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The Iraqi Armed Forces

Super hind is that with S.african opticals and avionics.
Yes, that when Algeria was under embargo. They turned to South Africa and upgraded all her Mi24 in South African and later in the country.
dzarmy 10 29 15 super hind Mkiii.jpg
Why because you were fighting terrorism.
The same one that are behind Iraq ans Syria destruction , planned Algeria demise in the 90's. It was so bad, that the country couldn't even buy a shotgun shell...Luckily we had South Africa, they didn't forgot the Algerian contribution to their independence and few other countries from the Warsaw pact.
The same one that are behind Iraq ans Syria destruction , planned Algeria demise in the 90's. It was so bad, that the country couldn't even buy a shotgun shell...Luckily we had South Africa, they didn't forgot the Algerian contribution to their independence and few other countries from the Warsaw pact.
Our lot in Baghdad need to working soon on this matter other wise war in Iraq may last long since Obama wanted it to last 15 years.
Our lot in Baghdad need to working soon on this matter other wise war in Iraq may last long since Obama wanted it to last 15 years.
Iraq needs to turn to traditional arms suppliers. She will get better and more potent equipment that the one she is getting from the US. Egypt and UAE woke up to that fact last summer when Egypt tried to use UAE's F16 to strike ISIS in Lybia after they beheaded 28 Egyptan coptes.
Thanks for posting they didn't say how many planes arrived?.
Sorry,i don't know how many is delivered,in total it should be 12.
From sorces:
The first batch of training and combat aircraft production Czech Aero L-159 arrived in Iraq. As reported last year, Iraq signed a contract with the Czech company Aero Vodochody for the purchase of 12 aircraft - "10 single light combat aircraft L-159A ALCA and two double L-159T1 c Storage Air Force of the Czech Republic"(gogle translate)
Ирак получил первые L-159: sandrermakoff
Radio Prague - Breakthrough for sales of L-159 to Iraq in sight
Edit:Two are delivered it seams:

Sorry,i don't know how many is delivered,in total it should be 12.
From sorces:
The first batch of training and combat aircraft production Czech Aero L-159 arrived in Iraq. As reported last year, Iraq signed a contract with the Czech company Aero Vodochody for the purchase of 12 aircraft - "10 single light combat aircraft L-159A ALCA and two double L-159T1 c Storage Air Force of the Czech Republic"(gogle translate)
Ирак получил первые L-159: sandrermakoff
Radio Prague - Breakthrough for sales of L-159 to Iraq in sight
Edit:Two are delivered it seams:

thank you very much indeed, I'm Iraqi but don't know about these news :ashamed:.
Iraq needs to turn to traditional arms suppliers. She will get better and more potent equipment that the one she is getting from the US. Egypt and UAE woke up to that fact last summer when Egypt tried to use UAE's F16 to strike ISIS in Lybia after they beheaded 28 Egyptan coptes.

Israel still relies heavily on the F-16 and used them to destroy a Syrian reactor a few years back. Are you really saying that Egypt can't beat cavemen for want of a more sophisticated jet fighter?
Israel still relies heavily on the F-16 and used them to destroy a Syrian reactor a few years back. Are you really saying that Egypt can't beat cavemen for want of a more sophisticated jet fighter?

Nope.. But Egypt can't fight with Israels (thanks to the friend n foe identification system on its F-16) nor does it possess BVR.. Apart from the "sidewinders".
Nope.. But Egypt can't fight with Israels (thanks to the friend n foe identification system on its F-16) nor does it possess BVR.. Apart from the "sidewinders".

Israel removes the American IFF system from its variant of the F-16 by removing all the electronics in the plane and replacing them with indigenously developed systems. Egypt could potentially do this but does not have the know-how to build their own systems.

If the issue preventing Egypt from winning against cavemen is the IFF system then how will that be resolved by upgrading to a newer plane?
Israel removes the American IFF system from its variant of the F-16 by removing all the electronics in the plane and replacing them with indigenously developed systems. Egypt could potentially do this but does not have the know-how to build their own systems.

If the issue preventing Egypt from winning against cavemen is the IFF system then how will that be resolved by upgrading to a newer plane?

No.. US didn't even allow Israel to replace the avionics .. They didn't even allow them to use the elta radar.. (They did however allow em to use Israeli weapons)..

Upgrading it won't change anything.. IFF in Turkish F-16s was replaced by an indigenous one by TAI (which produces/assembled them).. The main idea is that the radar wouldn't be able to differentiate between the enemy or the friendly aircraft in the sky... Apart from that egypts f-16s are useless ... Coz they don't have BVR missiles like AMRAAM etc...
Israel still relies heavily on the F-16 and used them to destroy a Syrian reactor a few years back. Are you really saying that Egypt can't beat cavemen for want of a more sophisticated jet fighter?
The Israeli F16 are equipped with sophisticated hardware and software suite , that Egyptians F-16 doesn't possesses, No BVR, a radar equivalent of the one used in the F-4 , no guided long range missiles and the list is long and wide. ISIS are hardly cavemen, The US, Turkey, Jordan, Kuweit and Qatar supplies them with weapons among other thing...
The UAE F-16 when Egypt wanted to use them were either remotely or locally disabled, the UAE pilots couldn't even fire the engines. That the reason the Egyptians went to France , because French are less picky on how their goods are used.
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