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The Kerala Model: Probably the right way forward

There are also Tamils in Gulf, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe & America and TN boasts of a bigger Industrial base as well as GDP/capita than Kerala, then why do you think then TN lags behind Kerala in HDI development.

OMG I m so happy you finally got it. This is what I was trying to bring to attention from page 1 !! :cheers: India's rise in income is not really translating into a corresponding increase in the quality of living.

Now, the ultimate aim of an increase in GDP is to increase the standard of living of its people. If GDP increase doesnt translate into a corresponding increase in HDI, then what is the significance of the GDP figures?

Now, if Kerala with a lower PCI is able to manage achieving a much higher HDI, then why is it that the other states aren't able to do. There must be something different going on in Kerala (not foreign remittance).

My bad, I should have made the title Kerala's Social Welfare Model: Probably the right way forward

Spark, what is the use of showing this list? now do we really want to change the demography of our state? already some migrants started claiming some of our districts as theirs. why invite more? Already we are becoming minority in our own state. So let them believe what they want.

എടാ മോനെ നിനക്ക് പാണ്ടികളെ വേരുപ്പാണല്ലെ :rofl: :rofl:
My bad, I should have made the title Kerala's Social Welfare Model: Probably the right way forward

You got that right. Claiming Kerala to be the best will not go down with other states. They also have their pride.
You got that right. Claiming Kerala to be the best will not go down with other states. They also have their pride.

we also have ours

There are also Tamils in Gulf, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe & America and TN boasts of a bigger Industrial base as well as GDP/capita than Kerala, then why do you think then TN lags behind Kerala in HDI development.

You got that wrong..Tamils in Malaysia and Singapore are those who have settled there for generations and mostly dont have any immediate family back here...their money is invested there..not in India.

Secondly the high HDI in Kerala is due to the good primary education system and a extensive primary healthcare facilities. But as you go up the secondary education and college level the quality decreases and combined with the regressive communist traditions it becomes a bottle neck for industries. http://csesindia.org/admin/modules/cms/docs/publication/5.pdf

Kerala is fine because they implement these policies in home and indulge in capitalism/money making outside their state...now imagine every state in India adopting the Kerala model...now where will the money be made ?

The way forward is industrialization and the resultant HDI increase which is more productive. The increase that way will be slow but more useful.
I dont know the big deal,on the western ghats on the windward side of it,with less rain and more sunshine from Nilgiris to Kanyakuamri,we also lead a great life with good rains and no communist propoganda ruining our ear drums.

You got that right. Claiming Kerala to be the best will not go down with other states. They also have their pride.

nothing to do with pride,just common sense.if u feel kerala is the best thing since sliced bread,thats cool.
You got that wrong..Tamils in Malaysia and Singapore are those who have settled there for generations and mostly dont have any immediate family back here...their money is invested there..not in India.

Absolute Bullsht! Please come to Singapore and see how many Tamils come here from India for employment. Dont fool yourself brother.

The way forward is industrialization and the resultant HDI increase which is more productive. The increase that way will be slow but more useful.
Then why isnt it increasing? You havent answered my question. Why does TN with a higher per capita income have more poor than Kerala. Why is it that the living standards of a poor in Kerala is much better than that of a poor in TN? Why is it that Kerala is a top contender in one of the most liveable state while TN is not even in the pic? Please do take your time and answer.
nothing to do with pride,just common sense.if u feel kerala is the best thing since sliced bread,thats cool.

Leave me out of this bro. I will never claim that Kerala Model is the best , but I am proud of the achievements that my state made inspite of all the odds.
I dont know the big deal,on the western ghats on the windward side of it,with less rain and more sunshine from Nilgiris to Kanyakuamri,we also lead a great life with good rains and no communist propoganda ruining our ear drums.

lol. Communist propaganda? Where is it that people pounce on their neighbours and beat them up?
Where do political parties have cult status? Where is it that actors become politicians?
According to you, Communist = Propaganda is it? Then what is AIDMK and other parties doing in TN? What do you call that? Lullaby?
Btw, the party in power right now is the congress. Not the communists. And we vote them in using our heads. Not based on how good they acted in movies.
OMG I m so happy you finally got it. This is what I was trying to bring to attention from page 1 !! :cheers: India's rise in income is not really translating into a corresponding increase in the quality of living.

Now, the ultimate aim of an increase in GDP is to increase the standard of living of its people. If GDP increase doesnt translate into a corresponding increase in HDI, then what is the significance of the GDP figures?

Now, if Kerala with a lower PCI is able to manage achieving a much higher HDI, then why is it that the other states aren't able to do. There must be something different going on in Kerala (not foreign remittance).

My bad, I should have made the title Kerala's Social Welfare Model: Probably the right way forward

എടാ മോനെ നിനക്ക് പാണ്ടികളെ വേരുപ്പാണല്ലെ :rofl: :rofl:

Oh dear,

Probably you should look at various well established models of developing a reigon

1.Rostow's stages of Growth

The Rostow's Stages of Growth model (also called "Rostovian take-off model") is one of the major historical models of economic growth. It was developed by W. W. Rostow. The model postulates that economic growth occurs in five basic stages, of varying length:[1]
1. Traditional society
2. Preconditions for take-off
3. Take-off
4. Drive to maturity
5. Age of High mass consumption
Rostow's model is one of the more structuralist models of economic growth, particularly in comparison with the 'backwardness' model developed by Alexander Gerschenkron, although the two models are not mutually exclusive.
Rostow argued that economic take-off must initially be led by a few individual sectors. This belief echoes David Ricardo’s comparative advantage thesis and criticizes Marxist revolutionaries push for economic self-reliance in that it pushes for the 'initial' development of only one or two sectors over the development of all sectors equally. This became one of the important concepts in the theory of modernization in the social evolutionism.

The whole model is too big and would tantamount to spamming if posted completely,i would be posting only relevant material.

Rostow's stages of growth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.Traditional society
characterized by subsistence agriculture or hunting & gathering; almost wholly a "primary" sector economy
limited technology;
A static or 'rigid' society: lack of class or individual economic mobility, with stability prioritized and change seen negatively
2.Pre-conditions to “take-off”
external demand for raw materials initiates economic change;
development of more productive, commercial agriculture & cash crops not consumed by producers and/or largely exported
widespread and enhanced investment in changes to the physical environment to expand production (i.e. irrigation, canals, ports)
increasing spread of technology & advances in existing technologies
changing social structure, with previous social equilibrium now in flux
individual social mobility begins
development of national identity and shared economic interests
3.Take off
manufacturing begins to rationalize and scale increases in a few leading industries, as goods are made both for export and domestic consumption
the "secondary" (goods-producing) sector expands and ratio of secondary vs. primary sectors in the economy shifts quickly towards secondary
textiles & apparel are usually the first "take-off" industry, as happened in Great Britain's classic "Industrial Revolution"
4.Drive to maturity
diversification of the industrial base; multiple industries expand & new ones take root quickly
manufacturing shifts from investment-driven (capital goods) towards consumer durables & domestic consumption
rapid development of transportation infrastructure
large-scale investment in social infrastructure (schools, universities, hospitals, etc.)
4.Age of mass consumption
the industrial base dominates the economy; the primary sector is of greatly diminished weight in economy & society
widespread and normative consumption of high-value consumer goods (e.g. automobiles)
consumers typically (if not universally), have disposable income, beyond all basic needs, for additional goods

and regarding its relation with inequality

1.Traditional society

Inequalities is low as every one is equally poor.

2.Pre condition for take off

Inequality increases

3.Take off

Inequality Increases

4.Drive to maturity

Inequality declines

5.High mass consumption

Inequality declines

Now another set of even valid theories

Growth Center and Growth Pole

Theoretical prespective developed by francis perroux ,Spatial prespective by Boudeville and hirschmann.

I have very good notes on this theory but it would take a whole day to copy and i have not yet found a consolidated link for this theory.I am typing only salient features.Sorry if the seem disjointed.In short the stages of growth are

1.Schumpeter: Growth in discontinous spurts and is uneven,due to innovative enterpenures who establish large scale firms called dynamic propulsive firms having following characterstics
a. Firms in good and commodities with high elasticity of demand
b. Economies of scale
c. Modern technology
d. Advanced Mgmt
e. Strong Backward and forward linkage

2.Perroux: Centipetal and Centrifugal force wrt market and interdependence
a.With increasing demand produce of large scale firm is increased
b. Increase production further bring down cost of production
c. To meet growing demand of raw material investment in backward linkages financed by high profits generated
d. To market produce,investment in forward linkages.
e. To develop market development of communication linkages.

3. Boudeville: Economic growth is affected by three factors

a.Economies internal to firm
b.Economies external to firm but internal to industries
c.Economies external to industry but internal to Urban system

4.Hirschman: Polarisation and trickel down effect

P.S. search for each term independently. I have provided the keywords.

and a toned down version of Growth pole and Growth centre theories are

Cumulative Causation theory

Core periphery models

Again a shitty link but at least something is good than nothing


Core-periphery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Core-periphery theory is based on the notion that as one region or state expands in economic prosperity, it must engulf regions nearby to ensure ongoing economic and political success. The area of high growth or former high growth becomes known as the core, and the neighboring area is the periphery. Cores and peripheries can be towns, cities, states, or nations.

Core expansion trends and methods

On a simplified scale, when a city grows in popularity, it must expand its borders to continue to supply the population with the standard of living they are used to (eg variety of products, standard of living, etc). Traditionally, the inner city core will first expand to areas of geographic similarity; for instance, a neighboring town may find itself becoming a suburb of the city.
When geographic peripheries become exhausted (either because resources have dried up or the economies of scale have balanced out), the core then seeks out peripheries that are culturally similar and share the same language as the core. Only when the core has exhausted all advantageous options of geographic and cultural similarity will it seek to expand to a periphery that is truly foreign. This is because a foreign periphery carries a high risk of not complying with requests from the core.
An example of traditional core-periphery theory exhausting regional options and adopting an international scale can be found in the European colonization of Africa. Core nations, such as England, Germany and France, sought to extract resources in the face of cultural disparity. Because these cultural differences were perceived as vast, military presence was necessary to ensure the expansion of these cores into Africa.
Whereas peripheries bearing geographic or cultural similarity to the core can often benefit in the long run, through what is known as trickle-down economics, peripheries that have vast cultural differences often lack negotiation rights in their colonisation. When this happens, trickle-up economics apply, and peripheries watch as their resources drain away towards the core. The more a periphery becomes colonised, the less it is able to resist the core. The probability of civil or transnational war then starts to slowly approach 1 (certainty).


Many experts contest that the core-periphery system is far too simple and hold that there is an additional aspect to society that has been markedly left out. They maintain that the semi-periphery is also an important middle ground between the core and the periphery. This is an area that is more self sufficient and developed than the periphery, but not to the extent of the core. Immanuel Wallerstein argues that the semi-periphery is important because it bridges the gap between the rich core countries and the poor periphery countries. It provides balance and order keeping the world from political and economic crisis in same way that the middle class does on the national level in stable core countries.

Now few counter-assertions regarding your assertions regarding why commie model is superior

1.Inequality in kerala is low

That is again because of remmitances.If you would have developed in classical way by building up your industrial capacity,it would have resulted in agglomeration and formation of growth pole.There is no other way of developing.Even command and control economies are based of agglomeration.If they are not ,they end up like iron spigots at the time of mao during cultural revolution.

Since a large percentage of Malayalis migrate and they do it from all parts of Kerala,their Income gets distributed leading to less Inequality.States which are developing on basis of Industrialisation have agglomeration of Industry and capital thus producing inequalities.

This also explains lack of big cities in Kerala (as Per your definition).And also the facts why Industrialising states have high level of Inequality.They are in initial take-off stages.Initially inequality is bound to increase.

And in which way is growth is not translating into quality of living for India.If you make an assertion you should back it up with data.This no improvement in quality is a usual communist rant even when statistics are antiteth to their assertions.Every respectable survey of poverty has shown that there has been a sharp decline in number of poors measured using any method.

Statistics on Poverty in India | P.a.p.-Blog, Human Rights Etc.

2.GDP does not matter HDI does

No mister it is GDP only thing that does matter.Without GDP you will never be able to afford good education,Good health care and all sundry things.The High HDI that kerala has had been made possible due to remmitances of expatriates.It is disposable income which need not be reinvested for its continuation.

3.The model could be applied to a larger geographical area or population

Where will 1.2 Billion people migrate to.Should they migrate to china or africa.

4.There is no Industrial development because it would harm enviorment

This is a bullshit argument.You do not need swathes of land to establish Industries.This is pure propaganda Commies are feeding you to hide the fact that there cannot be industries because unions of their own party would not allow industries to function.

there were record 223 hartals in 2006.

Now for some hard facts

1.Kerala government is highly indebted

Kerala lives on borrowed money, debt trebles in 10 yrs - Economic Times

2.Kerala is dependent on remittances

Remittances make up for 21% of your GDP

Kerala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3.Probably you are not getting it that economy is Bitchhe.The Defects of a model would not go away if whether you refer to it as Socialist welfare model or kerala model.People are not against you because they hate malyalis but because the goddamn model is faulty.
lol. Communist propaganda? Where is it that people pounce on their neighbours and beat them up?
Where do political parties have cult status? Where is it that actors become politicians?
According to you, Communist = Propaganda is it? Then what is AIDMK and other parties doing in TN? What do you call that? Lullaby?
Btw, the party in power right now is the congress. Not the communists. And we vote them in using our heads. Not based on how good they acted in movies.

I know enough about the politics of Kerala and whats the basis of voting there as well.Yeah there is propoganda in TN but we have long forgotten about it,we just vote for whoever pays more.

Thats a far cry from all those rich *** landlords of Kerala,i know who happily own large tracts of land and sit and discuss communism and socialism with you.
എടാ മോനെ നിനക്ക് പാണ്ടികളെ വേരുപ്പാണല്ലെ :rofl: :rofl:

അമ്മച്ചിയാണേ സത്യം !! :chilli:
ആദ്യമേ അവന്മാരെ അത്ര ഇഷ്ടമല്ലായിരുന്നു പിന്നെ മുല്ലപെരിയറും പധ്മനഭസ്വാമി ക്ഷേത്രത്തിലെ സ്വത്തിനു അവകാശവും പറഞ്ഞു വന്നതില്* പിന്നെ അവന്മാരെ വെറുത്തു തുടങ്ങി. അവന്മാര്* എന്തൊക്കെ അഭാസതരമാണെന്ന്അറിയാമോ നമ്മുടെ സംസ്കാരത്തെയും നമ്മുടെ സ്ത്രീകളയും കുറിച്ച് പറഞ്ഞത് ?
I think its not just me അവന്മാരെ അടുത്തറിയുന്ന എല്ലാവരും അവന്മാരെ വെറുക്കും.:hitwall:
There are not much poor in Kerala because they move out to other states to find work.......
There are not much poor in Kerala because they move out to other states to find work.......

So..Punjab & Gujurat are the top states in India, but you will find Punjabis & Gujuratis doing business all over India including Kerala.
Absolute Bullsht! Please come to Singapore and see how many Tamils come here from India for employment. Dont fool yourself brother.

The numbers are very less compared to those permanently settled there and compared to the malus who go to other countries.

Then why isnt it increasing? You havent answered my question. Why does TN with a higher per capita income have more poor than Kerala. Why is it that the living standards of a poor in Kerala is much better than that of a poor in TN? Why is it that Kerala is a top contender in one of the most liveable state while TN is not even in the pic? Please do take your time and answer.

My answer is in the link..go through it.

Better HDI is due to good primary education and good primary healthcare system...after that the quality is just rut..there is no use in having parotta masters who have finished 10th grade and who can talk english.

I can ask you the same question...why inspite of all this TN has better industries..? why TN has better infra ? why is TN per capita SDP better than kerala ? why is TN the most urbanized state in India..why is Chennai called the Detroit of South Asia..? why is TN the leading IT exporter ? why most Keralites come to TN for super specialty health care or for college education...why why why ?

Kerala model works fine in Kerala because you have industrialized Karnataka nd TN on either side to work and send home the money and indulge in socialism..if all the states in India are like Kerala then what ?

so do biharis, UPs, tamils, etc

Still low compared to Mallus and absolutely not even comparable to UPites and Biharis.

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