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The Iraqi Armed Forces

The Israeli F16 are equipped with sophisticated hardware and software suite , that Egyptians F-16 doesn't possesses, No BVR, a radar equivalent of the one used in the F-4 , no guided long range missiles and the list is long and wide. ISIS are hardly cavemen, The US, Turkey, Jordan, Kuweit and Qatar supplies them with weapons among other thing...
The UAE F-16 when Egypt wanted to use them were either remotely or locally disabled, the UAE pilots couldn't even fire the engines. That the reason the Egyptians went to France , because French are less picky on how their goods are used.
They deserve it especially the UAE one if that news you post is real.

But why can't the eegyptian f-16 can't be used to bomb isis?.
The Israeli F16 are equipped with sophisticated hardware and software suite , that Egyptians F-16 doesn't possesses, No BVR, a radar equivalent of the one used in the F-4 , no guided long range missiles and the list is long and wide. ISIS are hardly cavemen, The US, Turkey, Jordan, Kuweit and Qatar supplies them with weapons among other thing...
The UAE F-16 when Egypt wanted to use them were either remotely or locally disabled, the UAE pilots couldn't even fire the engines. That the reason the Egyptians went to France , because French are less picky on how their goods are used.

American avionics have kill switches and other control mechanisms hardwired in. The only way to remove the control mechanisms is to remove the avionics from the craft. Doing so renders the aircraft beyond use unless replacement avionics are manufactured from scratch. Israel has the capacity to do so and Egypt does not.

It's common sense that any national manufacturer is going to do the same thing the US does. The only way to achieve national autonomy in defense is to build weapons systems domestically, which is what all first-world nations do.

That said, I don't believe that the issue was the US flipped the kill switch when Egypt wanted to use them against the insurgency. Why tip their hand and forfeit a contract when Egypt still has a bunch of MiGs available?

No.. US didn't even allow Israel to replace the avionics .. They didn't even allow them to use the elta radar.. (They did however allow em to use Israeli weapons)..

Upgrading it won't change anything.. IFF in Turkish F-16s was replaced by an indigenous one by TAI (which produces/assembled them).. The main idea is that the radar wouldn't be able to differentiate between the enemy or the friendly aircraft in the sky... Apart from that egypts f-16s are useless ... Coz they don't have BVR missiles like AMRAAM etc...

Read the specs for the F-16I (available on many other sites):

Dorsal spine Avionics Compartment
- An integral part of the advanced systems installed in the plane was developed precisely to the IAF's specifications by the country's defense industries. According to the IAF's traditions, The F-16I is equipped with advanced electronic warfare systems developed in Israel. These systems are improved models based on those installed in the F-15I. The aircraft features advanced Israeli communication systems as well.

This is why the US had no idea Israel had used their F-16Is to bomb the reactors in Syria and Iraq until they saw it on the news. IIRC, Israel also removes electronics in combat vehicles they purchase. It is the only way to get "clean" fighting machines.
American avionics have kill switches and other control mechanisms hardwired in. The only way to remove the control mechanisms is to remove the avionics from the craft. Doing so renders the aircraft beyond use unless replacement avionics are manufactured from scratch. Israel has the capacity to do so and Egypt does not.

It's common sense that any national manufacturer is going to do the same thing the US does. The only way to achieve national autonomy in defense is to build weapons systems domestically, which is what all first-world nations do.

That said, I don't believe that the issue was the US flipped the kill switch when Egypt wanted to use them against the insurgency. Why tip their hand and forfeit a contract when Egypt still has a bunch of MiGs available?

Read the specs for the F-16I (available on many other sites):

This is why the US had no idea Israel had used their F-16Is to bomb the reactors in Syria and Iraq until they saw it on the news. IIRC, Israel also removes electronics in combat vehicles they purchase. It is the only way to get "clean" fighting machines.

There are no kill switches .. Nor can Americans trace jets belonging to othe nations...

So called dorsal spine itself is produced in USA...

Did you know that several US systems have Israeli technology (JVs funded entirely by USA)... The JHMS is a goo example..

So don't dwell on the kill switch conspiracies... It's the IFF system that have been screwed by USA in case of both Egypt and Turkey (that is why TAI replaced it with their own).

Egypt can bomb ground targets anywhere .. But due to limitations like IFF & lack of a beyond visual range missile it's F-16s aren't really "lethal" in air combat...
There are no kill switches .. Nor can Americans trace jets belonging to othe nations...

I don't get it. So you think the US can't be trusted and want to limit the uses of their weapons, yet you don't think they'll take an obvious step towards that end? You don't think they serialize any and all parts they produce? If you were in the US's shoes, you wouldn't serialize and kill-switch your export-grade vehicles?

Fwiw, speaking as an American business student, I'll tell you that the American corporate world is OBSESSED with serializing and tracking every asset they own or produce. American ERP software is crazy.

Egypt can bomb ground targets anywhere .. But due to limitations like IFF & lack of a beyond visual range missile it's F-16s aren't really "lethal" in air combat...

Translation: Egyptian Air Force can bomb the **** out of women and children but are no match for fighting men in the air, just like every other Arab air force anywhere ever.
I don't get it. So you think the US can't be trusted and want to limit the uses of their weapons, yet you don't think they'll take an obvious step towards that end? You don't think they serialize any and all parts they produce? If you were in the US's shoes, you wouldn't serialize and kill-switch your export-grade vehicles?

That is why they screw up important systems like IFF.. & don't sell stuff like Amraams to states which they think can threaten their national interests.. Hence useless F-16s for countries like Egypt...

Fwiw, speaking as an American business student, I'll tell you that the American corporate world is OBSESSED with serializing and tracking every asset they own or produce. American ERP software is crazy.

PAF also has s fleet of almost 90 F-16s and has used them in combat (against Russians & indians).. And found no problem (except sanctions -- US (presslers ammendment) withheld the delivery of 40ish F-16.. That Pak had paid for in the 90s... And no BVRs making our fleet almost useless.. Which contributed and motivated Pak to produce JF-17.

Translation: Egyptian Air Force can bomb the **** out of women and children but are no match for fighting men in the air, just like every other Arab air force anywhere ever.

Yes Egyptian F-16s are useless.. And the main reason Egyptians are buying jets from France? Thanks to Saudi petro dollars..
They deserve it especially the UAE one if that news you post is real.

But why can't the eegyptian f-16 can't be used to bomb isis?.
They don't have BVR , night bombing capabilities nor EWR suite...They will be an easy target to ISIS manpads in day raids...Morroco found that out with the Houdhi.
That said, I don't believe that the issue was the US flipped the kill switch when Egypt wanted to use them against the insurgency. Why tip their hand and forfeit a contract when Egypt still has a bunch of MiGs available?
Egypt should have used their Mig 21 or their mirages that a lot more effective than the F-16 they have. Camp David peace treaty with Israel had a lot of clause in it that prevent Egypt from getting from the US, a system more lethal than the one being given to her. Turning to the French is not going to improve quality or technical edge. They sold them a Fremm that is absolutely naked, that can't even defend herself....
The rest of your reply , I am in total agreement with you...If you don't make your own product..your f----cked!
That is why they screw up important systems like IFF.. & don't sell stuff like Amraams to states which they think can threaten their national interests.. Hence useless F-16s for countries like Egypt... PAF also has s fleet of almost 90 F-16s and has used them in combat (against Russians & indians).. And found no problem (except sanctions -- US (presslers ammendment) withheld the delivery of 40ish F-16.. That Pak had paid for in the 90s... And no BVRs making our fleet almost useless.. Which contributed and motivated Pak to produce JF-17.

So you're saying Pakistan produced a jet because they couldn't produce the electronics for a missile system?

Yes Egyptian F-16s are useless.. And the main reason Egyptians are buying jets from France? Thanks to Saudi petro dollars..

The real hilarity is the reason Egypt bought those jets in the first place was because Israeli victories were blamed on "superior" American weapons during the wars ^_^

Camp David peace treaty with Israel had a lot of clause in it that prevent Egypt from getting from the US, a system more lethal than the one being given to her.


Please show me where.
Egypt got 135 Block 40 aircrafts with laser guided gbu bombs and home made freefall Mk. bombs using APG-68(V)5 radar with improved avionics with latest lantirn and sniper pods ( for the guy saying in the post that our F-16 got old F4 radars ) beside the new Block 52 planes using latest avionics including the new AN/APG-68(V)9 radar , yes we all know about the IFF for all export customers are sent without Mod4 , but i can't see why we can't use to bomb the hell out of anyone we want
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The real hilarity is the reason Egypt bought those jets in the first place was because Israeli victories were blamed on "superior" American weapons during the wars ^_^
Israel victories, was from a different factor than just american equipments.. Russian jets, in good hands were as effectives as the Mirage , the F-4 and skyhawks used by Israel...Pakistanis flying Migs were lethal, Algerian too flying Migs 17 and and Su 7...
They don't have BVR , night bombing capabilities nor EWR suite...They will be an easy target to ISIS manpads in day raids
we had great time bombing ISIS in libya at night you can watch it on youtube , enjoy it and stop spreading bullshit everywhere :-)
Egypt got 135 Block 40 aircrafts with laser guided gbu bombs and home made freefall Mk. bombs using APG-68(V)1 radar with improved avionics with latest lantirn and sniper pods ( for the guy saying in the post that our F-16 got old F4 radars ) beside the new Block 52 planes using latest avionics including the new AN/APG-68(V)9 radar , yes we all know about the IFF for all export customers are sent without Mod4 , but i can't see why we can't use to bomb the hell out of anyone we want
Sorry, @MICA if Egypt could she would have done it already, that is the reality. That is our hang up of not investing in and trusting our sons...All the Muslims states are governed , like our families are governed, Daddy or Granpa controls every aspect of his family live, he is obeyed blindly even he is fit to for a mental hospital..
Syria is ruled by a cynic, Saudi Arabia by a demented old man, Egypt by a nobody who think that he saved Egypt, and Egyptians are for ever indebted to him, Algeria by a guy who can't speak, bearely breath that was re-elected with 90% of the vote ( as all the MENA elections) that didn't even campaigned...
The first batch of training and combat aircraft Czech Aero L-159 arrived in Iraq




Iraq in 2013 also ordered 24 of T50 trainer jets from South Korea and delivery should begins in 2016.
Very illogical and irrational decision by Iraqi Mod to have so many different aircrafts in airforce.
It's will be hell on earth to maintenance them.

If Iraq had ordered the Yak-130 in 2013 then the first squadron could be already delivered.
They don't have BVR , night bombing capabilities nor EWR suite...They will be an easy target to ISIS manpads in day raids...Morroco found that out with the Houdhi.

Egypt should have used their Mig 21 or their mirages that a lot more effective than the F-16 they have. Camp David peace treaty with Israel had a lot of clause in it that prevent Egypt from getting from the US, a system more lethal than the one being given to her. Turning to the French is not going to improve quality or technical edge. They sold them a Fremm that is absolutely naked, that can't even defend herself....
The rest of your reply , I am in total agreement with you...If you don't make your own product..your f----cked!

The Egyptian Rafales are the most advanced fighter jets in the region,and will get more deadly once they receive the Meteor BVR Missile.Like wise,the Fremm with its Aster30/15 AA and Exocet block3 AS missiles is the most advanced war vessel in N Africa.

@MICA @Mahmoud_EGY
we had great time bombing ISIS in libya at night you can watch it on youtube , enjoy it and stop spreading bullshit everywhere :-)
Egypt is nutered as "mule"...when you wake up to the fact..then we can talk..
Iraq in 2013 also ordered 24 of T50 trainer jets from South Korea and delivery should begins in 2016.
Very illogical and irrational decision by Iraqi Mod to have so many different aircrafts in airforce.
It's will be hell on earth to maintenance them.

If Iraq had ordered the Yak-130 in 2013 then the first squadron could be already delivered.

You don't train on a Russian trainer for F16's. lol
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