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The Indian Fist ~Arjun MBT and Arjun Mark II

Arjun tank outruns, outguns Russian T-90

India’s home-built Arjun tank has emerged a conclusive winner from its showdown with the Russian T-90. A week of comparative trials, conducted by the army at the Mahajan Ranges, near Bikaner in Rajasthan, has ended; the results are still officially secret. But Business Standard has learned from multiple sources who were involved in the trials that the Arjun tank has outperformed the T-90 on every crucial parameter.
The trial pitted one squadron (14 tanks) of Arjuns against an equal number of T-90s. Each squadron was given three tactical tasks; each involved driving across 50 kilometers of desert terrain and then shooting at a set of targets. Each tank had to fire at least ten rounds, stationary and on the move, with each hit being carefully logged. In total, each tank drove 150 kilometres and fired between 30-50 rounds. The trials also checked the tanks’ ability to drive through a water channel 5-6 feet deep.
The Arjun tanks, the observers all agreed, performed superbly. Whether driving cross-country over rugged sand-dunes; detecting, observing and quickly engaging targets; or accurately hitting targets, both stationery and moving, with pinpoint gunnery; the Arjun demonstrated a clear superiority over the vaunted T-90.
“The Arjun could have performed even better, had it been operated by experienced crewmen”, says an officer who has worked on the Arjun. “As the army’s tank regiments gather experience on the Arjun, they will learn to exploit its capabilities.”
With the trial report still being compiled --- it is expected to reach Army Headquarters after a fortnight --- neither the army, nor the Defence R&D Organisation (DRDO), which developed the Arjun tank in Chennai at the Central Vehicles R&D Establishment (CVRDE), are willing to comment officially about the trials.
The importance of this comparative trial can be gauged from a list of those who attended. Witnessing the Arjun in action were most of the army’s senior tank generals, including the Director General of Mechanised Forces, Lt Gen D Bhardwaj; strike corps commander, Lt Gen Anil Chait; Army Commander South, Lt Gen Pradeep Khanna; and Deputy Chief of the Army Staff, Lt Gen JP Singh. The Director General of Military Operations, Lt Gen AS Sekhon also attended the trials.
Over the last four months, the army had systematically signalled that it did not want to buy more Arjuns. The message from senior officers was: 124 Arjun tanks have been bought already; no more would be ordered for the army’s fleet of 4000 tanks. The comparative trial, or so went the message, was merely to evaluate what operational role could be given to the army’s handful of Arjuns.
“The senior officers who attended the trials were taken aback by the Arjun’s strong performance”, an army officer who was present through the trials frankly stated. “But they were also pleased that the Arjun had finally come of age.”
The army’s Directorate General of Mechanised Forces (DGMF), which has bitterly opposed buying more Arjuns, will now find it difficult to sustain that opposition. In keeping out the Arjun, the DGMF has opted to retain the already obsolescent T-72 tank in service for another two decades, spending thousands of crores in upgrading its vintage systems.
Now, confronted with the Arjun’s demonstrated capability, the army will face growing pressure to order more Arjuns.
The current order of 124 Arjuns is equipping the army’s 140 Armoured Brigade in Jaisalmer. With that order almost completed, the Arjun production line at the Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) in Avadi, near Chennai, needs more orders urgently. The Rs 50 crore facility can churn out 50 Arjuns annually. That would allow for the addition of close to one Arjun regiment each year (a regiment is authorised 62 tanks).
Tank experts point out that conducting trials only in Mahajan does not square with the army’s assertion that they are evaluating a role for the Arjun. Says Major General HM Singh, who oversaw the Arjun’s development for decades, “If they were evaluating where the Arjun should be deployed, they should have conducted the trials in different types of terrain: desert, semi-desert, plains and riverine. It seems as if the army has already decided to employ the Arjun in the desert.”
The {ln:mbt-arjun
Arjun}’s sterling performance in the desert raises another far-reaching question: should the Arjun --- with its proven mobility, firepower and armour protection --- be restricted to a defensive role or should it equip the army’s strike corps for performing a tank’s most devastating (and glamorous) role: attacking deep into enemy territory during war? Each strike corps has 8-9 tank regiments. If the army recommends the Arjun for a strike role, that would mean an additional order of about 500 Arjuns.
But Business Standard has learned that senior officers are hesitant to induct the Arjun into strike corps. Sources say that the Arjun will be kept out of strike formations on the grounds that it is incompatible with other strike corps equipment, e.g. assault bridges that cannot bear the 60-tonne weight of the Arjun.


What else you expect from one tank?
1> If Arjun was obsolete the Army would not place more orders after the initial order.
2> It is a question of national security and no army would compromise on it just to save the defence research establishment from shame.

3> Tank warfare will largely involve Pakistan as the terrain on the Chinese side is largely not suited for such endeavors. Arjun is sufficient to handle this threat along with T-90's until Mk-II is developed and possibly MK-I's will be upgraded to II while outdated Tanks will be completely retired.
we can expect 500-600mk2 version order because out of 1600T 72 around 1100 are on upgradation way . Around 300 to 500 are T55 they too being phased out soon,I see only arjun to fill this gap.
we can expect 500-600mk2 version order because out of 1600T 72 around 1100 are on upgradation way . Around 300 to 500 are T55 they too being phased out soon,I see only arjun to fill this gap.

The Army has requirements for 3000-5000 New Tanks apart from Filling the gaps... Army is raising the Armored regiment count
If you read my article on al khaid you will find that its vastly superior to the arjun MBT MK1 . It also eliminates the need for a loader in the crew as well.
The Army has requirements for 3000-5000 New Tanks apart from Filling the gaps... Army is raising the Armored regiment count

i know but CVRDE PRODUCTION RATE IS DAMN LOW!! They should produce tanks like rabbits lol..
Many pvt players should be encourage into arjun production like LnT Or tata ,mahindra ,eicher etc etc..
If you read my article on al khaid you will find that its vastly superior to the arjun MBT MK1 . It also eliminates the need for a loader in the crew as well.

I'd like to give it a read, please provide the link. Though it would be near impossible to discuss both tanks here without having a slugfest.

If you can just put up a post detailing the points about Arjun which make the Al Khalid superior from operational PoV , it will be much on easier. As we could concentrate on Arjun and less on Al Khali.

Otherwise, a detailed D**k measuring contest will ensue, some indian forum members will be banned and pakistani members will receive mild admonishment from the mods!

P.S. Please know the latest status of Arjun Mk1 before comparing as it significantly differs from the article in question.
If you read my article on al khaid you will find that its vastly superior to the arjun MBT MK1 . It also eliminates the need for a loader in the crew as well.

Read my above post, where T-90 was outgunned by Arjun, and if you believe Al Khaid is better than T-90, then :pakistan:..
I'd like to give it a read, please provide the link. Though it would be near impossible to discuss both tanks here without having a slugfest.

If you can just put up a post detailing the points about Arjun which make the Al Khalid superior from operational PoV , it will be much on easier. As we could concentrate on Arjun and less on Al Khali.

Otherwise, a detailed D**k measuring contest will ensue, some indian forum members will be banned and pakistani members will receive mild admonishment from the mods!

P.S. Please know the latest status of Arjun Mk1 before comparing as it significantly differs from the article in question.


Thanks for the link.

I could not find any significant advantage that AK has over Arjun, except maybe ERA (of which there is no mention in the given article).

Smoothbore/ rifled bore, Autoloader/ manual issues have been discussed to death and I think if IA says it does not need an autoloader then we should be OK with it.

Please elaborate!
Arjun never beat T90, I have told this number of times. I got to know this from someone in IA who was incharge of those trials.

What he told me is that media is spreading lies because they get money from PSU, PSU wants to sell their product to get budget. From the budget they make money.

Why Army cannot refute is because they are not suppose to talk on these matters in media.

However he also told me that Arjun is good enough tank and there are places it can be used.
Arjun never beat T90, I have told this number of times. I got to know this from someone in IA who was incharge of those trials.

What he told me is that media is spreading lies because they get money from PSU, PSU wants to sell their product to get budget. From the budget they make money.

Why Army cannot refute is because they are not suppose to talk on these matters in media.

However he also told me that Arjun is good enough tank and there are places it can be used.

saar ji!!then in this case you should check your source,coz the former aka army is more in kinda love to be in money mess. Drdo or any PSC GOT NO PRESSURE TO DELIEVER OR USE PRESSURE TACTICS.. Indian Army is now one of russian milking cow followed by IAF,navy becomes independent bull elephant thankz to indigenious development.
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