That maybe true brother! But nowadays losing faith on Bangladeshi politics!
Here are two news
গণঅধিকার পরিষদ আহ্বায়ক রেজা কিবরিয়া ও সদস্য সচিব নুরুল হক নুর একে অপরের বিরুদ্ধে পাল্টাপাল্টি অভিযোগ তুলছেন। দলটির শীর্ষ এ দুই নেতার দ্বন্দ্বে যেকোনো সময় ভাঙতে
আহ্বায়ক ও সদস্য সচিবের দ্বন্দ্বে অস্বস্তি দেখা দিয়েছে গণঅধিকার পরিষদে। দুই নেতার পাল্টাপাল্টিতে বেকায়দায় পড়েছেন দলের নেতাকর্মীরা। এমন অবস্থায় দলটির আহ্বায়ক ডক্টর রেজা কিবরিয়াকে বাদ দিয়ে এক নম্বর যুগ্ম আহ্বায়ক রাশেদ খানকে ভারপ্রাপ্ত আহ্বায়কের দায়িত্ব দেয়া হয়েছে। একই সঙ্গে দ্রুত দলের...
Specially the last one is published in many news portals!
Don't know which side should I take! Although Reza Kibria's father was technocrat finance minister of BAL , but he died in 21 august grenade attacks and family of Mr Kibria blame BAL claiming that BAL sacrificed his father!
On the other hand we remember that before started street movement, VP nurul Haq Nur took blessing of Hasina ( একেবারে কদমবুসি করে , perhaps just after elected as VP , can't remember) , although later started politics against her!
Very much confused that which side is actually against govt. Very much embarrassing and confusing situation!
Also Reza Kibria was made convenor by vp nur and others when the party Gano Odhikar Porishod was established!
@Abu Shaleh Rumi bhai , your opinion is also requested !
It's very hard to decide which side's statement people should take!
However my vote should go for Reza kibria , because when I knew that the party Gano Odhikar Porishod started ( after their student wing chhatra Odhikar Porishod) they have a future , because they have a prime minister material Dr Reza Kibria!
Also it's very hard to disbelief the whole party as although Nur took Hasina's blessing at some point, but others didn't!
Or maybe we should wait and observe few days!