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THE "MOON"...Ah, the moon!!!

If your dad knows about forest and he can teach you everything about forest , does that mean it's a big waste for you to go there in person ?
forests are useful to human, animals and plants a like...what exactly does the moon or mars or friggin' uranus have that is useful to humans, animals and plants that planet earth does not ALREADY have? stop dodgin' the bullet...the answer is NOTHING! so don't give me philsophical NOTHINGS, give me something TANGIBLE!
...................Do not fall for their moon landing crying on Modi's shoulder b.s. Space advances are of zero benefit to the common man. The moon landing would have achieved nothing in that regard but the shooting of satellites is a far more concerning matter.

Space advances are BIG achievement for a scientist, and who gives a damn about worthless "common man" who just benefits from the "scientific" and "engineering" endeavors of Scientists and Engineers. Scientists are driven by their passion to understand the unknown with rational thinking and established laws of Physics. They don't give a f*** to common man when they are doing research in a topic/field of their passion. However the scientists discoveries of novelties are then turned into useful devices for idiotic common man by the profit loving corporations. I know it because I am a Physics university graduate, you will never understand the passion of a physicist/astrophysicist about his topic or field of research, his research topic is like a baby for him, he cherishes it for all times 24 hours a day when he is actively engaged in discovering something new, something unknown or something not well understood in his topic/field of research.
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forests are useful to human, animals and plants a like...what exactly does the moon or mars or friggin' uranus have that is useful to humans, animals and plants that planet earth does not ALREADY have? stop dodgin' the bullet...the answer is NOTHING! so don't give me philsophical NOTHINGS, give me something TANGIBLE!
You should know that science can become technology but without science there is no technology..If our older generation thought like you then we would have been roaming in your forest for useful things to survive..
Read the last para of my reply to you... I just quoted a small example of kind of technology that was validated by Chandrayaan2. It has applications in defence, in navigation, in geomapping, creating land records, tracking landslides, checking encroachments and many more.
:lol: all that could've been achieved by staying on this planet at fraction of the cost.
Now you can say that this could be done by a simple leo satellite why the moon? I ask you, why not the moon? Why not challenge our capabilities to the extreme? Why not build upon our failures? Why not try to build a vehicle that can move on a surface totally unknown to us? Why not build materials which can bear temperatures from 400 degs to -230 degs? Why not build sensors that can find minerals, ores from a distance rather than go down looking for them digging for it ? Why not build cameras that can map in 3D? Why not push more people into fields of research in Space? Why not inspire 1.3 billion people of thinking big?
Space is Just another domain, just like any other industry, moons , planets, galaxies , black holes, quasars , stars etc are merely just objects which run this industry.
what exactly are you smoking???? industries originate from a NEED, a DEMAND from the masses that it tries to meet while planets, galaxies, blackholes, quasars, you name it are NOT their to meet our demand. two COMPLETELY different examples.
By the way rare earths did come from outer space, H3 or water is just a guise to find those rare earth metals. How about we looking for Lithium on the moon. To be mined in future. According to you, we shouldn't look for it and just let China or US mine it for themselves only?
so it makes sense to spend for example, $10 billion on discovering $1 billion worth of gold on some astroid out there? seriously dude? cost verses return...is it REALLY worth it when that same $10 billion could EASILY be spent on curing cancer with some degree of success!
Probably you only see the short term loss of a lander, which is nothing according to space agencies.. rarely someone achieves results in a single go.
on the contrary, I am looking at the long term loss...let's face it...it does NOTHING for the common man. neil armstrong landing on the moon 50 years ago did nothing for humanity and reaching mars in the future is ALSO not gonna do anythig for humanity. I don't care what excuses anyone makes, it would be so much more easier to make THIS planet a better place rather than risking an enormous amount of wealth & resources on converting mars into a life friendly planet with a great degree of chances that we'll fail!

You should know that science can become technology but without science there is no technology..If our older generation thought like you then we would have been roaming in your forest for useful things to survive..
big negative...the older generations observed, experimented and created to make their lives BETTER in order to survive by addressing the existing problems that they faced...what existing problem that we face today is addressed by going to the moon?
:lol: all that could've been achieved by staying on this planet at fraction of the cost.


what exactly are you smoking???? industries originate from a NEED, a DEMAND from the masses that it tries to meet while planets, galaxies, blackholes, quasars, you name it are NOT their to meet our demand. two COMPLETELY different examples.

so it makes sense to spend for example, $10 billion on discovering $1 billion worth of gold on some astroid out there? seriously dude? cost verses return...is it REALLY worth it when that same $10 billion could EASILY be spent on curing cancer with some degree of success!

on the contrary, I am looking at the long term loss...let's face it...it does NOTHING for the common man. neil armstrong landing on the moon 50 years ago did nothing for humanity and reaching mars in the future is ALSO not gonna do anythig for humanity. I don't care what excuses anyone makes, it would be so much more easier to make THIS planet a better place rather than risking an enormous amount of wealth & resources on converting mars into a life friendly planet with a great degree of chances that we'll fail!

big negative...the older generations observed, experimented and created to make their lives BETTER in order to survive by addressing the existing problems that they faced...what existing problem that we face today is addressed by going to the moon?
lunar tourism, moon as a potential second home for humanity.
I know that going to the moon cannot solve any of the problems faced by India but still, somehow it is going to be very beneficial for them.

Read the following consequences:
>Common educated man from the west would recognize the Indians for going to space. This portrays a positive image of the country.
>It will give more reasons for the biased Islamophobic westerners to loathe the Islamic world; there are 57 Islamic countries and not even a single one has a Space program.
>West thinks Islam holds the scientific progress of a society back.
>India will keep on going with the same pace and will eventually get a rover on Moon within a few years. Then what will Fawad Chodhary tweet about? Will we just ignore it then?.

You see how all of my points have something to do with the impression of the West. If Pakistan does not want to impress the west, then just damn the Pakistani space program (in whatever shape it is at this time) and just build missiles for military use only.

We have our economic reasons to not have a space program, but in the end its all about who went to the moon first huh? This debate went along for quite a while during the cold war and we all know USA made it to the Moon first regardless of whatever the commies had to say afterwards.
lunar tourism, moon as a potential second home for humanity.
A place with no oxygen or water as a tourist resort or home... -_-

RIP your credibility...
A place with no oxygen or water as a tourist resort or home... -_-

RIP your credibility...
If you can't imagine more than your local resort than its not my problem..by the way people are staying in space station for months ..
If you can't imagine more than your local resort than its not my problem..by the way people are staying in space station for months ..
considering you would give 2 seconds worth of attention to living in a place with no oxygen or water let alone food, I should say RIP common sense as well!
.................. I don't care what excuses anyone makes, it would be so much more easier to make THIS planet a better place rather than risking an enormous amount of wealth & resources on converting mars into a life friendly planet with a great degree of chances that we'll fail!

Whether we ruin it or NOT, or we make this planet beautiful with some make up but this planet earth is destructive to itself from time to time without any human input in the form of volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, devastating tsunamis, river/rain deadly floods, hurricanes, in case of your country USA the tornado, in case of Pakistan the long patches of droughts without any rain in many areas, etc. etc. Can you explain to me how can you stop this planet earth from ruining itself from lets say from earth quakes and volcanic eruptions?

You see how all of my points have something to do with the impression of the West. If Pakistan does not want ..................

No one in the west cares about the "achievements" of stinky curry gangus when all they are doing is just trying to repeat what both US and Russia did in early 1960s, that is robotic soft landing on the surface of the moon.
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[emoji38] all that could've been achieved by staying on this planet at fraction of the cost.


what exactly are you smoking???? industries originate from a NEED, a DEMAND from the masses that it tries to meet while planets, galaxies, blackholes, quasars, you name it are NOT their to meet our demand. two COMPLETELY different examples.

so it makes sense to spend for example, $10 billion on discovering $1 billion worth of gold on some astroid out there? seriously dude? cost verses return...is it REALLY worth it when that same $10 billion could EASILY be spent on curing cancer with some degree of success!

on the contrary, I am looking at the long term loss...let's face it...it does NOTHING for the common man. neil armstrong landing on the moon 50 years ago did nothing for humanity and reaching mars in the future is ALSO not gonna do anythig for humanity. I don't care what excuses anyone makes, it would be so much more easier to make THIS planet a better place rather than risking an enormous amount of wealth & resources on converting mars into a life friendly planet with a great degree of chances that we'll fail!
You have no idea how an industry works.

Let's look at an example like Cheese for Pakistanis ... Do you NEED it? Probably not. Yet Pakistanis spend precious millions of dollars importing cheese from other countries. Why? Because somewhere down the line a fad was created that consuming cheese is hep. It was introduced in common Pakistanis diet. Thats how the demand was CREATED. Now a massive industry of cheese importers has been created and now you don't even consume a humble bun kebab without the cheese. This is how a whole industry was setup with manufactures, importers, sellers, food stall owners, shops, malls being the part.

Now let's put this analogy to space fairing and research. Firstly there's the knowledge industry, which also caters partly to entertainment industry through channels like Discovery, BBC, NatGeo. The knowledge industry provides theoretical knowledge through Maths , computer simulations, metallurgy, geology etc. It funds research labs, universities etc. Now this knowledge industry employs the technology industry to validate it's theoretical findings. Now the technology industry builds space missions while employing a whole set of manufacturers. Now these manufacturers use cutting edge technology, management techniques to achieve results. Thus they invent /obtain tech which was not available locally. At least it's the case with India at the moment. India may not have immediate benefits out of this industry but as it evolves and matures the trickle down effects will soon be visible.

As I said before, for this industry all spatial objects are merely part of the industry, the knowledge industry will keep on providing new theoretical discoveries and the technology industry will validate and provide further knowledge back to the knowledge industry.

The whole idea is to provide employment to the citizens. Technology advancements, and inventions are merely side benefits.
Whether we ruin it or NOT, whether make this planet beautiful with some make up but this planet earth is destructive to itself without any human input in the form of volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, devastating tsunamis, river/rain deadly floods, hurricanes, in case of your country USA the tornado, in case of Pakistan the long patches of droughts without any rain in many areas, etc. etc. Can you explain to me how can you stop this planet earth from ruining itself from lets say from earth quakes and volcanic eruptions?
really bro? Have you seen the types of storms other planets get? you do realize why the moon has so many craters, right? IT GETS PUMMELED WITH ASTROIDS! heck, just two years ago, mars had a hurricane that would dwarf the largest recorded hurricane in our history. Heck, juniper has that "eye of the storm" spinning away that is larger than planet earth itself...if planet heart has issues, other planets have those same issues on STEROIDS!
considering you would give 2 seconds worth of attention to living in a place with no oxygen or water let alone food, I should say RIP common sense as well!
It only take three days to travel to moon ..In future lunar tourism can become a major source of income ..With improvement in spacecraft in future who knows we can reach there without much delay ..
You have no idea how an industry works.

Let's look at an example like Cheese for Pakistanis ... Do you NEED it? Probably not. Yet Pakistanis spend precious millions of dollars importing cheese from other countries. Why? Because somewhere down the line a fad was created that consuming cheese is hep. It was introduced in common Pakistanis diet. Thats how the demand was CREATED. Now a massive industry of cheese importers has been created and now you don't even consume a humble bun kebab without the cheese. This is how a whole industry was setup with manufactures, importers, sellers, food stall owners, shops, malls being the part.

Now let's put this analogy to space fairing and research. Firstly there's the knowledge industry, which also caters partly to entertainment industry through channels like Discovery, BBC, NatGeo. The knowledge industry provides theoretical knowledge through Maths , computer simulations, metallurgy, geology etc. It funds research labs, universities etc. Now this knowledge industry employs the technology industry to validate it's theoretical findings. Now the technology industry builds space missions while employing a whole set of manufacturers. Now these manufacturers use cutting edge technology, management techniques to achieve results. Thus they invent /obtain tech which was not available locally. At least it's the case with India at the moment. India may not have immediate benefits out of this industry but as it evolves and matures the trickle down effects will soon be visible.

As I said before, for this industry all spatial objects are merely part of the industry, the knowledge industry will keep on providing new theoretical discoveries and the technology industry will validate and provide further knowledge back to the knowledge industry.

The whole idea is to provide employment to the citizens. Technology advancements, and inventions are merely side benefits.
your entire brouhaha fails to answer one SIMPLE INNOCENT QUESTION...how does going to the moon or other planets benefit mankind AT ALL?! All the things that CAN be learned can ALSO be learned by SIMPLY doing research on THIS planet!!! PRIORITIES BUDDY! with the limited resources at our disposal, do you NOT think that curing diseases & increasing food production should be our priority instead of discovering "new metals" on other planets??? Not like we don't have those metals HERE! its just a ridiculous argument that you are making in vain to justify waste of not a few thousand but billions that could have otherwise been invested in MUCH more productive endeavors that would've produced results FAR sooner than going to the friggin' MOON or MARS or where the hell ever!
Space advances are BIG achievement for a scientist, and who gives a damn about worthless "common man" who just benefits from the "scientific" and "engineering" endeavors of Scientists and Engineers. Scientists are driven by their passion to understand the unknown with rational thinking and established laws of Physics. They don't give a f*** to common man when they are doing research in a topic/field of their passion. However the scientists discoveries of novelties are then turned into useful devices for idiotic common man by the profit loving corporations. I know it because I am a Physics university graduate, you will never understand the passion of a physicist/astrophysicist about his topic or field of research, his research topic is like a baby for him, he cherishes it for all times 24 hours a day when he is actively engaged in discovering something new, something unknown or something not well understood in his topic/field of research.
My bad. I meant *Indian* space advances specifically - typing on the phone sometimes screws up. But the context should be clear from the rest of the post. Just what have they achieved in their space program specifically? They shot a satellite, great for their military and aggression against Pakistan. Useless for their billions of people. They whined over the moon landing failure, again useless for their own people even if they succeed.

If Pakistan has the surplus cash after fixing our more pressing problems, then all power to our scientists in such ventures. Until then, just shoot down their junk please.
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