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The man who broke Pakistan and created Bangladesh: Serazul Alam Khan

LOL, Bangladeshi has no history of his own so he claims foreign history hahaha. Before Muslims came, your people have been ruled by Indian empires for centuries. You guys have no martial achievements. Indian Muslims are Indian, nothing to do with black Bangladeshis.

Afghans and Turks called you guys Ajlafs and referred to you people as low class converts, you are an ajlaf convert. Marathas, Sikhs, Jats and Rajputs destroyed the Mughals, by the time the British came the Mughals were almost destroyed. LOL. Bangladeshis are coward people with no historical achievements, those rulers you looked up to called you low class and converted you through force. You are coward converts who offered no resistance to foreign invaders and are a laughing stock everywhere. Just look at how the Marathas, Sikhs, Rajputs and Jats destroyed the Mughals:
View attachment 35171
Turks and Afghans would spit at you people for claiming their history lol, we are the people who offered resistance and succeeded.

Mirpuri, you people are famous for cousin marriage, you probably have a birth defect randi ki bachah:haha:
Bhai gaali remove kar de..
LOL, Bangladeshi has no history of his own so he claims foreign history hahaha. Before Muslims came, your people have been ruled by Indian empires for centuries. You guys have no martial achievements. Indian Muslims are Indian, nothing to do with black Bangladeshis.

Afghans and Turks called you guys Ajlafs and referred to you people as low class converts, you are an ajlaf convert. Marathas, Sikhs, Jats and Rajputs destroyed the Mughals, by the time the British came the Mughals were almost destroyed. LOL. Bangladeshis are coward people with no historical achievements, those rulers you looked up to called you low class and converted you through force. You are coward converts who offered no resistance to foreign invaders and are a laughing stock everywhere. Just look at how the Marathas, Sikhs, Rajputs and Jats destroyed the Mughals:
View attachment 35171
Turks and Afghans would spit at you people for claiming their history lol, we are the people who offered resistance and succeeded.

Abbey Ghady, why are you helping me with your post. You do realize we are taking about Muslim warrior against coward Hindu.

Let me remind you.

I am a Muslim and represent everything relate to Muslim in South Asia.

You are Hindu so you represent everything relate to Hinduism.

So you are in receiving end ghaas eating Dhumba.
Since when I bothered you bosri ke. I am not the one drew first blood. It was a headless Indian with cheap comment against my post. I only returned the favor those who asked for it.

First learn the different between J and Z sound that apply to all Hindu who try to speak Urdu and then come back giving me lesson. Now shoo ghaas eating dhumba.
hehe u need to go learn Urdu, I can post a hundred mistakes in your vocab. don't try to teach me urdu pronounciations. u should go with arabic, its more in touch with ur attire.:cheesy::cheesy::partay::partay:.
Ja kakae hun hor bezaati na kara apni..
hehe u need to go learn Urdu, I can post a hundred mistakes in your vocab. don't try to teach me urdu pronounciations. u should go with arabic, its more in touch with ur attire.:cheesy::cheesy::partay::partay:.
Ja kakae hun hor bezaati na kara apni..

Baag khuttay baag. Aurangzeb and Khilji are coming for you. :rofl:
A country of two parts, both on the east and west of immortal enemy state, what was the purpose of its creation? They should've created two states rather than one states of two parts.
Excellent point.please check the original plan of creating 3 separate state by then ruling British government. Which the queen herself put her own stamp.and also see the open shameless maska chaska by two historical known leaders to sway Mountbatten's mind to cut the original plan to this shit now we see.Also there is a hand written latter by a not so Mahan atma,who stated that Muslims should not get the privilege to have a bigger country than Hindus.not like this directly, but yes ,the bottom line of that letter written to Mountbatten boils down to similar conclusion.
And also you can find Mountbatten's own admission about partition in royal historical society of England.
If BD is a shit-hole, then what does make India where millions starve to death every year?!

Enjoy living in a failed state and I have made my point and exiting this thread.
Says a bongodeshi whose countrymen keep pole vaulting into our nation when we are dying of starvation,such a shame your people had to pole vault from land of milk,honey n plenty into a starved nation as us.What a shame.:eek:
@Al-zakir Bhai, it is best not to feed trolls. The thing that is most intriguing as well as amusing is that to a man almost all HIndu's have this idea that every Muslim has been a convert from Dalit, and none of us have blood of Muslim immigrants. Why do the Hindu's need to create a mythology like that? What happened then to all the millions of migrant Muslims that moved to different parts of South Asia? According to their theory, all of them must have had no children and no next generation. That significant percent of Muslims have foreign blood is obvious to 3rd party observers like some East Asians I have known. This I believe is a mass psychosis of the Hindu mindset of denial that motivates them to create their mythology that all South Asian Muslims are Dalit converts, so they can feel better about themselves according to their caste-ist racist frame of mind. It is both an insult to the Dalits and our migrant Muslim ancestors who left their mark in history of South Asia with 500 million Muslims in this region and two independent countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
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Bangali People are our Friends and former countrymen and nobody can be allowed to insult them and their country. They have sacrificed alot for Pakistan and Bangladesh and no more further insulting and degrading comments will be allowed on them.

We wish them prosperity and bright future and wish them to go more success them us. Past is the Past and lets bury the hatch.

That means you are step brothers. :cheesy:
more like a characterless father.
@Al-zakir Bhai, it is best not to feed trolls. The thing that is most intriguing is that to a man almost all HIndu's have this idea that every Muslim has been a convert from Dalit, and none of us have blood of Muslim immigrants. Why do the Hindu's need to create a mythology like that? What happened then to all the millions of migrant Muslims that moved to different parts of South Asia? According to their theory, all of them must have had no children and no next generation. That significant percent of Muslims have foreign blood is obvious to 3rd party observers like some East Asians I have known. This I believe is a mass psychosis of the Hindu mindset and denial and a motivation to create their mythology that all South Muslims are dalit converts, so they can feel better about themselves according to their caste-ist racist mindset. It is both an insult to the Dalits and our migrant Muslim ancestors who left their mark in history of South Asia with 500 million Muslims in this region and two independent countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Bhai notice that Indian always try to equate us with them as we are same people and they have been trying continuously to discredit "two nation theory" set forth by our forefather but we Muslim know that were are not same any ways or shape. We're different people all together.

They given up on Pakistan and diverting all focus on us but so long we preserve our imaan, akidah, these hanuman can not change our destiny Inshallah. We are the people of book and follower of Deen. This is our strength and nothing can take us down.
Bangali People are our Friends and former countrymen and nobody can be allowed to insult them and their country. They have sacrificed alot for Pakistan and Bangladesh and no more further insulting and degrading comments will be allowed on them.

We wish them prosperity and bright future and wish them to go more success them us. Past is the Past and lets bury the hatch.

We Bangladeshi people wish the same for the people of Pakistan. Let both of our people build a great future for our respective countries.

The reason I opened this thread is to educate Bangladeshi people about some part of our history which was not very clear to them. I find new things sometimes to complete the jigsaw puzzle which makes the historical picture more complete. This finding about Nucleus 1962 founded by Serajul Alam Khan was one such finding that I did not know before. It also confirms that elements within left wing political class were conspiring against their own country and secretly keeping in touch with an enemy country. Sheikh Mujib sent his underling Sutar and Baidya who became his conduit of connection with India govt. (since 1950's) and Indira Gandhi, when she became PM. Both of these Sutar and Baidya, originally East Pakistan Hindu's from Barisal, later became RAW agents and Indian citizens living in Kolkata.
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