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The J-20 SUCCESSFULLY conducts first flight!!

Yeah that was beautiful, the Beijing Olympics happened on 8/8/08. Now we've got 11/1/11.

Actually, car license plates with "lucky numbers" get sold for ridiculous amounts of money in HK.

The license plate with the number "18" was sold for more than sixteen million Hong Kong dollars. Personally I think it's a huge waste of money though. :D

Doesn't some company in HK pay a ridiculous amount for the phone number 888-8888 (or whatever the format is)
Here is the recorded live report.

time zone: GMT+8

weather condition of ZUUU

Wind from the SW (220 degrees) at 4 MPH (4 KT)
Visibility greater than 7 mile(s)
Sky conditions mostly clear
Temperature 42 F (6 C)
Dew Point 23 F (-5 C)
Relative Humidity 45%
Pressure (altimeter) 30.30 in. Hg (1026 hPa)

0936: one JL-8 double seated trainer, two J-10S double seated fighter appears. One of the J-10S loaded with some kind of pod
0938: the weather is great, refueling truck and electric power vehicle is next to J-20
0939: someone is on the reviewing stand preparing something. The engine of the J-20 is the silver color version
0940: drag parachute loaded
1024: ground crew work started
1036: pilot shows up
1045: J-20 engine started
1052: taxing to runway
1053: high speed rolling test
1101: pilot left
1103: loading drag parachute
1107: J-10S (the one with the pod) cockpit opens
1114: security guard shows up, we are on the tree again
1116: both the J-10 and J-20 started their ground crew work. Fire truck shows up
1121: J-10S pilot onboard (the one with the pod)
1122: the VIP seat is still empty
1126: J-10S engine started
1128: some police car shows up
1130: J-10S #220 taxing to the runway
1131: J-10S takes off
1135: two ambulance shows up
1145: J-10S landed
1208: B-4079 Boeing 737 landed
1221: cameraman on position
1222: B-4020 Boeing 737 landed (these two 737 belongs to the government)
1229: J-20 engine testing
1233: J-10S takeoff again
1243: J-20 engine started and testing with the cockpit opened
1247: J-20 taxing to the runway
Jan 11th 12:50:16: J-20 TAKE OFF!!!!! with J-10S as chase plane
1252: it seems it took off without activated the after burne, nobody saw the flame from the nuzzle
125X: circuling above the airfield now
1300: fly above the airfield, obviously longer and wider than the J-10S
1308: J-20 landed
1310: J-20 parking, J-10S landed
1320: A perfect first flight! Bravo to all the scientists, engineers, workers!

Unconfirmed information: first flight test pilot Gang·Li (李刚)

With no VIP appear in this "important" flight, to be hornest, I begin to doubt that this is the first flight. It could be the first public flight.

The bold part is hilarious, "1114: security guard shows up, we are on the tree again ."
The bold part is hilarious, "1114: security guard shows up, we are on the tree again ."

LMAO!!! hahahahah i cracked up .. thanks for that mate :rofl::rofl:

---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:43 PM ----------

here is a video of j-20 but i reckon its fake..


Underestimating PLAAF again, bs article.

It doesn't matter if they underestimate us, until their radar screens go black when their AWACs get knocked out, and the floor starts shaking from the bunker busters. At that time, I can imagine the american soldiers radioing, "f**x you and your fake, stolen planes!"
It doesn't matter if they underestimate us, until their radar screens go black when their AWACs get knocked out, and the floor starts shaking from the bunker busters. At that time, I can imagine the american soldiers radioing, "f**x you and your fake, stolen planes!"


不过我们就是要取代它们,这是中华帝国的宿命。当年老祖宗也玩这一套,历史的哪个开国皇帝会在起兵造反之前说 “我要当皇帝”? 老外和中国比计谋还差远了,以它们的肤浅的文化怎么会理解博大精深的中华文明?
J-20 Completes First Flight

China's new fighter, the stealthy J-20 has now completed its first flight after several weeks of preparations.

Here are the initial pictures from Chinese sites:




Still now word on how long the flight at Chenghdu lasted. It looks like the landing gear remained extended throughout the flight and that it may have been a rather modest outing, but we may get more data on that later. A J-10 served as the escort.

There will be much read into the fact the event happened while U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates was visiting China, but the event's timing may have more to do with weather aligning properly than geopolitics, but there is still some interesting imagery to it even if more by happenstance.

J-20 Completes First Flight

Congratulations China.. First 5th Gen from Asia.. The fighter looks more beautiful than F-22 in My Opinion.

不过我们就是要取代它们,这是中华帝国的宿命。当年老祖宗也玩这一套,历史的哪个开国皇帝会在起兵造反之前说 “我要当皇帝”? 老外和中国比计谋还差远了,以它们的肤浅的文化怎么会理解博大精深的中华文明?


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