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The Iraq War is over, USA heading home.

Was the war worth it?

Saddam and the baathist are gone and that is a good thing. Saddam is directly responsible for the deaths of at least 2 million people inside and outside of Iraq. I think its safe to say his hanging was good.

What about all of the other dictator your government supports? aren't you going to hang them?

your government only needs democracy when it suits its interest, otherwise its a well known fact that your gov has helped overthrow democracies in other countries!

The Kurdish regions are positively booming.

Northern Iraq is a safe haven for PKK terrorists, is that what you call "booming"?

but US and allied troops kept a repeat of Bosnia and its concentration camps from occurring. Thus despite the claims, only around 100,000 people actually died from war between 2003-10. Compare this to the 300,000 in 3 months in Rawanda to see how bad it could have been.

get your facts straight, more than 1 million iraqis were killed due to your countries imperialism:

Over one million Iraqis have met violent deaths as a result of the 2003 invasion, according to a study conducted by the prestigious British polling group, Opinion Research Business (ORB). These numbers suggest that the invasion and occupation of Iraq rivals the mass killings of the last century—the human toll exceeds the 800,000 to 900,000 believed killed in the Rwandan genocide in 1994, and is approaching the number (1.7 million) who died in Cambodia’s infamous “Killing Fields” during the Khmer Rouge era of the 1970s.

#1. Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation | Project Censored

And let us not forget the 2 million innocent lives who died due to the sanctions (genocide) imposed in 1991:

After the imposition of the embargo, a devastating bombing campaign against Iraq in 1991 destroyed the country's civilian infrastructure (water, sewage, and electrical power infrastructure, among other sectors). Much of the diseases rampant in Iraq are due to the destruction of the civilian infrastructure and lack of spare parts in the 1991 war. Some of which was modestly repaired between 1991 and 2003, was destroyed again in the 2003 war. Contaminated drinking water and lack of electricity for hospitals are a major cause of the suffering for Iraq’s twenty five million people today.

Lifting the Iraq Embargo After Almost 2 Million Deaths

Let us not forget that Saddam invaded three of his neighbors, used poison gas on Iranians and his own citizens, supported suicide bombers that derailed the Oslo accords and spent a decade defyign the UN and the world's call for him to disarm his military forces and stop threatening his neighbors.

I'm really surprised to hear this from an American, its a well known fact that your country has killed more people, nuked Japan (WMD), occupied more countries, and threatened the sovereignty of others more than Saddam has through out the time he ruled Iraq (with the support of the west)!

And speaking of WMD's your army has been using Depleted Uranium rounds in Falujjah and other parts of Iraq and this in turn has caused many deaths and disorders amongst the newborn Iraqi children:

do you think these deformed children feel liberated? Do you think their parents feel liberated seeing their children in such a helpless state? In fact you Americans have just destroyed a whole generation of Iraqis! "Operation Iraqi freedom" my foot!
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How many want US gettin the duck out of iraq?I dot think some invisiab;e non iraqi force killed 4500 plus US and other NATO soldier.
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The generations of these deformed Iraqis will come to avenge american then they will cry all over the world "Muslim terrorist, Muslim terrorist".

Al Quaida came into being with a logic. Ignoring main stream media propaganda and Al Quaida terrorist activities, their charter is built up on sensible demand to stop American interference in Muslim and Arab countries through proxies of dictators, royals families and stooge presidents.

Democracy by American standards mean government by white house for the interest of white house. The amount of money thrown at this war the expense of innocent iraqi lives could have well used to bring Saddam Hussein down peacefuly. While the world will be mourning crippled Iraqi generation for years to come, the western oil garches will be lining up for oil field contract. Over the course of 50 years, the war will pay off itself. Such experiment has been thunderously successful in Saudi. The king now talks about suspending dependency on oil export and saving the wealth for future generations to come. Between the lines of all his BS, it is evident that their oil reserves have been sucked dry by parasite oil companies.

The government of Mosadegh was 100% democratic by all fair means but unfortunately, a government working for Iranian people interest directly crossed roads with American ambitions. So a CIA led coupled reinstated corrupt Shah only to leave Iran destabilized and devastated permanently. Today if the Mullahs of Iran are seeking long range missiles and nuclear weapons, they have every right to do so for thwarting off another imperial American incursion and their poster child in Arabian gulf illegally leeching on Persian gulf shipping routes.
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Top Saddam Aide Says U.S. Abandoning Iraq

by The Associated Press August 5, 2010

Saddam Hussein's leading lieutenant accused the United States of abandoning Iraq and leaving the country to die, according to a British newspaper interview to be published Friday.

Tariq Aziz, whose long tenure as Saddam's foreign minister made him the international face of the Iraqi dictator's regime, was quoted by The Guardian newspaper a saying that he was hopeful about President Obama at first.

"I thought he was going to correct some of the mistakes of [President] Bush," the paper quoted Aziz as saying from his jail cell in north Baghdad. "But Obama is a hypocrite. He is leaving Iraq to the wolves."

The Guardian said that Aziz slammed the planned withdrawal of U.S. forces from the country, saying that both it and the United Kingdom had an obligation to make sure Iraq was back on its feet before exiting.

"We are all victims of America and Britain," Aziz said, according to the paper. "They killed our country in many ways. When you make a mistake you need to correct a mistake, not leave Iraq to its death."

Aziz, who was handed over to Iraqi authorities by the United States several months ago, refused to condemn his former boss, who was executed in December 2006.

"If I speak now about regrets, people will view me as an opportunist," he told the paper. "I will not speak against Saddam until I am a free man."

Aziz is one of several defendants in a long-running case in which he is accused of being part of a campaign targeting members of Iraq's Dawa Party, of which Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is a member. Aziz, who has suffered several strokes, appeared frail at a court appearance last month. The Guardian's piece, which was due to be published in full in Friday's edition of the paper, offered no assessment of Aziz's condition, but said that his prison was "clean and well-managed."

In the interview, Aziz offered a defense of his time as Saddam's deputy and insight into the origins of the 2003 Iraq War.

Saddam preferred to keep the world guessing about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, Aziz said. But he explained that it was more about maintaining Iraq's regional standing than pushing the country into conflict with the U.S. and Britain.

"Partially it was about Iran," Aziz was quoted as saying. "They had waged war on us for eight years, so we Iraqis had a right to deter them. Saddam was a proud man. He had to defend the dignity of Iraq. He had to show that he was neither wrong nor weak.

"Now Iran is building a weapons program. Everybody knows it and nobody is doing anything. Why?"
What about all of the other dictator your government supports? aren't you going to hang them?

your government only needs democracy when it suits its interest, otherwise its a well known fact that your gov has helped overthrow democracies in other countries!

Northern Iraq is a safe haven for PKK terrorists, is that what you call "booming"?

get your facts straight, more than 1 million iraqis were killed due to your countries imperialism:

#1. Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation | Project Censored

And let us not forget the 2 million innocent lives who died due to the sanctions (genocide) imposed in 1991:

Lifting the Iraq Embargo After Almost 2 Million Deaths

I'm really surprised to hear this from an American, its a well known fact that your country has killed more people, nuked Japan (WMD), occupied more countries, and threatened the sovereignty of others more than Saddam has through out the time he ruled Iraq (with the support of the west)!

And speaking of WMD's your army has been using Depleted Uranium rounds in Falujjah and other parts of Iraq and this in turn has caused many deaths and disorders amongst the newborn Iraqi children:

YouTube - ‪Huge rise in birth defects in Fallujah as reported by The Guardian‬‎

do you think these deformed children feel liberated? Do you think their parents feel liberated seeing their children in such a helpless state? In fact you Americans have just destroyed a whole generation of Iraqis! "Operation Iraqi freedom" my foot!

No it was billions of Iraqis , not million, if you are not going to have any regard for the truth or facts why stop with just a million or so.

Iraq Body Count

and while you and Iraq Body Count would like to blame every death on the USA, blame it where it belongs.

Now as for Sanctions,, you are using the bodys of children for propganda purpose same as Saddam.

Dr Amer Abdul a-Jalil, the deputy resident at Baghdad's Ibn al-Baladi Hospital, has told the London Telegraph that "sanctions did not kill these children -- Saddam killed them".

"Over the past 10 years, the government in Iraq poured money into the military and the construction of palaces for Saddam to the detriment of the health sector," he said.

"Those babies or small children who died because they could not access the right drugs, died because Saddam's government failed to distribute the drugs."

As the hospital's chief resident, Dr Hussein Shihab, confirmed to Newsday: "We had the ability to get all the drugs we needed. Instead of that, Saddam Hussein spent all the money on his military force and put all the fault on the USA. I am one of the doctors who was forced to tell something wrong -- that these children died from the fault of the UN."

Dr Azhar Abdul Khadem, a resident at Baghdad's Al-Alwiya maternity hospital agreed: "Saddam Hussein, he's the murderer, not the UN."

In fact, Dr Oasem al-Taye, who now runs the Baghdad Children's Hospital, said last week that after Saddam's fall he'd found plenty of medical supplies and equipment at a hospital once reserved for leaders of Saddam's regime.

"They were willing to sacrifice the children for the sake of propaganda," he said bitterly.

THE parades of dead children were part of that same propaganda.

Doctors say hospitals were forced to keep the bodies of babies who had died prematurely or of natural causes for up to two months until Saddam had enough to stage a parade of the little corpses, with women bussed in to act as "mourners", screaming insults at the US in front of television cameras.

"All 10 hospitals in Baghdad were involved in this and the quota for the parade was between 25 and 30 babies a month, which they would say had died in one day," Dr Hussein al-Douri, deputy director of the Ibn al-Baladi hospital, told the Telegraph.

Muslims traditionally bury their dead immediately, so keeping the bodies of the babies added to the grief of their parents.

"The mothers would be hysterical and sometimes threaten to kill us," said al-Douri, "but we knew that the real threat was from the government. They would have killed our families."

Why didn't more commentators understand this?

Why didn't they assume we might expect such crimes, such lies, from a savage dictatorship?

It is not enough to say such folk had no way of knowing the truth, given Iraqis were too terrified to tell it. Some people did try to expose the hoax, but few would listen -- just as Left gurus like Noam Chomsky refused to believe Cambodian refugees who tried to tell us of Pol Pot's genocide.

In 1999, for instance, Saddam was caught smuggling baby milk and children's medicines to India.

Last year, the BBC interviewed an Iraqi refugee who told how the parades of coffins were run. And human rights groups warned for years of Saddam's depravity.

But too often, it seems, our intellectual class preferred to hear the stories that confirmed its prejudices against the West. See, even now, how eagerly it believed the lie that Baghdad's antiquities museum had been cleaned out by looters -- perhaps even by the barbaric Yanks.

WHAT made this phenomenon worse is that under Saddam too many Baghdad-based correspondents were too scared to tell the full truth about him.

CNN has now admitted censoring reports of Saddam's brutality that could get its Baghdad correspondents into trouble, and the ABC's Mark Willacy conceded he faced a dilemma: "Do you fully report what you're seeing and what you're hearing or do you hold back in case you get deported?"

The answer for the diplomatic correspondent of Britain's Channel 4 News was to hold back.

"There was one occasion when we did censor ourselves," Lindsey Hilsum admitted last week.

She'd decided not to report that the US was right -- that she'd seen for herself on the night of the deadly explosion in a Baghdad market that Iraq was indeed hiding missile launchers in residential areas.

"If I'd said that, I think we would have been thrown out the next day," she said.

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. I wonder if we even dare recognise true evil any more.

This is one small gain we can take, then, from the war in Iraq. What we learn now of the horror that gripped Iraq may end our dangerous and wilful ignorance.

There is such a thing as evil in this world, after all. And, believe me, it isn't us.

Suffer the children [Fisk, Pilger, BBC Lies Documented]

Lot of peace groups, anti war groups blame Depleted Uranium for all kinds of things,, there is no proof and its highly debatable.

You know what I see in these Chat rooms is very depressing, it how little discussion that there is about what produces these evil butchers, what produces so many people willing to blow up women and children, and so many poor and unfree countries. But usually its just the same old arrogance, as if it's the West that has to apologise for being rich and free.

Have you ever though about things in reverse:

Like Thomas Friedman, 3 Dec 2008, on the hypocrisy and silence of the Muslim world after Mumbai: "After all, if 10 young Indians from a splinter wing of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party traveled by boat to Pakistan, shot up two hotels in Karachi and the central train station, killed at least 173 people, and then, for good measure, murdered the imam and his wife at a Saudi-financed mosque while they were cradling their 2-year-old son - purely because they were Sunni Muslims - where would we be today? The entire Muslim world would be aflame and in the streets."
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With super Duper Airforce... Navy.... Army WTh



@ last that country suffer, millions of innocent died.... trillions of $$ infrastructre destroy... + Those soilders who died and even dont know about wth with this useelss war.... on the name and fake game of BULLSHITs by Invader.

Slap on US face "AS USUAL". US is big TERRORIST in this world.


"Example for those who love to "INVADE"

US people have no issue with any country even no issue with muslim, Hindu, Chris etc.. these are A*** Zionist who played that bloody game under US Govt.
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With super Duper Airforce... Navy.... Army WTh



@ last that country suffer, millions of innocent died.... trillions of $$ infrastructre destroy... + Those soilders who died and even dont know about wth with this useelss war.... on the name and fake game of BULLSHITs by Invader.

Slap on US face "AS USUAL". US is big TERRORIST in this world.


"Example for those who love to "INVADE"

US people have no issue with any country even no issue with muslim, Hindu, Chris etc.. these are A*** Zionist who played that bloody game under US Govt.

Man your words are like fire........ Take care have a nice day.
With super Duper Airforce... Navy.... Army WTh



I think they won World War 2... Or was that a conspiracy as well ?? Maybe people should realize that the world is an ugly place and that Gold shower heads and Silver Audi's are not the things to research. When you have a military muscle like that of the US, they will use it. Whatever reasons they provide. We can keep believing on other powers to come to our help (Devine Powers included), but till we start helping ourselves, we can keep blaming them for doing the wrong thing.
Unlikely. We are going to build a memorial in remembrance of US soldiers died in Iraq in Baghdad. We are going to petition the new Iraqi government if we can build that memorial where Saddam's Presidential Palace used to be. There will be a 'community center' on site as well.

That would be perfect thing to do.
It will sure symbolize US victory against saddam Hussain.
but remember it also symbolize (widely known) US policy of regime change!

You removed Saddam because of his war crimes and brought upon death squads and negotiated with militias like lead by Mullah Sadar etc.

You removed Taliban and broughtupon Northern Alliance warlords... most brutal and evil species ever known to have lived on earth. I hope you know it was their brutality which triggered Taliban revolution.

You removed Musharraf / BB and brought upon Zardari and now you have a coverup of your activities in Pakistan free transit and more...

If we are not mistaken murder of Saudi King 'Faisal' was also organised by US for the reasons became obvious in the period after his death.

What next? the tough cookies Ahmedi Nejad and Kim.

And don't forget to edit the 'regime change' article on wiki as all of above examples seems to be missing in their.

I think they won World War 2... Or was that a conspiracy as well ?? Maybe people should realize that the world is an ugly place and that Gold shower heads and Silver Audi's are not the things to research. When you have a military muscle like that of the US, they will use it. Whatever reasons they provide. We can keep believing on other powers to come to our help (Devine Powers included), but till we start helping ourselves, we can keep blaming them for doing the wrong thing.

Some devine message for the followers of devil
God grants arespite to the oppressor, but when He finally siezes him, He will not let him escape.
There are hints for others.........


Although a third of the "axis of evil" is now occupied by U.S. forces, the other two thirds -- North Korea and Iran -- remain clear threats to U.S. interests. Consider North Korea: in February 2005, Pyongyang announced that it had nuclear weapons, and it is now thought to have several of them, or at least the material to build them. Over time, if the United States does nothing, North Korea's arsenal will surely grow, as will the amount of its fissile material. The results of this growth will be destabilizing and potentially disastrous: a sizable North Korean nuclear arsenal might well stimulate similar weapons programs in both Japan and South Korea, diminishing the region's stability. The repercussions could also spread far beyond Northeast Asia if Pyongyang decides to sell its new weapons or nuclear fuel for hard currency -- as it has with drugs and missile technology in the past.

Iran, for its part, also has a nuclear weapons program, which may not be as advanced as North Korea's but is much further along than almost anyone realized only a few years ago. Building on efforts that began under the shah, Iran has assembled many of the elements needed for a uranium-enrichment program with military potential. Magnifying Washington's concern, Iran has a history of concealing its nuclear program, as well as supporting terrorism and developing medium-range missiles.

Thus far, the Bush administration has consistently shown that it would rather resolve all of these challenges through regime change in Tehran and Pyongyang. It is not hard to fathom why: regime change is less distasteful than diplomacy and less dangerous than living with new nuclear states. There is only one problem: it is highly unlikely to have the desired effect soon enough.


Regime change allows a state to solve its problems with another state by removing the offensive regime there and replacing it with a less offensive one. In the case of North Korea or Iran, this would mean installing a regime that either would not pursue nuclear weapons or, if it did, would be so different in character that the prospect would be much less worrisome.

Richard N. Haass is President of the Council on Foreign Relations. He was Director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff from 2001 to 2003. This article is drawn from his recently published book, The Opportunity: America's Moment to Alter History's Course.
The way Bush conducted Iraq war was indeed very sad and he should be tried for it along with his lapdog Mr Blair.US could have bombed Iraqi palace using f22 or some other stealth plane take out the president and negotiate with Iraqi Military for a democratic government instead of totally disbanding the military.There were plenty of options for US to overthrow Saddam other then full ground invasion.
With super Duper Airforce... Navy.... Army WTh



@ last that country suffer, millions of innocent died.... trillions of $$ infrastructre destroy... + Those soilders who died and even dont know about wth with this useelss war.... on the name and fake game of BULLSHITs by Invader.

Slap on US face "AS USUAL". US is big TERRORIST in this world.


"Example for those who love to "INVADE"

US people have no issue with any country even no issue with muslim, Hindu, Chris etc.. these are A*** Zionist who played that bloody game under US Govt.

Bro..they r evil pplz...:angry:
shame on them....ruthless and merciless evilzz...:angry::sniper:
"I'm crying.
This is our day, the day of all the oppressed and good people on earth.
Tears of joy filled the eyes of all the people.
Thank you American, British, Spanish, Italian, Australian, Ukrainian, Japanese and all the coalition people and all the good people on earth.
God bless Iraq. God bless America. God bless the coalition people and soldiers.
God bless all the freedom loving people on earth. I wish I could hug you all."
- An Iraqi blogger on the capture of the monster Saddam Hussein, Dec 2003 - the greatest moment of the century so far.
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