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The Indian Fist ~Arjun MBT and Arjun Mark II

Let me make ur life easier..
AK is much lighter which means more fuel efficient robust and maneuverable. Thats a very big advantage in battle field.!

Arjun is going to sink the roads and break railway lines during its shipment!

The might of arjunk is as much a reality as the existence of hero it is named after!
Both are mythical heros! both have / will go down the history!

It depends upon the role of the tank and tank doctrine.

Most of the modern tanks also heavy like Arjun(go to my above comparative post.)

Dude, I have been very polite to you. Will you respond to my query ?

1.Let me make ur life easier..

2.AK is much lighter which means more fuel efficient robust and maneuverable. Thats a very big advantage inenral battle field.!

3.Arjun is going to sink the roads and break railway lines during its shipment!

1. Thanks!:lol:

2.a)Ak is lighter- yes.And your point is?

b)More fuel efficient--maybe/maybe not, russian(ukrainian) engines are not known for their fuel efficiency while Europeans are known just for that!

c)maneuverable----It is a matter of battle philosophy. If it is such a huge advantage then why all western tanks are heavy? Do some reading first.

Also with a top speed of 72/40 km/h and power to weight ratio of 24h.p./t. , I don't think that it will be sluggish at all!

3. It is this point where you made me laugh real hard! Do not read rupeenews for everything and such mistakes will not happen!:rofl:

Arjun Ground Pressure: 0.84 kg/cm2

T-90 ground pressure 0.87 kg/cm 2

T80-UD is 0.93 kg/cm2

Even if Arjun is heavier, the ground pressure is lesser than lighter tanks

So, if Arjun sinks so will most of the other tanks in the world.

P.S. Stick to economy related subjects you have a good grasp there.
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Excuse me guys, I suggest going to Wikipedia.org and check about Arjun MBT. I couldnt post it here because it would come into trolling category.

Are the people on this forum true (That it i sbetter than T90) or Wikipedia true? :blink:

Check out the 6,7,8 source hyperlinks in the same wiki page
Mk 1 is Not obsolete, but Armys hands are tied to buy the previously ordered 1000 T-90's.... If that orders wasnt placed, Arjun would have occupied that place, its a Political Failure not Technical....

I too dont see the objective behind your trolling attitude....


It is obsolete. The design itself is old! Newer tanks have a lower silhouette, meaning closer to the ground.
It is obsolete. The design itself is old! Newer tanks have a lower silhouette, meaning closer to the ground.

Nobody is comparing the Arjun to future tanks but that does not mean it is obsolete. A military always has a high- lo mix of weapons. Even America is persisting with the F18, why?

AFA silhouette is concerned, here is what Lt. Gen. Niranjan S. Malik, former Deputy Chief of Army Staff has to say....

Arjun is a fine weapons system, though it looks big and very heavy, its tactical silhouette is very low. The T-72 and the Arjun in a hull down position are not very different. In a hull down position, the tank gives you the same silhouette as any other small tank.

He also says

Some people say that the Arjun is not strategically feasible due to its size and weight. However the Arjun has been running all over the railway systems of India and has been running all over the western deserts as well, on or without tank transporters.:victory:

There goes the argument made by somebozo for its final burial.:wave::wave::wave:
The really funny part is i honestly expected to see some good inputs about the issues surrounding the mK1 .........silly me. You dont need to get all defensive and start raging just because a tank was criticised. I even ended it on a positive note by stating the indian intention to upgrade the tank.

If any indian wonders why they are constantly attacked, here is your answer.

If you want to make an argument, then do so with civility.

Sorry, but then you have to take this issue up in a different way, like aksing what the issues are that the Arjun still has, or taking latest sources as a base.
If you want a fair and good discussion, you have to base it on something that you can start with. But if you start with old, or wrong claims (To claim the arjun is better than the t-90 is stupid. Whatever "tests" they did was either with a toned down version or never took place.), you shouldn't be surprised when people react like that or?
It is funny to see how people dont know any thing abt out what is going on or what id going on but will not refusr to show there poor knowledge
Well Here are some things which the Makers of It had to Put forth, It Was Compared with T-90 Bhishma of course a less Potent Machine than the Original Russian Variant but still the best in Indian Arsenal was beaten by the Arjun MBT....


The results.... dont listen to the Stupid media Fan boys but lend Your Ears to the makers of this machine...

YouTube - Arjun MBT

While I am not going to put down the tank not knowing anything specific, one has to be careful about trusting the makers of the tank. Its the job of the maker to market his product in the best light possible so his program is funded and sustained.
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What's with the tags?

"funny, hot, india, models, pakistan"

For 30 years india develops a tank and army buy it in token amount.Bulk of the army requirement comes from russia then it says a lot about the arjun as a failed project in which IA has no confidence.It buys arjun just under MoD pressure and to soothe CVRDE's ego.
For 30 years india develops a tank and army buy it in token amount.Bulk of the army requirement comes from russia then it says a lot about the arjun as a failed project in which IA has no confidence.It buys arjun just under MoD pressure and to soothe CVRDE's ego.

That is why Arjun is regarded as a failed project. All those money wasted that could go into procuring other weapons or help the poor. Instead it goes into nothing. Lets say that India never undertake this project. Would its defense capability be hindered? No, it would have increased. I believe India should focus on either Russian weapon or better yet, get some M1A3
For 30 years india develops a tank and army buy it in token amount.Bulk of the army requirement comes from russia

I think instead of trolling you should understand that its our first try and we make a decent tank at last

then it says a lot about the arjun as a failed project in which IA has no confidence.It buys arjun just under MoD pressure and to soothe CVRDE's ego.

May be you are a chief of army staff cause you know batter than other :lol:
That is why Arjun is regarded as a failed project. All those money wasted that could go into procuring other weapons or help the poor. Instead it goes into nothing. Lets say that India never undertake this project. Would its defense capability be hindered? No, it would have increased. I believe India should focus on either Russian weapon or better yet, get some M1A3

Well i dnt know about first China made tank but one thing is sure our Arjun is decent tank in present situation ( Not best but not worse )
For 30 years india develops a tank and army buy it in token amount.

Even if took 40 years or more it doesn't matter.
We didn't any experience here.

the design started in 1974.

the 1980-1990 Economic being closed,hence defense budgetary constraints.
Of course ,over the decades the Army will have newer requirements and the design may have to be redone all over again.

Bulk of the army requirement comes from russia then it says a lot about the arjun as a failed project in which IA has no confidence

Russia has always been India's traditional supplier,so how does that have anything to do with failure of any project?

.It buys arjun just under MoD pressure and to soothe CVRDE's ego.

If the army was under such pressure to make purchases,why would the army make list of the deficiencies?,they would have straight away accepted it in 1996 trials.
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