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The Kanal Istanbul project should be stopped

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As a self proclaimed Kemalist, I supported this project a while back.. but now that I've looked into it my mind has changed. The project is just another 'rant' scheme.

A then reputable YouTube channel had convinced me but it turns out that everything that had been said was complete bullsh!t.

My first thoughts are right now that this project for -whatever- reason seems to be rushed. Now the argument that he wants to get his buddys the construction contracts is possible because Erdogan is corrupt and hes doing it since hes been elected but the infos right now are so slim, we dont really know anything about this whole project. What we know is that for -whatever- reason he's been telling it since last week :D
The Turkish medias and people will discuss the Canal for a few weeks, punches will be thrown between AKP- CHP and in the meantime Idlib will be lost without much talk in Turkey and quietly a few hundred thousand Syrians more will be sent to Turkey. At the same time valuable assets will be sold to foreigners without anyone noticing too- like the Third Bosphorus Bridge, North Marmara Highway and Eurasia Tunnel.

Keep the sheeple distracted and divided and in the meantime do the things they won’t like without them being able to notice it.
Turkey and quietly a few hundred thousand Syrians more will be sent to Turkey.

I dont know here,he will be voted out if he doesnt fix the refugee issue in the next 3 years and he knows that.
If in doubt and not understanding why RTE rush this project then opt to delay it. If you delay it enough you’ll eventually find out why he wanted the canal. It’s the same strategy for anything if you have a good hand play for some time and the ones kneep deep will rush thing.
What does this project have to do with the United States?

The renegotiation or maybe end of Montreux treaty does, since the US Navy can stay max. 21 days in the Black Sea. With ending the treaty you literally invite a US aircraft carrier and permanent US Navy presence.
The renegotiation or maybe end of Montreux treaty does, since the US Navy can stay max. 21 days in the Black Sea. With ending the treaty you literally invite a US aircraft carrier and permanent US Navy presence.

I think most of you have not even read the treaty. First of all, there is a difference between a natural waterway and a hand-built waterway. The fact that Turkey is building a canal does not necessarily mean that it is equivalent to a natural waterway. So the treaty remains. The merchant vessels themselves have the freedom to choose between these two routes. This therefore does not apply to warships above a certain tonnage.

You immediately start with a U.S carrier in the Black Sea without a proper substantiation of arguments. Explain, with articles from the treaty, how this will become possible...

I don't care if the project dates back to the Ottoman empire. You know what else dates back to the Ottoman empire? The legalisation of homosexual sex. Does that make it right? F*ck No.

I gave multiple reasons why this project is dumb. But you just don't listen.

Oh well I don't live in Istanbul. I'm not the one who has to deal with one of the stupidest and most costly, unnecessary projects in Turkish history.

Sorry, you are not 100% in your head. I cant take you as a serious person to debate with. You to childish.

Saying that our dying economy doesnt have the capability to sustain another useless prestige project of a megalomaniac is not a real argument?

Sry bro seems like your eyes have a problem, get it checked asap.

Same song over the last 20 years. You dont get bored?
Same song over the last 20 years. You dont get bored?
Look at the economic numbers, but not those of NL, if you dont see a problem here then i have nothing else to tell to you.

Hey you ataist kemalist ataputcus! If that video doesn’t convince you that we need the Canal, then nothing will!!!1! :sarcastic:

ps That’s the same professor that claimed that Prophet Nuh/Noah had a cellphone and talked to his son. :sarcastic:
Its people like this who made the CED rapport, can you believe this? But seems like enough people support the project so who am i to say anything? At least its not my tax money being wasted. :)

At the same time valuable assets will be sold to foreigners without anyone noticing too- like the Third Bosphorus Bridge, North Marmara Highway and Eurasia Tunnel.
I supported the third bridge because they said train will also be built on it but it didnt happen either, what a monumental failure those projects are...
So the treaty remains. The merchant vessels themselves have the freedom to choose between these two routes.

And if they don't choose the Canal, how wants the Goverment explain it to the public? Are there any studies of possible Canal traffic and customers?
Will it end like the third bridge, X per year are expected and guaranteed but less than half of X are reached every year...

For me Canal Istanbul is thrown in to dirtract from other topics.
And if they don't choose the Canal, how wants the Goverment explain it to the public? Are there any studies of possible Canal traffic and customers?
Will it end like the third bridge, X per year are expected and guaranteed but less than half of X are reached every year...

For me Canal Istanbul is thrown in to dirtract from other topics.

You have no clue how horrible the Bosphorus strait is for huge vessels. They will automatically choose the canal because it is much more favorable for their transport time and also in terms of risks. Besided this, Turkey creates another leverage over the US and Russia. Two birds, one stone (another usable card).

Ps its not only for economical and strategies reasons. Its also to protect buildings from these crazy vessels + it will give a better and healthier look to the strait.
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@Hakikat ve Hikmet can you explain me all this ? The video is in turkish buddy.

Secondly, what is US stance on this oroject and what is PT erdogan’s plan.

How is this helpful for usa and turkey ?
You have no clue how horrible the Bosphorus strait is for huge vessels. They will automatically choose the canal because it is much more favorable for their transport time and also in terms of risks. Besided this, Turkey creates another leverage over the US and Russia. Two birds, one stone (another usable card).

Ps its not only for economical and strategies reasons. Its also to protect buildings from these crazy vessels + it will give a better and healthier look to the strait.

Payments of ships to cross Canal Istanbul will never compensate it's constructions costs including the costs for bridges. US and Romania are investing in Alexandroupolis port, they are looking for alternatives. Traffic in Bosphorus is declining and Russia will anyways use the Arctic route soon.
If Turkey is really afraid of Petrochemical accidents in Marmara... then why not reviving the Samsun-Ceyhan pipeline project and connecting it with Russia? For sure the safer and most time effective solution.

Merchant companies gladly pay for Suez and Panama since it spares them thousand of miles but Canal Istanbul?
So protecting the buildings but wiping out X km² forrests and fertile land... look you may think i'm against everything Erdogan is doing, i'm not.
But there are "kazik" projects like Russian owned Akkuyu nuclear plant, Osman Gazi "kazik" bridge and now Canal Istanbul "kazik" project.

There are many other things that need investments such as Agriculture, Energy alternatives, Military and Infrastructure.
Altaylı, Kanal İstanbul'la ilgili gemi kaptanları ile konuştu: İç açıcı değil

Fatih Altaylı kaptanların Kanal İstanbul'la ilgili yorumlarını aktardığı yazısında, "söyledikleri pek iç açıcı değil." dedi.

Altaylı şu ifadeleri kullandı:

Kanal İstanbul ile ilgili olarak uzun yol kaptanları ile konuştum.
Ne de olsa yapılması halinde bu kanaldan geçecek olan gemileri onlar kullanacaktı ve fikirleri önemliydi.
Konuştuğum tüm kaptanlar, benzer şeyler söylediler.
Birkaç başlıkta toplamak gerekirse Kanal İstanbul ile ilgili fikirleri şöyle:

- 25 metrelik derinlik çok yetersiz. Bugün tanker sınıfları kıyı tankerleri hariç minimum 20 metre su kesimine sahip. Daha net söylemek gerekirse en büyük tanker sınıfı olan ULCC’lerin draftı 35 metre, VLCC’lerin draftı 28 metre, Suezmax’ların 23 metre. Bugün petrol taşımacılığının büyük bölümü bu tankerlerle yapılıyor. Boğaz’da tehlike yaratacak büyüklükte olan tankerler bunlar ve 25 metrelik derinlikteki bir kanaldan bu tankerler geçemez. Herhalde bu kanalı kum taşıyan kosterler için yapmayacaklar.

- Kanal Karadeniz suyunu Marmara’ya taşıyacak. Yani kanaldaki su az tuzlu Karadeniz suyu olacak. Bu suyun kaldırma kapasitesi daha düşük olduğu için, 25 metrelik derinlik iyiden iyiye az gelecek. Çünkü bu suda gemiler daha fazla suya gömülür.

- Bu tankerlerin boyları 245 metre ile 415 metre arasında değişiyor. Kanalda tek bir tanker arıza yapsa veya kaza yapsa, kıyıya çarpsa 200 metre genişlikteki kanal tıkanır. Bu kadar dar bir kanalda tankerlerin manevra yapması çok ama çok zor olur.

- İstanbul Boğazı’nda Karadeniz’den Marmara’ya doğru olan yüzey akıntısının hızı genelde 3-4 knot civarındadır. Yer yer daha hızlanır, yer yer yavaşlar ve ters döner. Kuvvetli poyraz fırtınalarında 7-8 knota kadar çıkar. Bu yüzden kaptanlar Karadeniz’den Marmara’ya doğru olan gidişi sevmezler. Bu akıntı hızı gemiyi rotada tutmayı zorlaştırır. Bir anlamda yokuş aşağı gidiştir ve geminin kontrolü zordur. Kanalda ise akıntı hızı Karadeniz’den Marmara’ya doğru yaklaşık 10 knot olacak. Hiçbir gemi kaptanı bu süratle aşağı doğru inmek istemez. Akılalmaz derecede zor bir seyirdir. Gemiyi kontrol altında tutamazsınız. Bunu engellemek için kıyıdan gemileri bağlayarak aşağı doğru indirmeniz gerekir. Bu durumda dolu gemiler bu yolu kullanmayacak, Boğaz’ı tercih edecektir. Yani tehlike arz eden gemiler yine İstanbul’un içinden geçecektir.

- Şu anda Boğaz’ı geçmek için bekleme süresi çok uzun değil. 24 saati aşan pek yok. Çok büyük gemiler için hava koşulları uygun olmadığı zaman bekleme oluyor ama bu da genelde 3-4 günü aşmıyor.

Anlayacağınız, Kanal İstanbul’un olası kullanıcılarına da kulak asmak gerek. Ve söyledikleri pek iç açıcı değil.


Some simple explanations from the people that are actually supposed to use the Canal.

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