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The man who broke Pakistan and created Bangladesh: Serazul Alam Khan

Why Mr. Bengali in UK....why you exiting the thread?

It's such an Irony that Lungi state of BhangraDesh calling INDIA a Failed State!!!! :rofl: :rofl:

BTW, how it feels to do Bhangra in a LUNGI!!! :rofl:
Why you calling Bangladesh as BhangraDesh??? Should we call India as Rendia??? And you know what it mean???

You have just shown your class! :(
We Bangladeshi people wish the same for the people of Pakistan. Let both of our people build a great future for our respective countries.

The reason I opened this thread is to educate Bangladeshi people about some part of our history which was not very clear to them. I find new things sometimes to complete the jigsaw puzzle which makes the historical picture more complete. This finding about Nucleus 1962 founded by Serajul Alam Khan was one such finding that I did not know before. It also confirms that elements within left wing political class were conspiring against their own country and secretly keeping in touch with an enemy country. Sheikh Mujib sent his underling Sutar and Baidya who became his conduit of connection with India govt. (since 1950's) and Indira Gandhi, when she became PM. Both of these Sutar and Baidya, originally East Pakistan Hindu's from Barisal, later became RAW agents and Indian citizens living in Kolkata.
One of the main reasons why we had kicked out hindus during Independence from West Pakistan was also because of the same reasons and after East Pak debacle our believes abt hindus and their treachery became more concrete and frankly i knew this before that it was hindus of east Pakistan who had family terms with East Bangali Indian hindus were responsible for this. Also the fact that most of those Hindus were teachers in universities and colleges and they were the driving force in mobilizing students from universities and colleges from language movement to the big game.

In reality my friend we people of pakistan have come to the conclusion that these hindus can never be our friends and well wishers because they still have grudge on us Muslims like west abt the 1000 years of our glorious rule over the world. Thats why u see we Muslims of Pakistan dont even care abt the few of them living here. To us they must go to their own country India and Pakistan is only for Muslims and our allied non Muslims like sikhs.
I had met Serajul Alam Khan not once but multiple times in social settings. He could be a thinker BUT for all evil reasons one can imagine. He tried to orchestrate many things much of it turned into failure and left Bangladesh with trail of destruction. His brand of thinking very much aligned with indian hegemonic design and "anti Muslim" agenda and often at the end fruits are hijacked by indians. His lastest visible project was 1/11 when army took over power under cover of interim regime and false UN letter. Culprit general Moeen U Ahmed was one of Serajul Alam Khan followers. But at the end indians hijacked his plot through US channel.

Leftists had and has influential infiltration in Bangladeshi media, civil society and even in army. Nurul Kabir, Motiur Rahman are few to name in the media. In Awami League Motia, Lenin, Inu and many other leftists are making policies.

Leftists who are predominantly against Islamic faith has no acceptability within mass Bangladeshi population. BUT "anti Muslim" platform is where india and Serajul Alam Khan theory and handy work converges.

Because of mass rejection his plots never been successful. Leftists according to his plan infiltrated in all the influential corridors including two main political parties of Bangladesh - BNP and Awami League. In one end, these leftists influenced Awami League to take extreme genocidal act against majority Muslims and on the other end, joint leftist/indian nexus kept main opposition inactive and not responding to popular demand of leadership.

Leftists became vital assets for indian design to kick off hatred against Muslim, impose hindu supremacy under guise of "secularism". But people are more aware of leftist infiltration and trick more than anytime before.

Is it possible to move these leftists away from India, a capitalist country and increasingly allied with capitalist West, and get them to side with China, still an officially communist country? Can that be a workable strategy? These leftist idiots did not think about the consequences of getting Indian help. Is it possible to make them realize that their handiwork has turned Bangladesh into Indian vassal and slave state and that one of our best alternative is to bring Chinese intelligence in, when they are ready, to counter RAW control of Bangladesh?

The Chinese govt. were close to some of these lefty's prior to 1971 and they were dead set against breaking of Pakistan, specially with Indian help. I will make a separate thread on that issue, may be in China and East Asia section.
One of the main reasons why we had kicked out hindus during Independence from West Pakistan was also because of the same reasons and after East Pak debacle our believes abt hindus and their treachery became more concrete and frankly i knew this before that it was hindus of east Pakistan who had family terms with East Bangali Indian hindus were responsible for this. Also the fact that most of those Hindus were teachers in universities and colleges and they were the driving force in mobilizing students from universities and colleges from language movement to the big game.

In reality my friend we people of pakistan have come to the conclusion that these hindus can never be our friends and well wishers because they still have grudge on us Muslims like west abt the 1000 years of our glorious rule over the world. Thats why u see we Muslims of Pakistan dont even care abt the few of them living here. To us they must go to their own country India and Pakistan is only for Muslims and our allied non Muslims like sikhs.

Your impression is correct, except for one more fact, that we also have a tremendous number of traitors among our Muslims as well who are willing to sell their country to get to power, but they always use the Hindu population as their main power and voting base. Currently Hindu population is around 8.6% and I think it will steadily go down to less than 5% in 1-2 decade, mainly due to migration of Hindu's to India for better economic opportunities. So time is on our side to solve this problem, I believe.
So how is Serajul Alam Khan viewed by common Bangladeshis? I don't have time to go through all the pages.
No one else broke Pakistan. We broke it ourselves. Let's give credit where it's due....
We have people in South who wear Lungi, but they have a class, they have a style, they are the most brainy people in South Asia (if you take @Indischer @levina @JanjaWeed as exceptions) unlike Lungis from BD.

So these are the class, style you like.. I guess we're all different! :sarcastic:



Source: Indian Culture
Yara, from the mouth of people who were the actual decision makers in that era, we can't afford to comment either way. It was effed up...... all of it.........

It at least proves that the Bangladeshi narrative of West Pakistan's mistreatment pre-71 is bogus as they already had conspired with our enemy to break away.
Yara, from the mouth of people who were the actual decision makers in that era, we can't afford to comment either way. It was effed up...... all of it.........

Our nation has moved on, we got too much crap of our to deal with. Finally when this talibitch scum is defeated the next will be to fix our political system.
Not just the political system..... we will need to overhaul the whole damn system...... a major component of which is the armed forces....... everyone and everything needs fixing....... it's a long, arduous and bloody journey my friend....... what is certain is that we as nation shall prevail. Inshallah!

Our nation has moved on, we got too much crap of our to deal with. Finally when this talibitch scum is defeated the next will be to fix our political system.
Not just the political system..... we will need to overhaul the whole damn system...... a major component of which is the armed forces....... everyone and everything needs fixing....... it's a long, arduous and bloody journey my friend....... what is certain is that we as nation shall prevail. Inshallah!

The Pakistan we need to build is a country where the citizen is supreme. Issues with defense forces can only be sorted out by a powerful civilian backed govt for which we need to develop a democratic attitude among people.
@Al-zakir Bhai, it is best not to feed trolls. The thing that is most intriguing as well as amusing is that to a man almost all HIndu's have this idea that every Muslim has been a convert from Dalit, and none of us have blood of Muslim immigrants. Why do the Hindu's need to create a mythology like that? What happened then to all the millions of migrant Muslims that moved to different parts of South Asia? According to their theory, all of them must have had no children and no next generation. That significant percent of Muslims have foreign blood is obvious to 3rd party observers like some East Asians I have known. This I believe is a mass psychosis of the Hindu mindset of denial that motivates them to create their mythology that all South Asian Muslims are Dalit converts, so they can feel better about themselves according to their caste-ist racist frame of mind. It is both an insult to the Dalits and our migrant Muslim ancestors who left their mark in history of South Asia with 500 million Muslims in this region and two independent countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Caste system Slur wont work Against Us....We're muslim that things wont undermine us....
Muslim Countries in West Start from Morocco & it Ends in East on Bangladesh.............YOu must feel proud of it
You have Magnificient History up to Siraj udolla
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