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The Killing of a Young Boy

While not condoning this incident..This was done by the intelligence as an act of need in a bloody war situation..There can be no black and white in a brutal combat against one of the most ruthless terror organisations the world have ever seen..Four years have passed since and not another single Tamil child in Sri Lanka had died in such trajic circumstances

The victim was not also not a ordinary individual unlike the thousands of other children that were abducted and send to the front as cannon fodder by his father..I wish leeches like Callum McRae who is living off the same blood money of those thousands of innocent children will one day "Produce" a film in same vain about the sufferring they and thier surviving parents have to go through because of his benefactors in the west

Actually this video doesnt prove anything.
1. in the first two pics, there is no evidence of a SL army soldier.
2. The boy is in a free mood that is unlikely to be seen when ure with the enemy camp.
3. The boy is eating a snack. Why would SL army give him snacks if they wanted to kill him first?
4. The ones in the pics are wearing slippers another trade mark of LTTE.

Unfortunately this is not clinching evidence, There is no proof that the photos of the boy eating biscuits was when he was in Sri Lankan army hands. Will simply be denied and will not constitute additional evidence except to those already inclined to believe it.

Exactly, but the CH4 doesnt want to prove anything. As i said else where, this is a PR battle. The only thing CH4 and its tiger sympathisers need is damaging SL and create an opinion to use unfavorably against SL in UN
Killing him was necessary. Age does not matter. He was a part of LTTE.
Well according to the article some experts have analysed the photographs and according to them the pictures are taken from the same camera .

yes nameless emperts, they say it is the same camera, but i highly doubt that. Why doesnt he give the dates and times the photos were taken. Many LTTE carders are stripped because the are normally searched for important docs, weapons. It is not a new scenario.
Ḥashshāshīn;3944376 said:
*****.y mindset you have there. Scum.

I can type thousands of words which ll come in ****** format for you.. So just say yourself all these words.

He was son of a terrorist leader. Sri lanka faced decade long war, and lost thousands of people. What were you expecting to let any member of head family and again face the threat of LTTE in future ?

When a minor can fire gun, then people should not rise objection when he get killed in response.
For the child lovers here,

these are real war crimes


@Sashan pls don't think I do not fell only the greatest of sadness at the young kid. Please don't think i do not get the urge to see into the eyes of the monster who shot that kid as someone drives a stake through his heart. Please see my comments on the other thread too. I think SL govt is scre@ed up and the megalomaniac rajpakse is a war criminal.
Now pls do not confuse that with my comments on what Indian state can do in this matter. I'm practical there and we can agree to disagree there. But to claim I somehow do not feel for that kid is unfair.

How do u deduce that?
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Maybe that is where there is difference of opinion in how we tamilians see things and non-tamilian Indians see things - Tamilian interests(both Tamilnadu and SL) were held by Indian state to ransom for the past few decades

1. Example - illegal ceding of Katchatheevu by GOI and not ratified by the two houses of the parliament - this happened right after SL providing refuel facilities for Pakistan airforce planes in 1971 war - Consequence - these kind of news - How many of you sympathize or even care about these kinds of news? And this came in today.

20 TN fishermen hurt in Lankan Navy attack - India - IBNLive

I need to clarify something here. Katchchatheev did not belong to India or even SL. It was an island used by fishermen of both the countries. SL and Ind came to an agreement that SL would own the islet. Secondly the beneficiaries of that island or seas around it are SL tamil fishermen. It is their fish that is being robbed by TN fishermen. Hipocracy at its best!

About TN fishermen, they cross the border deliberately to rob the fish threatening our fishermen who are Tamil.

for SL tamil lover watch this,
Indian trawlers threaten Sri Lanka fisheries - YouTube[/VIDEO]
It's amusing see our learned Indian brothers bending over heels to please our neighbors. Well done brothers! Typical Indian attitude.
Can the mods be a little more active and merge both threads of the same subject pls..It's distracting from having a discussion
@Sashan pls don't think I do not fell only the greatest of sadness at the young kid. Please don't think i do not get the urge to see into the eyes of the monster who shot that kid as someone drives a stake through his heart. Please see my comments on the other thread too. I think SL govt is scre@ed up and the megalomaniac rajpakse is a war criminal.

Now pls do not confuse that with my comments on what Indian state can do in this matter. I'm practical there and we can agree to disagree there. But to claim I somehow do not feel for that kid is unfair.

I agree I shouldn't have driven to a conclusion regarding how others felt for the kid's death. But as for practicality and holding the Indian state ransom, to reiterate once again Indian government is the one which toyed with Tamilians' emotions time and again and now with the coalition politics, we will seek our pound of flesh - hell with the foreign policy of GOI which is nothing but a mess and which does not take into consideration the 60 million nationals' views.

For many moderates like me, the ask is not much - GOI for its hand in the mess in SL affairs should atleast force SL govt. for the 13th amendment and punish those responsible for war crimes especially the 30,000 deaths in the last stages of war. If India long term policy does not take into consideration these two, then we will force the hands of GOI. We do not give a damn on how other Indians perceive things.

Beyond that, we can agree to disagree as this discussion will take us nowhere.
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I agree I shouldn't have driven to a conclusion regarding how others felt for the kid's death. But as for practicality and holding the Indian state ransom, to reiterate once again Indian government is the one which toyed with Tamilians' emotions time and again and now with the coalition politics, we will seek our pound of flesh - hell with the foreign policy of GOI which is nothing but a mess and which does not take into consideration the 60 million nationals' views.

For many moderates like me, the ask is not much - GOI for its hand in the mess in SL affairs should atleast force SL govt. for the 13th amendment and punish those responsible for war crimes especially the 30,000 deaths in the last stages of war. If India long term policy does not take into consideration these two, then we will force the hands of GOI. We do not give a damn on how other Indians perceive things.

Beyond that, we can agree to disagree as this discussion will take us nowhere.

Sashan, I do not think India can force Sri Lanka. After all it is an internal matter of a sovereign nation. Other than that, within the constitution and spirit of India, whatever you do to get the Indian state to act, I will support you.
Innocents died by the hands of both LTTE and Lankan forces. If you live by the gun, then you die by the gun. It was war and there are no saints in war. Suicide attacks by LTTE also killed children and women. Even though killing of 12 yr old is not justified, but then Lankans must have lost their 12 yr olds too. I guess, it is arguably beyond moral jurisdiction.
Sashan, I do not think India can force Sri Lanka. After all it is an internal matter of a sovereign nation. Other than that, within the constitution and spirit of India, whatever you do to get the Indian state to act, I will support you.

Fateh71 - If you look at the history behind the 13th amendment, it was worked out by India and Sri Lanka when Rajiv forced the hands of Jayarwadene through Operation Poomalai when the threat of US base in Trincomalee was dangled by SL or atleast the rumors had it at that time.

Now India has only need to take a leaf out from its short history - it did interfere in 1971 due to the moral crisis and in 1987 - India's hands has only got strengthened now - US with its powerful navy threat in 1980s and China's navy threat now? Is there a comparison? Why are we crying wolf and panicking about China? Afterall it is SL which need to weigh in the risk which is significant if ever it aligns with China at this time when China's navy is not yet a bluewater navy. Maybe we are missing a powerful leader at the center with no political will compared to Rajiv.

And no one says go against the spirit of constitution - vote in UN aligning with US/UK and other countries when they bring in the human rights violation motion against SL and do the right thing. Afterall we know how things turned out for Serbia war criminals when these countries pursued them actively.
If this is true...then it is a matter that should be condemned...But if some of our Indian friends thinking that Indian can do anything in this matter...then it is just a day dream...India do not even have any influence over a tiny island like Maldavies..So please just forget that India can do anything to Sri Lanka...Only thing India can do is that for internal public consumption, our politician will raise the issue knowing well that it does not have any impact...It is a sad truth that all of us have to realize..
The Human Rights Watch (HRW), a global human rights organisation, has sought an international investigation into reports of sexual violence, rape, third degree torture against Tamil women and men carried out by the Sri Lankan security forces to get confessions from those suspected to have links with the then Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

The HRW, which has prepared a 140-page report, “‘We Will Teach You a Lesson’: Sexual Violence against Tamils by Sri Lankan Security Forces,” which is to be released on Monday, provides detailed accounts of 75 cases of alleged rape and sexual abuse that occurred from 2006 to 2012 in both official and secret detention centres throughout Sri Lanka.

While widespread rape in custody occurred during the armed conflict (with LTTE) that ended in May 2009, “HRW found that politically motivated sexual violence by the military and police continues to the present.” HRW Asia Director Brad Adams claimed: “The Sri Lankan security forces have committed untold numbers of rapes of Tamil men and women in custody. These are not just wartime atrocities but continue to the present, putting every Tamil man/woman arrested for suspected LTTE involvement at serious risk.”

Mr. Adams said the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) should direct the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights to conduct an independent international investigation. “The government’s response to allegations of sexual violence by its security forces has been dismissive, deeming them ‘fake’ or ‘pro-LTTE propaganda.’ It’s not clear who in the government knew about these horrific crimes. But the government’s failure to take action against these ongoing abuses is further evidence of the need for an international investigation,” he said.

Victims’ accounts

Quoting from the accounts of a 31-year-old Tamil woman who was picked up from her Colombo house by CID personnel in November 2011, the HRW said: “I was taken to the fourth floor of the CID office in Colombo. I was not given any food or water. The next day, the officials, who included a uniformed armed official, photographed me, took my fingerprints, and made me sign on a blank sheet of paper. They told me that they had all my husband’s details and kept asking me to disclose his whereabouts. When I told them my husband was abroad, they continued to accuse him of supporting the LTTE. I was beaten with many objects. I was burned with a cigarette during questioning. I was slapped around and beaten with a sand-filled pipe. Throughout the beatings, they asked me for my husband’s details. I was raped one night. Two men came to my room in civilian clothes. They ripped my clothes and both raped me. They spoke Sinhala so I could not understand anything. It was dark so I couldn’t see their faces clearly.”

Another 23-year-old male youth, caught in August 2012, said: “They removed my blindfold [and] I found myself in a room where four other men were present. I was tied to a chair and questioned about my links to the LTTE and the reason for my recent travel abroad. They stripped me and started beating me. I was beaten with electric wires, burned with cigarettes and suffocated with a petrol-infused polythene bag. Later that night, I was left in a smaller room. I was raped on three consecutive days. The first night, one man came alone and anally raped me. The second and third night, two men came to my room. They anally raped me and also forced me to have oral sex with them. I signed a confession admitting my links with the LTTE after the rapes.”

Yet another youth, who surrendered before the security forces in May 2009, said: “Two officials held my arms back [while] a third official held my penis and inserted a metal rod inside. They inserted small metal balls inside my penis. These had to be surgically removed after I escaped from the country.” A medical report corroborates his account, said HRW.

The rights body alleged that the victims also described being beaten, hung by their arms, partially asphyxiated and burned with cigarettes. None of those who spoke to HRW had access to legal counsel, family members, or doctors while they were detained. Most said that they signed a confession in the hope that the abuse would stop, though the torture, including rape, often continued. The individuals interviewed were not formally released but rather allowed to “escape” after a relative paid the authorities a bribe.

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