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The Message!

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Mar 31, 2007
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله



I will be posting selective messages of the Almighty Allah (s.t.), spread on this earth, through various messengers.

I will only be quoting (translation) from 'Quran' which is the last instant of message, in a long series, spanning hundreds of years.

Message has always been same, but it has been refreshed, at regular intervals, until it stops with Quran, to be taken as the latest edition. Previous editions were in different languages, compiled by companions of prophets and further passed on to generations, and are mentioned in Quran as Tawrat, Zaboor, Injil.

Message, was brought upon to messengers by angles, with one exception of prophet Musa (Moses) p.b.u.h.

You are welcome to discuss the divine message in context, but to avoid clutter and confusion, please do not post Ahadees etc., for which we may have separate thread.

People, who don't like this thread, have the choice to stay out.

I hope this thread would help clear the misconception and false propaganda about Islamic beliefs, as there is lot of things being labeled as Islamic, which at times are exactly opposite to the concept.

Reference will be given as Chapter# : Sentence# e.g. 1:2

I begin with following:

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

Ref. to sentence above, belief is something, which cannot be forced upon, hence the message goes with natural instinct of human and Allah rejects ANY sort of compulsion, in matters of belief.

What strikes me most, is that Allah says that he has CLEARLY defined right from wrong!

To me it hints that, only Quran is more than enough, to understand the message of Islam and to be a person on right path.

Unfortunately, not everyone can read and write in Pakistan, hence they are guided by 'mulla', but looking at the divide on ground, I suspect, either we are not reading the divine book or reading different divine books or 'mulla' is telling lies to uneducated masses.

Please, excuse my mistakes, i have just started to learn about Islam, and managed to read only c.a. 2 chapters.

What urged me to find the truth, was the atheists, evil worshipers and various religions, with rituals similar to evil worship and there common behavior towards Islam, and them targeting only and only religion Islam, while hiding about their own belief!
Since, i was born in Muslim family, i automatically believed in Islam and concept of almighty Allah, and nothing more than few basic things about history.
Now i want to find out how far media is true about Islam, i start with this divine book and with trust in words of Allah, i.e. every thing about being Muslim (peaceful being), is defined in this book clearly.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله



I will be posting selective messages of the Almighty Allah (s.t.), spread on this earth, through various messengers.

I will only be quoting (translation) from 'Quran' which is the last instant of message, in a long series, spanning hundreds of years.

Message has always been same, but it has been refreshed, at regular intervals, until it stops with Quran, to be taken as the latest edition. Previous editions were in different languages, compiled by companions of prophets and further passed on to generations, and are mentioned in Quran as Tawrat, Zaboor, Injil.

Message, was brought upon to messengers by angles, with one exception of prophet Musa (Moses) p.b.u.h.

You are welcome to discuss the divine message in context, but to avoid clutter and confusion, please do not post Ahadees etc., for which we may have separate thread.

People, who don't like this thread, have the choice to stay out.

I hope this thread would help clear the misconception and false propaganda about Islamic beliefs, as there is lot of things being labeled as Islamic, which at times are exactly opposite to the concept.

Reference will be given as Chapter# : Sentence# e.g. 1:2

I begin with following:

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

Ref. to sentence above, belief is something, which cannot be forced upon, hence the message goes with natural instinct of human and Allah rejects ANY sort of compulsion, in matters of belief.

What strikes me most, is that Allah says that he has CLEARLY defined right from wrong!

To me it hints that, only Quran is more than enough, to understand the message of Islam and to be a person on right path.

Unfortunately, not everyone can read and write in Pakistan, hence they are guided by 'mulla', but looking at the divide on ground, I suspect, either we are not reading the divine book or reading different divine books or 'mulla' is telling lies to uneducated masses.

Please, excuse my mistakes, i have just started to learn about Islam, and managed to read only c.a. 2 chapters.

What urged me to find the truth, was the atheists, evil worshipers and various religions, with rituals similar to evil worship and there common behavior towards Islam, and them targeting only and only religion Islam, while hiding about their own belief!
Since, i was born in Muslim family, i automatically believed in Islam and concept of almighty Allah, and nothing more than few basic things about history.
Now i want to find out how far media is true about Islam, i start with this divine book and with trust in words of Allah, i.e. every thing about being Muslim (peaceful being), is defined in this book clearly.

Interesting...The same thing brought me to study Islam too..I couldnt answer questions thrown at me...I used to get frustrated but now I am much calm coz I am confident that I can answer and if I cant I can look for an answer at my finger tips..

ALLAH and prophet always emphasized on knowledge..It is the only weapon that is non fatal and yet does much damage to the opponents..

Next weapon is good deeds...that was the weapon that Prophet used and drew people to Islam his behaviour and method of teaching
ALLAH and prophet always emphasized on knowledge..It is the only weapon that is non fatal and yet does much damage to the opponents..

Well, as people like you and me have heard, that first sentence of this series was 'Iqra bismi Rabbika' so no doubt their.
While without general education, it is not possible to understand the message, and grow confidence, in your understanding.

Friends of mine also do, some social work in rural Pakistan... e.g. water supply system for the poor etc. and when i hear or see those uneducated people, i tell you, they are volatile for any BS in the name of Islam. This is why wadeera and pirs are gods in half of Pakistan. While the waders them self are evil worshipers.
Well, as people like you and me have heard, that first sentence of this series was 'Iqra bismi Rabbika' so no doubt their.
While without general education, it is not possible to understand the message, and grow confidence, in your understanding.

Friends of mine also do, some social work in rural Pakistan... e.g. water supply system for the poor etc. and when i hear or see those uneducated people, i tell you, they are volatile for any BS in the name of Islam. This is why wadeera and pirs are gods in half of Pakistan. While the waders them self are evil worshipers.
That is nara humara Education tha hai and rahayga until I can get some form of free education into Pakistan system!

Problem is not just education it is knowledge...I dont want students to do rata-fication but to learn something and get interest and thirst to know more like I have ....
Interesting...The same thing brought me to study Islam too..I couldnt answer questions thrown at me...I used to get frustrated but now I am much calm coz I am confident that I can answer and if I cant I can look for an answer at my finger tips..

ALLAH and prophet always emphasized on knowledge..It is the only weapon that is non fatal and yet does much damage to the opponents..

Next weapon is good deeds...that was the weapon that Prophet used and drew people to Islam his behaviour and method of teaching

Well talon are you going to use technology for that. Just kidding. It is always good to have knowledge and instruct people on the right path.
This sentence/verse i received by automatic mail.


O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.

I think this one is pretty clear, and simple.
This sentence/verse i received by automatic mail.


O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.

I think this one is pretty clear, and simple.
are you taking random verses or is there some system?! :unsure:
are you taking random verses or is there some system?! :unsure:

Yes and No... as i mentioned, i have started reading Quran in free time and have started chapter al-Imran, but only recently, i started taking screen shots of some interesting verses, which i like to share.
While i also get automated daily verse from mobile application, and some times i hit jackpot in terms of interest.

Now, i do not want people to have some misunderstand about my belief, so i just would try to post basic and interesting stuff.... and less discussion otherwise.

Everyone is welcome, to post what they find interesting but then explain why they find it interesting.
Yes and No... as i mentioned, i have started reading Quran in free time and have started chapter al-Imran, but only recently, i started taking screen shots of some interesting verses, which i like to share.
While i also get automated daily verse from mobile application, and some times i hit jackpot in terms of interest.

Now, i do not want people to have some misunderstand about my belief, so i just would try to post basic and interesting stuff.... and less discussion otherwise.

Everyone is welcome, to post what they find interesting but then explain why they find it interesting.
Its been a while since I read Quran continuously...I read 1-2 verses from FB auto thing but not search myself that is why I take every chance when Indians question...helps me move my lazy self to research things I dont know ;)

See how I take something to my educational benefit
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Please message more, it is great to read them again. Here's important verse for us to remember everyday.

The Powers and Benefits Of Ayatul Kursi


Allah is He besides Whom there is no god, the Ever living, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot comprehend anything out of His knowledge except what He pleases, His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High, the Great.
[2: 255]


Here are some of the many advantages of this blessed ayat :
1 - It is the cheif ayat of the Quran & is said to be from the threshold of the throne of Allah.
2- It includes 'Ism el Azeem' (the blessed name of Allah, that when made in a duaa the duaa will be fulfilled )
3- Whoever recites ayat al Kursi after each prayer will be protected until the next prayer ; and there will be no barrier between him/her from Jannah (paradise) except for death.
4- When it is read before bed, God will send down an angel to protect the reader until morning.
5- Whoever reads it upon entering a home ; Satan will find it impossible to stay and will run away.
6- When the ayat is recited upon leaving your home ; Allah will send down 70,000 angels to do 'istighfaar' (repent) for the you.
7- When the ayat is recited in the morning, the reader will be protected by Allah until the evening.
8- When the ayat is recited ,the reader, his children, home, wealth, property and the homes of his neighbours are safe.
9 - When recited with the last Ayat of Surah Baqarah then the plea of the reader will not go unattended.
10 - Whosoever reads it together with the last Ayats of Surah Baqarah (including ayat al kursi), Shaitaan does not enter his home for at least three days.
11- When one is alone in the house, recitation of Ayatul Kursi and asking Allah for help will make you remain calm and you will not fear.
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