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"The Japanese see India as the land of Lord Buddha ,which is why they have a lot of respect for Indians"

That is incorrect. Please read my posts# 112 and 120.

Having separate symbols for 10,100,1000 negates the whole point of zero. The point of zero is to form the decimal system and use it for arithmetic operations.
Roman numbers are great for representation of numbers. Try to do anything useful it especially computationally. that is when it gets tedious.
Having separate symbols for 10,100,1000 negates the whole point of zero.

But the Egyptians had the philosophy of zero through that way and they also used it as a base.

The point of zero is to form the decimal system and use it for arithmetic operations.
Roman numbers are great for representation of numbers. Try to do anything useful it especially computationally. that is when it gets tedious.

Please elaborate.
But the Egyptians had the philosophy of zero through that way and they also used it as a base.

Please elaborate.

the whole idea of decimal system is ten ones makes a ten, ten tens makes a hundred, ten hundreds make a thousand

some primitive cultures had base of 5. The largest number they could count to was 29 (five fives and a four)
some primitive cultures had base of 5. The largest number they could count to was 29 (five fives and a four)

Which are these cultures and I didn't understand why the limit is to 29 and not 30.
Which are these cultures and I didn't understand why the limit is to 29 and not 30.
you have the concept of numbers equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5. There is no concept of 6. What is the largest number you can come up with ?
29 = five five's and a four
One of the cleanest people in the world cannot respect the filthiest race on planet Earth. Just diplomatic talk.

Indians have strongest claim for discovering zero. Of course you need to use zero to extend it to the decimal system. In any case ancient Greeks had the strongest tradition of Mathematics

No poojeet, stop associating with ancient India (modern Eastern Pakistan).
And what you do with your unique Buddhist history?...blow them like Bamiyan?

no, they are not blown up,
they are actually preserved very well,
Only recently a team of italians discovered the link between Alexandar's last bastion and the north of Pakistan's ethnic tribes.

As a matter fact, such extreme acts of violence such as bamian were only carried out in place where I think it was american, australian and maybe some other country's troops involved in bounty hunting humans etc ?

May not be a causal relationship, but a correlation nevertheless.
It was called Bharat where your forefathers lived.

Actually no.
India has never been a single country comprising of the subcontinent for any mention able period of time.
It's been mostly a collection of warring states, whose accumulative center of gravity was in the north east of the subcontinent.
One of the cleanest people in the world cannot respect the filthiest race on planet Earth. Just diplomatic talk.

No poojeet, stop associating with ancient India (modern Eastern Pakistan).
A shonoroid from the fourth least livable city in the world talking about cleanliness, that's like a whore talking about abstinence

Average Japanese people aren't aware of shonorland existence, given shonorshithole is behind Iraq in global soft power



they perceive your existence from their impressions of India
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I toh cant tell em apart but some people can..
Next time someone says they can, show them pictures of random Japanese and Koreans and test them. I have worked with both, and can't tell them apart at all. The only ones I can clinchingly identify as Koreans are the effeminate male K-Pop stars
Next time someone says they can, show them pictures of random Japanese and Koreans and test them. I have worked with both, and can't tell them apart at all. The only ones I can clinchingly identify as Koreans are the effeminate male K-Pop stars
I know, right ? :lol:
Actually no.
India has never been a single country comprising of the subcontinent for any mention able period of time.
It's been mostly a collection of warring states, whose accumulative center of gravity was in the north east of the subcontinent.

Morth east of the subcontinent:(:(:(:-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)
A propagandist for the Taliban writing about a Taliban ambassador touring the country of Taliban's master - USA - and writing about "alleged terrorist Osama bin Laden" and "Communist oppression" and the article carried on a website called IslamiCity... yeah, totally legit. :lol: If the Taliban was so humanitarian now it would first create free homes in nicely built neighborhoods for the 4.6 million homeless Afghans and it encourage even more females to participate in education and the workforce instead of shutting down the women's welfare ministry and replacing it with some stupid thing called haya ministry. If it was so humanitarian between its terror rule of 1996-2001 it wouldn't kill and maim people for stupid "moral" crimes. If the Taliban was so humanitarian it wouldn't be carried aboard American air force planes to the battle fields of Syria to fight Assad on behalf of NATO. Please stop defending criminals. The Taliban didn't care for the children dying of malnutrition, they blew up the statues because of their beliefs.

There is debate among Muslims if Alexander the Great too or the Iranian king Koorosh / Kourosh ( Cyrus the Great ) are among the 124,000 prophets accepted in Islam.

I doubt. When Muslim rulers in South Asia let the Hindus live why would they wipe out the Buddhists ? Buddhism in at least what is now India had been wiped out much before the Muslims came in. Maybe this held true even for the place now called Afghanistan though because this place bordered Central Asia and China it is possible that pockets of Buddhism existed during Muslim rule after having escaped persecution by Hindu rulers earlier.

Firstly, I have already said this in my previous post :

You are right about the uncertain origin of zero and upon your recommendation I looked into my document again and it has this at the beginning :

So zero was used by the Egyptians both as a value to increase numbers ( 10, 100, 1000 etc ) and as a base to start count which is used in computing now especially in array layout - 0th element, 1st element, 2nd element etc. The fact of digital binary computers using either of two values to represent a bit - 0 or 1, that is just general usage and can come from anywhere.

Both these articles don't mention Egypt and both glowingly reference a so-called Indologist called Peter Gobets who has made it his life to prove that "Indians" invented the zero through him organizing a movement called ZerOrigIndia. Cringey.

And this from the first article :

LOL, the object below is part of a Greek astronomical instrument from more than 2000 years ago now called the Antikythera Mechanism. The below part among other parts was found under the sea off Greece. It used the ancient Egyptian solar calendar :
More credible than you moron. You said the fight against Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1970s was not good. lol.
When all the Islamic scholars had agreed at that time that the fight against the Soviets was right.

Islamcity is more legitimate when the American people said CNN and BBC had lied to their own peoples.
When all the Islamic scholars had agreed at that time that the fight against the Soviets was right.

Those "Islamic" scholars had no effect on the Muslims in the USSR who supported and participated in USSR's fight against the NATO-created, armed and funded so-called mujahideen. Here are criminal mullahs this time from 1980s Afghanistan being slaves of NATO as ever and who were fighting against progressive Afghans :
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Those "Islamic" scholars had no effect on the Muslims in the USSR who supported and participated in USSR's fight against the NATO-created, armed and funded so-called mujahideen. Here are criminal mullahs this time from 1980s Afghanistan being slaves of NATO as ever :
Those Muslims in USSR were under Communist oppression.

All the Islamic scholars of that time were unanimous in fighting the atheistic communists in Afghanistan in the 1970s.

You are a moron.

Even Arabs went to fight in Afghanistan against the atheistic communists of USSR.
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