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The Khalistan Diaries

We Indians are no angels.if thats what you are trying to prove. But we are a million times better than Pakistan in these issues. It is not without reason that Pakisatn has such a bad reputation worldwide.

Don't worry about Pakistan, try to fix yourselves first ;)
The UN doesn't accept it (read my previous post). The rest of your argument is hence moot :oops:
But that was never the point. Whether UN excepts it or not is moot. Your point was 'since India considers all of Kashmir as integral part.... '. All your arguments were hinging on what India considered.

At least have some integrity and not shift posts according to whim.
Holly cow. The Kargil district today consists of parts of Ladakh. Kargil then didn't have the same boundaries. Karachi agreement resulted in bifurcation of northern peaks of Kargil, which remained with Pakistan while the bulk, the southern part, remained with India. During 65 India went ahead and captured not just these peaks but Haji Pir Pass as well. But gave it all away.

Kargil district is a Ladakh. Ladakh comes under J&K, & no part of Ladakh comes or has ever come inside Pakistan. The Kargil district has always remained the same. Haji Pir Pass was never part of Kargil District. Another exposition :cheers:
It doesn't matter what the people think, because Kashmiris haven't gotten their independent homeland from India. It doesn't matter what the people think because you forcefully took over Hyderabad & Junagarh by sending your troops there without any UN intervention.
Ignorance is not just bliss. It is power as well.

It's clear that the authenticity of the article of accession has not been verified by the UN.
Irrelevant. Unless you can cite a UN document where UN disputes IoA, all your points are like tissue after a wipe.
look who's talking! How is Khalistan in any way related to you? The maximum no. of posts in this thread are by you and you are asking me to take care of my country first. :disagree:


Buddy, I don't think he knows what he is saying, cut him some slack before he starts posting pictures of Indian slums. Its quite volatile there.

Lets open a few Balochistan threads here and see how long you are tolerated.

Samza karo.
Ignorance is not just bliss. It is power as well.

Irrelevant. Unless you can cite a UN document where UN disputes IoA, all your points are like tissue after a wipe.

If you choose to live in your delusional state of denial, I can't really help you :wave:
Kargil district is a Ladakh. Ladakh comes under J&K, & no part of Ladakh comes or has ever come inside Pakistan. The Kargil district has always remained the same. Haji Pir Pass was never part of Kargil District. Another exposition :cheers:

Never claimed Haji pir was part of Kargil. Btw, you forgot to add 'brutal' before exposition.
With apologies to my good friend who reminded me a few minutes ago, of the futility of continuing in this thread, one last post about Kargil.

Earlier I had mentioned that Kargil was part of Pakistan as per Karachi Agreement 1949. I am guilty of not being specific. Actually it was Kargil Heights, the northern part of Kargil district. I was accused of lying. The link below explains it in brief. It is written by Mr Javed Hussain and was published by Dawn (although the link is from his personal blog).

In October 1947, following the announcement of Kashmir’s accession to India, the Gilgit Scouts, a predominantly Muslim force raised by the British for internal security, revolted against the Dogras, and in a series of daring actions in1948 captured Kargil, Drass, Zoji La Pass and Skardu. However, in November 1948, Zoji La Pass and Kargil were recaptured by the Indians while the Kargil heights remained with the Gilgit Scouts. <Karachi Agreement validated this, next year, in 1949>

During the Rann of Kutch conflict, these heights were captured by the Indians for the first time on May 17, 1965, for use as a bargaining counter in the negotiations. As a result of the agreement reached, the heights were returned to Pakistan in June 1965 <This was as per UNMOGIP treaty>. In the first week of August 1965, Operation Gibraltar was launched. One of the areas used by the infiltrating force was the Kargil heights. To block these routes, the Indians captured the heights for the second time in the third week of August 1965. But after the signing of the Tashkent Agreement, the heights were once again returned to Pakistan.

On the outbreak of war on the western front on December 3, 1971, the Indians captured the heights for the third time on December 9, 1971. This time, however, they retained the heights in line with the Shimla Agreement under which the violable Cease Fire Line (CFL), created in December 1948 on cessation of hostilities in Kashmir, was converted into an inviolable Line of Control (LoC), on the basis of actual possession of territory at the time of the ceasefire in December 1971.

Lahore is a Pakistani City, and Khalistan would potentially be formed from indian Punjab.

Yup better get your facts straight missy,

khalistan if there was ever gonna be one, would include Indian Punjab as well as pakistan punjab
Who's including it twice? Pakistan today occupies 85,846 km^2 of the total Kashmir. This does not include the 5,800 km^2 of the Shaksam valley that it won from India, & gave to China.

Hence, the area Pakistan won from India was: 91,646/224739 = 41%


Shaksgam Valley comes under Northern Areas and the figure 85,846 km^2 is including Shaksgam Valley.

Did not Wiki tell you that ? ;)

In the same way, India won zero km^2 from Pakistan in 1971. Call it even?

We did not win a single square km.

We just cut the birthday cake (United Pakistan) and gave away half the cake to the Bengalis.

Ofcourse the kick obtained in seeing Pakistan's abject and complete surrender, we becoming the only nation after WW II to administer the birth of a new country and the yoga sessions of more than 90,000 POWs behind bars are different from that ;)

Just like Pakistan sliced up 41% of the integral territory of yours ;)

Not our's. It was then the Independent Princely state of Kashmir that was raped by Tribal hordes.

And as Vinod said only after that Kashmir became an Indian state and once the IA landed in Sri Nagar airport all they could see was the back of the Tribal hordes putting the Olympic long distance runners to shame.

If you choose to live in your delusional state of denial, I can't really help you :wave:

You could have just said - "I don't know what the hell I was talking about UN documents".

Seen this type far too often. :lol:
Kithey da Khalistan? We have forgot the past and are now living peacefully with each others..Sikhs and Hindus have such great similarities...Guru Granthsahib also has frequent use of word 'Ram' Besides,Sikh form a major part of Indian Army Sikh Regiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We celebrate Lohri,Holi,Diwali together our style of marriages,praying and worshiping god is very much the same.
So Pakistanis thinking of differences between Sikhs and Hindus today...buzz off!!
Kithey da Khalistan? We have forgot the past and are now living peacefully with each other..Sikhs and Hindus have such great similarities...Guru Granthsahib also has frequent use of word 'Ram' Besides,Sikh form a major part of Indian Army Sikh Regiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We celebrate Lohri,Holi,Diwali together our style of marriages,praying and worshiping god is very much the same.
So Pakistanis thinking of differences between Sikhs and Hindus today...buzz off!!
And the indians have been doing yoga in front of us, for a thousand years. ;)
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