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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

Well, in any case, G20 finance ministers were in Sydney this past week. Emerging FM's were told that they must clean their own house first and then start asking for solidarity from the developed countries. Solidarity in the form of not stopping printing.

This 85 bill $ a month is the best thing that happened to Asia. It covers all the blunders you made with overinvestment, overcapacity, corruption and makes the ball roll forward. That's why your FM's and bank governors have their panties in a twist over US intent to stop printing.

$85 billion a month was to bail out the US itself, not to bankroll the emerging countries. Obviously you do not know the dynamic relationship between USD, carry trade, and asset prices. These central bankers very well knew, but they weren't too ready to bolster their current account when the times were good. Of course they have to put their own house in order now. Yellen is answerable to the US congress, no one else. All she can is to ensure a slow and gradual pace of tapering.

No, my FM and bank governor were having a party in Sydney drinking Moutai, smoking cigars. We have $4 trillion in reserves.
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The key to toppling this despotic American empire is toppling the US dollar's reserve currency status.
The dollar allows the US to have money far greater than what their normal economy can generate.

For the dollar to be toppled you need the largest economy, largest trading nation, largest consumer market, largest capital market and a very powerful military especially a Navy that can go anywhere in the world.

Without money you can't maintain a powerful military. Without the dollar, the US won't have money to fund their large welfare program and their large military budget at the same time.
$85 billion a month was to bail out the US itself, not to bankroll the emerging countries. Obviously you do not know the dynamic relationship between USD, carry trade, and asset prices. These central bankers very well knew, but they weren't too ready to bolster their current account when the times were good. Of course they have to put their own house in order now. Yellen is answerable to the US congress, no one else. All she can is to ensure a slow and gradual pace of tapering.

No, my FM and bank governor were having a party in Sydney drinking Moutai, smoking cigars. We have $4 trillion in reserves.

(Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve must consider when and how fast it unwinds its economic stimulus to avoid harming emerging markets, although the impact on China could be more limited compared with some other countries, senior Chinese officials said on Tuesday.

The warning by China's Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao and central bank Vice Governor Yi Gang came as economies from Brazil to Indonesia struggle to cope with capital flight as U.S. interest rates rise ahead of an expected tapering off in the Fed's bond buying program that unleashed liquidity across the world.

Ahead of G20, China urges caution in Fed policy tapering| Reuters

SYDNEY — China has led developing markets in hitting back at the United States as India also kept up pressure on the Federal Reserve to consider the spillover effects of tapering its bond-buying programme.

China, India hit back on US criticism, policy | TODAYonline

But i agree that currency reserves help. That's why Chinese officials say the impact on China could be more limited.
But i agree that currency reserves help. That's why Chinese officials say the impact on China could be more limited.

Currency doesn't just help, it is the only solution! When Fed scale back its QE program, assets prices and currencies plunge. How well your currency can withstand the onslaught depends on how much your central bank has in reserves.
I have two simple questions to our friends from China and Russia:

what comes after US bankruptcy?
what benefits will Vietnam get if America goes bankrupt?

any idea?
I have two simple questions to our friends from China and Russia:

what comes after US bankruptcy?
what benefits will Vietnam get if America goes bankrupt?

any idea?


They won't go bankruptcy. Even if so, you will still get nothing, really.
I have two simple questions to our friends from China and Russia:

what comes after US bankruptcy?
what benefits will Vietnam get if America goes bankrupt?

any idea?

No one gives a flying **** what benefits Vietnam gets.

Vietnam's destiny is to be part of greater China, it will be achieved gradually.
If US goes bankrupt, we won't get our treasury returns back. This is the type of frustrating loser country we're dealing with

I dont think usa can get away with our T-bills and bonds with a massive default
They cant walk away from their liabilites unscathed
We can deal with the asset side of their balance sheet or other assets asap

They won't go bankruptcy. Even if so, you will still get nothing, really.
actually Vietnam will suffer if the US goes bankrupt. We will lose them as the biggest importer for our goods and a counterbalance to China in the region.

No one gives a fck about Vietnam's benefit.
ha ha ha...that is exactly what I expect from you and other delusional Chinese.

I mentioned VN just as an example to figure out what others can expect if America collapses.
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I have two simple questions to our friends from China and Russia:
what comes after US bankruptcy?

Look at the situation of Detroit will give you an answer somewhat
I never know you are behaving like our friends all along

what benefits will Vietnam get if America goes bankrupt?
any idea?

The immediate benefit is vietnamese will not be forced down on them with american ideologies at the expense of their own culture
vietnam is not a direct competitor of america on anything so the impact of collapse of the usa on vietnam is small
actually Vietnam will suffer if the US goes bankrupt. We will lose them as the biggest importer for our goods and a counterbalance to China in the region.

ha ha ha...that is exactly what I expect from you and other delusional Chinese.

I mentioned VN just as an example to figure out what others can expect if America collapses.

It's only a matter of time before we become Vietnam's biggest export market and import source thus China becoming Vietnam's biggest trading partner. We will also be the largest direct investor in Vietnam.

Vietnam don't need America as a counterbalance to China. China is the protector of Asian countries. We have never destroyed Vietnam, America has not only destroyed Vietnam but dropped Agent Orange too.
Both China and Russia making huge economic surplus in dollars and today they are proud of their dollar reserves… neither country has the capability nor the credibility to challenge the US, may its political or military..only insane can compare today’s US with erstwhile Soviet Union (at the end of the cold war) …US is still the most powerful, innovative and strong country….Moreover, very few countries would accept China or Russia as substitute to the US....Even if it happens in dream, China and Russia will fight with each other to establish their supremacy..the way US and SU did after WW2…
Look at the situation of Detroit will give you an answer somewhat
Detroit default can repeat elsewhere in other cities or even to states in America. Puerto Rico could go burst next. No, I just wanted to hear from you if you have any idea what would happen to other nations after America goes bankruptcy?
I never know you are behaving like our friends all along
is reciprocal.
The immediate benefit is vietnamese will not be forced down on them with american ideologies at the expense of their own culture
vietnam is not a direct competitor of america on anything so the impact of collapse of the usa on vietnam is small
I cited Vietnam just as example. When you say you don´t give a fck on Vietnam, I guess you won´t give a fck on

- the Philippines
- Malaysia or ASEAN
- Korea
- and so on
No one gives a flying **** what benefits Vietnam gets.

Vietnam's destiny is to be part of greater China, it will be achieved gradually.
he he he ...you have a dream. :haha:

Come on, China is big in every aspects, you don´t need Vietnam. The 90m Vietnamese will not much increase the actual size of with 1,4 bn Chinese.
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