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It's a Time of Celebration Eid E Milad Un Nabi SAW MubArak

@al-Hasani Your opinion on the celebration of the Prophet's birthday, if you may.

I don't celebrate it since it is neither mentioned in the Noble Qur'an nor in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws) nor did Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself or his companions instruct us to do so.

But I have nothing against people celebrating it. Some people do it in Hijaz.

In the figh I follow (Shafi'i fiqh) it is permissible and some scholars have even recommend it while others have said or say that this is optional.

I am neutral meaning that I am neither against it per se or for it but I chose not to celebrate it.

I have "celebrated" it before though.

Why are you asking?
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I don't celebrate it since it is neither mentioned in the Noble Qur'an nor in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws) nor did Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself or his companions instruct us to do so.

But I have nothing against people celebrating it. Some people do it in Hijaz.

In the figh I follow (Shafi'i fiqh) it is permissible and some scholars have even recommend it while others have said or say that this is optional.

I am neutral meaning that I am neither against it per se or for it but I chose not to celebrate it.

I have "celebrated" it before though.

Why are you asking?

Banned by vahabis das why. :P
Banned by vahabis das why. :P

There is nothing called "Wahhabis". Nor can anyone ban what you do in private.

Simple this is a new creation that originates in practices that were created during the Fatimid Caliphate. Since it is not a harmful innovation I don't have a problem with this but there is no religious obligation to celebrate it the way some people do it.
Happy birthday dear Prophet PBUH.

We had a Quran reading get together last night. :D


Nothing wrong with celebrating the man's birthday....he deserves a cake :D

I have no problem with the celebration of Mawlid but I don't see it as a religious obligation at all. It is clearly a new addition bound in cultural practices. Nothing wrong with it. I just choose not to observe it. I pay my respects to Prophet Muhammad (saws) every day when I pray. I do have relatives who celebrate Mawlid though but it is not something I am against by any means.

I don't celebrate birthdays anyway, so:D
Please brother please stick to the topic i.e to celebrate the Eid Milad Un Nabi SAW
no name calling today :p:

Prophet Muhammad SAW is the greatest favour of allah to both the world.,
"And publicize well the favor of your lord"
(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Al Duha, Verse 11)

The companion of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbas (Allah is well pleased with Him) explained the word favors. He says here, In this verse favor signifies the prophet hood and Islam.
(Tafseer Ibne Abbas, Sure Al Duha, Page 651).
I have no problem with the celebration of Mawlid but I don't see it as a religious obligation at all. It is clearly a new addition bound in cultural practices. Nothing wrong with it. I just choose not to observe it. I pay my respects to Prophet Muhammad (saws) every day when I pray. I do have relatives who celebrate Mawlid though but it is not something I am against by any means.

I don't celebrate birthdays anyway, so:D

Phew--- Mullahs don't want us to have fun.

We don't get together and get drunk in the pub to cheer on our old man Mr Mohammed PBUH. :lol:

Its just an event to mark the beginning of an era of enlightenment for us all and to celebrate the life of a man who made Saudis and Pakistanis a single nation and beyond.

Its not a religious event....not so much...but every good thing doesn't have to be religious. People are free to practice what they believe...i'm sure he won't mind.. :P
Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him never celebrated his birthday nor he instructed us to do so.

Why should we?
Happy birthday dear Prophet PBUH.

Nothing wrong with celebrating the man's birthday....he deserves a cake :D

a madni sunnah cake like madni fighter?


As you can see I am by no means against this celebration because it is a celebration bound in Islam and a celebration made as a sign of love for Prophet Muhammad (saws) despite it not having any religious precedence. It is not a harmful innovation at all so I cannot be against it.

I know how it is celebrated dear. Some people in Yemen do it, bound in culture like many other majority Sunni Muslim countries in the Arab world and some people do it/did it in Hijaz too.

But theoretically speaking if we started to celebrate the birthdays of important Muslim figures then we should also mourn their deaths and where would that end?

Anyway I think that most Muslims know about the Islamic view of birthdays in general.
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I don't celebrate it since it is neither mentioned in the Noble Qur'an nor in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws) nor did Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself or his companions instruct us to do so.

But I have nothing against people celebrating it. Some people do it in Hijaz.

In the figh I follow (Shafi'i fiqh) it is permissible and some scholars have even recommend it while others have said or say that this is optional.

I am neutral meaning that I am neither against it per se or for it but I chose not to celebrate it.

I have "celebrated" it before though.

Why are you asking?
No reason. Just wanted a Saudi's opinion. I don't celebrate it either because, as you said, it's not in the Quran or Sunnah. But I see a lot of these Facebook Molvis issuing fatwas against it :lol:
No reason. Just wanted a Saudi's opinion. I don't celebrate it either because, as you said, it's not in the Quran or Sunnah. But I see a lot of these Facebook Molvis issuing fatwas against it :lol:

Well, as I wrote I am not against it. I am against extremes. This means that I am against the people who overdue the Mawlid in this case and those that deem those who celebrate it as "heretics". Same coin in my view.

I like the idea of commemorating Prophet Muhammad (saws) on a day such as this one but I think that it is sufficient enough to do that in your prayers which you do every day.

On the other hand if it was clearly stated in the Noble Qur'an, the Sunnah etc. then there would obviously not be any discussion. But this celebrations we know for a fact is bound in tradition. A harmless tradition aimed at doing good and celebrating the greatest human being. So as I said I cannot possibly be against it but I choose not to celebrate it for the reasons I stated and because I would have a hard time seeing a end to birthday celebrations of great Muslim figures etc.

Because we could all agree there there in THEORY is no harm in celebrating the birth of great Muslim figures but where would it end and it is really needed and is it not only bound in tradition?

Why not celebrate the birthday of Prophet Isa (ra), Prophet Musa (ra) etc. as well? And if celebrating the birthday then why not also mourn their deaths on the day of their deaths?

I do enjoy the photos from across the world though.

So it is not something that is going to make me angry.:D
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Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him never celebrated his birthday nor he instructed us to do so.

Why should we?

Maybe he was busy fixing the Makkans :D

a madni sunnah cake like madni fighter?


Hahahahaha - these guys are cool - most of them.

Prophet deserves a real cake and a cold glass of Lassi :D
Jashn e Eid Milad un Nabi Mubarak!

Take this time to reflect to, we love our prophet and we do indeed believe him the prophet PBUH to be of us, but far greater, though still a human, that is why we celebrate his birth, a human is born, an eternal entity is not.

Now's the time for good and reflection.

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