by India and others, i will not name names,But your post is long and pointless as it only depicts trouble makers that we will either control or get rid of the m or jail them, but your type of intolerance id not e3ven accepted by you guys, you pussy foot around it all the times, so are and we will take care of these elements, what about you, you let likes of modi and bal Thackeray get elected, there are many more.

the biggest difference between you guys and us is that We re fighting them and your electing them. I mean terrorists. in your country and in our country.

Therefore i will say that you condone and we fight terrorism.
We have lots of traitors who are bought by India and others, i will not name names,But your post is long and pointless as it only depicts trouble makers that we will either control or get rid of the m or jail them, but your type of intolerance id not e3ven accepted by you guys, you pussy foot around it all the times, so are and we will take care of these elements, what about you, you let likes of modi and bal Thackeray get elected, there are many more.

the biggest difference between you guys and us is that We re fighting them and your electing them. I mean terrorists. in your country and in our country.

Therefore i will say that you condone and we fight terrorism.

Why blame some one else,,,its no ones fault but our own,, we appeased the radicals islamist, by passing Sharia Laws,,, Blasphemy laws where people could not even speak out with out the fear of prison or excutions,,allowed honor killings of women,,,and perscuted other religons...Madrasa.schools, Only half the population can read or write at age 15,,,we started down the path of apeasement and now we are getting just what we deserve....now attacks from Pakistan on India, Afganstan,, on our own people, and now on a visting cricket team of musllims.....

In the name of Allah, get a back bone,,, and quit blameing every one else,,,
U.S is not a trustworthy country we need to distance ourselves from them as much as possible and cut their interference in our internal affairs and politics we'll never be real friends.We helped them and they backstabbed us time and time again but only now are pakistanis realizing this.I can guarantee when the U.S leaves peace and stability will return to pakistan.
U.S is not a trustworthy country we need to distance ourselves from them as much as possible and cut their interference in our internal affairs and politics we'll never be real friends.We helped them and they backstabbed us time and time again but only now are pakistanis realizing this.I can guarantee when the U.S leaves peace and stability will return to pakistan.

The Peace of the Taliban is worse then any death,,,,cowards die a thousand death a brave man only one.
A traitor is even worse then a coward, so what do you suggest..?

He's 100% Indian pretending to be Pakistani.

The only enemy is India, not Taliban or Sharia Law.

We had no problem with Taliban before India made its prescence in Afghanistan.
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