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The Khalistan Diaries

They take my posts seriously, which is why they reply to my every post. :azn:

I feel very honored, the Pakistani members don't take my posts as seriously as you guys do :cheers:

don't live in delusion indians don't take ur posts seriously infact they reply to u just to burst ur myths & illogical facts abt india.
Maybe because the Jessore district in the Khulna division that she wrote about in her book is right next to Calcutta?

I must be living in wrong Calcutta (Kolkata) then.
The International Court of Justice never charged Pakistan with war crimes, so why should Pakistan co-operate with the International Commission of Jurists? The UN never charged Pakistan with war crimes, why should Pakistan co-operate with the International Commission of Jurists? The credibility of the UN is internationally acceptable, & they are the highest authority, so why should Pakistan be bothered by the hollow claims of Bengalis? Unfortunately, the claims by Bangladesh never substantiated.

India & Bangladesh were busy fabricating historical events & realities of the time, & Mukti Bahini were showing the dead bodies of Biharis that they killed themselves as Bengalis supposedly killed by the Pakistan Army; along with some of the other fabrications like the alleged rapes (the claims that were never substantiated of course).

No, Pakistan doesn't call Kashmir as part of India or Pakistan: it calls it disputed territory, not India's territory. India should be ashamed of the genocide of the Kashmiris they've been committing since 1947. India has no respect for international law, & has been committing crimes against humanity in Kashmir.

Funny you talk about international law, when it was India that sent its forces inside the territory of a sovereign nation; first in Jaffna, Sri Lanka to aid the LTTE terrorists against the Sri Lankan government; & then to aid the Mukti Bahini terrorists against Pakistan in East Pakistan. Pakistan has never sent its troops inside a sovereign nation's territory like India has. You're the last one that should be talking & lecturing others about international law because you clearly know nothing about it ;)
OK. If you are saying it, it must be true.
Why are we talking about 71 war. This is about khalistan. Anyway, everybody said whatever they have to say about khalistan. Hope mods will close the thread.
Haven't we already done debunking Ms Bose again and again? Her research is based on HR commission report without any cross checking of witnesses and we all know how close to reality HR commission findings were!
You mean a pro independence AJK resident can go to Islamabad and make a speech favoring secession? Or is it the Prime Minister of AJK who has to go to Isloo to swear allegiance to Pakistan as a pre condition to be appointed a PM ...

I think you have your India - Pakistan mixed up..

What do we have here ?? a closet Indian ?? :rofl:

Kashmiris in AJK freely express their views of an independent Kashmir nation, independent from Pakistan & India without getting jailed for it. Trying doing that in Indian Kashmir :cheers:

‘Liberate Muzaffarabad first and not Srinagar’


Why are you repeating the things Karthic Sri has already said? Pakistan gave a part of your land out of its own will to China,doesn't that distress you? Pakistan still has pretty much the full 45% of that 'integral territory', so what if it gave China like 1% from it? And Pakistan is getting the favor back by having Chinese troops on the border area of 'Pakistan Occupied Kashmir' (the lingo India uses ;)), which troubles your media & your people all the time ;).

Own will - If you cant prevent the r**e , atleast enjoy it. Makes sense :rolleyes:

And you seem to have the bad habit of pulling random numbers out of the place which receives no sun shine. Its at most 37% of the independent princely state of Kashmir that was attacked by Pakistani tribals when it was defenceless.
84471 square miles, It is larger than 95 other independent countries in area. Nearly 63 % of its territory is held under Indian control, 37 % under Pakistani control which includes an area less than 5 % known as Azad Kashmir.

indian crying about everything constantly, but have to say you meet a lot of Khalistanis in the West, especially in the UK, Canada, and the US.
Khalistan Admitted to UNPO

Khalistan recognized internationally, a historic landmark. Sikh Nation vows to reclaim its lost sovereignty

Nishan Sahib (Sikh Flag) hoisted along with other nations flags. Khalistan was admitted to UNPO on Jan 23, 1993 and Khalistan’s flag (Nishan Sahib) hoisted at UNPO’S (Unrepresented Nations Peoples Organizations) General Assembly meeting at The Hague, Netherlands, a major milestone in the struggle for reclamation of the lost Sikh sovereignty and for the freedom of Sikh Homeland of Punjab, Khalistan. The last time the Sikh Flag (Nishan Sahib) flew over the sovereign Sikh state was in 1849. Sikh nation lost its sovereignty to the British. On Jan 23, 1993, one hundered forty four years after the Sikhs lost their sovereignty, Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, Dr.Paramjit Singh Ajrawat and S. Bhupinder Singh signed the covenant of Khalistan’s admission into UNPO.


KHALISTAN & UNPO : Self-determination conference Jan 22-23, 1993 Hague, Netherlands.

Refer to page 25:


Self-determination stands for freedom and justice. Freedom is the most basic human right. When freedom is denied, every other right is denied. In Punjab/Khalistan the people are not free. Indian police and military forces occupy the territory and are guilty of serious human right violations, which include torture, rape and murder.

When the British left India in 1947, it was agreed that the Sikhs would gain autonomy in the Province of Punjab. However India did not honor its obligations. In 1987, after 40 years of suffering and oppression, the Sikh Nation declared its independence from India, forming the separate country of Khalistan. However the independence is not recognized by India. Like many other governments the Government of India invokes the principle of territorial integrity to protect its borders. Used in this way the principle is thus contradictory to the principle of self-determination and should therefore be condemned. Khalistan seeks independence by peaceful, democratic and non-violent means. It requests the UNPO among others to press India to allow Amnesty International within its borders to investigate the human rights violations in Punjab, Nagaland, Kashmir and all other places where people are suppressed. General suggestions to the UNPO are to ask Latvia and Estonia to take up the causes of the UNPO-members in the UN and to press the international community (especially the World Bank, the IMF and the donor nations) to link aid to respect for human rights and for freedom. In this context, the UNPO should make a list of nations that abuse human rights and distribute it to potential donors.“

Gore Letter Implies Recognition of Khalistan

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 24 — In a letter to Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan, Vice President Al Gore wrote, “Thank you for writing to me regarding the ongoing civil conflict in Khalistan.”

By acknowledging “the civil conflict in Khalistan,” the letter implies recognition of Khalistan’s independence. Khalistan is the Sikh homeland which was declared independent on October 7, 1987. At that time, the Council of Khalistan was formed to lead the struggle to liberate Khalistan as the government pro tempore of Khalistan.

“By this statement, the Vice President makes it clear that U.S. foreign policy supports human rights, including the basic right to national self-determination which underlies the Sikh struggle for an independent Khalistan,” said Dr. Aulakh.

Punjab, Khalistan was independent from 1765 to 1849. It was the last part of the subcontinent to be conquered by the British. Sikhs are two-thirds of the population of Punjab and own 95 percent of the land there. In the recent elections, the Sikhs of Punjab overwhelmingly rejected Congress Party rule, which has brought about the murders of over 50,000 Sikhs in five years. This was a clear demand for an independent Khalistan.

When India was given its independence, the Sikhs were denied resumption of their independent status. The Sikhs were promised autonomy and they were given the Congress Party’s solemn pledge that no law affecting Sikh rights would pass without the consent of the Sikh Nation. But as soon as the ink was dry, the Indian regime broke these promises. As a result, no Sikh has ever signed the Indian constitution, denying Sikh assent to Indian rule.

Vice President Gore wrote that “civil conflict in any nation, and the inevitable hardship and bloodshed that it inflicts on that nation’s civilian population, offends our sense of human dignity and our humanitarian ideals.” The Indian regime has murdered more than 200,000 Sikhs in Khalistan since 1984, according to the Punjab Civil Service (PCS), the group which represents state magistrates across Punjab, Khalistan.

“The breakup of India is inevitable,” said Dr. Aulakh. “Many experts, from Dr. Jack Wheeler of the Freedom Research Foundation to Professor Stanley Wolpert of UCLA to the authors of A Quick and Dirty History of War have predicted it,” Dr. Aulakh pointed out. “We are glad that the Administration, through Vice President Gore, has acknowledged the Sikh Nation’s status as a nation and its right to national self-determination. With the support of the Administration and our many friends in Congress, the Sikh Nation will celebrate its three-hundredth anniversary in a sovereign, independent Khalistan,” he said.

Khalistan » Sovereign Nation
Khalistan Admitted to UNPO

Khalistan recognized internationally, a historic landmark. Sikh Nation vows to reclaim its lost sovereignty

Nishan Sahib (Sikh Flag) hoisted along with other nations flags. Khalistan was admitted to UNPO on Jan 23, 1993 and Khalistan’s flag (Nishan Sahib) hoisted at UNPO’S (Unrepresented Nations Peoples Organizations) General Assembly meeting at The Hague, Netherlands, a major milestone in the struggle for reclamation of the lost Sikh sovereignty and for the freedom of Sikh Homeland of Punjab, Khalistan. The last time the Sikh Flag (Nishan Sahib) flew over the sovereign Sikh state was in 1849. Sikh nation lost its sovereignty to the British. On Jan 23, 1993, one hundered forty four years after the Sikhs lost their sovereignty, Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, Dr.Paramjit Singh Ajrawat and S. Bhupinder Singh signed the covenant of Khalistan’s admission into UNPO.


KHALISTAN & UNPO : Self-determination conference Jan 22-23, 1993 Hague, Netherlands.

Refer to page 25:


Self-determination stands for freedom and justice. Freedom is the most basic human right. When freedom is denied, every other right is denied. In Punjab/Khalistan the people are not free. Indian police and military forces occupy the territory and are guilty of serious human right violations, which include torture, rape and murder.

When the British left India in 1947, it was agreed that the Sikhs would gain autonomy in the Province of Punjab. However India did not honor its obligations. In 1987, after 40 years of suffering and oppression, the Sikh Nation declared its independence from India, forming the separate country of Khalistan. However the independence is not recognized by India. Like many other governments the Government of India invokes the principle of territorial integrity to protect its borders. Used in this way the principle is thus contradictory to the principle of self-determination and should therefore be condemned. Khalistan seeks independence by peaceful, democratic and non-violent means. It requests the UNPO among others to press India to allow Amnesty International within its borders to investigate the human rights violations in Punjab, Nagaland, Kashmir and all other places where people are suppressed. General suggestions to the UNPO are to ask Latvia and Estonia to take up the causes of the UNPO-members in the UN and to press the international community (especially the World Bank, the IMF and the donor nations) to link aid to respect for human rights and for freedom. In this context, the UNPO should make a list of nations that abuse human rights and distribute it to potential donors.“

Gore Letter Implies Recognition of Khalistan

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 24 — In a letter to Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan, Vice President Al Gore wrote, “Thank you for writing to me regarding the ongoing civil conflict in Khalistan.”

By acknowledging “the civil conflict in Khalistan,” the letter implies recognition of Khalistan’s independence. Khalistan is the Sikh homeland which was declared independent on October 7, 1987. At that time, the Council of Khalistan was formed to lead the struggle to liberate Khalistan as the government pro tempore of Khalistan.

“By this statement, the Vice President makes it clear that U.S. foreign policy supports human rights, including the basic right to national self-determination which underlies the Sikh struggle for an independent Khalistan,” said Dr. Aulakh.

Punjab, Khalistan was independent from 1765 to 1849. It was the last part of the subcontinent to be conquered by the British. Sikhs are two-thirds of the population of Punjab and own 95 percent of the land there. In the recent elections, the Sikhs of Punjab overwhelmingly rejected Congress Party rule, which has brought about the murders of over 50,000 Sikhs in five years. This was a clear demand for an independent Khalistan.

When India was given its independence, the Sikhs were denied resumption of their independent status. The Sikhs were promised autonomy and they were given the Congress Party’s solemn pledge that no law affecting Sikh rights would pass without the consent of the Sikh Nation. But as soon as the ink was dry, the Indian regime broke these promises. As a result, no Sikh has ever signed the Indian constitution, denying Sikh assent to Indian rule.

Vice President Gore wrote that “civil conflict in any nation, and the inevitable hardship and bloodshed that it inflicts on that nation’s civilian population, offends our sense of human dignity and our humanitarian ideals.” The Indian regime has murdered more than 200,000 Sikhs in Khalistan since 1984, according to the Punjab Civil Service (PCS), the group which represents state magistrates across Punjab, Khalistan.

“The breakup of India is inevitable,” said Dr. Aulakh. “Many experts, from Dr. Jack Wheeler of the Freedom Research Foundation to Professor Stanley Wolpert of UCLA to the authors of A Quick and Dirty History of War have predicted it,” Dr. Aulakh pointed out. “We are glad that the Administration, through Vice President Gore, has acknowledged the Sikh Nation’s status as a nation and its right to national self-determination. With the support of the Administration and our many friends in Congress, the Sikh Nation will celebrate its three-hundredth anniversary in a sovereign, independent Khalistan,” he said.

Khalistan » Sovereign Nation

Khalistan recognised by unpo???????

Go to there site ......you wont find khalistan but you will find others from our neighbiuring country.

What ever you say mate.......we are happy.....you want khalistan........i wont mind but with Lahore as capital..........one border touching with afghanistan .........having kashmir in it as it was during Maharaja ranjit singh time
Khalistan recognised by unpo???????

Go to there site ......you wont find khalistan but you will find others from our neighbiuring country.

What ever you say mate.......we are happy.....you want khalistan........i wont mind but with Lahore as capital..........one border touching with afghanistan .........having kashmir in it as it was during Maharaja ranjit singh time

Lahore is a Pakistani City, and Khalistan would potentially be formed from indian Punjab.
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